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Chapter 616 You Can’t Use It Anyway

Chapter 616 You Can’t Use It Anyway


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 616 You won’t need it anyway

  . Infirmary.

  Jiang Xuezhou’s eyes were wide with dark circles, her face flushed, staring at a guy who was barking.

  In order to build a more powerful body for this guy, she used up one-third of her G-point savings!

  But the first thing this guy did after waking up was not “holding her thighs with gratitude, crying and shouting that he would spend the rest of his life to repay Miss Jiang Xuezhou’s kindness”, but an inexplicable “Gaia”.

  She didn’t understand what he was calling, but she knew from his expression that this guy was disgusted with his masterpiece.

  Thinking of this, her fists became harder, and veins on her forehead were about to pop.

  At this moment, Ye Shi, who was standing next to the cryogenic hibernation chamber, had no idea about Jiang Xuezhou’s psychological activities. He was staring at the body in the mirror, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

  In order to cure his “hemiplegia”, a D-level researcher from a certain college first planned to replace his spine, but later found that replacing the spine alone was useless. His organs were basically exhausted, so he was replaced with a bionic heart, kidneys, and digestive organs.

  In fact, up to this point, he was able to get up and down from the “ICU”, but the D-level researcher who kept improving was still not satisfied with his work.

  Although he was able to move, his body coordination was still lacking.

  So, in order not to affect his daily life, she made a little change and installed a bionic chip with a built-in motion enhancement plug-in in his cerebellum.

  The bionic chip was arranged, and it would be a waste of extra computing power if he didn’t install some weapons, so she had another idea and installed a weapon control plug-in on the bionic chip, and then gritted her teeth and spent G points to order a set of high-power capacitors and a high-power current generator installed in the hand.

  This is an incredible good thing.

  Xiao Wang was reluctant to install it.

  With the computing power of the bionic chip, he can not only manipulate the treacherous and changeable electric current with his hands, fire arcs powerful enough to penetrate the air at close range, but also use his arms as magnetic rails to launch electromagnetic projectiles with power comparable to conventional rifle bullets!

  The energy consumed by this device is obviously not something that can be supplied by bioelectric current.

  So she built a piece of solid hydrogen battery in his waist that can be slowly replenished by bioelectric current and can also be connected to an external inflatable interface.

  In this way, even if he is completely unarmed and does not use any weapons, he can have half the combat

  power of “Xiao Wang”. The only flaw is the defense.

  After all, even after so many modifications, this guy’s body can still be considered a human being.

  However, can a genius D-level researcher tolerate defects in his masterpiece?

  The answer is obviously not.

  It took almost no time to entangle. Jiang Xuezhou, who had already opened up his pattern, did not hesitate to chop off his hands again, replacing almost all of his bones with stronger titanium alloys, installing electric-driven motors on his joints, and replacing the flesh and blood around some organs with polymer substances that can absorb kinetic energy damage.

  In this way, even if he did something crazy like he did the night before, he wouldn’t have to worry about being paralyzed from the waist down.

  By the way, the original skin felt too rough, so he might as well change it to bionic skin.

  Since being taller would make him feel safer, she took the initiative to increase his height by 3 centimeters, making it just 178 cm.

  Then, after changing it over and over again…

  it became like this now.

  Ye Shi felt like he had become a bionic man, and it was a model customized according to the personal preferences of a certain NPC.

  Except for the “boyish and handsome” face that still belonged to him, there were not many original parts left in this body.

  In fact, this was nothing. After all

  , a game character is not a real body, so there is nothing wrong with changing the skin for fun.

  What really made him collapse was that when he opened his eyes, he was horrified to find that his little brother had disappeared!

  The entire digestive system and excretory organs were integrated into the eye at the back, and the dry and wet were separated and stored in two different compartments.

  Oh my god.

  He is the same as Garbage King!

  ”My condolences, brother.”

  ”I don’t think it’s a big deal. You won’t be able to use it anyway.”



  Lao Bai, Fang Chang, Kuang Feng and other friends standing by were still trying to hold back their laughter. Jiujiu was already squatting in the corner with her hands on her stomach in a very tasteless manner.

  Looking at Jiang Xuezhou whose face was as red as a monkey’s butt, Ye Shi thought that she had been helping him repair his body these days. In the end, he didn’t feel like finding fault and said with a bitter face.

  ”…Thank you!”

  Jiang Xuezhou sighed and said with a cold face.

  ”You don’t have to force it so much.”

  Ye Shi said with a smile.

  ”No…I don’t mean to force it. Thank you so much, but…why…there’s no need for that.”


  Jiang Xuezhou looked at him and folded his arms in dissatisfaction, “What do you mean there’s no need for that? I’ve installed everything that can be installed for you. What else are you dissatisfied with?”

  Ye Shi looked at her guiltily.

  ”No, no, no… there’s one more, maybe you forgot, that one, that one… ah ah ah! I’m so angry!”

  He usually talks too much nonsense, and can’t think of any elegant expression. He held it in for a long time but couldn’t say it, and covered his face uncomfortably.

  Jiang Xuezhou stared at him in confusion, frowning his eyebrows again and again, and his face was full of question marks. What

  stupid things is this guy talking about. If you are not satisfied with anything, just

  say it out loud!

  ”Anyway… whether you are satisfied or not, I have installed everything I can for you. After all, you did it to save me. If you sacrifice yourself like this, your parents and sister will be sad, right?”

  Glancing at Jiujiu, who was facing the corner of the wall with her shoulders twitching and squatting on the ground wiping her eyes, Jiang Xuezhou’s mouth stretched into a satisfied smile.

  Turning those sad tears into excited tears…

  It seems that his efforts have not been in vain.

  She hasn’t slept much these days, and her eyes are as dark as if they were covered with coal dust. She must make up for it later.

  ”What are you talking about? I did it for… woo woo—”

  Ye Shi was about to refute that he had done it mainly to save the plane, but before he could finish his words, his mouth was covered by a big hand that stretched out from the side.

  Skillfully catching the boy’s restless mouth, Fang Chang looked at Jiang Xuezhou and coughed lightly, saying with a hint of apology.

  ”Well, my brother got kicked in the head by a donkey when he was a kid, so sometimes he doesn’t think before he speaks. Please bear with me. I’m saying thank you on his behalf. He’s actually very excited. Who knows how he’ll be so proud of himself after a while, but he’s just too embarrassed to express it.” ”


  Ye Shi was still protesting with his eyes, while Jiujiu, who was squatting in the corner and had laughed enough, gave Fang Chang a thumbs up with sparkling eyes.

  Well done!

  ”You’re welcome, you’re welcome. It was me who held you back before… and caused you trouble.” Jiang Xuezhou, who was not good at dealing with such serious thanks, scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly.

  Fang Chang continued to speak politely on behalf of Ye Shi.

  ”It’s nothing. We also have areas we are not good at. There will be many opportunities to cause trouble to each other in the future. Besides, although this guy speaks without thinking, he is actually a good person… I’ll leave it to you in the future.”

  ”Yes!” Jiang Xuezhou nodded confidently and said with a flushed face, “Leave it to me!”

  The replacement and maintenance of parts are just a small matter for her. She will definitely not just ignore it after repairing it.

  Ye Shi, whose mouth was covered, couldn’t help but yell a few more times.

  He always felt that he was betrayed.

  Based on his understanding of Fang Chang, this guy must be thinking about smuggling high-tech equipment from the Wandering Swamp in his mind!

  Listening to the commotion in the infirmary, Chu Guang, who was standing at the door, showed an aunt-like smile and turned around and walked towards the captain’s room with confidence.

  Looking at the clear earth outside the string window and the rising sun floating on a pure sea of ​​clouds, he squinted his eyes slightly and smiled in a good mood.

  ”It’s good to be young.”

  At this time, Xiao Qi’s voice floated into his ears.

  ”The master is also very young.”

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”Of course! By the way, the time is almost up. Notify the crew to set off immediately. We should go home!”

  Xiao Qi replied with great enthusiasm.

  ”Got it!”

  At noon, the Iron Heart sounded the whistle. The crew was busy tying up the things on the deck, and then slowly put away the anchor chain hanging on the pod.

  Although the war between the Alliance and the Torch Church has not ended, the military operations against the Jinhe City area have officially come to an end. After that, the work in the area will focus on construction.

  After solving the wave, the Alliance will continue to move south until the Torch Church is completely eliminated from this land.

  At that time, Singularity City will serve as a logistics transportation hub from Dawn City to the front line. A steel railroad with a total length of nearly 800 kilometers has already started from Qingquan City.

  Since most of the Alliance’s railway construction workers are in Luoxia Province to build the western line that crosses the Lion Kingdom and the Honey Badger Kingdom and reaches Bicester Town, the construction workers of this railway are mainly workers from Boulder City, with a total number of nearly 3,000.

  According to the evaluation of the engineers of Boulder City, with the support of KV series exoskeletons and logistics trucks, the construction speed is expected to be between 10 and 15 kilometers per day on average. If the situation is optimistic, the entire construction period can be completed in June.

  The 2,000-man team of the First Corps will be responsible for ensuring the safety of these workers. At the same time, more than 1,000 players between levels 10 and 15 will be guided to this area by the task system to participate in patrols along the railway and clearing out alien nests and predator camps along the way.

  The order established by the alliance will spread further along the ever-extending railway.

  Although according to the evaluation of various departments such as the Ministry of Finance, the budget for this project is probably not a small amount, from a long-term perspective, this investment is definitely worthwhile.

  Moreover, the demand for steel generated by this infrastructure order will also help the steel mills in the Dawn City Industrial Zone to complete the transformation from military to infrastructure, and help the industrial zone of Boulder City get out of the shadow of bankruptcy not long ago.

  This will be another major infrastructure project planned by the alliance after the housing improvement projects in Dawn City and Boulder City.

  As for the resulting fiscal deficit, Chu Guang is not worried at all.

  Isn’t it just the beginning of the year?

  How can you worry about the deficit at the beginning of the year?

  The end of the year is still early!


  Ideal City.

  Kangmao Group Building.

  Eclipse, who rushed back to Ideal City from thousands of kilometers away, reported to Kang Le the whole story of Han Shuang’s appointment as the acting city lord of Singularity City.

  After listening to Eclipse’s report patiently, Kang Le, who was sitting behind his desk, suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”Did Han Shuang really say that?”

  Eclipse nodded.

  ”That’s what it said.”

  Eclipse was opposed to that guy’s presumptuous intervention in regional affairs.

  After all, Singularity City is too far away from the enterprise, and it is obviously a burden. It can’t see any benefit in acting as the city lord as a representative of Kangmao Group and the enterprise.

  Even if there is a benefit, it is from the alliance.

  Seeing that Kang Le was in an unexpectedly good mood, Eclipse couldn’t help but suspect that his value judgment system was malfunctioning, so he asked in confusion.

  ”Do you think this is good?”

  ”Are there any problems? I think it’s a progressive attempt to have AI manage the settlement. Even if it’s a little radical and immature, it’s worth encouraging.”

  Kang Le stood up from his desk and walked to the French window.

  Looking at the infinitely prosperous city outside the window, he squinted his eyes slightly, his vision was a little absent-minded.

  ”…It’s a pity that we can’t do something similar in Ideal City. Just letting the androids participate in public affairs has taken us a lot of effort.”

  To be honest, he envied the manager a little.

  All his resolutions can be implemented smoothly in the alliance, but some of his ideas have encountered considerable resistance even within the group.

  Not to mention at the board of directors.

  Eclipse looked at him puzzled.

  ”But the board of directors finally passed the resolution.”

  Kang Le nodded and said concisely.

  ”Yes, but this is not the crux of the problem. You should have noticed that the board of directors is not really against androids participating in public affairs. They are only against our dominance. In their opinion, this is even more dangerous than giving androids citizenship.”

  He knows those guys very well.

  Because Kangmao Group itself is like this.

  Their subsidiaries will go to the wasteland to film those predators wearing mining exoskeletons and holding G9 assault rifles, and use them as evidence at the board meeting that bad guys are using their technology to do evil, so as to put pressure on Changge Group to limit the business scope of those arms dealers.

  This is not because they are pacifists, nor because they are worried about the leakage of corporate technology. It is just to prevent the Changge Group from dominating the Ideal City and turning the five major groups into one large group, so that everyone is led by the arms dealers.

  As for weakening the power of the predators, increasing the armament of the civilized forces in the wasteland, reducing the intensity of regional conflicts within the sphere of influence, continuing the company’s advantages in key technologies, etc., all of these are just the benefits they generate in the game.

  Later, other groups gave in on issues related to the participation of bionic people in public affairs, not because the risks they had previously worried about suddenly disappeared, but because they got enough benefits from the exchange of interests and the game to continue to maintain the balance they expected.

  Kang Le agrees with the existing game mechanism of the Council, which helps companies find the “optimal solution in a relative sense” when seeking overall interests.

  A complete ban on arms exports will affect the economic benefits of companies and even weaken their armaments in the long run, but completely lifting restrictions will be a self-inflicted trouble.

  So they set up a white list to stipulate what can be sold to whom and how much each item can be sold. This white list is the product of the game.

  However, the problem is that it takes too much time!

  At this point, the existing game mechanism has become an obstacle.

  In order to balance the interests, the council has become more conservative in decision-making, and its attitude towards new things has changed from encouragement to obstruction.

  Ideal City is transitioning from an upward spiral to a downward spiral.

  Even if this trend has not yet been reflected in the intuitive data, as a member of the council, he has already smelled such a trend.

  In a word, it is.

  Their efficiency is too low!

  This is the case with threats from the Legion to the Torch Church.

  If their allies had not sent troops at the first time, the plague spread by the Torch Church might have caused the Jinchuan Province to fall… In fact, according to the feedback from the front line, the biological soldiers of the Torch Church once boarded the Iron Heart.

  Because of the slow response of the council, they almost lost their interests in the central region, and the group of lunatics who should have gone to hell 150 years ago almost succeeded!

  ”I have been committed to promoting the participation of bionic people in public affairs, but other groups have always been wary of our expansion, so it would be extremely difficult for us to take even one step forward… It’s not that Ideal City does not have the ability to breed new technologies. Our scholars are not inferior to the academy, either in terms of quality or quantity.”

  After a pause, Kang Le continued with his back to Eclipse.

  ”…but just like the academy laughed at us, we have been dawdling in the same place for too long. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is actually no difference between the prosperity of a century ago and the prosperity of today. The production methods of the past are still in use. I have reason to believe that it will be the same even if the cycle repeats for another century. The Pioneer was only a short-lived miracle, and the sad thing is that the legend of Shelter No. 0 has gone with the wind, and now even the dream that has led us forward is over.”

  ”Our citizens do not lack adventurous and pioneering spirit. The Pioneer is the best proof of this. It is not a product of the Council, even though it was the Council that cleaned up its mess in the end…but this just illustrates the problem. The citizens of Utopia are not afraid to sacrifice for their ideals. What hinders our progress is not our own conservatism, but the rules of the Council that naturally create a conservative atmosphere, which limits our progress.”

  Eclipse looked at him in confusion.

  ”So what do you expect?”

  ”I expect a radical change, allowing the ideal city to soar to a new dimension, just like we entered the prosperous era from the old era in the past. The technological opportunity has actually appeared, and the only obstacle is the council…”

  Kang Le was talking vividly, but suddenly thought of something and stopped talking with a light cough.

  ”It’s too early to talk about this now. I plan to start with the theoretical part and experiment little by little… For example, Singularity City is a good sociological experimental field.”

  ”I am looking forward to the results of Frost. If its results are amazing enough, we can promote it on a small scale in the Cloud Province, and then let this new wind blow into our city-state.”

  He did not intend to fully express his idea.

  After all, no tool can be called absolutely reliable, even AI that theoretically will never betray its master.

  After ending the topic hastily, Kang Le turned and looked at Eclipse.

  ”I’m aware of the situation in Singularity City. I’ll explain to the Council on behalf of Frost. You should take the nearest flight back as soon as possible. I’m worried about that guy staying there alone. You have to keep a closer eye on him to avoid messing things up.”

  ”Yes, sir.” Eclipse nodded slightly, turned and walked out the door.

  It knew its mission very well, but there was one thing it couldn’t figure out.

  Frost’s AI core was designed by this adult himself. Unlike itself, which was born on an assembly line, it was not a system generated by a template.

  Generally speaking, AI will more or less inherit some of the designer’s own characteristics, just like a child will inherit some of the characteristics of his parents.

  It’s no exaggeration to say that Frost should be like Mr. Kang Le’s right-hand man.

  In that case, why should he be worried about it?

  After pressing the elevator button, Eclipse shook his head as he looked at the gradually closing door.


  are really hard to understand.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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