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Chapter 61 The Nemesis of Mutated Leeches

Chapter 61 The Nemesis of Mutated Leeches


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 61 The Nemesis of Mutated Leeches

  The transaction is over.

  After leaving the wetland park.

  Sun Shiqi, with a face full of resentment, finally couldn’t help but start to complain loudly.

  ”It’s unbelievable!”

  ”I’ve never seen such a stingy blue coat. Where is the reserve of civilized people? Where is the promised reciprocity? This group of greedy moles!”

  ”I shouldn’t have had illusions about them!”

  In the tavern at the trading center of Honghe Town, four out of ten of the most talked-about stories are related to blue coats.

  Someone once received a large and small package of good things from those blue coats because of a few words of flattery. There were also people who took a bunch of colorful papers to cheat for food and drink, and when they were kicked out, they were still holding a large bag of “survival supplies” prepared for him.

  These blue coats have almost become synonymous with stupid people with a lot of money. Stories about them are often inseparable from the word “getting rich overnight”.

  Sun Shiqi didn’t think that he could pry open the treasure of the shelter with just his mouth as the rumors said. It seems that doing normal business is also a good choice.


  the reactions of these people were beyond his expectations.

  So much so that he couldn’t help but wonder if these guys were a group of refugees in disguise. Would there

  really be a blue coat building a house on the ground?

  Besides, he didn’t see the shelter in the end…

  The gunman walking in front looked back at him, then looked at the bulging package on the back of the two-headed bull, and asked in confusion.

  ”So this deal is a loss?”

  He has been a bodyguard for many years and has dealt with many businessmen. He rarely sees them lose money.

  ”It’s not a loss,” Sun Shiqi said angrily, “but I could have made more!”


  The gunman was speechless, his attention shifted away from him, and he continued to look around and be alert.

  Sun Shiqi took out the account book from his pocket with a painful expression on his face.

  10 kilograms of salt only exchanged for 30 kilograms of bacon.

  If there was no plan to go to Boulder City on this trip, even if someone pointed a gun at his head, he would never accept such a harsh price!

  But unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

  It was impossible for him to drag the salt to Boulder City, exchange it for daily necessities and electrical appliances, take it to the farm to exchange for grain, and then use the grain exchanged from the farm to exchange for meat here. This

  way, it would take him at least four days, or even a week!

  The roads in the city are much more difficult to walk than outside, not to mention that winter is about to come, and both humans and aliens are frantically preparing for the coming cold winter.

  In the wasteland, this time node is more dangerous than any other time.

  Regardless of the time cost or the risk involved, he would not take that detour plan.

  And the man obviously saw this.

  Not only the 10 kilograms of salt, but also the ten revolvers and two bags of bullets he brought with him were also reduced to death by the guy with various reasons.

  The arms may not be valuable in Boulder City, but no survivor base will refuse to stockpile such easy-to-maintain, durable and cheap weapons. One is more than enough to exchange for the bodies of 3 to 4 mutant hyenas, and a butcher can easily kill 60 to 70 kilograms of meat.

  That’s 70 kilograms of meat!

  Isn’t it too much to exchange it for 30 kilograms of dried meat? If not, 20 kilograms is not a loss!

  However, the man was only willing to give him 10 kilograms of uncured bacon jerky for each gun!

  No matter how hard he tried, the man just nodded for the sake of friendship and let him take 1 kilogram of smoked fish.

  This damn groundhog!

  ”I don’t know much, but isn’t it enough to make money?” The gunman said nonchalantly, “Be content with what you have, I always hear people say that.”

  ”Haha, what do you know? Being content with what you have won’t make you rich.”

  Sun Shiqi didn’t bother to pay attention to him, but just waved his pen impatiently, and continued to calculate the account book while burying his head on the road.

  ”…These dried meats must be exchanged for at least 60 kilograms of coarse salt. No, at least 80 kilograms to make this trip not in vain. I have to think carefully about which mine to do this deal with.”

  The gunman glanced at him, then glanced at the goods on the back of the two-headed bull, and said in a relaxed tone.

  ”Then you should be pious and grateful.”

  ”At least I am a contented person who came with you on this trip.”


  130 kilograms of smoked meat plus 10 kilograms of smoked fish were exchanged for 10 kilograms of coarse salt, 10 revolvers, two large bags of bullets and game coins.

  Chu Guang himself was still very satisfied with this deal.

  Of course, it was also a coincidence.

  As winter approaches, whoever has food is the boss. In addition, the prey all hibernates. Occasionally, wild game can be thrown into the snow to preserve it, so salt is not that important.

  But when the spring comes next year, it will be another situation.

  After all, it is a bit unrealistic to make dried meat in spring and summer and want to store it until winter without any salt.

  But then again, by that time, will the outpost still need to make money by selling food?

  Chu Guang thinks not.

  In short, for Chu Guang, the production cost of 130 kilograms of smoked meat and 10 kilograms of smoked fish is only 60 to 80 silver coins. Even

  if calculated at the purchase price of the granary, it is only 140 silver coins.

  However, at present, players sell their prey directly to the granary. They do not slaughter their prey or smoke jerky for the time being, so it is more appropriate to calculate directly using the production cost.

  In fact, it doesn’t matter which price is used.

  After all, Chu Guang now has another 500 kilograms of the same game coins.

  For him as a manager, “money” is really just a number…


  He dragged these coins into the shelter alone and placed them in an empty room. Looking at these shining coins, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile with relief. It would be

  great if he could exchange them all for chips.

  Not to mention power armor, it might be enough to buy an airplane, right?

  If someone sells it…

  Money that doesn’t enter the market is meaningless.

  Chu Guang just admired his masterpiece for a while, then turned and left the shelter, returned to the surface, and began to ponder the glass jar he got from the businessman named Sun.

  Fist-sized ants huddled together in the glass jar, fluttering their legs and antennae randomly, looking for an exit.

  One of the iron-backed ants, facing outward, was the most energetic. It was using its pincer-shaped mouthparts to knock on the inner wall of the glass jar from time to time.

  However, the inner curved surface of the glass jar was too slippery, and it was impossible to find a force point to bite. Even if the bite force was strong, it would be useless. It could only worry about the transparent “wall”.

  Chu Guang was not interested in insects, but he wanted to know how this little thing became the natural enemy of the mutant leech.

  You know, even the mutant leech cubs are much larger than their size.

  So Chu Guang went to the fishermen by the lake, borrowed a mutant leech cub, and then picked a strong and energetic iron-backed ant and put them in the same bottle.

  Something interesting happened.

  The mutant leech did not immediately attack the prey in front of it, but tentatively stretched its mouthparts forward.

  Seeing that the edge of the mouthparts was about to touch the iron-backed ant, the mutant leech suddenly shrank back as if it had touched an electric switch, and then twisted its fat and round body to the other side of the bottle, as if hiding from something.

  The ant was also very interesting, and seemed to realize that there was an incredible big guy near it.

  However, it was not panicked at all. It did not attack immediately, nor did it turn around and run away. Instead, it circled around the inside of the bottle and shook the antennae on its head.

  What is it doing?

  Could it be…

  Chu Guang, who was squatting on the ground observing, touched his chin, and a hint of realization suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”I see…”

  ”It should be looking for a companion.”

  He seemed to have guessed the reason why this kind of ant could restrain the mutant leech.

  Just as Chu Guang was about to further verify his guess, the players not far away were watching this side and whispering.

  ”What is the manager doing?”

  ”I don’t know, he seems to be playing with ants.”

  ”I saw him get a leech baby from the fishermen. Does he want to watch ants and leeches fight?”

  ”Fuck, how can you have such a weird hobby?!”

  Yaya, who was walking towards the granary with mushrooms in his arms, happened to hear the conversation of the nearby players. He felt a chill on his back and couldn’t help shivering.

  Water, leeches?

  How could someone play with such a disgusting thing? !

  This is too scary…


  After repeated control experiments, Chu Guang finally verified his conjecture.

  First of all, leeches have no eyes and mainly rely on their sense of smell to search for prey. The same is true for mutant leeches, and because of their more sensitive sense of smell, they are quite sensitive to smells.

  After discovering prey, the iron-backed ant did not choose to attack at the first time, but like other ants, it immediately released pheromones to tell nearby companions – there is a fat sheep here, everyone come and get it together.

  Although the digestive juices of mutant leeches can corrode most prey, they are almost ineffective against iron-backed ants. Even if they swallow them whole, they cannot digest them at all, and will be bitten from the inside.

  Therefore, this fear of natural enemies has almost been written into the genes of mutant leeches, so that the moment they smell the pheromones released by iron-backed ants, they almost instinctively run away without even daring to look back.

  ”…The case is solved.”

  ”It’s really because of this thing.”

  Looking at the translucent gelatinous substance the size of a thumb nail in his hand, Chu Guang gently squeezed it. It looked a bit like spoiled sago.

  This thing is the pheromone gland of the iron-backed ant. It grows under its buttocks and can be pulled off without much effort.

  After removing the pheromone gland of the big ant, Chu Guang threw it back into the bottle and lived in the same room with the mutant leech.

  This time, the mutant leech was much braver.

  After several attempts, it probably felt that the smell of this thing was not similar to its natural enemy, so it finally plucked up the courage and swallowed the prey in one gulp, and then its body squirmed like waves.

  About five or six minutes passed.

  The mutant leech cub, which was still squirming, suddenly stopped moving.

  Chu Guang poured it out of the bottle and cut open its belly with a knife.

  The ant inside had been suffocated to death, but there was still a piece of meat in its mouth, probably torn from a part of the mutant leech cub’s body.

  This minor injury is not enough to kill the leech. The real fatal thing may be the formic acid or something else injected into the leech.

  ”It’s unrealistic to kill the leeches in the nest.”

  ”But if you can apply the pheromone gland extract on your body and disguise yourself as the natural enemy of the mutant leech…wouldn’t it be possible to pass through the mutant leech’s nest without any injury?!”

  Realizing this, Chu Guang’s face was suddenly filled with excitement, and his eyes changed when he looked at the glass jar next to him.

  I’m rich!

  20 kg of blue parasol mushrooms can be exchanged for 2,000 chips. If I can pick 200 kg…

  Of course, 200 kg may be a bit exaggerated.

  But a hundred pounds should be no problem, right?

  It’s a pity that these iron-backed ants are all worker ants, and there is no queen ant that can reproduce, otherwise they can plunder the mutant leech nest every day!

  ”…We have to find a player with high proficiency in gathering skills to do this job.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes began to wander in the outpost, looking for this lucky guy.

  Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a player not far from the granary.

  Ya Ya!

  The moment he saw this little player, Chu Guang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  What a close call. I

  almost forgot about her!

  If I remember correctly, this player named Ya Ya has the talent of “Toxin Intuition”, and the blue parasol mushrooms he sees are all glowing green!

  Others have to turn on the lights to find it after entering the cave, but this guy has his own night navigation after entering the cave. He just stares at the green glowing thing and it’s done. Isn’t it easy to get hundreds of kilograms?

  Feeling the gaze from the manager, Yaya, who had just completed the punishment task, shuddered all over.

  The intuition of the perception system allowed her to predict the danger in advance.

  However, just when she was about to slip away, Chu Guang predicted her prediction and walked forward to trigger the plot.

  ”How is your punishment task?”

  Hearing the voice behind him, Yaya turned back cautiously, looked at the manager and said tremblingly.

  ”Finished, completed… just completed, I have handed in 100 kilograms.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”It’s just right that you’ve completed it. From now on, your status level will be restored to that of a resident. In addition, I have a glorious and arduous task for you.”

  If it were normal, Yaya would definitely take it on with a happy face, and offer her loyalty with her chest held high. After all, who wouldn’t love a hidden task?

  Maybe it could even increase the favorability of the NPC!

  However, from just now, her right eye couldn’t help but jump, telling her that there might be a big pit waiting ahead.

  ”I may not be able to complete it, or you can find someone else-”

  ”Believe in yourself, you can do it, and this task can only be completed by you!”

  Without giving Yaya a chance to refuse, Chu Guang interrupted her whispering with a serious face, paused for two seconds, and continued.

  ”I will give you a bottle of special powder, you apply it on your body.”

  ”It can ensure that you can enter the mutant leech’s nest safely. And what you have to do is to collect the green-glowing mushrooms inside.”

  Yaya was so anxious that she was about to cry, especially after hearing the six words “mutant leech’s nest”, she was almost scared to the point of disconnection on the spot.

  ”Well, then, then can I still get out safely?”

  Chu Guang said in a positive tone.

  ”In theory, yes.”

  Yaya: “???”

  In theory? !

  Chu Guang did not give her a chance to protest and continued.

  ”It’s just for the sake of rigor. Don’t worry, the success rate is as high as over 90%. Even if you fail, you will die in a special mission, and there will be no punishment other than the resurrection CD.”

  But there is still a punishment!

  The most uncomfortable thing is the resurrection CD, okay!

  Yaya said pitifully: “Can the resurrection CD be waived as well?”

  Chu Guang paused for two seconds and selectively ignored her words.

  ”The content of the task is very simple. You have 10 minutes of absolute safety time and 20 minutes of relative safety time.”

  ”After entering the nest, don’t worry about anything, avoid those leeches, and collect the blue mushrooms that you can see with green light.”

  ”Collect as many as you can before the time is up.”

  ”Per kilogram of blue umbrella mushrooms-”

  ”I will charge you 4 copper coins and 5 contribution points!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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