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Chapter 61 What’s going on?

Chapter 61 What’s going on?

2024-01-17 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 61 What’s going on?

  More than half a month has passed since Taiwu Haoshi saw him off.

  The weather in East City is getting warmer, and the warm morning light is shining earlier, illuminating the dim bedroom.

  Yang Shifei opened his eyes and woke up, feeling refreshed.

  He practiced until the middle of the night yesterday before going back to bed, but relying on his strong physique, he didn’t feel tired at all.

  Moreover, since practicing the Rejuvenation and Consolidation Technique, his energy has become more and more vigorous, and his martial arts practice efficiency has increased a lot.


  his face soon became strange.

  With the help of the filthy cold air in his body, he made rapid progress in practicing the Rejuvenation and Consolidation Technique. Although he still hasn’t developed internal strength, according to Miss Luo, one day’s gain can be equivalent to dozens of days of hard practice for ordinary people.

  Because of this, his energy every morning is a little too vigorous.


  After closing his eyes for a while, he was about to turn over and get out of bed, and a warm feeling came from his right hand again. He tried to pull it, but he couldn’t move.

  Yang Shifei reluctantly lifted a corner of the quilt, and saw Yue Rui lying obediently on her side in his arms, her white and tender body under the loose single clothes still tightly wrapped around him.

  ”This girl”

  Yang Shifei was a little amused.

  As they got along with each other day by day, this girl became more and more attached to him, and she hugged him without any scruples after going to bed at night, and she didn’t mind even letting him touch her twice.

  But thinking about it carefully, his bottom line slipped quickly.

  At first, he had no choice but to sleep in the same bed for one night, and there were rules everywhere, but now he was a little accustomed to the two of them sleeping in the same bed.

  If one day there was no soft and fleshy big cat to hug in the bed, it would be a bit uncomfortable.

  Thinking back to the beginning, I used the excuse of being a maid to keep Yue Rui, and I thought that this girl slept at home every day, and the identity of a maid was not related at all.

  But now looking back,

  being able to warm the bed and hug her every day, she is simply a perfect maid.

  ”Girl.” Yang Shifei sighed in his heart and spoke in a low voice: “Are you going to get up and eat noodles today?”

  Yue Rui’s ears moved, but she shrank back and forth, and said softly: “It’s still comfortable in the quilt, I want to sleep.”

  ”Then I’m going to get up and practice.” ”

  Yeah,” Yue Rui responded, and rubbed her legs back and forth reluctantly, and then reluctantly loosened her legs slightly.

  Yang Shifei frowned and silently pulled out his right hand that was pinched red.

  Although this girl has a slender body, her legs are indeed fleshy, not much worse than those of plump women. I’m afraid all the nutrition in her body has flowed into them.

  But because of this, he couldn’t help but be aroused by some morning anger. He

  was about to cover Yue Rui with the quilt and go to the window to calm down. Unexpectedly, a pair of small hands stretched out from the quilt, pulled back his arm, and sucked it with a cat tongue.

  ”Brother, it’s mine. Don’t steal the fish. Huh.”

  Listening to the dream talk in the quilt, Yang Shifei felt hot all over, and also a little bit amused.

  This girl is really a cat.

  After washing up, Yang Shifei came to the front yard with a meat bun, just in time to see Liang Xin pushing the door in.

  ”Brother Liang, you came early today.”

  ”You are so hardworking, how can I be lazy.”

  Liang Xin snorted lightly, took off her outer robe with ease, and her figure was extremely slender under the thin and light training clothes.

  She folded the robe and put it on the table, and then pulled the braid behind her head to her chest and combed it.

  Yang Shifei laughed secretly twice, picked up the broom and cleaned the dust in the yard.

  The two practiced martial arts in the yard for more than half a month, and they almost had three meals together every day, so their relationship naturally became much closer.

  And this “fake prince” became more and more defenseless against him, and would show his feminine side from time to time. I don’t know when he will honestly tell the secret that everyone has known for a long time.

  ”You continue to eat, let me do it.”

  Liang Xin walked up quickly and took the broom.

  Yang Shifei glanced at her: “What good news is going on? You are smiling.”

  ”.I have made a breakthrough in my cultivation.” Liang Xin pursed her lips and whispered: “Thanks to you, I have become much stronger during this period.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows: “This is indeed a good thing. But there is still a long way to go before I can become a master. Keep working hard.”

  Liang Xin tightened her face and nodded in a serious manner.

  Seeing Yang Shifei go back and flip through the account book, she smiled happily.

  Yes, there is still a long way to go before I

  can become a master. Liang Xin held the broom and looked up at the sky, feeling emotional.

  I grew up in the palace and have long been accustomed to fine clothes and delicious food.

  This time, my father rarely agreed to let me go out of the palace. Originally, the journey was quite hard, and I was not used to eating, drinking and staying. But since I met this bad man, everything has changed.

  As a prince, I would practice hard in other people’s homes every day, without slacking off for a moment.

  Even though she was so tired that her whole body ached every time and even bleed from knocking her head a few times, she did not feel bored or bored. Instead, she enjoyed it.

  If, in the future, she no longer had to stay in that dull palace, but could practice martial arts here in peace,

  Yang Shifei’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and he could vaguely hear a silly laugh coming from the courtyard.

  ”Brother Liang, do you want to take a break today?”

  ”Puff!” Liang Xin wiped the corner of her mouth quickly: “I’m fine, just got something in my mouth.”

  She swept the dust in the courtyard, calmed down a little, and rolled up her sleeves to warm up with a few sets of boxing.

  But just as she took a stance, a cold and beautiful figure walked in from the courtyard gate.

  Liang Xin turned her head and looked, and was immediately frightened: “Tan, Miss Tanxiang.”

  ”Ninth Prince, good morning.”

  Tanxiang glanced at her lightly: “Please continue practicing martial arts.”

  ”Yes!” Liang Xin responded quickly, swinging his fists and feet in a methodical manner.

  Tanxiang did not look at her any more, and walked lightly through the courtyard and stepped into the lobby.

  ”Why is she getting more and more afraid of you?”

  Yang Shifei handed her the account book and smiled: “Like a mouse seeing a cat.”

  Tan Xiang said calmly: “I don’t know what the Ninth Prince is thinking.”

  She stroked her long hair lightly: “After practicing in the morning, remember to go to Luo Mansion at noon. The lady wants to discuss something with you.”


  Yang Shifei nodded.

  But after a slight hesitation, he asked again: “It’s been more than ten days since the last time you absorbed filth. How are you now?”

  Tan Xiang turned away her eyes, and her hands folded in front of her abdomen unconsciously clenched.

  ”Don’t worry, I…”

  ”If you feel uncomfortable, don’t force yourself to bear it.” Yang Shifei held her little hand: “There’s no need to be polite between you and me.”

  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip lightly and took a few steps back: “You bastard, you clearly want it…”

  ”I really want it.”

  Yang Shifei stood up and pressed on, laughing calmly: “We have been intimate twice, why are you still surprised.”

  In the past half month, although the two sides have been getting along as usual, they have also had a few intimate actions from time to time. For this ambiguity, both of them have a tacit understanding.

  However, the maid’s temperament is cold and a little arrogant, and she can’t bring herself to do this kind of thing between men and women.

  Yang Shifei took the initiative to put his arm around the girl’s slender waist: “Try it again?”

  Tan Xiang unconsciously retreated to the corner of the lobby, with her back against the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

  The cold and arrogant maid turned her face away with a little embarrassment: “Don’t say such things to me.”

  Yang Shifei whispered: “Don’t you like it?”

  Tan Xiang’s heart tightened slightly, lowered her eyes and pursed her lips: “It’s just… not used to it”

  ”It’s okay, you’ll get used to it after trying a few more times.”

  ”… Wrong reason.” Tan Xiang spat lightly, but when she recalled the emotional lingering of the two in the house, her heart trembled slightly, and she silently lowered her hands.

  That’s it, since both parties have come to this, why should they pretend to be reserved?

  Yang Shifei’s heart was beating, and he quickly kissed the girl’s lips.

  And this time, the kiss was more active and deep.

  Tan Xiang’s beautiful eyes gradually widened, and she couldn’t help struggling twice in shame and anger, but her hands didn’t exert much strength, and she was soon embraced by Yang Shifei.

  As the filth was absorbed, the girl’s body softened, and waves of red clouds appeared on her skin, and her cold eyes were replaced by softness.


  After a long while, their lips parted, and Tan Xiang whispered in a daze: “Don’t, don’t do it.”

  Although Yang Shifei was grimacing in pain, his heart was extremely hot. He took her and walked into the corridor step by step, groping to open the nearest empty room.

  looked carefully and found that it was not Yue Rui’s room.

  ”We have to come again.” He leaned close to the girl’s ear and exhaled softly: “Like before?”

  Tan Xiang’s waist and back suddenly felt weak, and her legs almost couldn’t stand steadily.

  The girl blushed and lowered her head, whispering shyly: “I heard from the young lady that you practiced the rejuvenation and consolidation exercises, and your blood and qi are too strong, so I just help you to dredge them.” After

  saying a few words intermittently, Tan Xiang gritted her teeth: “Before, you were absorbing filth for me, and now I can’t just stand by and watch you die.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth trembled slightly, just that his blood and qi were a little strong, but it was not that exaggerated.

  But the girl soon threw herself into his arms, and the two staggered against the wall, and the charming feelings arose.


  Liang Xin was practicing boxing happily, and she seemed to hear some strange noises, so she couldn’t help but look sideways.

  What’s going on?

  She looked over, and the two people in the hall were gone.

  ”Where did they go?” Liang Xin looked strange, and walked a distance following the sound, and the vague sound became clearer.

  She thought the house was haunted in broad daylight, so she hugged her arms and rubbed them twice, and mustered up the courage to look again.


  After a long silence, Liang Xin hid behind the bushes with a red face, staring with wet eyes, her head was almost hot.

  This, this, this, this! What strange thing is going on!

  She suddenly grabbed her clothes and covered her mouth, her heart pounding.

  Listening to the strange noises coming one after another from behind, she swallowed silently, and secretly took a few more glances in the dark, and then staggered back to the yard.

  ”This, how can it be so obscene. Brother Yang actually did this with Tan Xiang.”

  Liang Xin’s face was full of disbelief, and her breathing was rapid.

  She felt inexplicably sad and uncomfortable in her heart, as if the precious treasure she cherished and yearned for was being messed up by someone.

  Liang Xin couldn’t help but kick the steps several times, and cursed Yang Shifei several times in her heart.

  You have no self-control at all, Brother Yang, you are a fool!


  After being sulky for a long time, Liang Xin calmed down a little.

  The two of them had been flirting for many days, and they were already in love. Brother Yang was also strong and healthy, and he had practiced a lot of skills to nourish qi and refine blood. It was normal for him to be so hot-blooded.

  Yes, it was not Brother Yang’s fault, and she had no right to blame Brother Yang.

  But, how could you do such a thing in broad daylight? Isn’t it shameful?

  Liang Xin turned back and forth several times in the same place, and kept combing her small braids in a distracted manner. The scene that she had just glimpsed repeated in her mind. Miss Tanxiang’s hands were so dexterous.

  It turned out that ten fingers could do so many tricks?

  As she daydreamed, she looked down at her hands, and as if possessed by some magic, she measured the length and width of her abdomen.

  In silence, her face suddenly turned pale:

  ”Will I die now?”

  Oh, that’s not right.

  Liang Xin was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly turned red again. She knocked her forehead and said, “What am I thinking about!”

  She quickly put aside her distracting thoughts and continued to practice boxing.

  But after a few moves, her mind slowly drifted away.

  Miss Tanxiang’s skills are so powerful, I don’t know if Brother Yang can bear it, will it be very uncomfortable?

  Brother Yang is such a pure warrior, and he is still a virgin. If he meets Miss Tanxiang, will he be eaten to death? What if he is wronged?

  Liang Xin’s thoughts were flying around, and her head was a mess. She found a hundred or eighty lame excuses for herself in her mind, then she gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and

  sneaked back the same way.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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