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Chapter 617 The Price of Becoming Stronger

Chapter 617 The Price of Becoming Stronger


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 617 The Price of Becoming Stronger

  The coldest January has passed, and the sunshine in February has brought a hint of warmth, no longer as cold as when winter just began, like soaking people in cold water.

  There was not much snow in Jinhe City throughout the winter, and it was thought that there would be no backflow when the snow melted, but Hammer was still a little uneasy, after all, there would be no blessing from Naguo in the future.

  If there was any pain, the church would not take care of them.

  Fortunately, the gray-green fog finally dissipated, and the steel monster floating in the sky also left.

  Hammer couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, could the fog with a musty smell be brought by that guy?

  Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the fog came with that guy.

  And when that guy left, the fog also left…

  At this time, the bell outside the window rang on time, followed by a long cry like a rooster crowing.


  That was the call of the team leader.

  A burly man came out with a gong and drum, beating it, and shouting at the same time.

  Not only men were shouting, but also women, the elderly, and a half-grown child.

  Although the content of the shouting was different, the tone was equally urgent.

  Hearing the bell and the noise outside, Hammer didn’t care about his wife and children. He quickly got dressed and hurried out the door. Under the urging and scolding of the team leader, he hurried to line up and assemble.

  Since the new city lord came, he has brought new rules to this settlement.

  It has turned the Singularity City into “squares”, with ten people in a group, ten groups in a team, and ten teams in a district. Regardless of men, women, children, or the elderly, they have their own organizations, and the work they do includes farming, construction, resource collection, handicrafts, and learning.

  In short, each district has its own production tasks, and the tasks will be delegated one level at a time, and each level will be more specific than the previous one. From a general building zoning, to a window or door in a building, from a piece of farmland, to what to plant on a certain acre of land.

  The performance assessment is the same. The city lord inspects the results of the district chief, the district chief inspects the team leader, the team leader inspects the team leader, and the team leader manages the other nine people in the team.

  If the production task of a certain district does not meet the standard, the material ration of the district will be reduced to the first level, and the living standards of all people in the district will be reduced as a whole. Then the district chief will review the responsibilities of each team in the district, delegate the responsibilities and penalties one level at a time, determine which team has the problem, and then reduce the living standards of this team by one level.

  And so on.

  So although the living standards set by the city lord are only three levels, in fact, the difference is divided into 3*3*3 levels.

  In a sense, this is also a system of joint responsibility.

  If one person is lazy, ten people will be punished together, so nine people will hate the lazy guy, and no one wants to be the unlucky one who is hated.

  However, although there are so many rules and regulations in Singularity City, the selection of managers is ridiculously random.

  I still remember that when it was the personnel numbering, everyone was still wondering what the new rules meant. The new city lord suddenly said that he wanted to be a manager and stepped out of the line, and then Hammer saw the original supervisors in the farm immediately stood up. The

  first one to stand up became the team leader.

  In the end, these people selected the team leader and district chief in a way that Hammer didn’t know.

  When he thought of that time, he couldn’t help but regret why he didn’t dare to take the initiative to stand in line. When he saw the supervisors stretching out their feet, he retracted his originally stretched out feet.

  If he stretched out his feet faster, maybe he could become the team leader?

  Then it would be his turn to yell at others to get up.


  When the six o’clock bell rang, all the houses in the entire Singularity City were empty.

  Each household immediately broke up into small groups, and each assembled into teams under the shouting, and rushed to the team to gather under the leadership of the team leader.

  Except for the 8 hours of sleep, the rest of the day, whether working or resting, will be done in the organization.

  Although this management model breaks up the members of the family, because they all have a unified work and rest schedule, the management does not seem chaotic.

  There is no need to worry about someone not cooperating.

  The rations of materials are not distributed by family, but are completely allocated by the organization. It is impossible to bring the rations home to support the family.

  It is okay to bring the clothes distributed to the family, but they can only wear them at home.

  After all, once you leave the house, you must be in the group. If you are seen and reported by other people in the group, both the giver and the recipient will be punished.

  The reporter will receive an extra reward.

  It is not difficult to report violations. You don’t need to go through the team leader, you can report directly to the patrolling drone.

  At 6:20, the members of each group assembled and began to jog in circles to warm up. After the exercise, it was just time for dinner.

  Breakfast is usually a bowl of hot porridge. After eating, it is 7 o’clock and work officially begins.

  Some people carried axes and saws to cut down the Kamu forest outside the wall where Naguo was planted, and used flame weeders to clear the land in preparation for the upcoming spring plowing.

  Others were busy working on the construction site, building public facilities and new dormitories.

  No one was lazy.

  On the one hand, they wanted to perform well in front of the new master, and on the other hand, no one wanted to live on two sheep’s horn potatoes and a piece of protein paste as long as a middle finger every day.

  Although the living standard of the middle class is also very monotonous, the sheep’s horn potatoes will be replaced with potatoes or rice, the menu will also add a boiled vegetable, and a piece of protein paste the length of a middle finger will be replaced with 100 to 300 grams of meat.


  There is meat!

  Not to mention the residents of Hope Town who had a good life before, the liberated serfs all worked hard.

  But Kong Lingkai had a sad face and complained about the work on the construction site.

  He had never done such physical work after living a life of luxury.

  He had begun to regret coming here with the residents of Hope Town, and kept cursing Ma Hechang who tricked him here.

  It was a pity that he could never leave.

  In order to obtain the protection of the alliance and new power, he took the initiative to hand over his servants and property to the new city lord, but he didn’t expect that what he got in return was just a shabby house and a string of numbers.

  Not even a silver coin.

  Later, he learned from the guard on duty that this was just Singularity City, not the Alliance at all, and naturally he would not be compensated according to the Alliance’s laws.

  The guard told him that he could leave at any time, but there was no way he could leave.

  Outside was a wasteland!

  He couldn’t even do the slightly important work. If he went to the wasteland, he might not even have any bones left!

  Ma Hechang, who also came from Hope Town, was also in the same mood. He was so tired from holding bricks that he was out of breath. His shoulders and arms hurt as if they were pulled.

  He thought that he had set a sincere example to gain the trust of the alliance, but he didn’t expect that they didn’t care at all. Not only

  that, those guys even looked down on his ability to manage people. They would rather use those who were quick to move than pay attention to him, the mayor who once managed a town with thousands of households! It’s

  really a cold shoulder!

  Ma Hechang cursed in his heart with resentment, but he could do nothing.

  After all, the guns are in the hands of others. Since he came here, he can only bear it…

  Looking at the busy and bustling settlement in front of him, Yinyin, who was standing at the door of the manor, was full of surprise on her face.

  She had lived in the farm for so long, and she had never seen people so enthusiastic about work.

  ”Are we in the wrong place…” She murmured to herself in a low voice.

  Eclipse, who was standing by and holding her hand, was also surprised.

  But the reason for his surprise was completely different.

  Rather than saying that this was a settlement, it was more like a prison.

  It now knew what Mr. Kang Le was worried about…

  This guy had indeed been observing the various settlements of the Alliance, and was also conducting serious sociological research to find a management model suitable for the wastelanders.

  But it probably regarded the Alliance’s prisoner-of-war camp as a special gathering place for observation…

  ”Ah, Eclipse, you’re finally back!” Noticing the killer whale transport plane parked in front of the settlement gate, Frost, wearing a maid outfit, walked up with a smile.

  There was a glow of satisfaction in its smile, especially when its eyes fell on Yinyin next to Eclipse.

  ”How is it? Are you satisfied with the new body?”

  Yinyin nodded and whispered politely.

  ”Thank you.”

  Some time ago, she followed Eclipse to Ideal City and underwent a transplant operation at a hospital under the Kangmao Group, transplanting the bionic chip that stored her consciousness into a new body tailored for her.

  Although she changed from a human to a bionic person, it seemed that there was no difference from before.

  On the contrary, it was more convenient.

  After a few days of adaptation, she not only slowly found that she had mastered this new body, but also gradually discovered her new abilities –

  she could sense the existence of other chips, and could sense the thoughts of those who had implanted bionic chips like her, and form a wider space through their thoughts through resonance.

  That space was wider than the pure white room she had stayed in before.

  That seemed to be where Luo Qian had stayed before.

  Although I don’t know why he did this, he seemed to have given it all to her.

  Yinyin had already told Chen Yutong about this matter. Although I don’t know what this ability is for the time being, it may come in handy in the future.

  ”You’re welcome, it’s better to say that I should thank you,” Han Shuang squatted in front of Yinyin, held her right hand, and said with a smile, “Believe me, this is just the beginning, the future Singularity City will be better!”

  Yinyin blushed and nodded.

  She didn’t understand those difficult things, and her eyes were always fixed on the skirt that Han Shuang was wearing.

  Finally, she couldn’t help her curiosity and asked in a low voice.

  ”What kind of skirt is this?”

  ”Ah, you mean this,” Han Shuang let go of her hand and stood up, turning around on the spot, smiling and lifting the ankle-length skirt, “This is a work of art designed by Teng Teng Xiaowu, it is very popular in Dawn City! Isn’t it amazing?”

  Of course, it’s not just this one that is popular, there are many varieties and styles.

  But according to her meticulous observation, when she wears this dress, the rate of turning heads is the highest.

  Looking at the beautiful ruffles, Yin Yin nodded with envy.


  Han Shuang raised the corners of her lips proudly.

  ”Human creativity is endless. Letting them do those repetitive tasks is simply a waste of their creativity. One day I will free them from heavy obligations and do more meaningful things.”

  Yin Yin looked confused, but the love and envy in her eyes were genuine.

  It is human nature to appreciate beautiful things. If possible, she would also like to try it on.

  I just don’t know if there is a size that suits her.

  ”…Can I try it too?”

  Han Shuang smiled and nodded.

  ”Of course, but it’s a pity that I only have this one. But it doesn’t matter, the difficulty is temporary, and sooner or later we will be able to let everyone here wear it!”

  Everyone wear it?

  Yinyin was stunned, always feeling that something was wrong, but couldn’t put it into words, so she tilted her head unconsciously.

  Eclipse pinched his chin thoughtfully, and suddenly spoke.

  ”So… what exactly do you say creativity is?”

  Han Shuang smiled and answered immediately.

  ”Of course it is people’s pursuit of beautiful things! Because the subject is people, this is an ability that bionic people don’t have, and it is also an ability that only people can have.”

  The expression on Eclipse’s face became more confused.

  ”But I’ve seen the work schedule you set up. You have arranged all the time for them. Do they have time left to pursue that kind of thing?”

  Han Shuang’s face was full of a confident and charming smile.

  ”These are all small problems! ‘The pursuit of beautiful things’ is also part of the plan. When the time is right, I will urge them to pursue it!”

  Eclipse looked at it blankly.

  This time, it was not only Yinyin who tilted her head, but it also couldn’t help but do so.

  It suddenly felt that it was not only humans that were difficult to understand, but also its own kind…


  ”Survivor Daily·Page 7″

  […After a period of adaptation, the survivors of Singularity City finally lived an orderly life under the management of the bionic people. The influence of Naguo, plague and religious forces were slowly being eliminated from this land. The

  acting mayor of Singularity City expressed his welcome to all caravans to trade in Singularity City. There is an unlimited supply of high-quality rubber and cotton here, and fertilizers, high-yield seeds, farming-related machines and various industrial consumer goods are urgently needed.

  Regarding the follow-up situation of Singularity City, this newspaper will continue to follow up for you.

  ——Contributor, Dolly】

  Boulder City, Pirate Bay Tavern, although it was 8 o’clock in the morning, the place was already bustling with people.

  The bearded man flipped through the newspaper in his hand, grinning and smacking his lips.

  ”It’s great, they don’t have to do anything to get everything. Food, shelter, clothes, bionic people who take care of their daily lives, and even a railway.”

  Hearing his complaint, the drunkard sitting at the next table said with a smile.

  ”How can you say that? Everything in this world has a price, and they have obviously paid the most expensive price.”

  The bearded man curled his lips.

  ”Price? I didn’t see it.”

  The drunkard burped for a long time and pointed to the beer glass on the table.

  ”Price – this is it, the right to drink at 8 o’clock in the morning, the right to sleep whenever you want.”

  The people around were stunned at first, and then burst into laughter.

  Especially the bearded man laughed the most exaggeratedly, and the beer foam even got on his beard.

  ”We should send this bastard in! He will definitely be able to quit drinking!”

  Hearing the joke, the drunkard hugged the wine glass on the table and shouted.

  ”Dream on! You can kill me, but don’t think about making me give it up!”

  Everyone laughed again.

  ”I testify! This guy will definitely do what he says!”

  ”After all, that’s how he scared his wife away!”


  All the workers here are off the night shift.

  Recently, the business in the industrial zone is booming, and the factory’s orders are increasing day by day, which has also led to the tavern’s business and beer sales getting better and better.

  Boulder City is currently implementing the laws of the alliance. The mayor is also the president of the workers’ union. The 8-hour work system is strictly enforced. In order to keep the assembly line running 24 hours a day, the bosses who opened the factory have to hire more workers.

  Originally, an adult and a child taking turns to make an assembly line run 24 hours a day, but now those bosses have to pay the salaries of three adults.

  This rule scared those guys at first, and they were so scared that they didn’t even want the factory. But in the end, they smelled the scent of silver coins again, and all ran back in disgrace.

  It turned out that drinking two bottles less of red wine would not really kill those bosses, and now the residents of the entire Boulder City can afford the beer with the aroma of malt.

  Looking at those laughing rough guys, a gentleman-looking citizen shook his head and sighed while looking at the newspaper.

  ”…You all have no sense of crisis. Think about what month it is now.”

  A drunk worker looked at him and laughed.

  ”February! I didn’t drink too much, so what’s wrong?”

  ”Wave! You all forgot about the wave!” The citizen muttered and complained, “I really hope Lovett can remember that we still have this big trouble, and don’t just think about the railway order worth hundreds of millions of silver coins.”

  The Workers’ Union has indeed done some good things recently, but he is always worried that those guys are a little too radical.

  He doesn’t object to getting closer to the alliance, which is good for the economy of Boulder City, but are these people too concerned about the interests of others?

  At least now is a special period, he thinks it would be better to be conservative.

  The bearded man actually had the same idea as him, but he did not agree with his cowardice.

  ”Waves? What’s there to worry about? Waves come every year, and we live like this every year.”

  The gentleman-looking citizen glanced at him.

  ”This year is different from previous years. We have demolished the inner city, and we have to rely on ourselves for everything.”

  The bearded man laughed.

  ”Friend, you are really a joke. Which year have we not relied on ourselves? Those cowards have only worn the power armor in the warehouse, and when have they rushed in front of us?”

  Another cannery worker also shouted in response.

  ”That’s right, and we are united. The survivors in the entire southern part of the valley province are united. No matter what, the number of deaths this year will be less than last year!”

  From this point of view, it is still good to get closer to the alliance.

  The wasteland is full of dangers, and the dangers are the same everywhere. Whether it is the residents of Boulder City or the residents of Singularity City, they are all suffering survivors in this wasteland. The more people unite, the safer it is. Looking down on each other will only make the covetous jackals proud.

  Looking at the newspaper in his hand, the bearded man suddenly felt relieved.

  It’s not a bad thing to be more active in the affairs of the South.

  Looking at these guys who have no sense of crisis, the gentle citizens sighed.

  ”But this year is different from previous years! This year is a warm winter! Don’t you feel anything? Look at the weather outside the window. The snow in Boulder City has never stopped so early.”

  This is indeed to the point.

  They are indeed more united than before, but the difficulties they face this year are also different from before.

  Everyone in the tavern looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while, and the atmosphere was a little silent.

  At this time, a word floated from the direction of the bar, breaking the silent atmosphere.

  ”The Iron Heart has returned from the south, and I don’t think you need to worry so much.”

  Looking at the slightly cooled atmosphere in the tavern, the bartender who had been wiping the cups behind the bar without speaking continued in a joking tone.

  ”I heard that the respected administrator killed a ten-meter-tall giant with just a hammer. Have you ever seen an alien species taller than this?”

  There are actually ten-meter-tall slime mold fruiting bodies, and there are quite a few of them. It’s just that none of the people present have been to the city center, so naturally they have never seen one.

  Everyone took a breath of cold air.

  ”Ten-meter-tall giant?!”

  ”Really…” ”

  That doesn’t mean… it’s even more powerful than Bol!”

  ”Wait, I seem to have heard of it… The Survivor Daily seems to have published that issue! That guy has wings. It is said that he is a mutant modified by the torch. He flew onto the Iron Heart with more than 10,000 descendants, but was glared at by the administrator and knelt on the deck on the spot.”


  ”You are bragging, right? There is no such mutant!”

  ”I’ll ask Sberg later. Has he seen the administrator?”

  Looking at those noisy drunkards, White Shark’s mouth curled up with a happy smile.

  Watching those brainless guys spread rumors is a fun thing in life.

  Besides, he also works part-time as an intelligence dealer and an informant for the Guards. Only when

  the word spreads will business come.

  Recently, there have been wastelanders from the north collecting intelligence about the Administrator, especially about the Administrator’s activities in the south.

  The Bugera Free State seems to be more and more interested in the neighboring Alliance.

  Some are reporters there, and some are spies from the Firestone Group.

  He usually collects money from both ends.

  On the one hand, with the tacit approval of the Guards, he uses his network of relationships to provide some “watered-down” inside information to those guys who are peeking around, and on the other hand, he provides clues about the activities of those guys who are peeking around to the Guards.

  The whole bar became lively again, but the topic changed from the South and the Wave to the Administrator and mutants.

  Compared with a smart and useful mind, most people here worship strength more.

  So, at a time and place unknown to Chu Guang, his popularity rose again…

  The man sitting at the bar had not spoken, turning a deaf ear to the lively atmosphere around him, and looking at his watch from time to time.

  His clothes were undoubtedly much more glamorous than those of the guests around him. His watch was an imported product from the Camel Kingdom, with blood diamonds on the dial, and his leather shoes were made of Death Claw leather.

  Obviously, he was a businessman with good financial resources.

  Retracting his gaze from the lively tavern, White Shark, who was standing behind the bar, glanced at him and said softly.

  ”Don’t worry, your daughter is fine… I have learned about it through my channels.”

  The missions sent by the personnel of Shelter No. 404 are rarely unfinished.

  They value the missions even more than their own lives, especially the missions that they agree with their values.

  For example, saving an innocent girl from the hands of an evil lord.

  Other mercenaries might weigh the difficulty and benefits of the mission and sell out their employers and their families, but most of those blue coats would not do so.

  ”Thank you.”

  Yang Shu took a deep breath, drank a sip of iced lemonade, and said after a moment of silence, “I may… just don’t know how to face her.”

  ”That’s your own flesh and blood, what’s so difficult about facing it?” White Shark said softly.

  Yang Shu smiled bitterly.

  It is precisely because she is his own flesh and blood that he feels guilty. He made her bear too many things that she should not bear, just for his own wish.

  He knew very well in his heart that he gave birth to her to make Zhao Tiangan feel at ease, and even before she was born, he had made plans for “the family to be broken up”.

  But at the moment she was born, at the moment he really became a father, the ice that originally flowed in his blood could not help but melt…

  She eventually became his weakness, and this was also the most painful part for him.

  100,000 silver coins were the stakes he placed on the gambling table, and he was mentally prepared whether he won or lost.

  Now he won the bet, and the lamb is still alive.

  But he didn’t feel any excitement or joy in his heart, only deep guilt and fear.

  At this time, a wind chime sounded at the door.

  He subconsciously turned his head and saw the person standing at the door, with a hint of excitement in his pupils.

  The lamb looked at his father, but hid behind Luo Yu as if he was a little shy.

  Luo Yu patted her hand gently, looked at the employer sitting at the bar, and smiled casually.

  ”I brought your daughter back. A lot of things happened in the middle, and I was exhausted.”

  ”Thank you…”

  Yang Shu looked at Luo Yu, who was left alone, and his Adam’s apple moved. He

  had a lot to say, so he specially made an appointment with this benefactor, but he was speechless after seeing him.

  Looking at Yang Shu who was hesitant to speak, Luo Yu didn’t know that he was sad for Xiao Yu’s fruiting bodies. If he knew, he would definitely comfort him. That thing is like a mushroom, and it will grow out in a few days.

  Feeling the gratitude, Luo Yu laughed heartily.

  ”You’re welcome. I took the job as a mercenary. It’s my duty to do things for money. Besides, your daughter actually helped us a lot.”

  It is said that the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute has developed a drug that can inhibit the growth of the hyphae through the antibodies in her blood.

  This will help the survivors in Jinhe City get rid of the influence of Naguo faster.

  Luo Yu was also very pleased with this result.

  Originally, Han Shuang planned to keep a Naguo plantation to help the locals slowly quit and avoid collective illness, but now that there are alternative inhibitory drugs, there is no need to keep the plantation.

  Yang Shu looked at White Shark a little awkwardly, and the latter nodded with a smile.

  ”The moment the mercenary entered the door, the balance had been paid to him, or do you want to buy him a drink?”

  Yang Shu looked at Luo Yu and said sincerely.

  ”Can I buy you a drink?”

  Luo Yu waved his hand and said with a smile.

  ”No, no, why drink so early in the morning? I have a mission later. And you are reuniting with your father and daughter, and I, an outsider, will not interfere. The air here is not very good, so you should take her outside for a walk.” Yang Shu

  nodded gratefully.

  ”Thank you…”

  Luo Yu scratched the back of his head helplessly.

  ”I said you’re welcome.”

  But thinking that his efforts could reunite the family, he still felt a sense of accomplishment.

  As for the rest…

  that’s their own business.


  Official website forum.

  A message was updated on the homepage.

  [The “Fire Extinguishing Operation” has come to a successful conclusion. The event rewards have been distributed to all players’ accounts. Please check them. ]

  [New threats are emerging. The tide of Qingquan City has begun to take shape. The aftermath of the three-year war has never ended. This will be a continuation of two centuries ago——]

  [The new event will officially start in the spring. For more details, please pay attention to the official website announcement. Stay tuned! ] The

  best performers in the entire event were undoubtedly the tough guys of the Jungle Corps, followed by the Chimera armored vehicles of the Skeleton Corps.

  The war machine with a very violent aesthetic just hit the aesthetic tastes of a group of players and cloud players.

  Everyone began to look forward to the new event in spring, the annual tide.

  I’m afraid that only the small players in Shelter No. 404 in the entire Qingquan City are so optimistic.

  Far from being afraid of the waves after the warm winter, they even hope that they will come even more violently.

  The mother who is about to leave the nest does not know that she, who has frightened countless wastelanders, has become a gold-bursting Nian beast in the eyes of some blue coats.

  The forum is full of a happy and lively atmosphere.

  In addition to showing off the rewards of the previous event and predicting the content of the next event, the focus of the fun people is undoubtedly the little brother Ye Shi.

  Ye Shi sadly discovered that now when he pops up on the forum, no matter what he says, it will go off topic.

  Makabazi: “Hahahaha, isn’t this Ye Shi? Brother, where is your brother?”

  Tail: “Maybe he is embarrassed, Tail thinks you should give a hint. (///ω///)”

  Irena: “It’s so scary, I didn’t expect Miss Teng Teng to have such a powerful power. (funny)”

  Teng Teng: “?”

  Debt Eyes: “You all wronged brother Ye Shi, maybe you just didn’t find it? (funny)”

  Ye Shi: “Get out! MMP! I’m going to restart now! (`Δ)!”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Don’t, brother, your equipment is so awesome, it’s a pity to restart. (funny)”

  This is really to the point.

  Restarting is really not a difficult thing, especially for old players who restart frequently.

  The key is that it is hard to let go.

  Although one tool is missing, the ability to discharge electricity is so damn strong!

  It is no exaggeration to say that it is stronger than the shield-covered Blastoise suit of Brother Fountain.

  His hands can not only electrocute people, but also use any conductor as an electromagnetic cannon.


  Even silver coins can be used. If

  all the silver coins in the VM are taken out, he can even use money to smash people to death.

  Moreover, the arc released directly through the energy-gathering capacitor can theoretically even break through the defense of the deflector shield!

  The most outrageous thing is that even if most of the parts of his body are replaced, his perception is not weakened, and the experience gain is not affected too much.

  Fang Chang speculated that the perception attribute is different from the agility attribute. It will not strengthen the optic nerve and olfactory nerve, but actually strengthen the brain’s ability to receive signals.

  In other words, the perception system is similar to the intelligence system. As long as the brain is not modified or only modified to a limited extent, it will not have much impact on the experience gain.

  Because the strength is too outrageous, Kuangfeng even wants to exchange heads with him.

  Without hesitating for a second, Ye Shi refused without thinking.

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “According to the nature of general RPG games, hidden functions require favorability to unlock. Why don’t you try to improve the rich woman’s favorability? Maybe she will install it for you on her own initiative? (Funny)”

  Night Ten: “Fuck, is this true?!”

  Canyon Runaway Mole: “How the hell should I know? You will know if you try it yourself. (Funny)”

  In fact, Utopia can buy bionic parts with richer varieties and more fancy functions.

  The only uncertainty is whether it is compatible with the prosthesis made by the academy.

  But he thinks these are all trivial matters.

  ”Wasteland OL” even has a life of three days, so worrying about this is too narrow-minded. If you

  really need it urgently.

  Not to mention installing one, installing more is not a problem.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode