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Chapter 612 will dispel all the haze

Chapter 612 will dispel all the haze


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 612 will dispel all the haze

  ”No retreat! Stop them!”

  ”Those two-legged animals are so weak! They can be knocked down with one punch! Do you want to be defeated by that kind of thing?!”

  The main entrance of the Champion Biopharmaceutical Research Institute.

  The three-meter-tall mutant centurion roared furiously, like a furry vicious dog, urging his minions to move forward.

  His name is Hogg, a warrior named by Garn himself, and the most loyal and brave warrior under that lord.

  In the Qi tribe, where the strong are respected, he was trained by Garn as the successor to the next patriarch, and it was for this reason that he was entrusted with the important task of guarding this institute.

  This is the bond that maintains the covenant between the Qi tribe and the Torch Church, and it is also the center of the Qi tribe’s prosthetic transformation.

  Garn ordered him to lead more than a thousand of his men to defend this place to the death.

  He solemnly swore to Garn that he would never let this institute fall into the hands of the alliance no matter what!

  As long as we can hold on for another two weeks…

  the eternal kingdom of heaven will remain on this land forever!

  Hogg gritted his teeth and roared.

  ”… Charge forward! Eat their flesh, drink their blood, chop them into minced meat! Make them into sofas!”

  The roar sounded full of energy, and it really ignited the blood in the chests of many mutant soldiers, causing many green-skinned animals to roar and rush forward.

  However, in the face of the violent offensive, all these struggles were so pale and powerless.

  The main entrance of the institute had become a bloody meat grinder, and the lives of the mutant soldiers on the front line were almost turned into flying flesh and blood in seconds.

  Under the cover of armored vehicles, the alliance’s offensive was like an unstoppable spearhead, tearing apart the defense line of the institute’s gate with a crushing force.

  A Chimera armored vehicle that rolled up the stairs directly knocked down the wall of the hall, and the black muzzle stretched in and fired a burst of bangs.

  The sandbags piled in the corridors and stairwells were blown away in an instant, and the mutant soldiers hiding behind them were crushed into meat paste by the tracer as thick as a python.

  Following closely behind was the iron lump wielding a chain saw.

  The whistling saw blade was like a hound grinding its teeth, and the green paint had been pickled red by blood plasma and minced meat.

  It looked like a demon from hell.

  The moment the murderous humanoid armor met their eyes, the green faces were instantly filled with fear, and the automatic rifles and shotguns in their hands trembled involuntarily.

  They couldn’t tell for a moment –

  who was more like a beast!

  ”Haha! Crazy! Completely crazy!!”

  Rushing into the mutant’s position, Midnight Killer excitedly wielded the chain saw, and his eyes were completely red with killing.

  This steel body is simply too suitable for him!

  The only drawback is that the sequence level and experience are locked, and sometimes you can’t stop when you go crazy… But these are minor problems.

  This is a war between humans and mutants.

  It is a war between civilization and barbarism.

  There is no such thing as prisoners in this war.

  Naturally, there is no need to show mercy!

  Seeing the Jungle Corps chopping the mutants into eight pieces, all the players of the Skeleton Corps had no chance to attack for a while, and they all turned off the safety and pressed down the muzzle.

  The main reason is that they couldn’t attack.

  In this narrow building, Brother Chicken alone can occupy two-thirds of the corridor, and the power beasts wearing heavy exoskeletons have blocked the way forward.

  At this time, more than 80% of the fire will be friendly fire.

  Irena, who was leaning against the armored vehicle, looked at the iron lump waving the chainsaw in front of her with a funny face and teased.

  ”Brother Chicken is killing crazy.”

  The teasing voice of Brother Fugui soon came from the communication channel.

  ”What a cyber madman.”

  Irena: “Haha.”

  ”Let him go crazy…” The mole poked his head out of the turret and laughed and joked, “Anyway, he is not normal for many times.”

  The battle went smoothly.

  It was even smoother than he expected.

  Previously, these mutants could fight back and forth with the frontline troops of the Alliance with the support of vehicles and unexpected transformation prostheses, but as those vehicles were constantly destroyed by Chimera armored vehicles, the cyborg mutants were also killed one after another, and the few mutants left could not even organize a decent resistance. In fact

  , they really did not have much strength to struggle. In the previous rounds of offensives, their manpower itself had been consumed to a minimum, while the Alliance’s troops were almost endless.

  Suddenly remembering what she had promised Brother Mosquito on the forum before, Irena looked at the Elf King Fugui.

  ”Speaking of which, it seems that we promised Mosquito to help him find his lost prosthesis.”

  ”Wait until the fight is over.”

  ”Hope it will be over before dark.”

  ”Dark?” Brother Fugui smiled and curled his lips, “With just these few beasts, can they last until noon?”

  As he was talking, a power animal wearing a K10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton came over from a distance and untied the mask of his helmet.

  Seeing that Lao Na and Lao Wang seemed to be idle at first glance, the Piltover Paratrooper raised his hand and said hello.

  ”Hey, are you free?”

  Irena asked with a smile.

  ”What’s wrong? Need help?”

  The Piltover Paratrooper nodded helplessly.

  ”The elevator to the underground laboratory was dismantled by those beasts. They seemed determined to fight us to the end. We attacked from the fire escape, but it was too narrow and our people were stuck inside.”

  The underground laboratory has the nature of a nuclear bunker. The fire escape and elevator are not connected to the ground building. You need to enter from the lobby on the first floor.

  The Jungle Corps has controlled the exits of each floor of the ground building and is strangling the remaining mutants floor by floor. However, the offensive against the underground is not very smooth.

  Those mutants blew up the elevator and freight elevator, and set up a large number of traps and bunkers in the only fire escape.

  When he heard that someone was stuck inside, the Elf King Fugui laughed out loud.

  ”Fuck, who is so embarrassing?”

  Piltover Paratrooper: “The hard-working guy told me not to tell anyone.”



  Looking at Lao Na and Lao Wang who were laughing so hard that they were out of breath, the Mole who was holding back his laughter coughed twice and said.

  ”Go and help them.”

  Irena made an OK gesture and smiled as she reloaded the rifle hanging on her chest.



  Champion Biological Research Institute, at the entrance to the power room in the underground research area, Hogg was guarding here with his most loyal followers.

  Listening to the gunshots and explosions that were getting closer and closer, the green face full of flesh finally showed a trace of fear.

  He was not afraid of his own death.

  But the situation in front of him made him see no hope of turning defeat into victory.

  Is their tribe over?

  Lian Qi Tribe’s second bravest warrior was like this, not to mention the others. The morale of the entire team was extremely low.

  Although the leader repeatedly ordered not to whisper, the mutants squatting behind the bunker couldn’t help but whisper.

  ”Where are our allies…”

  ”I heard that they launched an attack on the alliance last night… They were the ones who made the cannon noise last night.”

  ”That was a big noise.”

  ”Did we win?”

  ”Do I need to ask… The airship is still there.”

  ”I heard that our chief was there last night too!”

  ”Could it be that the chief has…”

  Hearing the increasingly loud discussions, the already anxious Hogg suddenly became furious and shouted at the guys who were whispering to each other.

  ”Shut up! Cowards! The chief is fine now, and you don’t need to take care of him! Keep an eye on your defense zone. If I hear anyone talking about Lord Garn again, I will tear its tongue off!”

  Seeing the furious Hogg, the green-skinned animals were suddenly silent and dared not whisper anymore.

  However, although Hogg blocked their mouths, he could not stop them from thinking wildly.

  It has come to this point, even a pig can guess that their heads are probably cold, and their allies have probably given up on them long ago.

  They are simply going to die.

  This is a completely meaningless resistance!

  Thinking of this, the green faces became even more desperate.

  At this moment, a deafening explosion came from the direction of the fire escape.

  After a crackling sound of gunfire, there was the creaking sound of saw blades tearing bones and bursts of shrill screams.

  All the mutants’ hearts unconsciously rose to their throats, and their pupils hidden in the shadows were filled with fear and panic.

  As if to dispel the fear in his chest, Hogg raised the fist-thick iron gun in his hand and loaded it with a click.

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  Hearing the powerful voice, a group of mutants screamed with gritted teeth.

  ”Oh oh oh!!”


  At the entrance of the fire escape in the underground research area, dozens of corpses were lying in a mess.

  Most of them were mutants, and their green skin could be seen at a glance. A small number of them were thrown away by players, most of which were embedded in the remains of exoskeletons.

  War propaganda posters were posted on the alloy walls, some of which were clippings cut from magazines or newspapers, mainly about the victory reports from the front.

  Ironically, the battlefield of the three-year war spanned several light years,

  but the war never affected this underground bunker. Today, more than two centuries later, the gray alloy walls are covered with dense bullet holes, and the blood plasma overflowing the corridor almost covers the soles of the boots.

  ”…The power room is just ahead!” Confirming the map on the VM, the Piltover paratroopers who were walking in front of the heavy exoskeleton shouted to the brothers behind them, “Life signs detected! This is the last room!”

  Irena opened the task bar and took a look.

  ”The remaining mutants are probably here. I remember that the pseudo-mother nest should be in the power room… The nuclear fuel seems to be stored in the spare warehouse.”

  ”Give them a quick death!”

  As he said, the Piltover paratroopers grinned, and the chainsaw in his hand turned hummingly, and the air in the entire corridor seemed to be hot.

  Looking at the Piltover paratrooper who was about to move forward, Elf King Fugui suddenly called him.

  ”Wait a minute.”

  The Piltover paratrooper stopped and looked back at him.


  Elf King Fugui smiled, took out a big treasure and put it on his shoulder, and said with a beaming face.

  ”Try this thing!”

  The Piltover paratrooper raised his eyebrows.

  Good stuff!


  ”You brought this thing down?”

  ”Hehe, and it’s a new warhead!”

  As he said this, Elf King Fugui had already inserted the rocket that was almost as thick as his thigh into the launch tube.

  Seeing that the thing looked quite unique, the Piltover paratrooper curiously took a closer look and turned off the chainsaw in his hand.

  ”…What is this thing.”

  The Elf King Fugui said with a beaming face, carrying the loaded launcher on his shoulder.

  ”Thermobaric bomb!”

  ”What the hell!?”

  When they heard that it was a thermobaric bomb, the surrounding players were instantly shocked. Regardless of whether it was true or not, except for Lao Na who was relatively calm, they all hid back.

  ”It’s made by imitating the TBG-7V thermobaric bomb… Don’t make a fuss, but Mosquito is also awesome. He even copied this thing!”

  When introducing it, the Elf King Fugui was also full of emotion.

  This goblin technology is really getting more and more severe.

  Unlike fragmentation grenades, this type of thermobaric bomb has no prefabricated fragments and relies entirely on shock waves and high temperatures to kill targets.

  The killing effect on targets in open areas is average, but the killing effect on closed buildings is ridiculously high.

  And the fewer windows, the stronger the killing power!

  The thermobaric environment of ten to fifteen atmospheres of pressure formed instantly is enough to blast all known carbon-based organisms into slag!

  ”Stop talking nonsense, hurry up.” Too lazy to listen to his bragging, Irena had already walked to the side of the movable door and held the door handle.

  Brother Fugui smiled and aimed at the door panel.

  ”I’ll count to three, open the door.”

  When Lao Na heard this, she didn’t dare to play that kind of difficult card point with him, and immediately opened the movable door.

  Bullets whizzed out of the room, scaring Brother Fugui, and he pulled the trigger reflexively.

  A stream of white smoke shot out of the launch tube, dragging a swaying tail flame into the open door.

  Fortunately, the rocket flew in.

  Otherwise, everyone in the corridor would have been roasted.

  At the same time, in the power room, Hogg, who was on high alert, was shocked when he saw the rocket coming in from the door.

  He was ready to fight the Alliance to the death, but he didn’t expect that these guys were so unethical that they actually used rocket launchers to blast them.

  ”Get down!”

  He roared and lay down on the ground, but soon he found that this action was so redundant.

  The roar of the explosion and the air pressure of more than ten times instantly filled his eardrums, and he lost his hearing before he could even scream.

  Not just hearing.

  The scorching heat dried up all his body fluids in an instant, and then his skin was carbonized, followed by the meridians and flesh under the skin.


  The blind Hogg screamed heartbreakingly, and now he only hoped that his opponent would give him a quick death.

  His wish was soon fulfilled.

  The piercing pain did not torture him for too long. Soon, he was roasted into a bloody charcoal like other mutants in this purgatory.

  The screams and wails in the power room finally stopped. The players with dust on their helmets poked their heads into the room from the door. There

  was no living thing in the entire power room. There were only charred or torn bodies left.

  The temperature of the air was as hot as an oven that was burned to the limit. Even standing at the door would be burned. There was no way to enter.

  Everyone waited until the high temperature dissipated before carefully walking into the power room.

  Looking at the mess in the room, the Elf King Fugui couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

  ”My God… This weapon is too inhumane.”

  I must criticize it on the forum when I go back!

  The Piltover Paratrooper grinned.

  ”Why talk about humanity with beasts?”

  Although they didn’t get to enjoy it in the end, this way of death was not cheap for these beasts.

  ”That’s true.” Elf King Fugui walked forward and kicked open the half-drooped door at the end of the power room.

  A foul smell floated from behind the door.

  He turned on the flashlight and found a ring-shaped device inside, which was somewhat similar to the reactor in the shelter.

  What was surprising was not the reactor, but the shocking pieces of meat growing on the reactor. The

  ominous dark green color filled almost every corner of the machine.

  This is the core of the Naguo!

  The culprit that caused the spore cloud to spread throughout the entire Jinhe City area!

  A pseudo-mother nest synthesized by biotechnology!

  ”Is the mother nest like this?”

  Irena walked to the door and took a look at the mother nest. She felt that it looked like a beating heart and a large Naguo.

  I don’t know what it tastes like.

  ”The scientific name is Naguo core… I wonder if the one in Qingquan City looks like this,” said the Elf King Fugui, looking at Lao Na next to him, with a strange expression, “You don’t want to try it, do you?”

  Irena rolled her eyes.

  ”Am I that kind of person?”

  This thing looks green and can’t be eaten.

  And the key is that it’s so big that he can’t find where to start even if he wants to eat it.

  However, the other players standing by didn’t believe what he said, and they all showed an expression of “Isn’t it?”

  Ignoring these bastards, Irena took out the explosives she carried and installed them near this pseudo-mother nest, and then urged everyone to withdraw from the power room.

  At this time, the teammate’s message came from the communication channel. After listening to it, the Piltover paratrooper looked at the group of people on the side and said.

  ”The freight elevator has restored power, and the nuclear fuel and other spoils have been packed and sent to the surface… We should also withdraw.”

  Everyone stood on the elevator to the surface. Before the elevator door closed, Irena held the detonator in her hand.

  The bomb entered the countdown.

  After taking a last look at the bloody corridor, facing the closed elevator door, the Elf King Fugui still had a bit of unsatisfied face.

  ”Is this mission… over?”

  I heard that the brothers of the Burning Legion fought on the deck last night, which was so exciting. They hardly encountered any decent resistance.

  It always feels like it’s over before they have enough fun.

  Irena said with a subtle expression.

  ”It’s almost… the winner was decided last night. I guess it’s all about cleaning up the battlefield next.”

  The elevator arrived quickly.

  Almost at the same time they left the elevator, the tremor of the distance came from their feet, and the whole building shook with it.

  The rich old man who just stepped out of the elevator staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, he held on to the wall beside him.

  ”Damn, how many seconds did you set the detonation fuse?”

  Obviously, Irena didn’t expect that the power of the inconspicuous bomb would be so exaggerated. She was also confused and said as she looked at the gradually tilted ceiling.

  ”I guess half a minute should be enough.”

  Could that thing be a nuclear bomb?

  At this time, he suddenly remembered that the brothers of the Burning Legion seemed to have seized a batch of tactical nuclear weapons in Boulder City before.

  The smallest model was only the size of a fist, but it had enough power to blow up a street.


  it was that thing.

  The Piltover paratrooper’s scalp tingled.

  ”Half a minute is enough, but why do I always have a bad feeling…”

  Seeing that the chain reaction caused by the explosion did not stop at all, the face of the mole sitting in the turret of the armored vehicle gradually changed.

  He kicked the driver hard and shouted at the bottom of the turret.

  ”Back up! Quick!”

  Fortunately, the battle upstairs was over.

  Almost at the same time when the players hurriedly evacuated from the research institute, the building that had stood for more than two centuries finally collapsed slowly…


  The bridge of the Iron Heart.

  Chu Guang, standing by the French window, looked quietly in the direction of Singularity City, watching the building slowly fall into the ruins behind it.

  Although the fog outside the window had not yet dissipated, the well-behaved and sensible Xiao Qi had thoughtfully projected the drone’s aerial footage onto the French window.

  This is still the best place to watch movies.

  Yuer, who was fixed in a wheelchair, sat next to Chu Guang, looking at the rolling dust, his eyes were a little dazed.

  That was the starting point of everything.

  It also became the end of it all.

  After a while, his Adam’s apple moved.

  ”…Is it over?”

  Chu Guang glanced at him and said slowly.

  ”Far from it. The evil you think you have committed may take decades to make up for it. The suffering on this land may take a long time to end completely.”

  Yuer smiled bitterly, looked at the ceiling above his head and closed his eyes.

  Looking at the apostle who closed his eyes, Chu Guang continued.

  ”But objectively speaking, the anti-radiation agent and radiation-eliminating agent you studied have helped many people.”

  Yuer shook his head.

  ”That’s not my credit alone.”

  ”I know, I never said that,” Chu Guang said concisely, “Just like the building you see now, that thing was not knocked down by a single person, but the result of everyone’s joint determination, and our history is also moving forward in this way.”

  Yuer fell into silence, and the expression on his face was both like repentance and pure pain.

  He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then looked at Chu Guang standing beside him and spoke slowly.

  ”How do you plan to deal with me?”

  Chu Guang said casually.

  ”It depends on how you plan to atone for your sins.”

  Yuer looked at him with some surprise.

  ”…Do I have any other options?”

  ”Of course there are, for example… You can go to Shelter 79, which is now the Alliance’s biological research base, with a group of biological experts and a giant lizard that has lived longer than anyone else. We still have a mountain of problems to solve, and there you can use your knowledge and the rest of your life to help those who survive.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang looked at him and continued.

  ”Of course, you can also choose to say goodbye to this world with a 9mm bullet. This is the fastest and painless way.”

  Yuer smiled bitterly.

  ”The latter sounds easier.”

  Chu Guang glanced at Lu Bei.

  The loyal young man immediately understood, stepped forward to help Yuer loosen his right hand, then pulled out his pistol, loaded it, unloaded the magazine and handed it to him.

  Staring at the pistol in his hand for a long time in silence, Yuer sighed and turned off the open safety.

  ”…I choose the former.”

  Perhaps death is the easiest choice, but he suddenly thought of Yinyin…the little girl he wanted to let go but ultimately failed to save.

  Chu Guang stared at his eyes for a while, and suddenly a trace of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

  ”Are you Yuer or Luo Qian now?”

  He saw it during the previous interrogation.

  Luo Qian and Yuer’s two personalities exist in this guy at the same time, but one is stored in his brain and the other is stored in the bionic chip.

  Strictly speaking, this is the case for everyone who has had a chip implanted, whether it is Yuer in front of him or Yinyin lying in the cryostasis chamber.

  Each of them is Luo Qian.

  The ghost tore himself into countless pieces and hid in every container he thought was suitable. And that container was the ideal country in people’s hearts – the so-called sanctuary.

  Perhaps because he had recognized himself, Yuer’s answer this time was not as hesitant as last time, and he said it with a hint of certainty.


  Looking slowly at Chu Guang, Yuer continued.

  ”Can I… ask you a question too?”

  Chu Guang said simply.


  Yuer stared into his eyes.

  ”How can you guarantee… that the road ahead of you will definitely be different from the choice I made before, and not another kind of hell?”

  He didn’t know what the end of this road was, he just wanted to know why the manager of the shelter in front of him was so confident.

  However, Chu Guang’s answer was completely beyond his expectations.

  ”I can’t guarantee it.”

  Looking at Yuer’s stunned face, Chu Guang paused and continued as a matter of course.

  ”I am just a mortal, not a savior, nor do I have the ability to predict the future. The only thing I can guarantee is to live up to people’s trust in me and do my best to do what I can. As for whether I will fall into the pit tomorrow, I don’t know.”

  ”But I will discuss with them, face common problems or bugs together, and discuss how to go on the next road. Even if their opinions are not mature or even a little naive sometimes, it doesn’t matter. Our alliance was not built in one day.”

  ”If hell is waiting for us ahead, it is also our common choice. But I believe that even if we really stand in hell one day, our unity can make us walk out of it shoulder to shoulder.”

  Yul sighed and slowly lowered his head.

  ”If I had met you twenty years earlier…”

  If the gears of fate had not had that slight deviation, if he had not met the man named Luo Qian twenty years ago…

  Perhaps his fate and that of all the survivors on this land would be different.

  (Don’t say I’m a sheep, brothers, it’s impossible to be a sheep… But catching a cold is really uncomfortable, and I shouldn’t pretend. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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