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Chapter 615 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 615 Unexpected Gains


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 615 Unexpected Gains

  In a pure white space, twelve phantoms were sitting in front of a circular conference table.

  They were wearing spotless white robes, and the milky white light shining on them exuded a holy atmosphere.

  Looking closely, there were actually 13 chairs in front of the table, but one was empty.

  This is the holy temple of the Torch Church.

  Simply put, it is the place where the pioneers in the holy land hold meetings.

  In the center of the circular conference table, stood an old man in a gray robe.

  His face was covered with wrinkles and his eyes were cloudy. Both his dull skin and robe were out of tune with this sacred conference room.

  His name is Alzu, and he had just returned from Jinhe City.

  Facing the pioneers sitting at the conference table, his face was pious and his tone was solemn. He told the story like a prayer during a worship service.

  ”The Diocese of Jinhe City fell, and we lost contact with the old members of Singularity City.”

  ”They fought bravely to the end in the resistance, but our enemies did not let them go. They chopped off their heads and burned them into charcoal. Their bodies filled the underground transportation network of Jinhe City…”

  The voice said at the end, with a hint of pain.

  And when his voice fell, the pioneers sitting around with expressionless faces could not help but show a little commotion.

  Everyone exchanged glances, whispered, and conveyed each other’s surprise and uneasiness with their eyes and expressions.

  ”How barbaric!”

  ”… Not a single one was left.”

  The settlement that once sheltered thousands of survivors ended in this way, which was really sad.

  Those residents were originally “pioneers” who embraced evolution. Although they chose a different path from the pioneers present, they were all progressives who bravely took the first step.

  However, those ignorant barbarians set it on fire!

  A dignified pioneer slowly clenched his fists and said seriously.

  ”We will continue to move forward with their memories. Those who hinder us will eventually pay the price!”

  The other pioneers nodded slowly.

  ”Colleges and enterprises, huh? Those scums…”

  ”And the Alliance.”

  ”Not just them.”

  Looking at the angry faces of the pioneers, Alzu slowly spoke and pointed his spearhead at Luo Qian, the traitorous pioneer.

  ”The threats we face are not only from the outside, but also from ourselves. That guy named Luo Qian, his laziness and hesitation made us lose the best fighting opportunity. We lost a large number of excellent apostles and executioners for this and paid a heavy price.”

  ”This is our worst defeat in the past 20 years, and it is an unprecedented betrayal! If it weren’t for that traitor, everything wouldn’t be so bad!”

  The pioneers sitting at the conference table looked at him expressionlessly, including the man sitting at the top.

  Alzu didn’t stop and continued to say what he had been brewing for a long time.

  ”The existing model has many drawbacks. The Forerunners can ensure that the faith of the apostles will not be shaken, but no one can guarantee that the faith of the Forerunners will not be shaken first–”

  He was interrupted by a Forerunner before he finished speaking.

  ”What nonsense! How can our faith be shaken!”

  Another Forerunner continued with a serious look.

  ”Our minds have been integrated with the Holy Land. Our thoughts are superior to everything. You should know how the Holy Land works.”

  Arzu looked at him expressionlessly.

  ”Then how do you explain Luo Qian, Your Excellency?”

  The Forerunner’s expression froze slightly.

  The Forerunner sitting next to him pondered for a moment, and slowly opened his mouth to give an explanation.

  ”Luo Qian’s condition is indeed confusing… but it is not incomprehensible. He was too old before entering the Holy Land, and it is difficult for people to accept new things once they are old. We advised him to live out his life, but he was unwilling to accept his aging and insisted on uploading his mind to the Holy Land.”

  ”I understand his aging, but his betrayal is unacceptable.”

  Arzu smiled faintly and continued.

  ”I don’t think it’s a matter of age. The mode in which this technology operates is inherently unreliable. We disperse our thoughts to everyone, so our enemies cannot destroy it. However, in contrast, the foundation of this building has been torn into countless pieces. As long as they shake our foundation, they can easily shake us.”

  He witnessed the entire process of the collapse of the Kingdom of Heaven with his own eyes. He knew very well how the guy who “cannot be killed” died.

  That guy tore himself into countless pieces and distributed them to countless people, making everyone his eyes and the cells that make up him.

  The Alliance really doesn’t have the ability to kill him who is not on the ground at all, but it has the ability to influence “every one of him”.

  When every cell in his body began to shake, this building with a seemingly exquisite structure collapsed systematically.

  In the end, let alone deceiving others –

  even the guy himself began to doubt the correctness of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  And this is the most fatal!

  The Sanctuary can have an impact on every believer, but the believers will in turn affect the Sanctuary. After all, the Sanctuary that does not exist on the ground was originally composed of them.

  It is precisely because of this that Alzu is more and more convinced of his point of view – the Sanctuary is an unreliable existence.

  The heaven that people envision must be completed by people, and should not be placed on the sanctuary that does not exist on earth, or on people in heaven.

  The pioneer model currently adopted by the church has serious loopholes. If this loophole is not plugged, they will encounter the next failure.

  ”How can they shake our foundation, just a group of barbarians?” A pioneer refuted his words with disdain.

  Arzu looked at him expressionlessly and said,

  ”They took advantage of the ignorance and short-sightedness of the general public, as well as their ignorance of the far-reaching interests and the root causes of suffering.”

  The pioneer stared at him intently, but could not refute.

  Because the pioneer model itself is a denial of mortal wisdom. It is precisely because they recognize the unreliability of people that they want to completely eradicate all human attributes and become gods.

  Arzu did not object to the first half of this view, but only had objections to the second half.

  ”If we want to defeat them in the war on earth, we must turn the abstract pioneers into concrete people on earth.”

  He knew very well that his view was outrageous.

  The entire church was in an uproar as expected.

  The pioneers sitting at the conference table refuted him without hesitation.

  ”Then what is the difference between us and the apostles?”

  ”We embarked on this path in order to abandon human desires and all selfishness. You actually suggest that we change back?”

  ”You are creating weaknesses for us! What do you want?”

  Facing those suspicious and angry eyes, Alzu continued calmly.

  ”I didn’t say that. I just suggested that we set up another holy temple and promote a group of pioneers who can obtain sufficient authority without giving up their flesh to embrace the holy land. They will manage all the earthly affairs of the diocese. In this way, even if the alliance deceives our believers and even destroys our holy land with ideological viruses, the failure of Jinhe City will not happen again.” As

  soon as he finished speaking, he was refuted by a pioneer.

  ”Nonsense! How can you guarantee the purity of the second holy temple?”

  Alzu looked at him and continued.

  ”The Second Holy Church does not need to be as pure as the First Holy Church. It only needs to lead the believers on earth to defeat our opponents.”

  At this time, the man sitting at the main seat of the conference table suddenly spoke.

  ”Let me say a few words.”

  When he spoke, the whole holy church fell silent.

  His name is Wang Yi. He

  is the Holy Son elected by the Torch.

  It is also the common choice of everyone present.

  His faith is the purest and the most determined of all.

  ”… In Haiya Province, this problem does not exist. The Kingdom of Heaven has reached the fourth stage and is irreversible. Our mind interference device can ensure the unity of the believers. The existence of the Second Holy Church is redundant.”

  Arzu did not speak.

  Because this sentence is indeed irrefutable.

  Unless their enemies can destroy all the mind interference devices on the entire land in an instant, crack their brainwashing bands and replace them with their own, it is theoretically impossible to use simple methods to make those brainwashed believers doubt the correctness of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  When the original consciousness is erased, the Holy Land is their only consciousness, and evolving to a higher life form is their only ideal.

  However, in those wild lands that have not been incorporated into the diocese, or those dioceses that are still in the process of missionary work, the situation is different.

  The utopia they believe in must compete with the sludge on the ground, but those ignorant guys pay more attention to short-sighted interests.

  Therefore, they must disguise themselves cleverly.

  Just like Naguo.

  Before releasing the spores, use the beautiful sweetener to lure the prey, paralyze the prey, and finally let it immerse itself in it and become the nourishment of heaven.

  ”For the dioceses in Haiya Province, we need to strengthen communication between the forerunners to ensure that our faith is firm and unshakable, so as to prevent similar situations from happening again, and there is no need to set up a second church. But-”

  After a pause, the Son of God continued to speak, saying the words as Alzu expected.

  ”…For the undeveloped wilderness and the dioceses that are still being developed, the existence of the second church is necessary.”

  ”Even if we don’t consider that the self-depraved wastelanders are not suitable for our advanced concepts, we must consider the existence of the black box.” ”

  The black box that produces bionic chips for us has been running for more than 20 years. After all, it is an emergency production equipment, not a universal wishing machine.”

  Hearing this, everyone sitting at the table had a look of uneasiness and anxiety in their eyes, and their eyes became erratic.

  This is indeed a problem that cannot be ignored.

  Their biotechnology is strong, but the bionic chips produced by the black box are irreplaceable, and they are the foundation of the sanctuary.

  People will always grow old.

  The chips produced by the black box will eventually run out, and before completing the final plan, their time is not actually infinite.

  Although he knew that no one liked to hear it, the Son of God finally said that sentence.

  ”Its limit is approaching.”


  Anything that knows the result but does not know the reason is unsustainable.

  The black box is probably the most typical example.

  The Guards Corps found a batch of expired black boxes in the warehouse at the old site of Singularity City.

  These black boxes are mainly used to produce some medicines, high-yield crop seeds and key parts of some equipment.

  Before they were scrapped, the residents of Singularity City had squeezed out the last bit of their value and then forgotten them in the warehouse.

  These expired black boxes have been sent to Shelter No. 404, and are currently being studied by Yin Fang, the head of the scientific expedition team.

  The infirmary of the Heart of Steel.

  After learning about the progress of the reconstruction of Singularity City from Han Shuang, Chu Guang visited the little girl named Yin Yin again.

  Perhaps out of guilt for Singularity City, or perhaps out of sympathy for her, the Council specially approved that the enterprise would bear her medical expenses and promised to replace her with a bionic body that can walk freely.

  She can customize her appearance or choose to be exactly the same as before.

  After telling Yin Yin the news, Chu Guang paused for a moment and then asked about her future plans.

  ”Our strategic goal in the Jinhe City area has been achieved. The Torch has been removed from this land. In the future, there will be no more mutants and Nago on this land. The focus of work in this area will shift to the reconstruction of Singularity City.”

  Yin Yin, who was sitting in the corner of the pure white room, looked up at him blankly.

  ”Singularity City is…”

  ”A settlement that once stood on this land,” Chu Guang said concisely, “Although it contains some bad pasts, forgetting history is equal to betrayal. We plan to use this name.” Yin Yin nodded,

  not quite understanding.

  Chu Guang assumed that she understood and continued.

  ”The Iron Heart will soon return to the River Valley Province. You can choose to stay or go back with us.”

  Yin Yin asked after a moment of silence.

  ”Is my home still here?”

  Chu Guang said.

  ”The residents of Pinewood Farm hope you will go back. Except for the annex and the basement, the manor still belongs to you.”

  Yin Yin’s face showed a troubled expression, and finally asked for help.

  ”Can you give me some advice?”

  ”I’m sorry that I can’t give you any advice. I don’t know you well. Maybe you should discuss it with your relatives…friends.” Chu Guang suddenly remembered that her parents had passed away, so he changed his words.

  At this time, he thought of Han Shuang’s request, so he continued.

  ”Of course, the representative from the enterprise wants you to stay and help calm the emotions of the survivors… You should have seen that one before, its name is Frost.”

  Yin Yin looked at him at a loss.

  ”But, I’ve become like this… I’m afraid I can’t help much.”

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”You don’t have to do anything, just be there.”

  Yin Yin looked at him blankly.

  ”Just being there is…”

  Chu Guang thought for a while, and said patiently in a way that she could understand as much as possible.

  ”Although many people are getting older, they are not really mature. Compared with adults with full behavioral capacity, they are more like children without behavioral capacity. They need someone to make decisions for them and take on the responsibilities and risks brought by their own choices for them, so that they can enjoy a period of stability.” Is

  Naguo good? Who cares, the master said it’s a good thing, just plant it and it’s done. Mutants eat people without spitting out bones? What a joke, the master with luxurious clothes and delicious food is not afraid of it, so what are you afraid of? They just eat the wastelanders.

  The problem of Singularity City is completely different from that of Boulder City. It is not the fault of one person, but caused by many factors, just like this wasteland.

  Perhaps because she felt that the responsibility on her shoulders was too heavy, Yin Yin’s expression was still a little uneasy.

  ”But I don’t have the ability…”

  Chu Guang said comfortingly.

  ”You don’t need to have it. You just need to stay where they can see you. The rest can be left to that Frost. It has been observing us for a long time. I believe it should have some abilities that I don’t know about.”

  ”…I understand.” Yin Yin pondered for a long time, nodded heavily, looked at him and said seriously, “I…plan to stay!”

  Looking at the child’s serious expression, Chu Guang was a little surprised.

  ”Have you thought about it?”

  ”Well, I have thought about it. It was my father who made them become like that, right? Whether it is the lamb or the people in the manor… If it is really as you said, I will take responsibility to watch over them for a while before they are willing to go out.”

  Yin Yin smiled a little lonely.

  ”Besides…my time has stopped anyway, this is the only meaningful thing I can do.”

  ”…I will tell Han Shuang about your decision, it should be very happy with your choice.” Chu Guang looked at her, nodded silently, turned around and left this pure white space.


  Leaving the infirmary and returning to the corridor, Chu Guang was about to return to the captain’s room when Xiao Qi’s pleasant voice suddenly came from his ears.

  ”Master, Yin Fang has news for you.”

  It should be the results of the research on the batch of black boxes.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang stopped by the porthole in the corridor.

  ”Connect me.”


  As soon as Xiao Qi’s voice fell, a light blue holographic window appeared in front of him.

  Looking at Chu Guang, who was fine, Yin Fang said with a beaming eyebrow.

  ”The black boxes you provided me are very interesting! Although they are completely broken, I have unearthed some unrecorded history about Singularity City through those antiques!”

  ”In the early days of the Wasteland Era, they should have used ‘synthetic nutrients’ to meet their food needs. That was probably the predecessor of nutrient paste. However, perhaps because the local climate recovered faster, the nutrient paste synthesis technology was not developed locally, but was inherited by Boulder City 800 kilometers away.”

  ”Later, Singularity City replaced the nutrient with algae culture dishes that have higher nutrient production efficiency and lower energy requirements, and then insects… These foods have one characteristic, which is that they are not so easy for people to accept. Especially algae and insects, although the yield is higher than that of glucose and protein synthesis, the products often need to undergo secondary conversion and processing before they can be served on people’s tables.”

  ”I think this may be their motivation for seeking mutant technology, at least one of the motivations. A stomach that can digest everything does help improve the probability of survival in the wasteland, but unfortunately the other problems derived from it overwhelm them.”

  Compared with the spoils harvested by the Iron Heart, he was more interested in the history of Singularity City, although this time he did not dig up the coffee machine that interested him the most.

  Chu Guang was interested in something else.

  ”Can those black boxes be repaired?”

  The excited expression faded instantly, and Yin Fang shook his head in embarrassment.

  ”It’s almost impossible… The difficulty of making black boxes is not in technology, but in industrial conditions. It is not something that can be repaired with a wrench and a screwdriver. It only belongs to the era two hundred years ago.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  He had expected this in his heart, but he was not very disappointed.

  ”Then send it to the museum.”


  Perhaps thinking that he was completely useless, Yin Fang felt a little sorry, so he added another sentence at the end.

  ”Although the black box cannot be repaired, the nutrient synthesis technology and algae cultivation technology used by Singularity City are still interesting. I will try to recycle the recyclable parts… If you plan to build a space station in the sky in the future, these technologies will definitely be useful.”

  That kind of thing will happen in who knows how long.

  Chu Guang said with a smile.


  Yin Fang smiled and scratched the back of his head.

  ”You’re welcome… By the way, what’s the noise over there? Why is it so noisy?”

  Chu Guang glanced in the direction of the infirmary and saw a few familiar faces, so he said casually.

  ”Your juniors are more noisy.”

  Yin Fang was stunned and didn’t react.

  ”My juniors?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”The D-level researcher sent by the academy to help us is a little girl.”

  Before, Ye Shi was paralyzed from the waist down in order to hold the falling Viper transport plane. His good brother originally planned to help him unplug the power of the ICU, but the girl was guarding him and he didn’t find a chance to do it.

  Later, the girl applied to use the operating table in the infirmary and the equipment recycled by the research institute, and asked for some bionic prostheses from the research ship, as if she was planning to nurse Ye Shi back.

  Chu Guang readily agreed because he thought it was very interesting.

  Now it seems that the operation is done?

  Yin Fang raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

  ”Wait, why am I a senior? I’m also D-level, I’m not old!”

  Chu Guang laughed when he heard this, and happened to see a pop-up window pop up in the lower right corner of the holographic screen, so he said with a smile.

  ”There’s a call. Let’s talk later.”

  ”See you later. Go ahead and do your work.”

  Yin Fang wanted to argue about this issue, but was worried that he would delay the guy’s work, so he ended the call.

  As Chu Guang pressed the connect button again, a head of fiery red hair appeared on the other side of the holographic image. The

  heroic eyebrows were moving up and down a little uneasily. Seeing the video window suddenly connected, Xia Yan hurriedly stopped fiddling with her bangs, coughed and said.

  ”Are you… busy?”

  Looking at Xia Yan’s nervous face, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  ”Just finished, what’s up?”

  This guy would occasionally call him, and his usual behavior was normal. For some reason, he was so nervous this time.

  Hearing that he was not busy, Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, cleared his throat and said.

  ”…Didn’t you say last time that it would be great if I could build you a power armor? I don’t remember the exact words, but that’s what you meant! You must have said that! So I spent some time on it, anyway… I tried to build one.”

  The moment Chu Guang heard this, he was stunned.

  What the hell?

  Is this true?!

  Seeing Chu Guang’s stunned expression, Xia Yan thought he didn’t believe it, so she quickly explained.

  ”Originally, it wasn’t something particularly mysterious. The most technologically advanced thing was the miniaturized cold fusion reactor… Can’t the black box in Shelter No. 79 produce that thing? I used the ‘Hippo-2’ portable reactor as the power core, and designed a similar heavy armor based on the power system and armor layout of the T-10 Champion Power Armor of the People’s Alliance Army… The experts at Camp No. 101 also helped a little.”

  ”No, but after all, it was made in my spare time. The performance in all aspects is definitely not as good as the pre-war equipment, but it’s not a big problem to use it. You can see if you can use it when you have time. If you can’t use it, it doesn’t matter if you throw it in the warehouse. Anyway, I didn’t spend much time-”

  Chu Guang, who came to his senses, immediately interrupted her and said happily.

  ”Great! Thank you! This is the best news I’ve heard today!”

  Startled by his sudden reaction, Xia Yan was stunned and whispered.


  Chu Guang nodded with a happy smile on his face.

  ”Do I have to lie to you? But I am a little surprised. I didn’t expect you to have this ability!”

  Xia Yan was a little embarrassed by the praise. A shy smile appeared on her face. She rubbed the back of her head with her right hand holding the welding gun.

  ”…What are you talking about? I am very capable. Don’t forget that I have always repaired my equipment myself.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I know, and you have helped us repair a lot. There are still a bunch of bullets you rubbed with your hands in the warehouse of the shelter.”

  ”Hehe.” Xia Yan’s expression became more embarrassed, and her smile became more and more exaggerated, gradually changing.

  ”Because I can’t shoot it out, I keep it.”

  Seeing this guy’s complacent look, Chu Guang couldn’t help but tease her, but he didn’t expect her reaction to be greater than he imagined.

  ”!! Can’t fire?! How can it be impossible not to fire! Where are those bullets?”

  ”It’s just a joke, don’t get excited,” looking at Xia Yan’s anxious and red face, Chu Guang coughed lightly, put away his smile and said solemnly, “On behalf of Shelter 404, thank you for your research results! I will immediately arrange for someone to assist you in testing.”

  ”… Don’t be like this, it makes me nervous, and this is an experimental machine, it has not been tested on the battlefield yet.” Xia Yan muttered softly, rubbing the welding gun in her hand with her index finger, and suddenly regretted telling him so hastily.

  What’s that saying?

  The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

  Although she learned some knowledge of the Prosperous Era in Shelter 101, she has been enrolled for less than a year after all.

  Even if the virtual reality learning device helped her extend the actual learning hours, even if she herself had some experience in mechanics, it still couldn’t change the fact that she was still a half-baked level.

  But Chu Guang didn’t care.

  Half a bottle of water is still water, the Alliance has a lot of equipment, and players don’t mind having one more.

  Even if it is not as good as the “Champion” and “Dragoon”, it is also a nuclear-powered individual armor, and it is also very good as a mobile power bank.

  ”The experimental machine is also very good! It is more difficult to break through from 0 to 1 than from 1 to 10. It just so happens that I have a batch of nuclear fuel here, and I can verify your design immediately. Just modify the inappropriate parts. We can wait!”

  Looking at the surprised Xia Yan, Chu Guang smiled and continued.

  ”By the way, I am actually more surprised by your changes than the power armor itself.”

  Xia Yan asked a little awkwardly.

  ”Have I changed a lot?”

  Chu Guang sighed with emotion.

  ”That’s really too much! In the past, I had to coax you to do a little work.”

  Perhaps thinking of the past, Xia Yan’s face turned red, but soon he bared his teeth in dissatisfaction.

  ”You call that coaxing? No, if I don’t work, throw me out… Do you think this is what people say?”

  Chu Guang laughed when he heard it, and didn’t care at all.

  ”Same here, same here. Aren’t you also imagining that I’m carrying you back to the shelter because I’m planning to have a baby with you?”


  Xia Yan’s face instantly turned into a lantern, and her ears seemed to be spewing hot air. She let out a strange cry and reached out to turn off the holographic screen.

  When she thought of the embarrassing things that happened when they first met, embarrassment crawled all over her body. She held her head with both hands, her ten fingers seeping into her hair, and she wanted to find a time crack on the table full of tools, parts and drawings to drill into and go back to the past to start over again.

  ”This guy…”

  How long ago was that!

  Is it fun to be so entangled? !


  if he is really that kind of person.

  The ten fingers stuck in the hair bent unconsciously, and the fiery red color did not change at all, but the embarrassment that crawled all over the body turned into an uncomfortable numbness.

  It feels…

  a bit strange.

  ”Work, work…”

  Xia Yan, who realized that something was wrong, hurriedly shook her head and decided to stop that weird idea and not think about it anymore.

  At the same time, Chu Guangzheng was scratching his cheek with his index finger, looking at the holographic screen that was turned off with a snap.

  ”Isn’t it a bit inappropriate to joke like this?”

  He reflected a little and realized that it was indeed not a good idea to bring up the past.

  Besides, that guy just lost a leg, and was taken away by a group of strange wastelanders and carried back with his equipment, so it was understandable that he was afraid.

  Xiao Qi’s voice came from the side.

  ”Xiao Qi thinks that the key to the problem may not be a joke…”

  Chu Guang sighed, not being completely unaware of this.

  ”That’s true.”

  Just when he was about to put the matter aside, a shrill howl came from the direction of the infirmary.



  Chu Guang was slightly stunned. He didn’t understand what the brother who was howling like a wolf was calling out. He only understood that it was the call of the player.

  But soon, the voice that came from there immediately answered the confusion in his heart.

  ”You guy… you really don’t know what’s good for you! I spent so much effort to finally save you! Is this how you thank me???”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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