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Chapter 621 Joy City Reduces Rental Prices

Chapter 621 Joy City Reduces Rental Prices


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 621 Joy City Reduces Prices for Rents

  I set a curfew at 8 o’clock for Feng Nanshu, but I also have to go back at 8 o’clock to watch her so that she doesn’t run around.

  So, is this curfew restricting her or you?

  Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang twitched their lips, thinking that Brother Jiang is worthy of being Brother Jiang. Although he doesn’t attend classes, he seems to have mastered Chinese grammar that they don’t understand at all.

  Jiang Qin took advantage of the time to chat, tidied the bed, and climbed on top: “Did anything new happen in the school during my absence?”

  ”Yes, some time ago, the takeaway platform in the school seemed to be over, with crazy discounts, and I ate all the food.”

  Zhou Chao patted his belly, and the fat he had lost in his junior year seemed to have grown back.

  To be honest, some people are not born to be too thin. After Chaozi’s fat grew back, he looked better than before.

  After listening to this, Ren Ziqiang also stretched out his hand: “I eat six meals a day, whatever is delicious, but each meal does not exceed five yuan, it’s so delicious.”

  ”This is really new, I don’t seem to know anything about it.”

  Jiang Qin said with a crooked mouth.

  College students like Chaozi and Qiangzi eat as much as they can when they see food, but they don’t really delve into the reasons behind the crazy subsidies from the platform.

  They think they lost a lot during the week when Jiang Qin was away, as they didn’t even get to order such cheap takeout, but they didn’t expect that the platform’s big discount this time was entirely because he was backing up the little rich woman.

  At this moment, Master Cao seemed to come alive and added, “During those days, I spent a lot of money. Every day’s lunch and dinner were like a full banquet. Lao Jiang, what you ate at the Internet Conference may not be as good as mine. If you don’t believe me, you can look at my circle of friends.”

  ”I believe it, I believe it.”

  ”Unfortunately, as soon as you came back, the price returned to the original price. It’s fate.”

  Cao Guangyu had the illusion that he had finally defeated Jiang Qin in some way: “If you had come back two days earlier, maybe you could have eaten for free. Qiangzi and Chaozi would have eaten my midnight snack every day.”

  Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang nodded: “Brother Cao was indeed generous last week.”

  Jiang Qin leaned against the head of the bed: “I don’t know what you said. I only know that there is a meal app. I don’t like it, so I sniped it in the college student market. When I was hungry, I didn’t know the news and mistakenly thought that I was targeting him. He cut prices crazily, and the meal business began to disappear. I had no choice but to follow suit.”


  ”After a week of price war, the meal time is gone. When they are hungry, they don’t realize that I am not targeting them, so they gradually restore the price.”

  Jiang Qin adjusted his sitting position: “O2O oligarchs like me are now like lions when they speak.”

  The atmosphere in 302 suddenly became silent. There was only a small moth flying around the incandescent lamp on the top of the dormitory. It seemed that only he was moving in the whole world.

  After a while, Chaozi took the basin to wash up. When he passed by Cao Guangyu’s bed, he paused and stretched out his finger to feel his breath.

  ”Are you still alive?”

  ”Alive,” Chaozi touched his face again, “The person is still warm.”

  Ren Ziqiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the voice, thinking that it must be my brother Cao. This is equivalent to being hit head-on, but he can still survive. He is simply indestructible!

  Then he turned sideways, facing the corner, and started to talk to Wang Linlin on the phone.

  At this time, Jiang Qin also pulled up the quilt to cover himself, touched his mobile phone and took a look, and found that the WeChat group of 503 had chatted to 99+.

  There was nothing useful in it, just emojis that were flooding the screen.

  This emoji was of a round-headed child sipping milk tea. Gao Wenhui posted it, and Wang Haini also posted it, and tagged him, as if it was sent to him.

  The message of the little rich woman was mixed in with these emojis, and she looked a little panicked.

  [Don’t post this, Wang Haini, you are a bad person]

  [Wenhui is also a bad person, I will never give you a bonus again]

  Then she sent two emojis, one of a frowning round-faced little girl, and the other of a pitiful-looking little hamster.

  Jiang Qin looked at it for a while, but couldn’t figure out what was going on.

  What’s so good about this emoji? The abnormal people in the dormitory of the little rich woman were simply inexplicable.

  ”Feng Nanshu, go to bed early and don’t play too late.”

  ”Got it, I’ll go to bed now.”

  Feng Nanshu sent an emoji that said “I’m going to bed obediently”, and the group gradually quieted down.

  The next morning, the sun shone in from the window, and when I opened my eyes, the sky was already bright.

  Jiang Qin drove to the group buying headquarters and convened a meeting with the brands in Linchuan. First, he talked about the crazy upgrade plan of the business district 4.0, and second, he asked them to send a manager to Shanghai to participate in the discussion of the Wanshanghui project.

  He established the strategic cooperation model of the Linchuan business group, and the linkage model of making money together is now very mature.

  Online, the group buying platform is used to attract user traffic, and offline, the Wanzhong platform is used to aggregate business district resources.

  In addition, the group buying supply chain is used to provide supply and cost compression from the place of origin.

  The development of the takeaway industry also allowed them to support a large number of small fast food brands in a short period of time. At present, the business network of group buying + business gangs is pervasive.

  To be an Internet platform is to integrate resources, while physical stores need sufficient traffic. This was originally Jiang Qin’s plan two years ago, and now it has become a reality.

  The boss of the Linchuan business gang is almost superstitious about Jiang Qin, thinking that he is the human body of the God of Wealth. Maybe one day he will be able to see him holding a coin and shouting “transformation”.

  So after hearing the arrangement, the bosses of major brands mobilized their staff and flew to Shanghai to participate in the investment promotion meeting of Wanshanghui and signed contracts.

  A project that has not yet started, only has a project book, but the early investment promotion was declared over in just three days.

  At this time, Joy City was still repeatedly hitting a wall in the process of investment promotion, which made Feng Group, from executives to employees, begin to feel uneasy.

  Two months ago, Feng Group had just experienced a split, Qin Real Estate was completely independent, and cut off business dealings with Fengshi Real Estate.

  It was also at that time that Feng Group experienced a wave of large-scale layoffs, and many old employees were optimized.

  The employees and executives who were not laid off felt lucky because they at least kept their jobs.

  And according to their experience, after a company has laid off employees, there will be no more such large-scale layoffs for at least three to five years. But

  the reality is not optimistic.

  Hurricane Investment has suffered consecutive investment failures, and Feng Real Estate’s [Joy City] project has been blocked from attracting investment.

  If it continues like this, it is not impossible to lay off employees again in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  The board of directors is also somewhat worried about Feng’s current development.

  ”Joyful City is a new brand after all, so it is normal that it is not smooth to attract investment. After all, when Qin Jingqiu was in office, all commercial real estate projects were carried out under the name of Qin’s Real Estate. Although we are an old company, we now need to regain brand influence.”

  Feng Shirong stood in front of the French window, with a large number of company executives sitting behind him: “For a shopping mall, the location is the most important, and our location is better than Wanzhong Mall.”

  Huang Weitao, director of the real estate business group, nodded: “That’s not bad.”

  ”So we have an advantage, but since we don’t have enough investment ability, let’s give a two-year rent discount, and we will first build up the Joyful City brand.”

  In the current commercial complex industry, Wanda is the best at branding, and Wanzhong is the best at attracting investment.

  Joyful City wants to get a piece of the pie, but it can’t do without cutting its own meat first.

  They have a good location and a large flow of traffic. As long as they give a two-year rent discount, promote investment, make the first shopping mall prosperous, and establish brand value, merchants will naturally flock to the second and third Joyful City.

  Simply put, they want to use the first [Joyful City] as a model.

  ”We have invested a large amount of money in this project, and we have to offer preferential rents. This is a big burden for the company.”

  ”But this is the most appropriate solution at present. If we hesitate at this step, it will be difficult to carry out the subsequent work.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Feng, I will arrange for the investment department to do it.”

  After the rent preferential plan of Joy City was made, it did attract a large number of brand merchants to discuss cooperation.

  Just as Feng Shirong said, Joy City has a good location and a large amount of traffic around it. After the rent was reduced, it was indeed attractive enough, and the investment work gradually went smoothly.

  However, the worries in the hearts of executives and employees did not decrease.

  The Joy City project has a slow recovery rate, and even with the preferential rent, Feng’s company still does not have enough profitability.

  Although the layoff plan has saved the group a lot of cash flow, under this operating model with weak profits but huge investments, they don’t know what will happen in the future.

  As a result, the voices of private discussions began to increase, and many people missed the time when Qin Jingqiu was there.

  ”If it was Mr. Qin…” and other voices were repeatedly mentioned during this special period.

  Feng Shirong could occasionally hear it, but he could only pretend that he didn’t hear it.

  After he returned to China, he did not make Feng Group flourish in a short period of time. Compared with the period when Qin Jingqiu was in office, there was indeed a kind of sluggish state of affairs. This is an indisputable fact.

  In particular, his two mistakes in investing in the Internet industry also reduced his prestige.

  But he felt that this was only temporary, and the Joy City project would definitely bring Feng Group to its peak.

  Feng Shirong put his hands in his pockets and looked at the prosperous Shanghai outside the French window. He pursed his lips and thought of his daughter and her boyfriend at this moment.

  He has read a lot of information about Jiang Qin during this period, and has also understood the cooperation model of the Linchuan business group. He knows that his son-in-law, whom he has never met, is not just doing Internet platforms.

  In his industrial chain, those dazzling brands are enough to support the traffic needed for a commercial complex.

  When he thought of this, Feng Shirong would fall into a long silence.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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