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Chapter 609: Get up!

Chapter 609: Get up!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 609 Get up!

  ”Is the Iron Heart in danger?!”

  Corporate Embassy in the Alliance.

  Looking at the expressionless face of Eclipse in the floating window, Yi Chuan stood up with his hands on the table and opened his mouth.

  His imagination was poor and he really couldn’t imagine what could threaten the steel fortress flying in the sky.

  Standing in the light blue light particles, Eclipse simply nodded, stretched out his index finger and drew a line in the air, and transferred the radar image transmitted to it by the Iron Heart to Yi Chuan.

  Looking at the dense red dots on the screen, Yi Chuan felt his scalp tingling.

  Looking at him who was unable to say a word, Eclipse continued.

  ”The Torch Church has mobilized a biochemical force of more than 10,000 people. They are humanoid aliens with flying capabilities, suspected to be improved models of mutants, and their attack mode is cluster attack. According to the comprehensive battlefield situation analysis, the probability of breaking through the firepower network has reached 83%, and the Iron Heart is preparing for deck operations.”

  ”The alliance manager hopes that we can fulfill the covenant and send support immediately.”

  Looking at the images flashing on the holographic screen, Yi Chuan was anxious, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong. If

  the situation was really that dangerous, why didn’t Chu Guang withdraw from the airship?

  That guy should know what he means to the alliance, and he wouldn’t care about his face at this critical juncture, right?

  However, now is not the time to consider this.

  By the time he analyzes it, I’m afraid he will be gone!

  Yi Chuan stared at Eclipse’s eyes.

  ”Can you contact Chu Guang?”

  Eclipse shook his head.

  ”He is commanding the battle on the front line, and I can’t contact him here.”

  Yi Chuan cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only take a deep breath and say.

  ”Okay, I got it.”

  After hanging up the call, he tapped his index finger on the table. After sorting out his thoughts, he immediately called the Enterprise’s air base in the northern part of the alliance.

  As soon as the call was connected, Yi Chuan spoke without waiting for the other party to greet him.

  ”Our ally is in trouble. I apply for the 26th Commando to go to Jinchuan Province to deal with the emergency.”

  The head of the air base frowned slightly.

  ”The Council has not authorized military action against Jinchuan Province. The relevant proposal should still be under discussion. Your application does not comply with the procedure.”

  There was no surprise about his refusal. Yi Chuan continued patiently.

  ”According to the safety regulations and relevant interpretation clauses, when the alliance encounters a major crisis such as endangering the survival of the regime, the Council can skip the authorization of the Council to activate the emergency plan… I will submit a report later to explain its necessity to the Council.”

  As he said, he stuffed the pictures and battlefield situation assessment report sent to him by Eclipse to the officer in the holographic image.

  However, after reading the report, the officer frowned even more tightly.

  Of course he knew that there was a detail in the safety regulations, but the problem was that he had heard yesterday that the frontline was making great progress…

  How could it be so tense after just one day?

  ”I understand the basic situation… But does the current situation meet the clause?” He said in an uncertain tone, “It’s only the Heart of Steel that is in danger.”

  Yi Chuan said in a serious tone.

  ”But the manager of the alliance is on that airship! You should know what that person means to the current alliance and even the River Valley Province. We can’t lose this ally anyway. Now is not the time to hesitate. I need your people to leave immediately!”

  Hearing this, the officer’s face finally changed a little, and he nodded seriously.

  ”I understand.”

  Sitting back in his chair, Yi Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”I’m glad you understand!”

  Almost at the same time he hung up the phone, the air base located on the south bank of the Tianshui tributary sounded the alarm, and the entire base moved like a clockwork gear.

  Two “Orca” transport planes lying on the tarmac lit up their engines, and commando soldiers wearing power armor and exoskeletons trotted onto the cabin.

  Also brought into the cabin were ground fire support platforms including the “Hellhound” unmanned vehicle, as well as various new gadgets sent from Ideal City.

  After the 26th Commando boarded the plane, the two Orca transport planes increased the output power of the engine, and under the support of the azure arc light, they flew towards the dark night sky.

  Looking at the slowly closing cabin door, Su Ming, who was sitting in the cabin, looked at the captain Yunsong beside him, with confusion on his face.

  ”Do those guys need our help?”

  When he was in the Great Desert, he had seen the fighting power of those ruthless people.

  If even those guys found it difficult, he felt that a commando team might not be able to solve any problems.

  Staring at the mission briefing on the tablet, Yunsong just replied casually.

  ”That’s not something we need to consider.”

  He actually had a little doubt in his heart.

  A distance of more than 800 kilometers…

  Even if they went at full speed, everything would probably be over when they got there. It was hard to imagine that the man was waiting for them there calmly…


  Outside the Heart of Steel.

  It was not only the cold high-altitude air currents that were whizzing, but also the alien species with fluttering flesh wings and sharp teeth.

  They were like the gargoyles in ancient legends, the batmen without knights in War3. Their almost fibrous chest muscles and keratin armor could resist the damage of conventional rifle bullets. Although the head was the only weakness, the hard skull was not so easy to penetrate.


  the eyes were an exception.

  Ye Shi did not expect that the dagger he instinctively threw out would actually hit a critical hit and directly pierce the monster’s eye socket.

  With the driving force of the exoskeleton and the addition of its own limited strength, the dagger pierced directly into the monster’s brain like a steel nail.

  Looking at the shadow falling into the dark clouds, Ye Shi used all his strength and finally climbed back to the bumpy cabin.

  Although he wanted to say a few words to a certain D-level researcher, he finally shut his mouth when he saw her pale face.

  In fact, think about it from another angle. If you only have one life, you may not be much better if you encounter a similar situation.

  After all, this guy was just a student who was ordered around by his teacher.

  Perhaps it was because of the same identity but different fate, Ye Shi suddenly felt a little sympathetic towards this guy.

  ”Are you okay?”

  Jiang Xuezhou bit her pale lips tightly, and just when she was about to say something after a long time, a shrill cry suddenly broke into the cabin on one side. She

  looked over there almost reflexively, and fear was instantly imprinted in her eyes, but this time it was much better than last time. At least she didn’t command in her mind, but shouted out loud.

  ”Your left!”

  Almost at the same time she blurted out, Ye Shi had already raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed it at the left cabin door.

  ”Tu Tu Tu–!”

  Orange-yellow shells were thrown from the gun chamber continuously, and thick and long fire snakes sprang out of the muzzle.

  The alien with sharp teeth and sharp mouth was hit hard by a burst of bullets, and the splashing blood climbed from his chest all the way to his forehead. His claws were exhausted and fell towards the dark cloud below the cabin.

  However, there was obviously more than one alien species targeting this transport plane.

  After finally entangled with a “Viper”, these alien species with fluttering wings naturally would not let it break free easily, and they all swarmed towards this iron lump.

  Some of them rushed to the cabin, while others crawled to the two pairs of engines on the belly of the aircraft, smashing the two flame-breathing things.

  Hearing the continuous gunshots in the cabin, the pilot holding the joystick turned pale with nervousness, stepped on the rudder and rotated the fuselage, trying to throw the aliens lying on the fuselage out.

  However, the claws of those guys were like hooks, firmly hooked on the fuselage shell and did not move at all. Even if they were thrown out, they fluttered their wings and stuck to it again.

  Ye Shi, who was standing in the cabin, was shaken to the ground. Fortunately, he quickly put the hook on the exoskeleton on the anti-slip bar in the cabin, otherwise he would have flown out.


  Ye Shi cursed and was about to climb out from under the chair. Suddenly, he felt the fuselage suddenly stop, and then his butt left the cold metal floor.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the opposite seat, was pale, and the tight seat belt was deeply embedded in her shoulders. She said in a trembling voice.

  ”We are falling…”

  Almost at the same time as she finished speaking, the pilot’s roar came from the direction of the cockpit.

  ”The engine has lost power!”

  Ye Shi, who was holding the seat with one hand and pointing his rifle at the outside of the cabin with the other hand, shouted anxiously.

  ”What happened?!”

  The pilot, who was holding the joystick with both hands, turned back and shouted with sweat on his forehead.

  ”Something is blocking our plasma nozzle!”

  Ye Shiyi was immediately anxious when he heard it.

  ”Can it be fixed?!”

  The pilot sitting in the driving seat was more anxious than him, looking at the dial of the indicator jumping wildly with despair on his face.

  The plasma engine located in the belly of the aircraft is the most fragile part of the entire aircraft. It is obviously not a damage that can be repaired while sitting in the cockpit.

  ”The acceleration coil is damaged! It needs to be replaced! No… There is no hope.”


  Looking at the deck outside the cabin that was accelerating and rising away, Ye Shi gritted his teeth and made a decision, throwing the rifle in his hand to Jiang Xuezhou.


  Jiang Xuezhou hurriedly hugged the rifle that hit his chest, groaned, and before he could catch his breath, he saw Ye Shi climbing towards the cabin door with his hands and feet, and said in surprise.

  ”What are you going to do?!”

  Ye Shi didn’t answer her. He had already put his hands on the door of the cabin, stuck his head out, and stepped his right foot on the edge of the cabin.

  ”…I can’t just wait to die!”

  He wasn’t afraid of death.

  It’s only three days anyway.

  But –

  he can be resurrected, but the one who was driving the plane can’t survive. Although I don’t know that guy’s name, he should have his own family in Boulder City.

  There is also a D-level researcher.

  It’s not easy to get into the academy with the hopes of the whole family. If he died here inexplicably, it would be a loss.

  His brain was unusually calm, and everything around him, including himself, formed a clear image in his mind.

  Under the deck is the gun cabin.

  The 20mm and 37mm gun barrels are too thin, but 155mm should be enough.

  The thick and long gun barrel has appeared in front of him. Ye Shi loosened the buckle on his waist to the maximum, gritted his teeth and jumped out.

  If this can work –

  Newton will have to crawl out of the coffin.

  I can only believe in the quality of the exoskeleton!


  He leaped down and rode on the base of the gun barrel, holding it tightly with his arms and legs and wrapping around it, and at the same time locked the joint connection and motor of the “Type 5” exoskeleton.

  Almost at the same time when he finished all this, a huge tearing force came from his waist, almost squeezing all the air in his lungs out of his chest.

  Even if the exoskeleton resisted more than 90% of the pulling force, there was still a weight of nearly one ton carrying the kinetic energy of falling more than ten meters and hitting his waist.

  The teeth-grinding steel friction sound pierced the eardrum, and the gun barrel bent downward, but fortunately it did not break.

  With the weight of the entire transport plane pressed on the bent gun barrel, Ye Shi felt like a crushed ant, his eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets.

  But to his surprise, this process was not painful.

  At first he thought it was the helmet that cut off the excessive pain, but soon he found that he could no longer feel the existence of his lower body.


  The spine must be broken.

  However –

  Ye Shi cursed in his heart, and moved his eyes downward with difficulty. When he saw the hanging iron lump, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The cable is quite strong. It is said that it can hold a Type 1 tank, not to mention a light transport aircraft like the Viper that weighs no more than ten tons.

  As for his exoskeleton, it seems that the pre-war material technology is indeed not exaggerated.

  He is content to be able to do such an awesome thing in his life, catching a plane falling from a thousand meters by himself.

  As for the next life…

  I will think about it in three days.

  Just as he closed his eyes and logged off, the gunners in the gun cabin were looking at the sacrificed soldier outside the porthole with tears in their eyes.

  Although they could not see his eyes, they could feel the burning sincerity and determination.

  They had no doubt –

  he was a true warrior!

  The pilot from Boulder City who was sitting in the cabin was the same, staring blankly at the figure hanging in the air outside the right window.

  Even though his body was almost cut in two by the ropes, his tightly clasped limbs still did not slacken at all.

  What loyalty! What


  The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of heat unconsciously welled up in the corners of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and wiped it away with his arm.

  Farewell, brother!

  Your will and ideals –

  I will continue to move forward for you!

  In the cabin behind him, Jiang Xuezhou, who was leaning on the seat, had already cried like a tearful man, looking at the figure outside the cabin with tearful eyes.

  ”No – don’t!”

  Holding the rifle tightly in her arms, she only hated that she was useless. Without those high-tech equipment, she was useless and could not do anything, and could only hold others back.

  If only she were stronger…

  If she wasn’t afraid to leave her seat because of her fear of heights, perhaps the result would be different…

  Bean-sized tears rolled down the cabin one after another, her heart was filled with regret, and the heart-wrenching cry squeezed out from her trembling lips.

  At the same time, Garen, standing next to the 400mm main gun, was looking at the direction where the transport plane fell.

  With a satisfied grin on his face, he gently waved his slightly bent index finger to the side.

  The thick index finger was like a chef’s spoon, and more than a dozen bat-winged people with flapping wings immediately jumped off the transport plane that fell into the clouds, boarded the steel deck smoothly, and killed the Alliance soldiers closest to them without stopping.

  Although he was a little flustered at the beginning, as time went on, he gradually mastered the power of this biomass armor.

  He only needed to move his fingers, or even a glance, to make these fierce bat-winged people rush forward one after another to tear his enemies apart.

  It was as easy for him as breathing.

  After being tortured by the planes and artillery of the alliance for so long, and losing several warriors named by him, this time he was finally able to raise his head and regain his lost face.

  And he picked it up himself! But

  at this time, Garen quickly remembered that these ugly things with sharp mouths and monkey cheeks in front of him were all children of the tribe, and the cruel smile immediately twisted because of hatred and pain.

  ”Ahhh! Gomo! It’s you, right! It must be you! I should have thought of it when I was on the ground… Only you, only you who I trust the most, can do this without anyone knowing!”

  All mutants have done the work of breeding, but midwifery is the job of the priests in the tribe.

  As the high priest of the tribe, only that guy can make the Qi tribe lose 10,000 newborns without anyone knowing.

  Maybe more than 10,000!

  Otherwise, why are there only so many people in the tribe when they are trying their best to give birth and push those two-legged animals in the barn day and night? !

  This shameful guy –

  he said he was on the side of the mutants, but he was still on the side of the old humans. He didn’t consider the people of the Qi tribe as his own people at all!

  He should have recognized that those old guys were all the same. What they said was to follow the teachings of the ancestors, but they were clearly full of evil!

  When he returned, he would crush the old man’s head! Someone else would negotiate with those two-legged charlatans again!

  But before that –

  he had to make these poor children die worthwhile.

  ”Go! Tear them apart! Tear apart everyone you see!!!”

  He roared furiously, clenching his claws that stretched forward.

  Under the siege of countless bat-winged people, another ball of fire fell from the night sky, spinning and falling hard on the side of the deck.

  It was a W-2 attack plane with a broken wing.

  After running out of ammunition, it did not choose to make an emergency landing on the ground. Instead, after attracting the entanglement of the bat-winged people, it fired at them with a pistol, and then crashed into the deck with them.

  The flames were boiling on the steel deck, and the soldiers around him dodged to the side. Seeing the fearful postures of those people, Garn’s face showed a twisted and crazy laugh.

  ”Hahaha! Die! All of you die–”

  Just as he was going crazy, the players also noticed this unique monster.

  Other alien species have flesh wings connected to their arms and hips, only this guy has wings on his back.

  ”Fuck?! Illidan?!”

  Where is your egg knife? !

  When he met the BOSS’s eyes, the Silver Sword was dumbfounded, and even the rifle in his hand was jammed.

  Just as he cleared the bullet stuck in the receiver, the Silver Father wearing the K10 heavy exoskeleton let out an excited roar.

  He threw away the rifle in his hand, pulled out the [Jungle Corps Same Chain Saw] he bought from the Giant Stone Military Industry yesterday, and rushed up.

  ”Haha, come on!”

  Facing the four-meter-tall body, the Silver Father felt like an attacking dwarf. But he believed that all beings were equal in front of the chainsaw that could cut everything!

  The hurricane blew up by the wide blade and slashed at the chest of the BOSS.

  However, the expected scene of blood and flesh flying did not happen.

  The whistling saw blade could not even cut off a single chest hair of the monster, and he felt as if his chest was hit by a speeding train.

  A mouthful of old blood spurted out, and the three concave scratches on his chest flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, fell heavily on the edge of the deck, and rolled out of the damaged guardrail.


  The long scream gradually faded away.


  Looking at the silver dad falling into the abyss, Silver Hand roared in grief and anger, then turned around and looked at the monster with hatred. Silver

  Sword, who had cleared the jammed ammunition, had raised his rifle again, and vented his anger with the muzzle of the gun that was spurting out tongues of fire.

  ”I’m going to fight you!!!”

  The two rushed forward together.


  the two men who had just been resurrected were both killed.

  The sticky blood plasma rolled down his fingertips. Gann, who was chewing the bones in his mouth, was covered in blood, and his eyes were emitting a ferocious light.

  He was no longer satisfied with just sitting and commanding, and took the initiative to rush towards the crowded place. His waving claws set off a bloody storm.

  Lao Bai and his group, who had rushed to the middle of the deck, saw this scene and showed surprised expressions on their faces.

  Lao Liu in the corner swallowed his saliva and looked at the prop master beside him.

  ”Did you bring the barrel?”

  The prop master said with a smile.

  ”What the hell is that thing?!”

  ”Where is Ye Shi’s grandson?” Finally realizing that someone was missing, Jieyan quickly looked around for Ye Shi’s figure, but he didn’t see him.

  He remembered that Ye Shi had a Gauss rifle, which should be useful for dealing with the BOSS, but he didn’t know if he had it with him.

  Kuangfeng said seriously.

  ”I don’t know, I got off the plane before him… By the way, did he get off?”

  Jieyan was stunned for a moment, and recalled that Kuangfeng seemed to be the last one to get off the plane, and the whole person was shocked.

  ”Damn! Could he be on the plane that just fell?!”

  As he was talking, a smoking plane suddenly hit the deck sideways, the landing gear broke, and it fell out sideways.

  Looking closely at the plane, the left half of the wing had been dismantled in half.

  Several aliens pounced on it, biting and tearing at the cockpit fiercely, followed by several gunshots.

  There was no time to care about the boss in the distance, and the most important thing now was to save people.

  Seeing this, Fang Chang immediately pulled out an explosive arrow and put it on the bowstring, shooting at the closest alien.

  The flickering fire exploded on the monster’s back, and several nearby aliens were also covered in the face by the blast fragments, and their backs and wings connected to their arms were bloody.

  The intense pain made them stop biting temporarily, and they raised their heads and cried out in pain.

  Just at this time, orange-yellow tracers pounced on them, shooting their heads one after another.

  Lao Bai rushed forward and split the sharp-toothed head lying on the cabin with an axe.

  Luo Yu, who was sitting in the cabin, panted softly, his chest and shoulders were bitten and bloody, and the whole person was already dead.

  But he did not die immediately.

  Scarlet tentacles emerged from the wound, stitching his injured flesh together, and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  ”Thank you–”

  He hadn’t even finished saying “thank you” when Old White, who was holding the hot melt cutting axe, chopped down his nose with another axe.

  Seeing the sparks shooting out, Luo Yu, who was originally dying, was startled, and his whole body became alert and shocked.

  ”Zhao?! What are you doing?”

  ”Lend it to me!”

  Old White, who had put away the axe, grabbed the bottom of the nose with both hands and pulled it hard, pulling down the 20mm machine gun with the ammunition feeder.

  Seeing Old White dismantling his vehicle with his bare hands, Luo Yu’s eyes bulged out.

  ”I Zhuo?! I’m out of ammunition–”

  Before he finished speaking, Fang Chang, who was wearing an exoskeleton, ran over from the direction of the hangar carrying a supply box.


  While shouting that sentence, Fang Chang threw the box on his shoulder to Old White.

  ”Thanks, brother!”

  Reaching out to catch it tacitly, Lao Bai punched the lock away, and then inserted the orange-yellow belt into the ammunition feeder.

  He held the barrel in one hand and the receiver in the other, aiming the barrel at the boss waving his claws in the distance, with a grim smile on his face.

  ”Go to hell!”

  As he said that, he pulled the trigger.

  Thick and long tongues of fire spurted forward, the roaring machine guns roared on the deck, and orange-yellow tracers rushed towards Gaon.

  Lao Bai, wearing a power armor, was like a human tank, and the flames from the barrel made his chest armor shine.

  After being swept by a burst of machine guns, the boss’s skin and flesh were instantly torn apart, blood and flesh flew, and he let out a painful roar.

  However, what was surprising was that it did not fall down, and it used its organic body to carry it!

  Quitting smoking’s eyes widened and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

  ”What the hell?! Is it cheating?!”

  Lao Bai was also stunned, obviously stunned by this amazing defense.

  What the hell is this monster? !

  Kuang Feng, who was standing by, was not surprised. He touched his nose and said calmly.

  ”Analyze it rationally… It weighs at least half a ton, and it can reach a maximum speed of nearly 100 yards with the support provided by its wings. Its muscle strength is probably higher than steel.”

  ”Maybe it has the ability to repair itself…” Fang Chang glanced at the wound on Luo Yu’s chest that had almost healed, and squinted his eyes at the winged monster in front of him.

  The mutant slime mold itself is a gene library that stores a huge amount of DNA information. Naguo was synthesized by extracting some genes from the Torch Church.

  Since it was also the work of the Torch Church, similar gene fragments are likely to be inserted into this monster by them… If conditions permit.

  Seeing the leader being fired at by the machine gun, the surrounding aliens with wings fluttering like crazy rushed towards Lao Bai.

  Without caring about that guy, Lao Bai gritted his teeth. Seeing that he couldn’t break the defense, he simply moved the gun barrel to point at the alien species that flew over.

  The defense of these minions was not that exaggerated. Facing the 20mm caliber bombs, they were instantly crushed into meat paste.

  Looking at the power armor that continued to harvest his minions, Gann roared and rushed towards him.

  However, before he took two steps, a sense of crisis crept into his heart, and he almost subconsciously moved an inch to the side.

  The sharp pain that pierced through his flesh and blood pierced his chest from behind.

  Gann let out a painful roar, staggered forward two steps by the huge kinetic energy, and turned around suddenly.

  I saw a blue power armor standing at the exit of the elevator, holding a rifle with a hollow middle and a tuning fork in his hand.

  Gann’s pupils shrank instantly.

  Blue painted power armor!

  No mistake!

  ”It’s you!! Leader of the alliance! Hahaha!!!” His

  expression twisted by pain gradually turned into ecstasy. He let out a hearty laugh and leaped off the deck with both feet. The

  fluttering wings created a huge airflow, blowing the surrounding players and guards all over the place.

  In that violent airflow, forget about aiming and shooting.

  If it weren’t for the heavy exoskeleton, it would be difficult to stand still!

  Chu Guang, who was standing next to the elevator, just looked at the guy flying into the sky with an expressionless face, put away the charged Gauss rifle, and slowly pulled out the nitrogen-powered hammer hanging on his back.

  Simple penetration damage may not kill it.

  Through the eyepiece of the power armor helmet, he saw with his own eyes that the wound pierced by the Gauss rifle was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  And this guy’s weirdness is more than that.

  He was clearly aiming at the left chest, but the bullet hit the right chest. Maybe this guy has similar abilities to the awakened ones of the perception system.

  ”What a twisted guy.”

  ”Does seeing me make you so excited?”

  The steady voice was transmitted to the air through the loudspeaker. Hearing the man below admit his identity, the smile on Gaen’s face became more excited, and every cell in his body was trembling with excitement. It

  was not just him who was excited –

  there were also bystanders far away from the battlefield.

  Looking at the pictures taken by the drone, Yang Kai, who was sitting in the research ship, was stunned. He didn’t even notice that coffee had spilled on his pants.

  ”Are you crazy?!”

  He muttered to himself, feeling at a loss and stunned by the possibility that Dr. Conclusion had not calculated at all.

  The same was true for Alzu, who was standing hundreds of kilometers away.

  Sensing Chu Guang’s presence through Garen’s biomass armor, he first opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and then his face was filled with ecstasy.

  His heart was so excited that it almost jumped out of his throat, and he cheered excitedly at the dark night.

  ”Kill him! Do it!”

  I didn’t expect that the manager of the alliance was really on that airship!

  This is really a jackpot!

  As long as that person is dead-

  all troubles will be solved!

  Without the reminder of the voice in his head, Garen really intended to do so.

  Although the azure power armor made him feel a little threatened, he did not take the inexplicable threat to heart.

  He had inquired about the information about the manager of the alliance, both the person and the armor that the person always wore.

  After all, it was just a security power armor produced by Carlos Industries. Although the protection ability is indeed beyond doubt, its combat effectiveness and mobility are not good.

  And what if the protection is strong?

  He can just throw the iron lump outside the deck, just like an eagle against a turtle, smashing him to pieces!

  ”Ah… I’m so excited that my muscles are trembling! I didn’t expect to get such a harvest from tonight’s hunt…”

  Looking down at the armor standing on the deck, Garen licked the corners of his dry lips, and his muscles were tense.

  ”I heard that you are the strongest in the alliance. I hope your blood is different from those weak sheep and can make me happy for a while.”

  ”I will enjoy it slowly.”

  He was like a beast ready to go. He

  was fully prepared.

  While provoking with his mouth, his eyes were also carefully looking for the flaws of his prey.

  Chu Guang, who was standing on the deck, was the same, staring at the beast flying in the air.

  The warhammer in his hand was accumulating violent power, compressing the flowing air into an invisible wall.

  Although he hadn’t fought for a while.

  But he had never neglected the tempering of his body.

  Not to mention the repeated deaths he encountered in his dreams…

  Fighting was like an instinct, long engraved in his DNA, and released in his awakenings.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  A reliable voice came from my ear.

  ”Got it, Master!”

  Tacit understanding doesn’t need to be said.

  Hearing that always energetic voice, Chu Guang’s mouth curled up with a faint smile.

  At the same time, Garen seemed to have finally found the flaw he was looking for, and rushed down from the sky like a flying vulture.

  ”Die for me!”

  With the help of the wings, the four-meter-tall body was like a cannonball, hitting Chu Guang who was standing in front of the elevator.

  Garen had no doubt.

  Even without using his claws that were enough to tear steel, the huge kinetic energy alone was enough to smash the azure power armor in front of him into a pile of rubble.


  something he could never have imagined happened.

  The man just stood there, without moving a step from beginning to end, but an irresistible traction force forcibly broke him off his original trajectory as he dived down.

  The more he resisted that force, flapping his wings to speed up and trying to break free, the more determined and unyielding that force became, pressing down his head tightly as he tried to raise it.


  Garen let out an unyielding roar, and then his whole body crashed into the deck one step in front of Chu Guang with a bang, like a fallen onion.

  It must be said that his head was really hard. He used his face and nose to smash a dent in the steel deck, and his arms in front of him were sunk into it.

  Garen only felt that his head was hit all over, and he was dizzy. He didn’t know whether he had killed the iron lump.

  At this moment,

  the footsteps in front of him made his mood sink to the bottom in an instant. Endless fear crawled from the back of his head that was looking up to his whole body.

  He struggled desperately to get up, but it was too late.

  A majestic voice floated into his ears.

  ”Who allowed you to kneel down.”

  Looking down at the life in front of him that was twisted like a maggot, Chu Guang, holding the hammer handle with both hands, swung the war hammer in his hand from bottom to top.

  ”–Get up!”

  (It’s just a small cold, no big deal.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode