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Chapter 62 You Saved Our Whole Family

Chapter 62 You Saved Our Whole Family


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 62 You saved our whole family

  Chu Guang didn’t really notice what expression Yaya had when she stepped into the mutant leech’s nest.

  But when she appeared at the door of the warehouse with a large bag of mushrooms, her face was always filled with joy.

  Looking at the blue mushrooms stuffed into a sack, Chu Guang’s tone couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

  ”So many?”

  Yaya nodded vigorously, panting, and said with a chuckle.

  ”I went in three times! I almost got bitten, eh hey.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Three times? !

  This is too brave.

  Anyway, he didn’t dare.

  After weighing, a sack of mushrooms weighed a total of 70 kilograms.

  This number far exceeded Chu Guang’s expectations.

  According to his original estimate, he could pick about 40 to 50 kilograms at most, but he didn’t expect her to actually get 70 kilograms.

  ”A total of 560 copper coins, equivalent to 56 silver coins. In addition, there are 700 contribution points…”

  Would I give too much?

  Forget it.

  After all, it was earned by others at the risk of their lives.

  Hearing the numbers read out by the manager, Ya Ya jumped up excitedly and waved his fists excitedly.


  ”I’m rich, hahaha!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Although I’m an NPC, can you find a place where no one is excited?

  The thickness of a silver coin is less than 2 mm, and 50 pieces are bundled into a stack of about 9 to 10 cm, which is just a drop in the ocean compared to the small treasury of the shelter.

  After receiving the reward, Ya Ya happily hummed a song and left, while Chu Guang, who was standing at the door of the warehouse, was stroking his chin and thinking in his heart.

  The richest players at present are probably Lao Bai, Fang Chang and others. Their strength and understanding of the game are almost the first echelon among the players.

  They have been hunting during this period, and have almost figured out the areas with the highest prey activities nearby. The daily income has increased from 52 silver coins to a maximum of 100. Even if the income from hunting is unstable, they should have saved a lot of money in the past few days.

  For safety reasons, Chu Guang checks the players’ lockers every day.

  If nothing unexpected happens, the Cattle and Horses Squad should be able to save up 200 silver coins today and raise funds to buy the land closest to the resurrection point.

  In addition to them, the deposits of other players are also rising steadily. Even if some of them are consumed when buying wooden weapons, iron weapons, leather armor, cold-resistant coats, tools and food, the players with the least deposits basically have more than 10 silver coins.

  ”Maybe we should update the ‘bank’ function.”

  This will not only save the players’ storage space, but also give them the silver coins they have saved.

  The more Chu Guang thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, and he immediately took out the small notebook in his pocket and wrote it down.

  When there is a chance, this function must be arranged!


  While storing the mushrooms in the warehouse, Chu Guang also counted the inventory in the warehouse.

  Excluding the part consumed by the trade with the merchants in Honghe Town, the remaining smoked meat is close to 700 kilograms. After deducting daily consumption, about 100 to 200 kilograms can be stored every day, and more than half of them are contributed by the Cattle and Horses Squad.

  Today is already the 20th.

  If luck is not too bad, the inventory should be increased to 2,000 kilograms by the end of the month. Half of it can be exchanged for grains and potatoes, which can be exchanged for at least 5 tons.

  According to the calculation that each person consumes 4 taels of meat and 7 taels of rice per day, 1,000 kilograms of air-dried meat is enough for 100 people for 50 days, and 5 tons of grain is enough for 100 people for 142 days.

  Of course, these are all ideal conditions. It is not surprising that the actual situation deviates from the theoretical estimate by more than 20%. After all, the amount of food consumed is related to the amount of exercise. The more work you do, the faster you get hungry. When there is no work to do, one meal a day is fine.

  ”… If the number of closed beta testers is to be increased to 100, the theoretical estimated food reserves must be doubled. Especially meat… It would be great if we could hunt prey in winter. If we can’t hunt prey, it will be troublesome.”

  But think about it from another angle, maybe we don’t need so much food?

  When it is too cold, there is no need for everyone to be online, or even online every day.

  If it is in a dormant state, the materials consumed by the clone will be greatly reduced, and it can even go without food for 7 consecutive days.

  It’s just that the players may not be happy to not work for such a long time, and they will definitely complain on the official website again.

  But Chu Guang has also thought of a countermeasure. When the time comes, just say “server maintenance” and it will be OK.

  What server is not maintained?

  This makes sense.

  Looking at the account book in his hand, Chu Guang was thinking about the future of the shelter, and at this moment, a player trotted in from outside.

  ”Mr. Manager, there are natives!”


  Chu Guang, who moved his eyes away from the account book, was slightly stunned.

  Sun Shiqi just left, it’s impossible for him to come back again, right?

  Could it be someone else?

  After returning the account book to the player who served as the warehouse manager, Chu Guang looked at the player who reported the news to him and asked.

  ”How many people are there, and from which direction?”

  ”South! There are two men and a girl!”


  Hearing this direction, Chu Guang probably guessed who the people who came were…


  The south gate of the outpost.

  The old man with wrinkles on his face and wearing an animal fur coat looked up at the concrete wall that was hundreds of meters wide, and his cloudy pupils were full of shock and surprise.

  It seemed that the last time he came to Linghu Wetland Park was two years ago.

  The scavengers on Bette Street mainly explored in the south. Unless they were hunting, they rarely went north along the elevated road out of the city. After all, there might be predators who robbed passing caravans there.

  As for Linghu Wetland Park, it was probably a blind spot that both scavengers and hunters would miss.

  There were not many prey to hunt and not much garbage to pick up here, and almost no survivors would visit here on purpose.

  I didn’t expect that someone would build a survivor base in this forest!

  Although the three-meter-high concrete wall looked a little shorter, it was brand new and solid. Compared with the patched-up broken wall on Bette Street, the sense of security was much higher.

  Near the gate of the wall, there were some shelter residents wearing blue coats.

  The old man plucked up his courage and shouted.

  ”I’m here to see your manager.”

  No one responded to him.

  Those people just looked at him, whispering to each other in a not very polite manner, and it was hard to tell whether their eyes were filled with kindness or malice.

  It seems…

  more like pure curiosity?

  ”…Are you sure it’s here?”

  The old man looked at his second son next to him, with some hesitation in his eyes.

  Carrying a large package on his back, Yu Hu nodded vigorously in the face of his father’s questioning eyes, and said in a firm tone.

  ”This is it!”

  The expression on the old man’s face was obviously more hesitant.

  ”They don’t seem to welcome us.”

  Yu Hu’s expression was a little awkward, and he whispered to his father.

  ”Maybe they don’t welcome us, but… they don’t understand what we are saying.”

  The old man was stunned.

  Don’t understand?

  Not really… Didn’t the stranger in the blue coat understand it before?

  Yu Xiaoyu glanced at her father and brother, and then at the wall in front of her, her big black eyes full of curiosity.

  This was the first time she left Beth Street, and she went so far away.

  Chu Guang…

  is he really here?

  At this time, a familiar figure appeared at the door. When Xiaoyu saw the face clearly, her eyes suddenly lit up.

  However, there were too many strangers nearby.

  She hid behind her brother, only half of her face was exposed, and she looked around timidly and curiously.

  Surrounded by a group of people in blue coats, Chu Guang walked in front of the three and stopped.

  Looking at the old man in the lead, before Chu Guang opened his mouth to greet him, the old man knelt on the ground without warning, which confused everyone around him.

  Chu Guang was also confused.

  What is he doing? ?


  Yu Hu was surprised, but before he could ask, he was grabbed by his father’s arm and knelt down.

  Xiaoyu was confused.

  She didn’t understand what her father and brother were doing, and she didn’t know what she should do, so she tried to imitate her father and brother’s actions.

  ”What are you doing… get up!” Chu Guang was overwhelmed and stepped forward to help the old man up from the ground.

  But the old man refused to get up. He just lowered his head, his Adam’s apple moved for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word from his mouth.

  ”Thank you.”

  ”You saved our family!”

  He was old, and he could only work for two or three years at most. In fact, it was a bit difficult this year.

  And his son Yu Xiong, as the eldest son of the Yu family, was also the strongest labor force of the Yu family. He could be said to be the backbone of the whole family.

  If Yu Xiong had any accident, their whole family would have to starve and freeze.

  The old man knew it very well.

  This stranger not only saved his son’s life, but also saved their whole family.

  But Chu Guang didn’t think so much. He didn’t have to calculate everything. Saving people was just a matter of convenience.

  ”You make me very embarrassed… Anyway, get up first.”

  Now is not the time to be humble. You can’t let people kneel all the time.

  As he said, Chu Guang used a little force in his hands and helped the old man up from the ground.

  Perhaps because of the embarrassment Chu Guang said, the old man didn’t continue to kneel after getting up, but reached out to take the package on his second son’s back.

  It was a package made of deerskin, with some animal fur inside, and it looked heavy.

  The old man held it with both hands and handed it to Chu Guang, saying sincerely.

  ”You are the benefactor of our Yu family, and we can’t let you waste precious medicine in vain.”

  ”We have nothing else to give you. These furs are peeled from mutant hyenas and reindeer. There are seven in total… Excluding the tribute left for the mayor, this is all our property.”

  ”I know these things are not enough to repay your kindness, but if we do nothing, we will feel uneasy.”

  ”Please accept it!” If

  he really accepted the entire fortune of a penniless person, he would really feel uneasy.

  Chu Guang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It was not right to accept it directly, and it was not right not to accept it.

  But at this moment, Chu Guang suddenly had an idea, thinking that even if the old man took these furs back, he would sell them to the old leech on Beth Street, and then he would be slaughtered, and he would not get much money at all.

  He remembered clearly that there was a sign hanging at the door of Old Charlie’s grocery store, which said that one mutant hyena skin could be exchanged for 2 chips, and one reindeer skin could be exchanged for 4 chips.

  Among these 7 skins, 4 were mutant hyenas and 3 were mutant reindeers. According to the price of Beit Street, the old man could sell them for 20 chips at most.

  This unequal transaction is already exploitative in itself, not to mention that these 20 chips can hardly be exchanged for anything good on Beit Street.

  For example, if you want to use chips to buy green wheat on Beit Street, you need 3 chips per kilogram, which is almost three times the price of Brown Farm!

  The equivalent of 10 animal skins that can keep out the cold, one sell and one buy, but it can’t even exchange for 10 kilograms of grain.

  And this is before the price of food rises.

  Is this reasonable?

  It must be unreasonable!

  Of course, these survivors mainly exchanged the chips they got from furs for salt or other daily necessities. They rarely bought grains directly. After all, they would grow some ramets, dig tree roots, catch mice and hunt for food.

  But no matter what, this old leech was too much.

  Chu Guang had long disliked him!

  So, Chu Guang decisively reached out to take all the furs, handed them to the player closest to him, and said.

  ”Send it to the warehouse, and get 1 kilogram of coarse salt, and I will give you 5 copper coins as a reward.”

  5 copper coins are not a small amount, but how can it be as interesting as the plot?

  The player looked reluctant.

  Although he couldn’t understand what the manager and these natives were talking about, who hasn’t watched two movies without subtitles these days?

  But the manager had already stuffed the things into his hands, and didn’t give him a chance to refuse.

  Seeing that he didn’t move and the plot didn’t move, the little player had no choice but to run to the base even if he was very reluctant.

  He didn’t have to wait for long.

  The player who ran back to the base earlier soon ran out with a black plastic bag.

  Chu Guang took the coarse salt from him and stuffed it into the old man’s hand.

  ”I’ll take the fur. These coarse salts are about one kilogram. Just treat it as a gift!”

  The old man was stunned. When he saw the salt in the bag, he became anxious and quickly pushed the bag of coarse salt back, refusing to accept it.

  ”How can that be!”

  ”You are the benefactor of our Yu family. How can I accept your gift!”

  One kilogram of coarse salt!

  On Bet Street, 100 grams costs 2 chips, and one kilogram costs 20 chips, not to mention that they always shortchange the salt when weighing it, and the good quality ones are even sold at a high price.

  Although the bag of salt Chu Guang brought was also coarse salt, its quality was much better than that sold in the grocery store under the name of the old mayor.

  At least it looks translucent, the luster is not so turbid, and the color is not so yellow!

  ”Just keep it, this time I’ll take advantage of you.”

  Chu Guang pushed the plastic bag back without saying anything, looked at the old man and smiled.

  ”Next time if you have this kind of fur, bring it to me.”

  ”One hyena skin for 150g, deer skin for 300g.”

  ”How much you have, I’ll take it!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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