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Chapter 614: Fierce as the Sky

Chapter 614: Fierce as the Sky


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 614: Fierce as the Sky Falls

  The university town has its own business district, and it is not in the same ecosystem as the business environment of the entire city, so there is a natural barrier.

  In terms of the types and richness of businesses near the university town, it can operate independently even if it is separated from the city’s business.

  Group buying initially relied on the cover of the university town to continuously accumulate strength, and then played countless fierce combination punches in the national market, establishing its position as the dominant group buying.

  Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the university town is fertile ground for group buying.

  In addition, Zhihu Campus, the most vertical social application in the field of college students, is also group buying, so in this field, the entire group buying system is almost a matter of words.

  This is actually the reason why Koubei Takeaway and Baidu Takeaway have always been reluctant to touch the college student market.

  In this independent market, few people can do better than group buying.

  Ele.me did not sink into the university town market in the later stage, not because it felt that it had the strength to compete with group buying takeaway, but because it needed a higher market share to raise funds, so it had to do the university town market.

  Even if it was lost after doing it, as long as the financing was in hand, they would not lose.

  In other words, everyone knows that Pintuan Waimai’s decision not to enter the university town is only temporary. When they want to do it, it will be difficult for this place to have any competitors.

  But no one expected that Pintuan Waimai would choose to sink at this time, which surprised everyone.


  Because there are still two months before summer vacation.

  There are actually very few students staying on campus during the summer vacation. There is no doubt that the business of the food delivery platform in the university town will instantly fall into a trough.

  In the opinions of Koubei Waimai, Baidu Waimai, and Ele.bu, the best time for Pintuan Waimai to end is actually the start of the school year in September.

  The enrollment of new students is just right to inject fresh blood into the university town.

  Students who have just entered the university campus are curious about everything, and promotion work will be much easier.

  However, Pintuan Waimai suddenly ended at the end of April, which is neither too early nor too late.

  Generally speaking, the departure of a new opponent will not cause much impact in a short period of time, but Pintuan Waimai seems to come with the momentum of wind and thunder, and the start is as fierce as the sky.

  Several brands that have long been confirmed to be members of the Linchuan business group did not even act at this moment, and directly entered the exclusive page of Pintuan Waimai.

  First, the popular Xitian milk tea immediately launched three new products that can only be purchased through the online group buying channel.

  Burger King also launched a Juhuasuan package for group buying takeout.

  The profit point of zero-time convenience stores is relatively low. Generally, delivery fees are charged for delivery, but this is completely unnecessary for group buying takeout.

  The most important thing is that you don’t need to download an app specifically to use group buying takeout, because the group buying takeout port has been connected to the main group buying app. College

  students like to sing karaoke, watch movies, and have hot pot at dinner parties. Group buying can be said to be one of the indispensable software for this group.

  Therefore, exclusive merchants made swords, Zhihu supported online, and there was no need to download an app. The whole university town market was crazy.

  ”It’s bad, it seems to be directed at me?”

  Zhang Xuhao, who received the news at the headquarters of Ele.com, suddenly changed his face.

  The last time they spent a lot of money on subsidies, but the fruits were directly “take it to you” by Jiang Qin, so their capital chain is now in a tight state.

  At present, Tencent focuses its business on WeChat promotion and has spent hundreds of millions to support Tencent Video, and has no energy to care about them.

  Therefore, Zhang Xuhao is constantly looking for new investors.

  Alibaba extended an olive branch this month, hoping to invest in Ele.bu, and the conditions offered are also very attractive.

  Zhang Xuhao is very tempted, and is currently in contact with Li Changming from Alibaba. He has been thinking about it several times.

  Seeing that things are starting to go more and more smoothly, Pintuan Waimai suddenly came to grab the college student market, which really made Zhang Xuhao’s heart rise to his throat.

  They lost to Pintuan Waimai once in the national market. If the university town market is also lost, Alibaba’s investment in Ele.bu may shrink infinitely.

  Because Alibaba is not a fool, it is impossible to bet on you when it knows that you can’t win.

  ”Mr. Zhang, Manager Yang is here.”

  ”Please ask him to come in.”

  Chen Jiaxin went to Shanghai to attend the takeaway industry discussion meeting of the Internet Conference. At present, the only one who can give him suggestions on operations is Yang Xueyu from Dianping.

  After all, Yang Xueyu has participated in group buying wars, has several experiences of competing with Pintuan Waimai, and understands Jiang Qin’s style.

  Soon, Yang Xueyu came to the office with a bitter face.

  Damn, as expected, I’m afraid I’ll get beaten again. He’s really afraid of competing with Pintuan.

  ”Mr. Yang, please sit down.”

  ”Mr. Zhang, you’re looking for me about Pintuan’s entry into the college student market, right?”

  Zhang Xuhao nodded: “Pintuan’s failure this time was unexpected, but its attack power was very strong. The managers in charge of the university town market are a little overwhelmed, so I want to learn from you.”

  Yang Xueyu was silent for a while: “Buy money.”

  ”But… we only have the last operating fund left in our account.”

  ”If Mr. Zhang believes me, put all the money in while ensuring the normal operation of the company.”

  Zhang Xuhao was silent for a while: “Can you tell me the reason?” Yang

  Xueyu organized his words and said: “Based on my understanding of Jiang Qin, he will never act rashly. He must be fully prepared. When he strikes, it must be a combination of punches. He will not give people a chance to breathe. We can’t be lucky and must go all out.”

  Hearing Yang Xueyu’s words, Zhang Xuhao fell into deep thought.

  To be honest, as a boss, he not only has to seek new business growth points, but also take the overall situation into consideration and keep the ship steady.

  Now someone suggested that he put all the operating funds in, which is very difficult for him.

  Yang Xueyu saw his dilemma and spoke again: “Mr. Zhang, I was an employee of Lashou before I joined Volkswagen. When group buying entered the national market, the ground promotion was extremely fierce. Everyone planned to wait for his ground promotion to get tired and then spend money to kill him, but… ”

  ”What was the result?”

  ”It turned out that his ground promotion was indeed tired, but a bunch of chain cooperation brands suddenly emerged and directly broke through the blockade of friendly companies by using the stores of those chain brands. So, facing group buying, there can be no luck.”

  Zhang Xuhao thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind to spend money to fight.

  So in the national university town market, the violent subsidy activity of Ele.bu was officially launched, ready to deal with Jiang Qin’s oncoming combination punch.

  After the activity went online, the users of Fandian began to lose rapidly, and the order volume hit a record low.

  ”Boss, just like you said, Ele.buy has started burning money.”

  ”Yang Xueyu went to Ele.buy some time ago, and Chen Jiaxin was there too. They know my style, so they are afraid that I have a backup plan. Seeing me leave, they will definitely have a stress reaction. It is normal for Ele.buy to defend the title. Besides, Ele.buy is currently raising funds and absolutely dare not lose the college student market.”

  Ye Ziqing thought about it thoughtfully: “Then what’s next?”

  Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes: “Keep the troops in place and wait for Ele.buy to burn Fandian to death.”

  ”But if we don’t participate, Ele.buy is likely to eat up most of Fandian’s market share.”

  ”I don’t care, the market share can be taken back later, but this time, as long as Fandian is gone, it’ll be fine.”

  Ye Ziqing pursed his lips: “But what if Ele.buy can’t beat Fandian?”

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips: “Then we will go down and shoot again ourselves, so as not to let him suffer.” When

  the eldest and the second fight, the third is often the one who dies. This is an absolute truth.

  There are a large number of brand merchants in the group-buying takeaway business, and those merchants have also made exclusive limited packages for the group-buying, so even if he does not burn money, he will not be driven out of the market in a short time.

  But what about Fandian?

  The end of the group-buying takeaway business has just caused Fandian to lose a large number of top users. Now Ele.bu has a stress reaction and is burning money rapidly. How can Fandian survive?

  There is no other way, only to burn more fiercely than Ele.bu.

  Jiang Qin wants to use Ele.bu’s stress reaction to waste the investment of Hurricane Capital.

  At this time, everyone at Fandian headquarters was numbed. First, the merchants were taken away by the group-buying business, and then they encountered Ele.bu’s crazy burning of money. They could only burn the funds they just got.

  But they underestimated college students. College students… They really dare to eat when there is something!

  After the subsidy war was fully launched, this market was like a bottomless black hole,

  and funds began to flow out crazily. The college students were all happy, thinking that after living for so many years, they really saw a living Buddha, so they ate whatever had the highest subsidy and whichever was cheaper.

  Three meals a day? Nonsense, five meals a day is not enough!

  The University Town Operation Department of the Pintuan Takeaway Branch also received a request from the superiors, not to eat, not to be hungry, and to change to meal time.

  Duan Wenzhao was crazy: “What’s going on? How could this happen?”

  ”Mr. Duan, many of our high-quality merchants have been snatched away by Pintuan. We can’t afford to burn this money. Why don’t

  we just forget it?” “Forget it? If we forget it, we will be gone. Ele. Bu is crazy about discounts, and Pintuan Takeaway has exclusive packages. What do we have? Users will definitely abandon us quickly!”

  ”But Mr. Duan, it’s only been one day, and half of the money we just got has been burned. This is the money we use to open up the national market.”

  Duan Wenzhao sat in the chair and panted for a long time: “Is the meal time always so fragile?”

  While Duan Wenzhao was puzzled, Zhang Xuhao of Ele. Bu was also confused.

  What about the combo punch? What about the Pintuan combo punch that was promised? Could it be that… Pintuan is not targeting me?

  However, it seems that Ele. Bu is going to unify the University Town market!

  Zhang Xuhao knew that he could not hesitate this time, so he immediately continued to move forward.

  In three days, most of the investment Fandian received was burned through, but what really made things worse came from Sang Jingbo.

  ”Mr. Duan, the merchants asked us to settle the payment in advance and put up a deposit.”


  ”We spent too much money in the past three days. They are afraid that we will be too eager to burn their share, so they are unwilling to continue without paying.”

  Duan Wenzhao was very angry: “Nonsense, we still have money.”

  Sang Jingbo pursed his lips: “But… there is a post on Zhihu saying that we will soon run out of money, and those who want to get the wool should hurry up and get on board. This post is very popular and was forwarded to the merchant groups of various university towns at about the same time.”

  ”Do they believe this rumor?”

  ”There have been many cases of group buying websites going bankrupt before. They accidentally burned themselves through and then ran away with the merchants’ money. These businessmen are now afraid.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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