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Chapter 620 If it were you, you would be able to use this inheritance properly

Chapter 620 If it were you, you would be able to use this inheritance properly


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 620 If it were you, you would be able to use this legacy properly.

  The audience of the “PVP Arena” is not only Chu Guang, Xia Yan and the experts from Jushi Military Industry, but also many “irrelevant people”.

  In addition to the observation area where various professional testing equipment is placed, there is also an open “audience seat” outside the military blockade area for other players and technicians studying here to visit and get new design inspiration.

  The picture has a half-minute delay, and the broadcast will be cut off in a few cases, but in most cases it is watched at will.

  Anyway, these equipment will eventually be sold to players for use. It doesn’t really matter whether it is kept confidential or not. It’s better to take it out clearly and let these experts observe it.

  If you have a good idea, you don’t have to hold it back, you can say anything.

  Players and cloud players do this on the forum every day, from exchanging nest swing skills to exchanging corps confrontation tactics, covering almost every aspect of the daily life of the alliance.

  Camp 101 is currently the largest institution of higher learning in the alliance. The experts here have mastered the technology that is out of reach of players on Earth.

  They should naturally discuss and exchange more, study how to improve the productivity and production methods of the alliance, and explore how to make the alliance stronger.

  Of course –

  in addition to serious technical discussions, there are inevitably some not-so-serious ones.

  ”Fuck! I’m responsible for dying first and I really died first!”

  ”The Outlaws actually won!”

  ”The Dove Missiles have appeared, this is too outrageous!”

  ”+1, this balance is unreasonable, it would be much more reasonable if it was replaced with RPG or Panzerfaust.”

  ”Haha! You know nothing! Is there such a thing as balance on a real battlefield? Accept the loss, hurry up!”

  ”RNM! Return the money!”

  A group of newbies who bet on the wrong place cursed, but a few lucky ones were happy with a dozen silver coins and popcorn.

  At this moment, neither the Outlaws nor I’m responsible for dying first knew that they were bet by a bunch of guys who were bored.

  The loss was not big.

  Otherwise, they would definitely get a yellow card from the dog planner.

  The corner of the viewing area.

  Looking at the screen, Alyssa, whose heart was pounding, finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xiaoyu, who was sitting beside her, with concern.

  ”Are they… using real stuff?”

  Since the Boulder City Crisis Office completed the transition to the new authorities, she resigned from all positions, including the head of asset liquidation, and followed Xiaoyu and Pai to Camp 101 for further studies, studying economics and management, which she was interested in.

  Out of gratitude for her work some time ago, the new Boulder City authorities borne her tuition and living expenses.

  In fact, she was not the only beneficiary of this policy, and she herself did not want to be treated specially.

  Later, under Pai’s persistent lobbying, the city lord Lovett, on behalf of the workers’ union, consulted Chu Guang’s opinion, and after obtaining the support of the alliance, took out 20 million silver coins from the local fiscal budget of the city hall to establish an education fund to help young people in the settlement who were of higher education age and had received basic education to go to Camp 101 to learn more advanced knowledge.

  Currently, there are nearly 300 young people from Boulder City studying in Camp 101. Among them are apprentices who used to be engineers in Boulder Military Industry, assistants to prosthetic doctors in black clinics, child laborers in canning factories or textile factories, and even children of inner city residents.

  The Workers’ Union has fulfilled its original promise, at least treating everyone equally in education, rather than replacing the old nobles as new nobles.

  Today is the actual machine test of “DLZJ-1”. The visiting area of ​​the weapons testing center provides unlimited free coffee and tea, and only melon seeds, biscuits and desserts are charged.

  Many engineers and researchers in Camp 101 are full of interest in this new equipment. In addition, this is Sister Xia’s masterpiece, so Xiaoyu and Pai dragged Alyssa, who had just come here to study, to join in the fun.

  However, perhaps because she has lived in a greenhouse carefully created by her father since she was a child, Alyssa was not as calm as Xiaoyu who grew up in the wasteland when she saw the crossfire of gunfire, and her two small fists were tightly clenched.


  Xiaoyu nodded vigorously and looked at Alyssa, who was full of worry.

  ”Wouldn’t it be meaningless to use a fake test?”

  There was indeed nothing wrong with that.

  But Alyssa always felt that something was not right and whispered worriedly.

  ”But…what if someone gets hurt?”

  Xiaoyu tilted her head.

  ”The residents of Shelter 404 will not get hurt.”

  ”No harm…” Alyssa looked at her blankly and said incomprehensibly, “How is this possible?”

  Xiaoyu wrinkled her nose.

  ”It’s true, Xiaoyu never lies.”

  As for why they would not get hurt, she didn’t know, but she had seen with her own eyes that people who had been lying in coffins stood in front of her alive and well a few days later.

  By the way, it’s not just ordinary residents, but also lizards, bears, cats and pigmen.

  The residents of Shelter 404 are immortal. Although this is an urban legend in the Alliance, she knows very well that it is true.

  Pai, who was standing next to Xiaoyu, had a subtle expression.

  ”Well… I know a little bit. The idea of ​​immortality is actually inaccurate. People will die if they are killed, but in terms of the results, they are indeed immortal.”

  Alyssa looked at the two people blankly. She didn’t understand what they were saying at all, but looking at the two power armors on the holographic screen, she couldn’t help but feel a little admiration in her eyes.

  In order to let the soldiers of the alliance use more reliable equipment and to increase the survival rate of others, they risked their lives and used their lives to test those dangerous weapons.

  What a respectable group of people!

  ”…It would be great if there was a safer way.”

  Looking at Alyssa who was worrying too much, Xiaoyu thought for a moment and said.

  ”There is no such thing as the best of both worlds, and Xiaoyu thinks that instead of stopping them from making a well-considered decision out of kindness, it is better to respect their choice with respect.”

  ”Brother Chu said that everyone, including himself, became a resident of Shelter 404 after they were clear about their rights and obligations. If one day you are tired or regret it, you can go back to hibernate underground and wait for the new world to come by yourself.”

  Alyssa stared blankly at the girl of the same age.

  After a long while, she asked quietly,

  ”Mr. Manager, too…”

  If you are tired, you can go back to sleep anytime.

  Waiting for the new world when I open my eyes again…

  ”Yeah!” Xiaoyu nodded, proudly puffing out her chest, “I remember every word that Brother Chu said!”

  Pai, who was sitting next to her, sighed, holding his cheeks with both hands and muttering sullenly.

  ”I testify… this guy is almost a repeater of that guy.”

  It’s not that she can’t understand Xiaoyu’s respect for Chu Guang. That feeling is probably similar to her respect for Dr. Method.

  People will inevitably have a sense of dependence on those who have saved them. The residents of Camp 101 call the residents of Shelter 101 Pioneers based on this feeling.

  But she won’t talk about what Dr. Method said all day long.

  Away from Xiaoyu’s happy face, Alyssa held the teacup on the table with both hands, looking at her reflection in the water, and her heart suddenly tightened inexplicably.

  She thought of the letters she had received from her hometown recently.

  I heard from everyone in the workers’ union that Lovett’s wife is pregnant again recently. The bearded carpenter is so happy that he can’t stop smiling all day long, and he brags about it to everyone he meets.

  Captain Joey asked her about her recent situation with concern, especially about her life, including whether she is used to it, whether Xizhou City is safe, etc.

  Although he didn’t say it clearly in the letter, it can be seen between the lines that he also wants to send his children to Camp 101 to study, but he still has some concerns about the wasteland outside the giant wall.

  Brother Wolfit also wrote to her, and finally stopped talking about family and honor, and slowly put the focus of life back on the family.

  From the letter from the old housekeeper, she learned that since she resigned from her position, Wolfit has honestly found an accounting job and started a new life.

  As for her father, Melvin, he is currently working at the Boulder City Public Library, responsible for sorting out the history of Boulder City in the past two centuries.

  Except for occasionally muttering the name of Jixiu and crying silently, her mother has basically walked out of the accident.

  Most residents of Dawn City and Boulder City have lived their ideal lives. Even if their

  lives are not ideal, most of them have had a brand new start and bid a complete farewell to the old times.

  Including herself.

  However, that person alone

  seems to have never stopped…


  I am surprised.” In

  the virtual world constructed by Shelter No. 101, a cafe with a simple facade and decoration is located in a corner of a bustling street.

  Looking at Chu Guang who pushed open the door and walked in, Dr. Method, who was sitting in the seat next to the window, put down the newspaper in his hand and sighed softly.

  Sitting opposite him, Chu Guang said jokingly.

  ”What’s unexpected?”

  ”Of course it’s the changes outside,” Method smiled faintly and continued, “I planted the seeds out of interest at the beginning, but I didn’t expect that they would sprout in your hands.”

  Although Camp No. 101 does not exist as a settlement alone, but is a direct-controlled area with special strategic significance similar to Bicester Town, the changes in this “actual settlement” during this period of time are no less than the five settlements of the alliance.

  Up to now, there are nearly 3,000 technicians and quasi-technicians studying in Camp 101 as full-time and part-time students, assisting scholars and experts in Camp 101 to conduct research in many fields such as science, engineering, and sociology.

  This is no longer the scientific research station hidden in the sewer.

  With the support of a series of resources such as materials, manpower, and security provided by the Alliance, Camp 101 quickly transformed the knowledge they received from Shelter 101 into visible results, and built a number of specialized research facilities on the surface.

  These include electronic analysis laboratories that recover technical data from damaged carbon-based circuit boards, as well as satellite tracking stations that search for usable data from outer space with large pots. The

  Alliance scientific expedition team also has a workstation in the local area, and most of the high-tech wreckage collected by Pioneer City will be sent here for classification.

  In addition, many local research facilities have extensive technical cooperation with factories in the Dawn City Industrial Zone. From transformers for ultra-high voltage power grids to armored steel for tanks, researchers from Camp 101 can be found.

  Just like the production department, technology department and defense department that united under the banner of the post-war reconstruction committee, everyone was full of enthusiasm.

  And all of this.

  The method was seen.

  Chu Guang was still very happy to receive positive comments from his predecessors, although he just smiled calmly.

  Thinking that this might be a good opportunity, he was slightly moved and said casually.

  ”I found the technology to transplant thinking into the AI ​​core in the enterprise. This process is as simple as plugging a USB flash drive into a computer. We used that technology to save a little girl named Zhao Yinyin. She is now assisting the bionic people in Singularity City to help the locals live a new life.”

  ”If you change your mind, you can get out of here at any time.”

  Although Chu Guang, who threw out the olive branch, didn’t actually have high expectations, the guy’s persistence in tanking still exceeded his imagination. There was

  no trace of heartbeat in his eyes. The guy seemed to have made the day when the fusion reactor in Shelter No. 101 was extinguished as the end of his life.

  But what surprised Chu Guang a little was that although this guy was not moved by the olive branch he threw out, when he heard the word Singularity City, his face showed a different emotion.

  It was a memory of something that happened a long, long time ago.

  There was a hint of melancholy in that memory.

  ”Singularity City…”

  Chewing on this word gently, he suddenly grasped the armrest of the chair and looked at Chu Guang.

  ”Have you seen a man named Zhao Feiyu there?”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and after thinking for a long time, he remembered where he had heard this name, and said with a frown.

  ”That man seems to have died a century ago. I have seen him in the memory of a researcher named Yuer.”

  Fa was silent for a long time, and suddenly relaxed his hands that were clenched on the armrests, and at the same time relaxed his tense shoulders and the smile on his face.

  ”Is that so… I’m sorry I asked a stupid question. It’s easy to forget how many years have passed outside after living in peace for too long.”

  Chu Guang didn’t care, but raised his eyebrows curiously.

  ”Is he your acquaintance?”

  Fang did not hide it, nodded slightly and said casually.

  ”We met once. He has made great achievements in the research direction of ‘Biological Solutions for Radioactive Materials’. Many people in the academy are interested in his research, including myself. I have invited him to the Great Rift Valley twice, once in the early years of the Wasteland Era, and once in the years when the post-war reconstruction committee was gradually approaching its fate.”

  The academy here should refer to the loose academic institution in the past, not the current organization led by Dr. Conclusion.

  Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully.

  ”He rejected your invitation twice.”

  Method smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Yes, he would rather help the survivors in Singularity City… In fact, I already knew his choice, but out of personal interest, I occasionally do things that are ‘destined to have no results’, including inviting you to come here to accompany me.” The meaning of the

  words is obvious. The original invitation is still valid today.

  Even if he does not have any hope for this.

  Looking at the pair of “long-anticipated” eyes, Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Including the establishment of an ‘academy’?”

  Method thought for a while and said with a free and easy smile.

  ”I did do some minor work with my senior brothers, including setting up a technology recycling system for the post-war reconstruction committee, but you may be mistaken. The ‘Academy’ was not founded by me. Strictly speaking, it was the legacy left by my dear mentor.”

  Chu Guang always felt that he had something to say, but he didn’t think too much about it. After all, it had nothing to do with their discussion today.

  What he wanted to know was the “Torch” and the “Sanctuary”.

  Only by understanding the enemy can we better defeat the enemy.

  The disaster that is happening in the south now, all clues trace back to the original place – Shelter No. 117.

  That is where the “Torches” set off.

  Seeing that the man in front of him had not mentioned the purpose of the appointment, but just dragged him to talk aimlessly, Chu Guang no longer wasted time on small talk and took the initiative to ask his own questions.

  ”What exactly is the mission of Shelter No. 117?”

  Dr. Method raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, as if he didn’t expect Chu Guang to suddenly mention such a distant thing.

  ”Didn’t you recover Seven Willard’s administrator’s log? Isn’t there anything written on it?”

  ”What I want to know is what is not written in the administrator’s log.”

  Chu Guang continued, staring at him intently.

  ”After leaving the shelter, the rebels uploaded their minds to the ‘Sanctuary’, spread the plague in the south with the help of the wastelanders, slaughtered people wantonly, and called it ‘glorious evolution’.”

  ”If there was a madman, I would think that there was something wrong with that person’s brain, but a group of people are so crazy that I can only suspect that Shelter 117 itself is a lunatic asylum – either it houses a group of lunatics, or it is cultivating lunatics in a planned way.” Fafang

  looked at Chu Guang in surprise and was stunned for a long time.

  That expression seemed to be surprised at what the descendants of Shelter 117 did in the wasteland, and also seemed to be surprised at his overly shocking inference.

  However –

  this possibility cannot be ruled out.

  ”Many years ago, someone came to a similar conclusion as you. He believed that there were actually two versions of the ‘Shelter Plan’.”

  Chu Guang did not speak.

  He did speculate so, and he had been thinking about this issue when he was in Jinchuan Province.

  Seeing Chu Guang signaling him to continue, Fafang continued slowly.

  ”That’s right. On the one hand, the shelters with specific numbers can send some people from the bad present to the future by implementing the established shelter procedures. On the other hand, all the shelters, as a united whole, fulfill their obligation to shelter the entire civilization, which is also the original intention of the establishment of the Shelter Plan.”

  ”In most cases, the two obligations are not in conflict. After all, people are the carriers of civilization. Sending some smart people to the future will indeed help the reconstruction of the wasteland. But if… the future generations take some detours, such as starting to eat people in order to survive, and we hand over powerful knowledge to them, then the Shelter Plan will lose its meaning and may even have a counterproductive effect.”

  ”Indeed.” Chu Guang nodded.

  This situation is not uncommon in the wasteland, and it is even quite common.

  And it’s not just the wastelanders who take detours. Even the shelter itself can hardly guarantee that it can walk out of the shelter in a straight line with its eyes closed.

  Both the Torch Church and the Enlightenment Society have proved this.

  He just felt that

  this was a bit too much.

  Method picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

  ”But that person’s opinion is slightly different from what you said today. He believes that there are indeed two ‘versions’ of the shelter plan, but he does not think that the second version is artificially creating trouble, but just the opposite… He believes that the ‘second version’ is the ‘error correction mechanism’ used to solve the problems I mentioned before.”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.

  ”Error correction?”

  Method did not answer the question directly, but cast his eyes on the flower bed next to the cement road outside the window.

  The flower bed was full of green.

  Although it was an illusory existence, it was as real as being alive.

  ”We sprinkled a handful of seeds on the land. Theoretically, as long as it rains, there will always be one or two seeds that will germinate.”

  ”However, just with this, we cannot guarantee a good harvest in autumn. What breaks through the soil after the rain may not be seedlings, but weeds. The seeds we sprinkled may become their fertilizer.” ”

  So the shelter plan may really have a second mechanism, which is responsible for eradicating the decay and barbarism, recycling the nutrients that should have been given to civilization, and allowing the seeds we sowed in the field to germinate smoothly.”

  Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, Fafang retracted his gaze from the window, looked at Chu Guang who seemed to be stunned, and smiled faintly.

  ”That person is Dr. Principle. You should have seen that naive guy.”

  ”I didn’t actually believe his speculation before, but I did see something I hadn’t seen before in you and your companions.”

  ”Anyway, our era is over, maybe you will be different.”

  To be honest, Chu Guang was stunned.

  He came to seek a solution to the problem, but this guy told him directly that you are the solution.

  But after thinking about it, he still resisted the urge to say MMP.

  After all, the person sitting in front of him was not just giving up, but was dead in the truest sense of the word.

  Shelter No. 101 does not shelter any living people. The only souls wandering here are the souls of the dead who died a century and a half ago.

  This guy is willing to open a crack in the welded coffin to help, which is quite kind-hearted.

  But Chu Guang couldn’t help but say something sarcastic.

  ”Should I thank you?”

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  Seeing the unhappiness in Chu Guang’s eyes, Dr. Method laughed.

  At this time, a piece of paper slowly floated down from the air and landed on the table in front of Chu Guang as lightly as a feather.

  Chu Guang immediately noticed the note and asked subconsciously.

  ”What is this?”

  ”The password of Shelter No. 100.”

  Looking at Chu Guang who picked up the note, Dr. Method said softly.

  ”Many years ago, the survivors of Camp 101 tried to enter Shelter 100 to help the residents there rebuild Xizhou City. Unfortunately, they were too weak to solve the problem of the lake filling up the underground passage and opening the gate sealed by water pressure. I also didn’t think they had the conditions to complete such a huge project, so I persuaded them to give up that goal and kept the key to the shelter for them.”

  ”Now the time is ripe. Not only have you repaired the dam of Xizhou Lake, but you have also established a new order in the area.”

  ”I believe that if it were you, you would be able to make good use of this legacy.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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