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Chapter 611 The Morning After the Long Night

Chapter 611 The Morning After the Long Night


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 611 The morning after the long night

  The faint light of the morning passed over the eaves of the porthole, illuminating the sleeping face of the lamb.

  As if she felt the touch of the light, she moved her long eyelashes, stretched out her little hands lying in the cryostasis chamber, and yawned unconsciously.

  ”Are you awake?”

  A soft voice came from her ear.

  ”Yeah.” She responded subconsciously, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and stared blankly at the porthole.

  The sky was a bright red, and the rising sun floated above the sea of ​​clouds, spreading soft light through the thin atmosphere.

  Is it dawn?

  Just as she was in a daze, a soft voice came from her ear again.

  ”The morning in the sky comes earlier than on the ground. It will be more spectacular if you stand on the deck… It’s still dark around, but the sun has risen in the distance.”

  The lamb looked to the side and saw that the big sister who always helped her check her body was sitting next to her and looking at her with a smile.

  The memory of last night gradually emerged.

  Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and then the sister took her to the infirmary, locked the door, closed the curtains and lights, and told her not to make any noise no matter what happened outside.

  She did it very obediently, stayed beside Yinyin, listened to the sound of thunder outside, and then waited and waited, and fell asleep unknowingly.

  In fact, nothing happened outside, right?

  She looked at the already bright porthole and blinked gently. The beautiful sunrise was so thrilling no matter how many times she saw it, and she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

  This was a view she had never seen in Songguomu Farm.

  Sometimes she couldn’t help but think that if she stayed in that place for a lifetime, she would probably never see such a scenery.

  At this time, Xiaoyang suddenly noticed that there were not only herself and Sister Chen Yutong in the room, but also a strange sister with two ponytails sitting in front of the frozen hibernation cabin next door.

  There was a clear tear mark on the beautiful cheek, which was particularly conspicuous in the sunlight over the window eaves. It seemed that she had been crying for a long time.

  Xiaoyang couldn’t help but be silent.

  There should be someone very important to her lying in that cryostasis chamber…

  As if noticing her gaze, the sister raised her head.

  The moment her eyes met, the shy little lamb hurriedly moved her eyes away, staring straight out the window, pretending not to look at this side.

  But the sister didn’t stare at her for long, and soon looked at Chen Yutong who was sitting next to her, and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”I don’t understand… why do you pretend to be dead.”

  Chen Yutong sighed.

  She had planned to avoid her until Jiang Xuezhou left the airship, but she didn’t expect that she suddenly rushed into the infirmary with a group of people last night.

  Faced with this unexpected reunion, Chen Yutong didn’t know what to say for a while, so she looked at her friend who was shocked and stunned, pointed at the sleeping little lamb, put her index finger to her lips, and then made a please gesture.

  It has to be said that this is a lame excuse. After all, the corridor is right next to it, and if there is anything to say, they can go outside.

  However, Jiang Xuezhou probably didn’t know how to face this friend who “resurrected from the dead” but kept him in the dark, so he nodded.

  After putting Ye Shi in the hibernation capsule, the people of the enterprise quietly left the infirmary, and the two sat here in silence until dawn.

  ”…If not, there is no way to leave the swamp.” Knowing that she would have to face her questioning sooner or later, Chen Yutong sighed, no longer avoiding her questioning gaze, and looked at the ceiling above her head and said.

  Jiang Xuezhou looked at her with a complicated expression.

  ”…Why do you have to leave there?”

  ”If you want to say why…” Chen Yutong thought about it and gave her a helpless smile, “Actually, there is no special reason.”

  Just like the whole academy is united, hoping to escape from the barren land under their feet and go to the distant “paradise” to get rid of all difficulties.

  Naturally, there will be an inconspicuous explorer who will pin his hopes of getting rid of the shackles of fate on escaping from the wandering swamp.

  She only found out later that she was not the first person to escape from the academy. In the past century and a half, people have been leaving there one after another.

  Including Bai Ge who ran to the southernmost Zhuobar Mountains in the desert and wrote the book “Oasis under the Zhuobar Mountains”.

  They all used their outstanding knowledge to make a small contribution to this barren wasteland, and she didn’t think it was something to be ashamed of.


  Jiang Xuezhou couldn’t accept it.

  The most trusted friend in the past turned out to be a traitor, and what made her even more unacceptable was that she actually said there was no reason.

  ”There is actually no reason…”

  Chen Yutong really couldn’t bear to bully her sad friend, so she thought for a while and answered with a relatively mild statement.

  ”Well, if you have to find a reason, it’s that you can’t see hope.”

  ”… Hope?”

  ”Humans are animals that need to rely on hope to survive. If you can’t see hope, you will feel pain. You may not be able to experience that feeling. No matter how hard you work, you will only be an insignificant E-level, a dispensable explorer. Just like the most inconspicuous chess piece on the chessboard, you can only move forward according to the set rules to a place you don’t even know where it is.”

  Jiang Xuezhou pursed his lips.

  ”I also became a D-class through hard work…”

  ”I don’t deny your efforts. In fact, I admire your persistence because it is a quality I don’t have, but I don’t envy you… I just want to live my own life, that’s all.”

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou who wanted to argue, Chen Yutong smiled and looked at the gradually dazzling sunrise outside the porthole.

  ”Do you know? Before leaving that swamp, I didn’t even know that there was another completely different existence in this world besides the obedient AI. They are more like living people than the designed programs. They have their own ideas… This was actually common two centuries ago, but now we regard it as a taboo.”

  Jiang Xuezhou bit his lip and put forward a different opinion.

  ”I agree with Dr. Conclusion on this point. Unrestrained AI is very likely to cause serious disasters… Tools can only be tools and should not have their own selves.”

  Chen Yutong looked at her and asked back.

  ”Then what about people?”

  Jiang Xuezhou was stunned, not knowing why she suddenly said that.


  ”Yeah,” Chen Yutong nodded and said in a relaxed tone, “I’ve been thinking about whether people born as tools should have their own selves for a long time but I still can’t find the answer, so I plan to look somewhere else…”

  ”If I stay in the swamp, I’m afraid I’ll only be able to reach D-level at best in my lifetime. Haha, don’t think I’m bragging. Researchers are one thing, but I’m still confident that I can be an explorer… After all, apart from researchers who need promotion, explorers will definitely be able to be promoted as long as they work hard to stay alive.”

  ”But unfortunately, I don’t want to be a D-level at all, or even just a D. I don’t want to be labeled at all. Don’t you realize? In this snake game, even if you eat a longer tail, even if you have more servants and more resources, as long as you are still on this pyramid, you will never be able to control your own destiny.”

  ”I’m not interested in manipulating other people’s lives, nor do I want to be manipulated by others, and I don’t want to go to an inexplicable place to die for inexplicable reasons. I just want to be an ordinary person, studying what I’m interested in, and if I must die, I want to die in a more meaningful way, that’s all.”

  ”However, fortunately, I have found my paradise. It is not dozens of light years away, but right under my feet. Here, if my research happens to be of interest to others, I will get enough attention. If not, it doesn’t matter. I can entertain myself. As long as I don’t bother others, no one will pay attention to me.”

  ”As for life, this place is indeed not as good as the academy, but I am quite satisfied with my current life. There are many things here that are not in the swamp, and there are so many interesting people. These are not miracles that can only be created by abundant resources, but by people’s imagination and creativity… If you really can’t understand, just think of it as more given by the alliance.”

  Inadvertently, she said a lot of words. Seeing Jiang Xuezhou staring at her in amazement, Chen Yutong suddenly burst out laughing and said jokingly.

  ”Ah, although I said so, don’t learn from me. I don’t want to teach a good child bad things.”

  She understands her good friend.

  Unlike a lazy “bad woman” like herself, she is more like an obedient good girl. Not only does she have extraordinary talent, but she is also serious and hardworking enough. She has a firm passion and determination to improve her level.

  The promotion channel of the college is open to her. Her future is bright. She may become B-level or even A-level in the future, and she will be in the core research department of the college.

  After all, her current mentor is from the research department, and future promotion is a matter of course.

  Jiang Xuezhou stared at Chen Yutong intently, and said with his head down after a long silence.

  ”I will keep it a secret for you… We haven’t met on the airship.”

  Chen Yutong smiled and said sincerely.

  ”Thank you.”

  Her family is still in the settlement under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Commission, and they may have received the pension from the Science and Technology Commission.

  If the college knew that she was still alive, the scene would be a little embarrassing. It is unlikely

  that she will go back in this life, but she still hopes that her family in the Wandering Swamp can live well and not be affected by herself.

  Jiang Xuezhou turned his head silently and looked at the hibernation capsule in front of him, his eyes full of sorrow and complexity.

  At this moment, she suddenly felt her hand being held.

  She raised her head, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

  The child who had just woken up from a deep sleep was holding her hand, looking at her seriously, and speaking in a soft voice.

  ”It will definitely get better… The doctor said that as long as the hatch is closed, the life signal can still be detected, and the light will be green.”

  Unlike Yinyin…

  Yinyin’s light was off.

  But Xiaoyang would not be discouraged. She would wait for her to wake up and then tell her what happened during this period.

  Feeling the warmth from the palm, Jiang Xuezhou felt that his mood had recovered a little, and a smile appeared on his sad face.

  ”… Thank you.”


  That guy is still alive, not really dead, but he was seriously injured and could not wake up for the time being…

  It doesn’t matter even if he can’t stand up again.

  Jiang Xuezhou made up her mind that she must wake this guy up, even if she had to change his body completely, even if she turned him into “Xiao Wang”.

  This time –

  let her save him!

  Just as Jiang Xuezhou clenched his fists, Kuangfeng and Fang Chang, who were standing at the door of the hospital, looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

  After waiting for a long time, the NPC in the room didn’t come out. They wanted to unplug the power of ICU for Ye Shi, but they didn’t have the chance.

  But then again…

  is it necessary to unplug it?

  The two exchanged glances.

  Kuangfeng: “It doesn’t seem to be a bug.

  ” Fang Chang: “Well, it’s a little different from Luo Yu’s incident. This guy just didn’t die completely, not dead and alive again.”

  Kuangfeng: “Then do you still need to finish him off?”

  Fang Chang laughed.

  ”Tsk, although this kid is quite annoying for taking advantage of others, but for the sake of the father-son relationship… I’d better spare his life.”

  Kuangfeng: “…”


  The sun rose from the horizon in the early morning, and the Iron Heart floating above the clouds still stood majestically.

  And the artillery sounded on time at eight o’clock.

  After a night of rest, the various corps deployed in Jinhe City launched a fierce offensive against the Champion Biological Research Institute under the cover of artillery fire.

  The flames of the explosion continued to roar on the concrete ruins. The surface shelters built by the Qi tribe with garbage piles looked like paper.

  Green heads hid in the shadows of the ruins, and fear was written on their faces.

  The weak expressions were exactly the same as those of the prey they teased.

  It was just that now it was their turn to be the prey.

  But the Alliance was civilized and kind after all.

  The great administrator did not intend to play with these beasts on the execution ground. The hammer of judgment would give them all equal death!


  Half of his body was leaning out of the turret of the Chimera armored vehicle, and the mole roared loudly into the headset, giving the other crews and the infantry accompanying the vehicle an order to attack.

  ”All teams advance to the research institute!”

  ”Show these cowards who only dare to sneak attack! What a real iron fist looks like!”

  The players who followed the pace of the tanks shouted excitedly in response.



  ”Crush them!!!”

  The 37mm gun barrel roared continuously. The bang bang bang sounded like the beating of war drums, and every flash of tracer light brought about a bloody storm.

  Under the fierce attack, the positions built by the Qi tribe on the street were like paper, and were pierced with holes in a moment.

  Listening to the deafening sound of artillery, gunfire and shouting in the distance, Gomo, wearing a sacrificial robe, stared at the sky with dull eyes and muttered to himself.

  ”Why… why is it still there!?”

  At nightfall yesterday, the head of the tribe, Ganen, led more than 10,000 bat-winged people to launch a surprise attack on the Iron Heart. Now the fortress should have been taken down…

  However, the dense artillery sound was no different from that of yesterday morning, and it fell on their heads with incomparable accuracy.

  In this case, there is only one possibility…

  Despair gradually appeared in Gomo’s eyes.

  ”No… This is not true, there must be something wrong.”

  He hugged his wrinkled face with trembling hands, and his cracked lips quickly recited the “spell” given to him by Luo Qian.

  Soon, a pale golden light that only he could see was projected beside him.

  However, the person standing in that beam of light was not Luo Qian, but an old man wearing an exoskeleton.

  The man’s name was Arzu.

  He was the apostle sent by the church to replace Luo Qian, and he was also the man who gave Garen the biomass armor and the command of more than 10,000 bat-winged people.

  Gomo had seen him before, and asked anxiously when he saw him.

  ”What happened? Why… why is it different from what we agreed?! Why is the Iron Heart still firing at us!”

  Arzu stared at him silently, waiting for the old mutant to finish his words, and then looked away.

  ”We have tried our best, but it’s a pity that your child is a waste, wasting our countless efforts and years of management… To be honest, this trump card was originally prepared for the sons of the War Construction Committee, but that idiot played the card like this, I really have nothing to say.” It was really embarrassing

  to talk about this.

  Although he knew that the alliance was not easy to deal with, he was indeed a little embarrassed to lose to this group of wild guys. He

  could only blame that Luo Qian.

  If that guy hadn’t suddenly put down the burden on his shoulders and disappeared, they would not be as embarrassed as they are now.

  Or if I had been in charge from the beginning, I wouldn’t have lost so miserably.

  It’s a pity that I can’t recover the remains of the biomass armor…

  otherwise I could have completely figured out what happened at that time.

  Gomo didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment, but he felt that his indifferent look was a bit like he was trying to pass the buck.

  Looking at Alzu blankly, he asked in a trembling voice.

  ”Then… what should we do next?!”

  ”Next?” Alzu laughed, “Whatever you want.”


  Looking at Alzu who was about to leave, Gomo vaguely guessed his intention and called him in panic.

  ”Wait… Where’s the Nago core? Don’t you want it?!”

  Hearing about the Nago core in the laboratory, Alzu’s eyebrows twitched and said with a gloomy face.

  ”We want to keep it, but the problem is that it has come to this point. Can you keep it–”

  Before he finished speaking, Gomo interrupted him quickly.

  ”We haven’t lost yet! We still have people and can still fight! As long as we keep fighting… the Alliance won’t be our opponent!”

  Even if the last drop of blood is shed!

  As long as there is one person alive, the hope of reviving the glory of Singularity City will not be cut off!

  Gomo has this confidence.

  Even if he is the only one left, he has the confidence to breed another tribe!

  Alzu looked at this ferocious old guy, and a trace of pity suddenly appeared in his calm eyes.

  What a poor guy…

  In fact, he is one of the few sober mutants in this absurd and stupid tribe, but what’s the use of a person’s sobriety?

  At this moment, he is like a gambler who has lost all his chips but is unwilling to face reality. He should have realized that this is a gamble.

  Thinking that this old guy is a veteran of Singularity City after all, maybe he is still useful, Alzu said casually.

  ”If you want to live. Go south, the bishop there will arrange a new job for you.”

  Gomo rejected him without thinking.

  ”No! I don’t want to leave! I just want you to help us–”

  ”Then just struggle as hard as you can.”

  Looking at this confused guy, Alzu said this impatiently, and then disappeared silently from the empty street under his desperate gaze…


  The southernmost part of Jinhe City.

  Three sneaky figures gathered together, like rats hiding in the sewers whispering to each other.

  The noise of artillery can no longer be heard here.

  It is said that the alliance has broken through the main gate of the Champion Biological Research Institute and is engaging in a fierce exchange of fire with the mutants stationed in the building.

  But these are no longer important.

  The outcome of the war was decided last night.

  ”Kill… Hehe, kill…”

  Tang He, with his facial muscles twitching, was still muttering in his mouth, with a creepy smile on his face.

  He has always been like this. Chi Mo didn’t pay any attention to him at all, but just stared at the apostle named Alzu in front of him.

  ”Where’s Luo Qian? We haven’t found that guy yet… Are we just going to withdraw like this?”

  Alzu, standing in front of the executioner, said calmly.

  ”We have used up our last trump card and have already lost this battle. It’s only a matter of time before the Jinhe City Diocese falls… Does it make any difference whether we find Luo Qian or not?”

  Chi Mo’s face was indifferent, and he spoke word by word.

  ”I won’t let any traitor go.”

  ”Then you can go find him. This is your job, and I only care about the final plan.” Alzu turned around expressionlessly and walked towards a dark shadow not far away.

  He knew that the alliance would not give up so easily. After they gained a foothold in Jinchuan Province, they would continue to move south.

  And based on their past behavior, they would definitely pull as many people as possible into their chariot, and maybe even companies and colleges would be involved.

  This is a battle of faith.

  It is also a battle of survival.

  This war will not stop until one of the parties is completely destroyed.

  He will fight with everything of the past until the last moment. If these remnants of the old are still unwilling to embrace the glorious evolution –

  then go to hell!

  The red tapir stared at the direction where Alzu left, gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked in another direction with his partner who was not quite normal.

  He didn’t care about the plans of those servants of God, nor did he care about evolution or not, because that was not something that could be accomplished in a day or two.

  As the sword of the Inquisition, it was his lifelong belief to eliminate the disloyal traitors for the church, and he would carry it out until the last moment of his life.

  As if sensing the murderous aura emanating from him, Tang He’s eyes flashed with fanatical light, and he muttered in his mouth.


  He didn’t care about anything.

  He just wanted to massacre everyone in the city!


  (Thanks to the leader “Nuan Yang Qing Xu” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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