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Chapter 613: Surrender? Did I declare war on them?

Chapter 613: Surrender? Did I declare war on them?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 613 Surrender? Did I declare war on them?

  The building standing in the thick fog slowly collapsed, and shattered like a piece of tofu on the ruins. The splashing rubble flew hundreds of meters into the air, and the dust swept by the airflow was blown a kilometer away…

  Staring blankly at the slowly collapsing building, the red tapir’s eyes first flashed with disbelief, and then gradually turned into fear.

  After a long time, he squeezed out a word from his clenched teeth.


  Champion Biological Research Institute…

  The Naguo core of the underground research area!

  The church’s years of hard work!

  This group of ignorant wastelanders actually blew it up!

  The Naguo fungi in the entire Jinhe City area have lost their core heart. The collapse of the kingdom of heaven is inevitable. They don’t have time to make a new mother nest for this land. It is not a project that can be completed in a short time.

  Since the collapse of the kingdom of heaven is inevitable, the church can only abandon this parish and come back when the time is right.

  The biological soldiers deployed in the city were retreating to the south under the cover of gray fog. Among them were Goliaths and some of the bat-winged people who had not died.

  Most of them were mindless monsters induced by mutant cubs. They were deformed from head to toe, but the deformity was just right.

  In addition to assisting in experiments, the other major use of the Qi tribe for the church was to provide newborns that could be used as raw materials.

  But now, they have lost even their last use.

  Even with the modified prosthesis supported by the church, the Qi tribe still failed to stop the alliance’s attack. Almost all the strong warriors died on the front line, leaving only the old, weak and sick hiding in the underground transportation network of Jinhe City.

  Whether as soldiers or as breeding tools, they are not the most suitable choice, not to mention that there are many “ancestors” who cling to the flaws.

  Although it is a pity to lose this nearly perfect pastoral area, the Qi tribe has now lost even its last value.

  However, the red tapir was full of reluctance.

  It was not out of sympathy for his allies. He did not like those ugly green animals at all. He only regarded them as a kind of “inconvenient but temporarily irreplaceable” tool. What

  really made him unwilling was that in order for the eternal kingdom of heaven to descend on this land, both the church and the tribunal had sacrificed too many people. However,

  in the end, this was the result…

  He could not accept it!

  That traitor…

  If Luo Qian had not suddenly disappeared before the kingdom of heaven descended, they would not have lost so miserably!

  If Luo Qian could have attacked the airship as soon as the kingdom of heaven descended, the alliance would not have had a chance to hold on for so long!

  The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Chi Mo almost bit his teeth to pieces.

  Just when his emotions were about to reach a peak, a voice he had heard somewhere came from not far away.

  ”Do you think this is my fault?”


  Chi Mo turned his head suddenly and saw an old man emitting a faint golden light standing two steps behind him. His fierce eyes narrowed into a slit in an instant.

  ”…Luo Qian!”

  Luo Qian looked at him calmly.

  The empty eyes seemed to pass through his body and looked straight at the collapsed high-rise building not far away.

  After pondering for a long time, he spoke slowly as if talking to himself.

  ”Sometimes I also doubt that there may be a slight deviation between ideal and reality… In order to realize the final plan, we did do something wrong.”

  ”Perhaps we should have a good discussion with our followers and seek their opinions, at least ask them if they are really willing to go to the heaven we envision, otherwise even if we are already standing at the end of the sea of ​​suffering, they will unite and try to defeat us at all costs.”

  Looking at the red tapir who had raised the gun, Luo Qian suddenly smiled, his voice was a little self-deprecating, and he continued in a light tone.


  ”If you have a way to kill me, it may not be a bad thing.”

  Thinking of this, the manager is indeed not simple.

  The first time he saw himself, he saw through what he was.

  However, the irony is that these servants who are loyal to the Holy Land know nothing about this… They are obviously the closest to the Holy Land.

  Red Tapir looked at him with contempt, spat, and did not move the gun.

  ”Stop pretending! The Holy Land is just a chip in the brain, don’t think I don’t know! As long as -”

  ”As long as everyone with a chip is killed, as long as every chip is taken out and crushed, ‘Luo Qian’ will disappear from this world… Is that what you think?”

  Luo Qian looked at him with pity and continued.

  ”Unfortunately, even I don’t remember how many of me I buried in this land, and the real me died twenty years ago.”

  All the pioneers who entered the Holy Land have died.

  This is also the premise of entering the Holy Land.

  In order to ensure that the will of the torch will be carried out unwaveringly, they sacrificed themselves before sacrificing everyone else.

  Looking at the stunned Red Tapir, Luo Qian slowly left a meaningful sentence.

  ”Every me is me, and every me is not me. I split the soul given to me by the Creator into countless pieces in exchange for time that does not belong to me, and the price is that I can never close my eyes. Maybe this is the punishment from the Creator.”

  ”But fortunately, at least I did the right thing in the end.”

  Chi Mo stared at him intently.

  ”…What is it?”

  However, Luo Qian did not intend to tell him, but turned his back to him.

  ”You don’t need to know, it has nothing to do with you.”

  ”My mission is over. I can’t accompany you on this road to the new world. Tell other pioneers for me.”

  ”We will never meet again.”

  ”Wait! Stop right there!!” Seeing that the figure was about to disappear from here, Chi Mo stared at the back of his head and roared.

  The old man didn’t pay any attention to his meaning. The figure was slowly fading, and the breath was disappearing soon after.

  The look in his eyes gradually turned into madness, and Chi Mo’s index finger trembled, and finally pulled the trigger.


  The harsh gunshot echoed in the street.

  However, the one who fell was not the old man who turned into a shadow and dissipated, but his partner Tang He – the sniper with a shaved crew cut and his left eye replaced by an electronic eye.

  The 9mm bullet penetrated his right eye and came out from the back of his head, bringing out a string of blood plasma and brains, which sprayed on the broken window on the street.

  With an expression of astonishment and madness, the man fell heavily to the ground. He seemed to have never thought that he would be pointed at by his partner who had worked with him for many years, and he never thought that his partner would actually shoot.

  He had been shot in the left half of his head by the Wastelander, and now his teammate blew up the right half of his brain.

  This time there was nothing left.

  Looking at Tang He lying motionless in a pool of blood, Chi Mo’s expression changed from astonishment to dullness, and then from dullness to horror.


  ”Tang He?!” ” There must be

  something wrong

  ! Yes! I remember now, it was Luo Qian who occupied your body… I, I just wanted to help you get him out.”



  trembled as

  he took a step back, the muscles on his face twisted into a ball, he

  held his head with both hands, and screamed heartbreakingly.


  Ah …

  ”Hehe… Hahaha!”

  He laughed loudly, raised his gun and fired at the sky, his empty eyes full of madness and distortion.

  The gunshot attracted the attention of people nearby.

  He saw at the end of the street, an armored vehicle with a gun barrel was moving towards this side surrounded by a group of soldiers with live ammunition.

  The helmets covered the faces of most people, but he could see that the faces hidden under the helmets were all Luo Qian.


  He let out a creepy laugh and raised his pistol to the group of people at the end of the street. At the moment he pulled the trigger, he seemed to see a flash of fire.

  And then –

  his consciousness fell into an endless abyss…


  ”Another cyber madman was found.”

  Sitting in the turret of the armored vehicle, the mole stared at the shattered body lying in the middle of the street, and continued to speak concisely into the headset.

  ”Laona, go up and take a look.”

  ”Got it.”

  Standing up from the side of the wheel, Irena walked forward with a rifle.

  Before, the big brother standing in the middle of the road fired a few shots into the sky, and they thought someone here needed help.

  As soon as he walked over, this guy pointed his gun at them, and then was taken away by a burst of concentrated fire.

  Looking at the bloody mess embedded in the exoskeleton, Irena smacked her tongue, squatted down to check his relics, and soon touched a blood-stained silver military card. There were

  two inverted triangles engraved on it, which was the symbol of the torch.

  There was also the emblem of the Tribunal on the back.

  ”It was the executioner, and the one next to him should be… They had the logo of the Tribunal and military cards with their names and blood types written on them. They were equipped with exoskeletons equipped with optical camouflage plug-ins, a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle, two pistols and some ammunition, EMP grenades, etc…. No camouflaged explosives were found.”

  Irena stood up from the other guy who was shot in the head and continued on the communication channel.

  ”They seem to have had an internal conflict. The guy named Red Tapir first shot his accomplice, then tried to commit suicide, but failed… Of course, this is just my speculation.”

  Elf King Fugui smacked his lips.


  Suddenly thinking of what happened yesterday, a player who was following him said.

  ”By the way, is this the sniper we met before?”

  Another player touched the back of his head.

  ”It should be. I heard that the brothers of the Burning Legion suffered a loss at their hands… But it’s really strange.”


  ”What about Goliath? Those big guys… In terms of combat effectiveness, they are much stronger than those guys with wings.”

  Listening to the whispers in the communication channel, Mole thought for a while and said.

  ”I guess they gave up.”

  Elf King Fugui said with a smile.

  ”Give up just like that?”

  ”Well, after all, the mother nest has been destroyed, and the gray fog will probably dissipate in a while.”

  Mole looked up and saw a ray of sunlight stretched by the gray fog had penetrated the thick cloud cover and was sprinkled on the ruins.

  ”Except for the Qi tribe… the church seems to have no reason to continue.”

  After a pause, he looked at Lao Na who was still touching the corpse in front of him and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Drag the corpse onto the car first, and then turn it over when we get back. There is still work ahead!”

  The mutants of the Champion Biological Research Institute have been completely annihilated, and the Torch Church has also withdrawn from this area.

  Now, it’s the turn of those beasts hiding in the subway…


  The deck of the Heart of Steel.

  The Viper transport plane, dragging a light blue plasma plume, slowly landed.

  Two aircrew wearing exoskeletons jumped out of the cabin carrying a square metal bracket and carefully placed it on the trailer.

  In the center of this metal bracket, a nearly spherical container is fixed. It is shaped like a water droplet and is as big as a gas tank.

  However, what is stored inside is not gas, but helium-3 in a superfluid state!

  Although it is only one neutron short, the technical content of this thing is much higher than that of ordinary liquid helium superfluid.

  As we all know, liquid helium superfluidity was discovered almost immediately after it was successfully prepared,

  but its isotopes did not receive the same treatment.

  Because helium-3 lacks a neutron, it becomes a particle similar to fermions, and it cannot gather together according to the Pauli exclusion principle.

  It is for this reason that “whether helium-3 exists in a superfluid state” has been an unresolved mystery in physics for a long time.

  It was not until later that people discovered that when the temperature is low enough, helium-3 can also form Cooper pairs through the interaction of nuclear spins, which also created the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics-David, Osheroff, Robert and others finally achieved helium-3 superfluid in the laboratory at an extremely low temperature of only two thousandths of a degree higher than absolute zero.

  Although it is unclear why these nuclear fuels should be stored in the form of superfluids, the huge technical reserves of this world are indeed quite amazing compared to the world where the players are.

  To store a liter of helium-3 superfluid, only a “gas tank” with a volume of about 30 to 40 liters is enough.

  Even two people can carry it away.

  It is no exaggeration to say that the “helium-3 storage technology” contained in this gas tank alone is an amazing harvest for the new alliance.

  Not to mention the astonishing amount of nuclear fuel.

  There are as many as one million similar containers in the warehouse of the underground research area, all stored on container-style shelves, with a total storage capacity of up to one thousand cubic meters!

  Before the collapse of the building, these nuclear fuels had been moved to a safe place.

  Although it is unknown why the Torch did not transfer this batch of fuel to the Haiya Province, no matter what they are thinking, this batch of fuel is now in the hands of the Alliance.

  For a long time in the future, the Alliance will not have to worry about energy issues!

  In addition to nuclear fuel, the players also recovered a batch of mechanical prostheses and transformation equipment from the Champion Biological Research Institute.

  Many of these are the legacy of the War Construction Committee.

  Just like the Giant Stone Military Industry inherited by the Giant Stone City, the “Champion” Biopharmaceutical Research Institute, which originally belonged to the Central Wartime Research Institute of the People’s Union, is also one of the legacies left by the War Construction Committee to the Singularity City.

  It’s just a pity that they did not use the facility properly, and even ended up on the road of self-destruction.

  Ibers is very interested in these devices, which will be packaged and sent to the Giant Stone Military Industry for disassembly and reverse engineering.

  Although it was a pity that the researchers affiliated with the Torch were not caught, there were experienced technicians and engineers in the Stone City who were able to figure out the secrets hidden in those devices…

  The deck of the Iron Heart was in full swing, and the bridge, which served as the command tower of the entire ship, was also busy.

  Vanus and other officers were commanding the ground forces.

  Chu Guang still stood in the old place that was out of the way, staring at the light blue holographic window in front of him, listening to Heya’s report on the latest research progress of the Alliance Biological Research Institute.

  ”…The biotechnology mastered by the Torch exceeded my original expectations. The technology they mastered was not entirely brought out of Shelter No. 117. For example, the biomass armor, some of the DNA fragments are similar to the mutant slime mold.”

  After listening to Heya’s statement, Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”I remember that Nago, too.”

  ”Yes,” Heya nodded slightly and continued, “including the mutant with bat wings and the giant mutant named Goliath… a large number of DNA fragments related to mutant slime mold can be found in their chromosomes. Not to mention the Nago you mentioned, from the Nago core to the fungus and then to the spores released by the hyphae, the entire system composed of Nago is designed to imitate the mutant slime mold.”

  When she said this, Heya paused and continued in an uncertain tone.

  ”It’s hard to imagine that this is the result of their research in twenty years… Do you think there is a possibility that those people got the legacy technology from the Three Years War in an ancient battlefield or ruins in the south?”

  Chu Guang’s heart moved.

  ”You mean… the biotechnology of the colonial rebels?”

  Heya nodded seriously.

  ”That’s what I think… although it’s just a guess.”

  Chu Guang fell into thought.

  This possibility cannot be ruled out.

  In fact, it’s not just the Nago related to the mutant slime mold, but also the mind interference technology mastered by the Torch Church.

  They were not using the version in Shelter 401, but more like an upgraded model with stronger power and wider coverage.

  If he remembered correctly, the mind interference device was a joint research project between the Qingquan City Third Ecological Park above Shelter 401 and the Colonial Research Institute on “alternatives to infrasonic fence devices”.

  Due to the scandal that broke out later, the research on the mind interference device was stopped by the censorship agency in 2113.

  However, the information left in Shelter 401 did not mention whether the project was completely terminated, or whether the mother planet did not continue the research, while the colony was still looking for “efficient alternatives to infrasonic fences” and was not supervised by any censorship agency.

  If it is the latter case…

  this mind interference device is likely to have been used in the military.

  Even the mutant slime mold mother nest, which is a biological weapon, is itself a honeycomb creature born based on the mind interference field?

  The more Chu Guang thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

  ”…It’s worth digging deeper into the source of the Torch Church’s technology. I’ll have my subordinates keep an eye on it. If you have any new clues, please tell me immediately.”

  ”Well, leave it to me… Oh, by the way.” Just as she was about to hang up the call, Heya suddenly remembered something and continued, “What about the person you sent to Shelter No. 79?”

  Hearing her ask about Yule, Chu Guang thought about it and said casually.

  ”That guy is a researcher at the former Champion Pharmaceutical Research Institute. He participated in the research and development of anti-radiation agents and radiation-eliminating agents.”

  The Great Horned Deer God should be interested in that guy, after all, even the coffee and biscuits in Shelter No. 79 are Champion brand.

  Most of the people there are fans of the Champion Group, and it may be interested in talking to that guy about the past.

  Heya was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

  ”You even found such a talent.”

  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”To be precise, he is a war criminal. If he does not make any significant contributions, he will have to spend the rest of his life in Shelter 79. I’ll have to trouble you to keep an eye on him in the future.”

  Heya nodded seriously.

  ”I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  After the communication ended, Chu Guang turned off the holographic device and looked at the misty land outside the French window.

  With the capture of the pseudo-mother nest, the war in Jinhe City has come to an end.

  The next step is to clean up the battlefield and sort out the mess, as well as think about how to deal with the Haiya Province, which has entered the fourth stage.

  However, before that, the Alliance still has a “wave” that is about to break out to deal with. Tomorrow he plans to drive the Iron Heart back to Dawn City.

  As for Jinhe City.

  It shouldn’t be a problem to hand it over to Frost and the Kangmao Group behind it.

  Chu Guang has very low requirements for it. As long as it can hold on for a while and wait until the Alliance is free from its own affairs, it will be enough.

  At this time, the sound of a door opening and footsteps came from behind.

  An officer walked behind him and stood at attention, with his right fist against his left chest and saluted.


  Chu Guang turned around and looked at him and said.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”A mutant who calls himself a priest of the Qi tribe hopes to negotiate surrender with you. It claims to be willing to offer loyalty to the Alliance.”


  Chewing the word playfully, Chu Guang glanced at the officer indifferently.

  ”Did I declare war on them?”

  Although those guys are natural laborers, after seeing the “ranch”, he has lost interest in transforming them.

  It is a mistake for this thing to be able to breathe.

  He didn’t care whether the remaining mutants were pro-war or pro-peace. It would be better for the alliance and the world if they were completely exterminated.

  The officer was slightly stunned, then he understood the look in the manager’s eyes and saluted with a serious look.



  (Thanks to “Oppa Likes You” and “Dark Star Emperor” for the reward!!! I shouldn’t have pretended to be cool just now. I felt like I was hit by a weakness debuff after going out, but I won’t have to worry about food in the next few days…TT)

   Introduction to “I’m Inventing at Hogwarts”: After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban. When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super-electromagnetic cannon shot by Harry Potter.

    ”Rig, this is much more useful than a wand!”

    Unable to resist Vera’s soft and hard nagging, he pushed again.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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