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Chapter 610 The Battle between the Strongest and the Strongest

Chapter 610 The Battle between the Strongest and the Strongest


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 610 The Strongest vs. the Strongest Battle

  Garen felt as if his head had been hit by the Iron Heart, so that he could not hear clearly what the man in front of him said at the end.

  The compressed nitrogen hit his head, and the airflow that was enough to tear the steel armor not only smashed his skull, but also pressed the shattered residue into his shoulders and chest.

  Even if the active cells attached to the keratin armor had a strong repair power, it was impossible to restore the head that was shattered into pieces…

  The whole place was dead silent.

  Except for the sporadic crackling of the flames, for a while there was only the whirring sound of the cold wind on the entire deck.

  It was like the pause button was pressed.

  The surrounding players were all stunned.

  Seeing that the boss of their own camp was in danger, they originally planned to go up to brush up their favorability to avoid the server reset, but in the blink of an eye, the battle was over.

  Staring blankly at the BOSS who had lost his head, Quitting Smoking’s eyes were straight, and it took a long time for him to swallow his saliva.

  ”… Cheating, right?”

  Kuang Feng on the side was also stunned.

  ”… Killed in seconds?”

  The aliens that could not be killed even by the 20mm cannon were killed in seconds by the manager’s hammer.

  For a moment, he could not tell whether the war hammer was too awesome or the person holding the hammer was more awesome.

  Fang Chang also stared with his eyes wide open.

  In his impression, the manager’s personal attack was already an old story in the Alpha version. He almost forgot that this person was also a ruthless person.

  He was only curious about one thing.

  What level is this guy? !

  Only Lao Bai was not surprised.

  To be precise, there was no time to be surprised.

  The aliens with fluttering wings did not flee like birds and beasts because of the death of their leader. Instead, they pounced on them more fiercely as if they had lost their minds.

  Lao Bai, holding the 20mm cannon, could only madly fire at the aliens that pounced on him one after another, turned his head and shouted at the stunned people.

  ”Damn it! Don’t just stand there, help!”

  Regardless of the players who were still fighting in a hurry, the guards who rushed over were also stunned after seeing the monster falling in front of Chu Guang.

  When Lu Bei saw the manager on the deck, he was so scared that he almost lost his soul, especially when he saw the alien species flapping its wings and diving, his heart was in his throat.

  But he didn’t expect it to be a false alarm in the end.

  The beast with flapping wings roared and dived towards their manager with great momentum, but it didn’t touch the hair, and it fell to the ground with its head.

  Then they saw that the flying giant was smashed in the head by their manager with a hammer, and died without even a scream.

  The guard standing next to Lu Bei swallowed his saliva and whispered.

  ”What happened just now?”

  The ground staff not far away was fanatical, and his lips trembled as he muttered.

  ”God of the Bighorn Deer…”

  Their manager is really the chosen one!

  Otherwise, how to explain that the almost certain dive would inexplicably miss? !

  And it just happened to miss by just one step!

  It must be the blessing of the Great Horned Deer God!

  In fact, Chu Guang is certainly not a “chosen one”, and it is naturally impossible for the Great Horned Deer God to help him miss the fatal blow.

  That guy was eating potato chips and burping in Shelter No. 79. There was no way he could run to Jinhe City, nearly a thousand kilometers away, to help.

  Sitting in the research ship, Yang Kai stared at the holographic screen with his eyes wide open, his nose almost poking into the transparent screen, and his face was full of disbelief.

  ”Deflector shield?! It’s a deflector shield?!”

  Of course he knew that the Iron Heart was equipped with a deflector shield, but after seeing what the biological soldiers of the Torch Church looked like, he didn’t take it seriously.

  After all, that thing is not omnipotent. It is not very effective against guided weapons that are slightly slower, let alone against biological soldiers in landing operations.

  As a result, Chu Guang’s operation directly overturned his battlefield positioning and cognition of the deflector shield.

  This thing can be used like this? !

  Alzu, who was a hundred kilometers away, was also stunned. He stared blankly at the dark north and couldn’t say a word for a long time.



  That guy was the strongest of the Qi tribe.

  The biomass armor on his body was designed to fight against power armor. It not only has the power to tear steel and the defense comparable to alloy armor, but also has the self-repair ability that traditional mechanical armor does not have…

  Alzu did not consider the one in ten thousand possibility that the alien cluster led by Gaen did not achieve the expected results and was pushed back by the alliance after landing on the airship.

  After all, most mutants have abnormal brains.

  But even so, the crazy Gaen and the out-of-control bat-winged people can at least cause serious casualties and chaos to the alliance’s front-line command system, and buy time for the transition of the field constructed by Naguo from the third stage to the fourth stage…

  At least that’s what he imagined.

  That is why, the moment he saw Chu Guang, he was so excited that he almost couldn’t wait to urge Gaen to kill that guy.

  As long as Chu Guang died,

  not only the war zone in Jinhe City, but the entire alliance would fall into endless chaos!

  No one in the entire central region would be able to stop the light and faith of the torch from shining on this barren land.

  However, he never expected that at the moment when he almost saw the dawn of victory, all the light was extinguished before his eyes.

  The power they were proud of.

  In order to deal with the covetousness of the legion, the academy and the enterprise, they spent several years setting up a bureau in Jinhe City… It

  was wiped out with just one blow.

  The cold evening breeze blew on his face, and Alzu’s Adam’s apple moved, and despair gradually emerged on his wrinkled face.


  The cool night melted the decadent wail, and they had used up the last trump card buried in this land.

  The war is still going on.

  But the war here is over…


  aboard the Ironheart.

  Looking at the headless corpse in front of him, the blood plasma flowing to his feet, and the light dancing in the night, Chu Guang withdrew the hammer in his hand expressionlessly.

  A beast is a beast after all.

  He wants to wrestle with an entire airship.

  Do you think this tonnage is a joke?

  ”I was going to tear your wings apart and throw you off the deck to see how big a hole I can make… This way of dying is a bargain for you.”

  He did plan so.

  Although I don’t know how big a leader this guy is in the Qi tribe, considering that the mutant society respects the strong, this guy who can command more than 10,000 minions is obviously of high status, at least a leader of ten thousand men, and I don’t know how many wronged souls he has. But

  Chu Guang quickly changed his mind. What if this guy’s wings grow back during free fall, or if he is saved by the missed alien species, it will be a big loss. It’s better to get rid of

  this kind of scourge together. Since ancient times, pretending to be cool and not finishing off the knife will not end well.

  And –

  Heya asked him to get some research samples.

  He just wanted to find out what was going on with this guy.

  At this time, a group of guards wearing five-style exoskeletons trotted over here.

  The leader was naturally Lu Bei. This guy was holding a rifle, a blood-stained short knife hanging on his waist, and his breastplate was covered with blood.

  He untied the visor of his helmet and looked at Chu Guang, and asked hurriedly with a concerned look on his face.

  ”Sir… are you okay?”

  Looking at this anxious young man, Chu Guang smiled lightly and said in a friendly manner.

  ”Do you think I look like I’m in trouble?”

  Chu Guang originally wanted to comfort this loyal young man, but he didn’t expect Lu Bei to be slightly stunned after hearing it, and his expression suddenly became ashamed.

  Lu Bei lowered his head, and self-blame appeared in his eyes.

  As the head of the Guards Corps, he should have been his shield, but he put the manager in danger, which was really unworthy of his duty.

  Perhaps seeing his thoughts, Chu Guang thought for a moment and continued.

  ”Raise your head.”

  ”It was my order to lead your men to fight alongside the crew, and it was my judgment to stand here with the Alliance soldiers. You have faithfully fulfilled your duties, and you should be proud of yourself instead of blaming yourself.”

  Chu Guang hung the war hammer behind him and walked forward, patting his shoulder.

  ”You have done very well.”

  As he spoke, he cast his eyes toward the night sky in the north.

  The tracer light rising like sparks became increasingly thin.

  The aliens with flapping wings lost their backbone, howling and rushing to the deck, launching a suicidal attack on the soldiers on the deck.

  Although their offensive became more fierce, there was no method at all. Not only did they fail to reverse the decline, but they accelerated their defeat.

  More and more aliens fell from the sky, and there were only a few survivors. Anyone could see that these flying beasts were already at the end of their strength.

  At this time, two flashing lights appeared in the distance.

  Two Orca transport planes flew in from the night sky one after the other, switching from fixed-wing mode to vertical take-off and landing mode, dragging azure plasma plumes, and hovering and landing on the north side of the deck of the Heart of Steel.

  More than a hundred well-trained soldiers and mechanized equipment quickly completed the deployment.

  However, at the same time they completed the deployment, the battle on the deck was completely over, and the last alien species was also wiped out.

  Looking at the sharp-toothed monster that fell beside him, Gu Wei, who had just boarded the deck with a light machine gun, was startled.

  ”Fuck… What the hell is this?!”

  He was obviously not the only one who was surprised.

  Looking at the sharp-toothed monsters that fell on the deck, many soldiers had surprised expressions on their faces.


  ”They even have wings!”

  ”What’s so strange about this… There are people with gills on their chins in Yunjian Province.”

  ”Hiss… Do you think there is a possibility that the mutants in Yunjian Province and these guys with wings are all freaks created by the same group of people?”

  ”Who knows… But I think it’s possible!”

  ”Quiet, prepare for battle, we are not here for a picnic!” Listening to the discussion of his teammates on the communication channel, Yunsong frowned and scolded.

  Hearing the captain’s scolding, everyone immediately shut up, but they were at a loss for the second half of the captain’s order.

  Of course they knew they were not here for a picnic.

  But the question is –

  where is the enemy?

  From a distance, they saw the flying tracers on the deck, but when they flew here, the battle seemed to be over…

  At this time, Lao Bai, wearing a power armor, came over from not far away, untied the mask of his helmet and looked at Yunsong standing in front of the team in surprise.

  ”Why are you here?!”

  Yunsong was also very puzzled, but he didn’t show it on his face.

  ”We are here to help… I heard that you were attacked by the Torch Church? There are more than 10,000 biological soldiers?”

  ”What are you talking about?” Lao Bai kicked the incomplete alien at his feet, grinned and said, “The problem is not-” ”

  The problem is very serious.”

  The voice from behind interrupted him halfway.

  Lao Bai subconsciously looked back and saw the manager wearing azure power armor walking towards this side.

  He immediately understood what the manager meant, and he stepped aside tactfully.

  Looking at the alliance manager walking from a distance, Yunsong was slightly stunned and smiled bitterly.

  ”Sorry, we have come as quickly as possible-”

  ”I don’t mean to blame you.”

  Chu Guang shook his head and looked at Yunsong and continued.

  ”In fact, I am very grateful that you have extended a helping hand to us in this dangerous moment, instead of hiding in the distance like someone else and watching the show.”

  ”But I have to talk about the issue of efficiency. We shared the intelligence we collected with you a long time ago. The threat brewing on the land beneath our feet is no less than that of the Enlightenment and Shelter 0. This is not only a threat to us, but also a threat that you will face one day.”

  ”Tonight’s tragedy could have been avoided, and it’s not even just tonight’s tragedy… If our cooperation could be closer and you could be a little more serious, we could have nipped all the trouble in the bud instead of waiting for it to become an inoperable tumor!”

  Looking at Chu Guang, Yun Song was slightly speechless, and said after a while.

  ”I’m sorry, I’m just a soldier following orders, and I can’t influence the decision of the Council… But I will convey your words to my superiors.”

  Chu Guang glanced at his helmet, on which the action recorder was turned on, and nodded slowly.

  ”It’s better.”

  The reason why he called the people of the enterprise through the Eclipse was originally for this purpose.

  He summoned the ambassador of the enterprise to the alliance a long time ago to discuss the situation in Jinchuan Province and the conspiracy of the Torch Church. However, so far, the support the alliance has received is only two bionic people.

  Obviously, the Council did not really pay attention to what was happening in Jinchuan Province. According to the report of Shu Yu, the ambassador of the Alliance to the enterprise, the Council only discussed it as a historical legacy, ignoring the more serious essence of it.

  According to their previous characteristics, only when the problem is so serious that it cannot be ignored, they will show a little bit of real ability to deal with it.

  However, Chu Guang couldn’t just watch them continue to dawdle.

  Jinhe City is still far away from Yunjian Province and Ideal City, but it is only 700 to 800 kilometers away from Qingquan City.

  In addition to the stronghold in Jinhe City, the Torch Church also controls the huge base of Haiya Province.

  If the alliance’s battle situation in Jinhe City is too smooth, his allies will probably not take it to heart.

  Although the Torch Church’s trump card hidden in Jinhe City did surprise Chu Guang, he immediately thought that he could use this incident to actively trigger the interpretation clause in the covenant between the two parties and send the 26th Commando out. Even if the 26th Commando

  did not fire a shot or even directly enter the battle, Yi Chuan had to report to the Council on this military action afterwards.

  And this report will play a crucial role in the discussion of the Council.

  Although it is a bit sorry for Yi Chuan, the honest man, in order to do everything possible to drag the enterprise into the water, he can only do this.

  Yun Song nodded and continued to speak with a stiff upper lip after roughly understanding Chu Guang’s meaning.

  ”Then is there anything else you need our help?”

  Chu Guang looked at the corpse on the side.

  ”I hope you can take some of these monster corpses back. Your research institute may be interested in the DNA of these monster somatic cells and the secrets hidden in the DNA.”

  I heard the crew of the Pioneer mentioned before that there is a kind of mutant with blue skin and gills on the jaws in Yunjian Province.

  They can live in the sea and live along the coastline. The survivors’ settlements along the coast are deeply disturbed by them.

  Seeing these flying guys, he always has a feeling that those amphibious mutants are not also made by the torch.

  Hearing this not-too-troublesome request, Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slowly.

  ”No problem, in fact, I was just planning to discuss this with you… Is there anything else?”

  Chu Guang was about to say no, but suddenly thought of an embarrassing thing, and looked outside the deck beside him with a subtle expression.

  ”Well… We have a plane hanging on the gun barrel of the gun bay. I may have to trouble you to help recover that plane.”

  The aircraft production line of Jushi Military Industry has not been fully restored. The alliance currently has a total of two Vipers. It would be a pity to lose them.

  It can still be used after some repairs.

  However, after hearing Chu Guang’s request, Yun Song was stunned.

  The plane… is hanging on the gun barrel?

  How the hell is this done?

  ”Okay… I’ll try.” It’s

  not entirely because he is willing to help.

  It’s mainly because he is also very curious about how the plane is hung up.

  At this time, Kuang Feng, who was standing by and watching, looked at Fang Chang with a subtle expression and coughed lightly.

  ”I think I know where Ye Shi went…”


  The recovery of the Viper transport plane is not as troublesome as imagined.

  The Orca transport plane hovering just below the gun cabin first opened the hatch at the rear and slowly dragged the Viper pulled by the rope from below. Several commando soldiers fixed it in the cabin, and then increased the engine output power and slowly rose in altitude.

  For the huge “Orca”, the “Viper” hanging on the 155mm gun barrel is like a jellyfish, which can be swallowed easily.

  At this moment, the superiority of plasma engines over helicopter propellers was immediately apparent. Although the speed of low-altitude breakthrough is not as fast as that of propellers, it has stability and almost all-directional maneuverability that propellers cannot surpass.

  Looking at the beaten and bitten plane, the commandos in the cabin couldn’t help but secretly gasp.

  It’s hard to imagine what this thing has encountered before…

  The first to come down from the damaged cabin was the pilot, followed by the lady holding a rifle in the back seat.

  Su Ming, who was standing aside, always felt that the lady looked familiar, and immediately remembered that he had seen her in Shelter No. 0 in the Great Desert before.

  Realizing that this guy was a researcher at the academy, he suddenly widened his eyes.

  ”Wait, you are-”

  Just as he was surprised, Jiang Xuezhou grabbed his arm, interrupted him, and begged.

  ”Wait a minute, there’s another person outside!”

  ”The other person is…”

  Su Ming subconsciously looked outside the cabin, his eyes climbed up along the hanging rope, and then he saw a scene that he could never forget.

  At the place where the gun barrel was bent, there was a soldier wearing an exoskeleton, and his waist was almost completely broken by the rope.

  Looking at the miserable scene, Su Ming swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and a certain part of his body hurt involuntarily.

  It is hard to imagine…

  what kind of pain that man went through before his death.

  ”Save him.”

  Yun Song, who had noticed the man lying on the gun barrel a long time ago, gave a concise order, signaling the pilot to increase the altitude and let the bent gun barrel extend into the cabin door.

  Several people stepped forward and sawed off the entire gun barrel with a cutter.

  Looking at this warrior who held the gun barrel tightly until his death, everyone couldn’t help but respect him.

  Looking at Ye Shi who became like this in order to save him, Jiang Xuezhou felt his nose sour, and his snot and tears came out again.

  Yun Song sighed, knelt on one knee on the ground, untied his helmet, and wanted to see the face of this warrior.

  However, the moment he saw that face, he and Su Ming standing beside him were both stunned.

  This guy…

  Look familiar?

  At the same time, on the official website of Wasteland OL.

  A guy who just “died” not long ago is cursing in the post.

  ”MMP! Why hasn’t the resurrection CD started counting yet!”

  ”It’s almost an hour!”

  Luo Yu: “Is it a bug? It happened to me last time.”

  Ye Shi: “I’m crying, if anyone has time, go shoot me in the head!” Yirena

  : “It’s a pity that I can’t help you on the front line. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Next time for sure. (Funny)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Ha ha ha, I still have 70 hours left on my CD! (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “%¥#@!”

  Luo Yu: “Wait, brother Mosquito, where are your eight mechanical arms?”

  There is really a mosquito in WC: “Fuck! I forgot! QAQ”

  Makabazi: “Hahahaha! You want to make me laugh to death!”

  Feng Qing: “The leader should have told us. If the money is high, we are willing to go on this kind of mission to die.”

  Yirena: “For a moment, I don’t know whether I should envy this guy for having so much money to spend, or feel sorry for him for losing money. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “It’s okay, brother Mosquito, we will help you find it, maybe we can find it back. (Funny)”

  (Low fever, loss of appetite, numb…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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