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Chapter 621 Shelter No. 100!

Chapter 621 Shelter No. 100!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 621 Shelter No. 100!

  [The results of the naming vote for “DLZJ-1” are out! ]

  [1. Death – 21%]

  [2. Storm – 13%]

  [3. Skeleton – 11%]

  [4. Cheese Snow Leopard – 9%]

  [5. Burning – 8%]


  [According to the opinions of the NPC administrators, the official name of DLZJ-1 is determined to be: Xiaguang]

  ”So what is the point of this vote?”

  Xizhou City, Four New District.

  Standing next to a half-human-high alien corpse, Izuihei looked at the server announcement on the VM screen and couldn’t help but complain.

  He looked through the voting post for a long time but didn’t find the word Xiaguang.

  This is a pitfall!

  Ten Punch Man raised his hand to agree.

  ”+1, why not call it Storm? It sounds powerful too!”

  Kakarot patted my darkest shoulder and said with a grin.

  ”You don’t understand this. Separate the word rosy clouds and read it twice.”

  ”Separate? Rhythm… rosy clouds, what the hell?”

  After repeating it five times, I suddenly came to my senses and shouted as if I had discovered a new world, “Good fellow, this is using the convenience of the position to pick up girls!”

  Kevin with a broken leg: “Report it!”

  The ghost catcher on the grave also had a smile on his face.

  ”Hahaha, this must be reported to the dog planner, the NPC has no martial ethics!”

  ”Come on, it’s hard to say who is picking up who.”

  Listening to the ridicule of the brothers in the corps, the commander of the spring also laughed and ridiculed, and then looked at the entrance of the subway station not far away. The

  stained station sign was hung with rotten algae leaves, like rotten vegetable leaves hanging on the teeth of a beast. The disgusting stench wafted out from the gloomy entrance, as if it was not the entrance to the subway, but the open mouth of a monster.

  The danger here is probably no less than the city center of Qingquan City.

  Pulling the bolt to load the gun, he reached out to turn off the visor of his helmet and put the portable deflector shield into standby mode.

  He said, making all preparations.

  ”No more nonsense, let’s get ready for the next dungeon.”

  A uniform response came from the communication channel.


  … The

  water in the lake in the fourth new area has been receding for some time.

  The Alliance used the MW-class pump designed by Camp 101 to pump for nearly a week, and finally emptied the tens of millions of cubic meters of accumulated water above Shelter 100.

  Perhaps in order to compensate the Storm Troopers who missed the server activities due to the bandit suppression operation, the dog planner instructed the administrator to give them the task of “reclaiming Shelter 100”.

  As we all know, the resources of the shelter are the richest among all the ruins, especially a shelter that has been sealed for two centuries and has not been opened yet!

  In addition to material rewards, the opening of a new shelter usually gives players the honor of entering the “Hall of Fame”!

  Not only that, all players who participate in the opening can leave their names forever in this future novice village!

  Therefore, Quanshui accepted the task without hesitation.

  To be precise, this should not be considered a task.

  It can be called a reward!

  However, even with the nature of a reward, this task is still not easy.

  Although the predators active in this area have died or fled, the threat of alien species still exists.

  Especially in the four new areas where the lake is flooded.

  There are still a large number of deadly arthropods active in this area.

  In order to ensure that the operation is foolproof, the commander of Quanshui first called two hundred brothers over to clear the alien species within 500 meters of the subway station entrance before going to the next level.

  And the task that was originally completed by ten people, this brother stuffed thirty people in, and the lights of tactical flashlights almost illuminated the narrow subway station into daylight.

  If it weren’t for the “battlefield width” not being enough to accommodate too many people firing together, he would have planned to stuff a thousand people in!

  After clearing out the few cracked crabs wandering under the stairs of the subway station, the commander of Quanshui reached out and pressed on his helmet, and gave an order.

  ”Team A follows me, Zuihei, and moves forward. Team B follows Kakarot and is responsible for outputting firepower and protecting Team A’s flank. Team C follows me to provide support. Be careful of the aliens who may steal our asses. Follow my orders and act.”

  Amidst the voices of “received”, Zuihei interrupted.

  ”Don’t brothers usually follow me?”

  Quanshui rolled his eyes and said confidently.

  ”Shut up, I’m a dog officer, GKD!”


  Being beaten by this guy, Zuihei almost held back the “dog officer” that was on the tip of his tongue, and walked to the front while cursing.

  However, although he complained, considering that Quanshui brother was always reliable, he still obeyed the command and called on the team members to form a formation and move forward.

  The perception system is the vanguard.

  There is nothing wrong with that.


  The actual situation inside the subway station is worse than it looks from the outside.

  After all, it has been soaked in water for a century and a half, and Xizhou City itself is a paradise for aliens. It is normal to hide some strange things here.

  In fact, it was not a matter of a moment that the water of Xizhou Lake flooded this area, but it backflowed several times repeatedly, which eventually led to the complete collapse of the underground facilities in the Sixin District.

  It is not difficult to see from the abandoned clothes, sleeping bags and daily necessities that there were survivors who stayed in this natural shelter for a period of time two centuries ago.

  They used cages to catch mice and other small animals, cultivated mushrooms with rotten planks and household garbage, hid from the howling snow and the radioactive dust that fell with the snow in the subway station, and faced desperate prayers that they didn’t know when they would end.

  Those people were obviously not residents of Shelter No. 100, but survivors who migrated to the Great Rift Valley in the north. Since the wasteland era and wasteland were concepts that were defined later, people at that time could not be called wastelanders.

  Perhaps they had expected that

  their compatriots hiding in Shelter No. 100 would open the door for their pity and take them in.

  But obviously,

  their expectations were ultimately dashed.

  They were not the ones chosen to go to the future.

  Until Shelter 100 finally became part of the dust of history, the tightly closed door had never been opened…

  not even once.

  The sticky sound of the soles of the boots stepping on the wet concrete floor was like the whispers of the dead wandering in the abandoned cemetery.

  My Darkest adjusted his breathing while moving the muzzle of the gun, carefully checking every corner of the abandoned platform.

  Water drops from the ceiling occasionally fell on the ground, or on his helmet and shoulders, giving him a creepy chill.

  Especially the creaking sounds from time to time in the shadows, which made him unconsciously tense his already tense nerves.

  Even though the swaying flashlight light almost illuminated the area in daylight, there were still places where the light could not reach and unknown threats were hidden. The

  flashlight light accidentally swept over an overturned vending machine, and a pool of rotten water grass was covered with colorful oil, which immediately attracted My Darkest’s attention.

  ”Something’s going on!”

  He raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, signaling his teammates who were following him to stop. Then he raised his rifle and took two steps closer carefully.

  Just when I was about to take a look at what it was, I was instantly confronted with the colorful pattern that looked like a ghost face.

  The insect stared at him intently.

  The densely packed eyes were squeezed together on its face, and a circle of tiny short teeth were revealed in the slowly opening crack.

  Then, it unveiled the arc-shaped shell behind it, and the paper-thin wings made a numbing sound.

  ”Tsk, tsk, tsk–”


  I was startled and pulled the trigger almost instinctively.

  In a burst of gunfire, the basketball-sized beetle was shot dozens of times and instantly turned into a pool of dark green liquid.

  Hearing the sudden gunshot, the members of Team A immediately came to support, and then the sound of spring water came from the communication channel.

  ”Lao Hei, what’s going on over there?”

  ”An alien species I’ve never seen before, a bit like… a beetle?”

  Fiddling with the action recorder on the tactical helmet, my most black heart was pounding as he tried to retrieve the footage he had taken more than ten seconds ago, and shared it with other brothers in the regiment despite his nausea.

  However, the reactions of the others were beyond his expectations. Not only did no one vomit out of disgust, but they also began to comment and admire it.

  ”This bug is ugly but unique.”


  ”The damn planner is very attentive. The monsters in the new map are not reskinned, but they have come up with some new tricks that I haven’t seen before.”

  Listening to the conversation of the beasts, my most black couldn’t help asking.

  ”Fuck, don’t you feel disgusted?”

  Seeing this guy’s serious expression, several team members holding rifles looked at each other, and their faces showed subtle expressions.

  ”It’s really disgusting when you say that.”

  ”+1, if I encounter one in real life, I’ll probably be scared to death.”

  ”But this is a game, right?”

  ”I think there’s a contribution to be made for updating the alien species illustrations!”


  Looking at these guys who were excitedly communicating, I was stunned for a long time. It seems


  there is some truth?

  Indeed, what’s there to be afraid of bugs in the game? Although they look a bit strange, they are much weaker than mutants in terms of lethality, okay!

  Comforting himself in this way, I took a deep breath and calmed down his impetuous mood.

  At the same time when he just calmed down, the voice of Brother Quanshui came from the communication channel.

  ”Old Black, I’ll leave the sample collection to you.”

  I was suddenly unable to hold it in.

  ”Damn, why don’t you do it?!”

  Quanshui coughed.

  ”You’re close…you do it.”


  Taking a plastic tube from the tactical vest, I squatted down with nausea, and randomly picked up some tissue debris from the corpse and stuffed it into the test tube.

  The dark green liquid looked strange.

  They had been active in Xizhou City for so long and had never seen this alien species. Did this thing migrate from somewhere recently?

  The voice of Quanshui came from the communication channel.

  ”You discovered it first, give it a name.”

  ”Call you Uncle Zuihei!”

  ”Haha, I don’t think it will pass. Think about it carefully. We only have one chance to nominate it.”

  I Zuihei thought seriously for a while.

  ”Ghost Face Bug?”

  Quanshui: “OK, this is it!”

  Generally speaking, as long as the name is not too distracting, the dog planner will not exercise a veto to reject it.

  As the namer of the newly discovered alien species, the player’s ID will be included in the official website’s setting collection together with the alien species and become part of the game setting.

  When the number of naming reaches ten and one hundred times, specific titles can be unlocked respectively.

  Therefore, unlocking the monster encyclopedia is also one of the ways to play “Wasteland OL”, and many players with a collecting habit are very keen on this.

  For this reason, it also brought rich research samples to the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute.

  This episode ended.

  Team A continued on their way, heading towards the depths of the subway that had been blocked by the lake for nearly a century and a half. The ghost-faced bugs running around also caused a lot of trouble for them who were responsible for leading the charge.

  Although these guys are not big, they are extremely aggressive and their attack methods are even more bizarre.

  They usually lie still and wait until the prey enters the attack range, then vibrate their wings and pounce on the prey, piercing the prey with the dagger-like stinger hidden in their abdomen, sucking the body fluids from the prey and feeding on it.

  Although their abdominal stingers often cannot pierce the breastplate of the exoskeleton, it is still dangerous to pierce the vital parts such as the neck.

  In particular, this kind of small arthropod alien usually has a high stealth attribute and is extremely good at blending into the environment. It can always suddenly pop out from unexpected corners and give a surprise to the nervous players.

  Although I have solved the troubles without any danger several times, my darkest face is still a little pale.

  He felt that his san value was almost sucked away by these little bugs.

  Walking up to my darkest spot, the Ten Punch Man holding an LD-47 assault rifle laughed and teased.

  ”Brother, you’re not scared, are you?”

  He felt that this guy was a little bit off from the state just now. He was completely different from when he was on the surface.

  My darkest brow twitched.

  ”Scared? How is that possible… I just felt physically uncomfortable when I saw the bugs, I’m not scared.”

  As soon as he said this, there was a vomiting sound in the communication channel.


  ”You are also arrogant?”

  ”I vomited.”

  Grave Ghost Catcher didn’t follow the others to tease him, but just smiled and patted his brother’s shoulder.

  ”Isn’t that scared?”

  My darkest said angrily.

  ”Get out! You are scared, your whole family is scared.”

  A happy laugh came from the communication channel.

  ”Hey, if only the battlefield guy was here.”

  ”+1, that guy rushed fast, hehe.”

  ”This little black guy is too cowardly!”

  Seeing that the explanation was not clear, My darkest simply stopped explaining and rolled his eyes at Grave Ghost Catcher and Ten Punch Man.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, go back to your positions, shut up and work!”

  The Battlefield guy is probably already in Triumph City. Who knows where he is having fun. Will he accompany you to the dungeon when he has time?

  And the rush was fast, which happened many versions ago.

  Since leaving the save point, that guy is more cowardly than a dog spring!

  ”Got it.”

  After accepting the roll of the eyes from my darkest, Ten Punch Man smiled and saluted, and returned to their respective battle positions with the grave-catching ghost.

  The brief gag slightly diluted the terrifying atmosphere around.

  Although there are still aliens fluttering out of the darkness from time to time, I have gradually adapted to this rhythm of surprise.

  Shoot first if you are not sure if there is any situation. If there is movement, add a magazine. If there is a lot of movement, throw a grenade. If there is no movement, keep moving forward.

  Anyway, in your own territory, there is enough ammunition.

  After several short and intense exchanges of fire, everyone passed through the security checkpoint safely and advanced all the way to the platform.

  The tunnel under the platform was pitch black, and there was still water in the tunnel that had not been completely drained, and the depth was probably above people’s knees.

  The broken-down carriage was stuck in the middle of the tunnel not far away, and they needed to pass through there to reach the entrance of Shelter No. 100.

  After taking a look at the broken-down carriage, the commander of the spring water ordered in the communication channel.

  ”Team A enters the tunnel, and Team BC supports at the edge of the platform.”

  ”Received!” I looked at my teammates on the side and winked at Ten Punch Man.

  The latter understood and walked to the edge of the platform. He first fired a few shots at the abandoned carriage. Seeing that there was no movement of the alien species, he then fired a burst of bullets into the water, and then jumped from the platform into the tunnel.

  Others also jumped off the platform and stepped into the knee-deep water.

  The sewage soaked through the trouser legs, and the biting cold immediately climbed up the ankles to the knees. Even though the helmet blocked the pain, most players couldn’t help but shiver.

  Feeling the sticky water surging at his feet, the grave ghost-catching player frowned and sniffed, and couldn’t help muttering in the communication channel.

  ”Oh my god, this water is so damn smelly!”

  Having already adapted to the stench, Ten Punch Man teased.

  ”Let the dogecoin in the fountain help us wash our pants when we get back!”

  My Darkest also had a gloomy face.

  However, thinking that the end was just ahead and the mission would be completed if he persisted a little longer, he didn’t say anything nonsense in the communication channel, but just said briefly.

  ”The entrance to the shelter is just ahead, keep going!”

  The others also shouted with enthusiasm.

  ”Got it!”

  The ten-man team pushed forward into the depths of the subway tunnel, pushing circles of ripples on the surface of the sewage that was over their knees.

  My Darkest always felt that

  his heart was beating fast. The cold sewage gave him not only a feeling of coldness, but also a sense of panic that made him uneasy.

  How to say it?

  It’s too quiet here!

  Suddenly, he saw that in the distance, on the sparkling water under the beam of the flashlight, there were pieces of rotten wooden boards floating.

  They were entangled with rotten algae, mixed with floating plastic garbage and abandoned debris, and could not be seen at all from the platform.

  I was slightly stunned.

  Wooden boards?

  There were no trees nearby, how could there be wooden boards?

  At this moment, the “wooden boards” floating on the sparkling water suddenly disappeared, as if they had moved a long way in their direction. I was

  keenly aware of this change, and my pupils shrank instantly, and I aimed my rifle in that direction.

  ”Stop!” he shouted loudly.

  Almost at the same time when everyone stopped, he finally saw clearly how the “wooden boards” moved –

  they were not wooden boards at all!

  Instead, they were water striders as big as wolfhounds!

  The three pairs of slender legs were tightly attached to the water surface, so that no one noticed them at all.

  They lurk in garbage dumps and water plants, waiting patiently until their prey enters their territory, and then they kick out their powerful hind legs. Their

  light bodies make them almost silent, and their tubular mouthparts exude a murderous aura like spears hidden in the reeds.

  This time it’s not just me who’s the darkest.

  Finally seeing the murderous intent hidden on the water surface, even the most courageous Ten Punch Man couldn’t help but change his face.

  ”Fuck! Mutated water striders!?”

  This guy is not rare in Xizhou City, and its number is even second only to warship shrimps and cracked claw crabs.

  Most mutant water striders live on the shore of the lake, usually one meter long, and their strong and powerful limbs can reach up to two meters when fully extended.

  They have almost no excess fat on their bodies, and their skin is attached to a chitin-rich exoskeleton. Their main way of attack is to pounce on their prey with their legs, pierce the prey with their mutant fangs, and then use a pair of forelimbs to break it up and eat it.

  The explosive power of a few mutant water striders can even knock over an adult monster, so even though the water resources in the New District are abundant, the alien species in the forest will hardly come to this area to build nests.

  Most players are unwilling to get entangled with this thing.

  On the one hand, it was because this thing was too fast to hit, and on the other hand, it had little meat and could not be eaten. If it were not for the task of alien species prevention, almost no one would want to provoke these difficult guys.

  ”Doesn’t this thing live in shallow water… How did it wander here?!”

  ”Who knows! They have been pumping water for a whole week!”

  ”Maybe it was attracted by those ghost face bugs… I heard that water striders like to eat small insects, and mutant water striders should be the same-”

  ”Don’t worry about what this thing eats! You are on its menu now! Fire!”

  Shouting loudly, I was the darkest and pulled the trigger first, with my shoulder against the butt of the gun, firing at the water in front.

  The dense gunfire suddenly exploded in the tunnel, and everyone poured fierce firepower at the alien species rushing in front.

  Retreat is impossible.

  That guy is as fast as lightning in the water, but they seem to have a piece of ice tied to their feet, and they can’t run at all in this damn place.

  Once they get scared and expose their vulnerable backs to the mouthparts of these aliens, they will inevitably become prey!

  ”Team A engages the enemy! Team BC goes forward to support them!”

  Hearing the gunshots coming from the front of the tunnel, Commander Quanshui immediately issued an order, and at the same time unfolded the fixing bracket of the Destroyer I exoskeleton and laid the 120mm heavy mortar flat.

  Silently calculating the distance, Quanshui continued to shout in the communication channel.

  ”Old Black! Spread out to both sides!”

  I was desperately pulling the trigger, gritted my teeth, and took the time to make a gesture to my teammates beside me.

  ”Spread out to both sides!”

  Just as Team A gave way to the center of the tunnel, Kakarot had already rushed up with Team B. With

  a “plop” he jumped into the tunnel where the water was up to his knees. Kakarot took the lead in setting up the squad machine gun with a drum magazine, and shouted loudly while pulling the trigger.



  The continuous gunfire instantly covered his order.

  The firepower of the support team instantly burst out, forming a series of flashing light rain in the tunnel, passing through the area in the middle of the tunnel, and splashing a series of half-person-high water splashes on the water surface in front of Team A.

  However, the gunshots did not last long.

  Team B had just poured out its ammunition for a while, and Team A quickly collided with the mutant water striders that rushed in front of them, and started a close-range fight.

  Without the output environment, Kakarot made a quick decision, threw the machine gun behind his back, and pulled out the short knife hanging on his waist.

  ”Go up and help!”

  All the brothers also picked up their close-combat weapons and roared at Team A who was wrestling with the mutant water striders.


  At the same time, Team A was in a difficult battle.

  Although they had noticed the hunters lurking in the dark in advance, the huge number of mutant water striders still broke through their firepower network.

  I felt like my chest was hit by a bull, and I fell backwards into the water, almost filling my stomach with sewage.

  Seeing its prey fall, the mutant water strider excitedly waved its two front legs, raised its mouthparts and stabbed forward fiercely.

  Almost by instinct, it dodged the sharp catheter piercing its throat. I pulled out the dagger and stabbed the mutant water strider’s head fiercely.

  There was a dull sound, and the pale yellow slurry splashed.

  I resisted the nausea and continued to stab twice until the throbbing front legs lost their strength. Then I kicked the twitching corpse away and struggled to stand up from the ground.

  Almost at the same time, a shell landed in the area 30 meters in front of him. The shock wave caused by the explosion instantly pushed him back into the water after he had just stood up.

  It was a gasoline bomb.

  The flames of the explosion were not submerged by the accumulated water in the tunnel, but quickly spread on the water surface.

  The mutant water striders that had just awakened from hibernation were swept into the flames one by one.

  They struggled and shook their limbs in the thick smoke, screaming silently, and then turned into ashes silently and submerged in the water.

  With the arrival of reinforcements from Team B, the players quickly killed the remaining mutant water striders, and the battle in the tunnel ended.

  After being pulled out of the water by Kakarot, I was the darkest and coughed violently twice, and immediately cursed in the communication channel.

  ”Fuck! Dogecoin Fountain Water, are you crazy?! Using mortars in this damn place?!”

  ”Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work, brother, it’s over, beautiful fight!” Kakarot smiled and patted his back to comfort him, then looked forward, “Look, Shelter No. 100 is just ahead, we’re here.”

  I was the darkest and subconsciously looked forward along his line of sight.

  Behind the burning sea of ​​fire, on the side of the tunnel covered with algae and stains, stood a giant metal gear.

  Even after being submerged for more than a century, its surface is still as smooth as before, and there is no trace of time left.

  The blazing flames illuminated its surface, and the eye-catching number was printed in the center of the gear.

  Looking at the huge gear-shaped door, my darkest expression could not help but move slightly.

  Shelter No. 100!

  They have arrived!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode