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Chapter 614 Eclipse Pearl

Chapter 614 Eclipse Pearl


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 614 Eclipse Bead The round bead

  , originally pure white like stone, now has a red ray.

  Even if Wei Changtian doesn’t understand, he knows that this red ray must be the one that just disappeared here.


  After the White-Feathered Red Bird died, a strange light of unknown origin came out of its mouth, and then was absorbed by this unknown bead? ?

  Who can explain to me what’s going on? ? ?

  Wei Changtian took the round bead in his hand and looked at it for a long time, and then looked at Yang Liushi. After a long while, he finally asked slowly:

  ”Could it be that the White-Feathered Red Bird appeared because of this bead?”

  ”I don’t know, but it seems now.”

  Yang Liushi paused and said softly: “Sir, I can actually feel a very weak attraction from this round bead.”


  Wei Changtian was stunned, and immediately felt it quietly, but he didn’t find anything.

  Compared with this strange bead, Yang Liushi may be more attractive to him.

  ”Why didn’t I feel it?”

  Frowning, Wei Changtian asked, “Are you sure? Are you overthinking it?”

  ”Probably not.”

  Yang Liushi turned her head to look at Lu Huang and the other two who were still standing on the shore with their eyes closed, and whispered in Wei Changtian’s ear:

  ”I think maybe only monsters can feel this attraction, and the deeper the Taoism, the more difficult it is to resist.”

  ”This can explain why the white-feathered red bird behaved like that just now.”


  Only works on monsters? The deeper the Taoism, the easier it is to be attracted by this round bead?

  His eyes changed, Wei Changtian thought for a while, and found that this statement made sense.

  But even so, he still didn’t know the specific function of the bead.

  ”Put the round bead away first.”

  He ordered Yang Liushi, and turned to look at Lu Huang and the other two.

  Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment, and then raised his voice and said:

  ”General Lu, Captain Huang, Zhang San!”

  ”You can open your eyes!”

  ”Young Master.”

  Soon, Lu Huang and the other two walked close to Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi.

  They had no reaction to the sudden red light, so they should not have opened their eyes against the order, and naturally did not know what had just happened.

  ”Zhang San.”

  Looking back at the empty Xianchi Lake, Wei Changtian whispered:

  ”Send a message to Chu Xianping, and ask him to go to Qingxian to ask something immediately.”

  ”Yes, please, sir.”

  Zhang San was slightly stunned, then bowed and responded, quietly waiting for the next words.

  The lake was calm, and the wind and snow had stopped.

  Wei Changtian organized his words slightly, and then continued:

  ”Tell him to ask Qingxian if he knows an object.”

  ”This object is a white round bead, half the size of a palm, and it feels like stone, without any true energy fluctuations.”

  ”But this bead may be used to attract monsters, and the higher the level of the monster, the stronger the effect.”

  ”Then. Forget it, that’s all.”


  ”I understand.”

  Zhang San’s response was half a beat late, and he had obviously guessed what the bead Wei Changtian was referring to.

  After all, everyone saw the scene of the little fox giving treasures in the morning.

  However, despite their surprise, Lu Huang and the other two did not ask any more questions. Zhang San immediately took out the mother-and-child jade and began to pass on the message.

  After a while, he looked up and reported:

  ”Sir, I have passed the message to Master Chu.”

  ”Master Chu replied that he would go to Weiyang Palace to ask Senior Qingxian about this matter immediately.”


  Nodding, Wei Changtian glanced at the night sky where no snowflakes were falling.

  ”Since it’s not snowing anymore, let’s rest for another quarter of an hour, and then continue on our way.”

  Chu Xianping’s movements were slower than expected.

  It was unknown whether Qingxian had fallen asleep in the middle of the night, or for some other reason, but Zhang San didn’t receive a reply until the next morning.

  ”Master, Master Chu has replied.”

  At this time, everyone had just reached an unknown mountain peak and was preparing to go down the mountain along the route of last night’s avalanche.

  Seeing Zhang San’s expression, Wei Changtian immediately ordered them to rest on the spot, and then followed the former a little further away.

  ”What do you mean?”

  Standing behind a huge rock, Wei Changtian asked in a low voice: “Does Qingxian know about this thing?”

  ”My lord, Master Chu said that Senior Qingxian is not sure what this bead is, but he has several guesses.”

  Zhang San also lowered his voice very low and repeated the content of the reply word for word:

  ”First, this bead is cut and polished from the trunk of a soul-soothing tree.”

  ”This tree can emit a special smell that humans cannot smell, but many monsters can smell it. Monsters like this smell very much, so they often follow the smell and eat the branches and leaves of the soul-soothing tree.”

  ”But because of this, most soul-soothing trees cannot grow too tall, and now they are almost extinct.”

  Soul-soothing tree?

  Although it was the first time he heard this name, Wei Changtian immediately judged that the bead was definitely not made of wood.

  Then he heard Zhang San continue to say:

  ”Second, it is a kind of reef on the sea.”

  ”This reef is produced in the deepest part of the seabed. It is very rare in the world. It also has the function of attracting monsters.”

  ”But this reef is not white, and it can only attract some aquatic monsters.”

  ”Sir, I see that the bead does not seem to be dyed, so it is probably not this reef.”

  Zhang San gave his own judgment. Wei Changtian did not say anything, but nodded and asked:

  ”Anything else?”

  ”Oh, there is one last guess.”

  Zhang San paused and his voice became smaller.

  ”But Senior Qingxian has not seen this thing with his own eyes, but has read the description of this thing on a stone tablet of the monster clan, so he does not know whether it is true or not.”

  ”And this matter is a long time ago, Senior Qingxian can’t remember all the inscriptions on the tablet now, and can only recall a few words”

  Tianshan has many peaks, one peak is clear and the other peak is snowy.

  The morning sun is revealed, and under Wei Changtian’s gaze, Zhang San whispered two sentences.

  ”The bead is like white jade. If a demon swallows it, it can replace the elixir. Evil thoughts and greed will flock to it, especially the big demons.”

  ”Whenever this bead appears in the world, the demon race will be in chaos, just like the disaster of the sun’s destruction, so it is named Solar Eclipse.”


  Solar Eclipse?

  After hearing Zhang San’s last two sentences, Wei Changtian was slightly stunned. He felt that these descriptions were quite consistent with the round bead.

  However, some things were not mentioned.

  For example, what was the red light?

  How did the white-feathered red bird sense the existence of the round bead?

  It is not known whether these questions were not mentioned on the stone tablet, or Qingxian mentioned them but did not remember them.

  Wei Changtian was not even sure whether the bead was “Solar Eclipse”.

  But this is already the most reliable answer.

  After thinking for a while, Wei Changtian searched for the word “Solar Eclipse” in the system with a try-and-see attitude.


  A simple word, indicating that there is no prop with this name in the system.

  However, when he changed the search term to “Eclipse Pearl”.

  [Eclipse Pearl: A special item that can absorb 30% of the cultivation of a dead monster with a cultivation level of more than 500 years (no upper limit). Any monster that swallows this pearl can use it to replace its own elixir. Note: This pearl has a certain temptation effect on all monsters. The intensity and range of the effect depend on the level of the monster and the amount of cultivation stored in this pearl. 3000 points]

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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