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Chapter 623: Meet the Takeaway Superman Again

Chapter 623: Meet the Takeaway Superman Again


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 623 See the Takeaway Superman Again The

  wealthy Ele.me did not move quickly. The number of blue riders on the street was also increasing rapidly, while the number of red riders began to decrease slowly.

  However, group-buying takeaway did not make many moves and continued to develop steadily within the existing market scope.

  Such a reaction was not a good thing for Ele.me. At least the market expansion was not hindered, but for Zhang Xuhao, it was a bit embarrassing.

  When group-buying takeaway suddenly entered the college student market, the entire Ele.me was in a state of panic and spent all the remaining money on the books. All the business stations in the university town were extremely nervous.

  But when the situation was reversed, group-buying did not have so many stress reactions.

  It feels like, when he stomps his feet, I panic to death, but when I stomp my feet, he is dismissive.

  ”Shanghai has signed 1,853 contracts, exceeding the target.”

  ”Kyoto has signed 2,467 contracts, exceeding the target.”

  ”Those in Shenzhen have not completed the contract signing target this week, and they are willing to accept the punishment…”

  ”Guangdong has signed 2,826 contracts…”

  The company’s top management controls the general direction, and each department is closely following the KPI. Ele.com is not like a rumbling carriage, galloping forward.

  The balance that was originally close to balance seems to begin to tilt, and users and riders gradually fall to the blue side.

  Consumers eat happily, and people in the industry are watching the excitement.

  Group buying has always been the one to say in the field of life services. Now that it has really been eaten by Ele.com, a big gap has really been opened up, and there is really a sense of joy like a warrior fighting a dragon.

  When the market in big cities was developed to the extreme by Ele.com, and even unlicensed people were working for them, Zhang Xuhao immediately began to arrange manpower to sink to third- and fourth-tier cities and circle 100 new business areas.

  The business of group buying takeout has been affected, and the number of orders has gradually decreased.

  At Baidu Waimai, the former headquarters of Nuomi Waimai, Robin and Luo Ping judged Yang Xueyu’s mood through his Moments.

  ”Good guy, he is still in the mood to write poetry in Moments.”

  ”This shows that Ele.bu is indeed in its heyday. Otherwise, with Lao Yang’s personality, he must be holding a bucket and carrying a basket at this time, and he would not have such leisure and elegance.”

  ”Maybe, Ele.bu can really succeed this time.” Luo Ping gave his own analysis. Robin

  nodded after listening: “That’s possible. After all, even Tencent and Alibaba have joined forces. What is impossible?”

  ”Unfortunately, Baidu is too spineless.”

  Robin and Luo Ping, the brothers, are also practical people like Chen Jiaxin. Do

  you ask them if they are afraid of competing with Pintuan? They are afraid, because the feeling of being pressed into a corner and beaten when doing group buying before is still like a shadow.

  But watching the wars on all sides, you can only watch and cannot participate, which is really uncomfortable.

  ”I wonder what Jiang Qin is doing?”

  ”I heard he’s writing a paper.”

  Luo Ping was stunned for a moment: “How do you know?”

  Robin took out his mobile phone and showed it to him. On the screen was Jiang Qin’s circle of friends, all of which were photos of him writing papers, with the caption: “A man of letters can bring peace to the world, and a man of martial arts can decide the fate of the world.”

  After reading it, Luo Ping couldn’t help but sigh. It turned out that he was about to graduate from college. Then the corner of his mouth twitched. Damn, this person is still a fresh graduate, it’s out of the ordinary!

  In mid-May, the temperature in Linchuan has begun to rise, the sun has become particularly bright, the leaves on the campus are dense, and college students are beginning to transition to short sleeves.

  At this time, the graduation defense of the School of Finance is in progress.

  The students came to the classroom early in the morning, sat in the back row, and went on stage one by one to discuss and then answer questions from the college tutors.

  Jiang Qin’s thesis topic is the impact of Internet business on economic development. When he submitted the first draft in April, he just submitted a topic, and now he has finished writing the content. The PPT for the presentation was prepared by Feng Nanshu for him, and it looks like a ladylike freshness.

  Soon, the defense meeting officially began, and the students took the stage one by one.

  Facing the expressionless and sometimes frowning mentors below the stage, the first few people were quite nervous during the defense, because some mentors’ questions and doubts were very sharp, especially some mentors who competed with each other academically, it was not uncommon to set traps for each other’s students.

  But when it was Jiang Qin’s turn, the situation suddenly changed.

  The mentors who were originally expressionless and solemn suddenly changed to smiling faces and nodded frequently.

  , he is right.

  Wow, this point of view is very fresh. I haven’t studied this direction before. I need to take good notes.

  Although this part of what he said is slightly inconsistent with my academic theory, I am willing to believe that he is right.

  The people on the stage seemed to be giving a lecture, and the people below the stage were all attending class seriously.

  ”Damn, Lao Jiang is really showing off. If I had known earlier, I would have written a discussion on the role of logistics development in promoting the national economy by taking Hengtong Freight as an example.”

  Young Master Cao grinned, feeling that he had missed a chance to show off.

  Zhou Chao was shaking his legs nervously beside him: “I just hope that when Professor Zhou asks me questions, he can be one thousandth as gentle as he is to Brother Jiang.”

  ”Do you have one thousandth of Brother Jiang’s wealth?”

  ”I weigh 1.5 times as much as Brother Jiang…”

  Jiang Qin’s defense process went very quickly, and the tutors in charge of the students’ defense gave full marks.

  There was originally a summary at the end, in which the tutors evaluated and suggested the students’ papers, but in the end it all became what the “examiner” learned from Jiang’s paper and what new thinking it triggered. The

  students in the audience were all numb.

  Logically speaking, college students like to challenge authority, and they will definitely have opinions about the double-standard attitude of the defense committee.

  But when they watched Jiang Qin come down from the stage, they remembered that this was the man who had appeared on CCTV News and talked about changing the world with Er Ma on his shoulders, and they couldn’t help but secretly convinced.

  Because what he said might really be the future.

  At this time, Jiang Qin came down from the stage with his computer and sat next to the three musketeers in the dormitory. He opened his PPT and took a look at it again, frowning slightly.

  When he was doing the data presentation just now, he found that there would be special effects every time he turned the page, and when the special effects appeared, something would flash by, so fast that it was unclear, but there seemed to be words on it.

  Jiang Qin thought it was the little rich woman’s mistake, so he deleted the contents of several pages and made the background transparent, and then he found that there was a hidden Easter egg on each page of this PPT.

  [Come on, brother! Come on, brother!]

  [Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu]

  [Original watermark of Jiang Qin’s home]

  [Little rich woman, big bear]

  Jiang Qin couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth and flipped through the pages.

  Cao Guangyu next to him came over and took a look: “What is that? It’s all on my face?”

  Jiang Qin shouted angrily, “Get lost!” Finally, he closed the computer with a snap, closed his eyes and pretended to be in deep thought.

  According to the previous steps, Jiang Qin would then question the little rich woman why she was so unfriendly and wanted to hit him in the face. The little rich woman would bluff and say that Gao Wenhui did it, and then pretend to believe it.

  I’ve been very busy recently, so let’s simplify the steps.

  Damn Gao Wenhui, you’re going to lose your salary this month!

  After the defense meeting, Jiang Qin went to the cafeteria to eat. The secretary Wen Jinrui called to ask him where he was, and then hurried over with a file bag.

  Wen Jinrui graduated last year and has worked in 208 for three years. He has grown a lot and his temperament is becoming more and more like Wei Lanlan.

  ”Boss, Sister Tan Qing asked me to give you this.”

  ”What is it?”

  ”Do you remember Waimai Superman?”

  ”I know. Isn’t it that foreign brand? I talked about it with Lanlan and the others before. What’s the matter?”

  Wen Jinrui opened the file bag and spoke: “This platform has not been able to adapt to the local environment since it entered the Chinese market. Its early market positioning was also wrong, and its business has never been big.”

  Jiang Qin nodded: “The domestic takeout market is different from that abroad. The civilian market is the largest. Doing high-end takeout is equivalent to setting limits for yourself.”

  ”But there are also people willing to pay for it. There are still many rich people in China. So although it can’t be big, it has high profits. It is the only profitable platform besides group takeout.”

  ”The group of stupid people with a lot of money still exists.”

  Wen Jinrui took out the document: “This morning, Waimai Superman announced its merger with Ele.bu, becoming a high-end takeout brand under Ele.bu, and the port has been connected.” Jiang Qin

  ’s hand paused, took the document and looked at it for a long time, his fingers tapping slowly on the metal table in the cafeteria.

  Hurricane Capital is the largest shareholder of Waimai Superman, but this is a bad move. Feng Shirong has always been upset about this investment. He once scolded the person in charge of Waimai Superman for not spending money and being a waste.

  This investment was originally going to go down the drain, and Feng Shirong no longer had any hope.

  However, after Fandian was sniped by group takeout, Duan Wenzhao felt sorry for his hard work and couldn’t find a buyer, so he packed up the platform and gave it directly to Ele.bu in exchange for shares. This incident made Feng Shirong find a new way. Rather than

  letting Waimai Superman go bankrupt and get nothing, it is better to join Ele.bu’s camp.

  After hearing the other party’s request, Ele.bu also welcomed it and immediately sent Yang Xueyu to Shanghai to discuss cooperation in detail.

  Because it is true that a high-end takeout brand alone cannot be big, but if Waimai Superman can join in, achieve low frequency to high frequency, and use traffic to drive the sales of high-end takeout, this field may not be impossible. When

  you get a salary and a bonus, you will always have the idea of ​​trying high-end takeout.

  In addition, the brand of Ele.Bu has always been quite low-end, especially under the small workshop business model, which has always given people a sense of “simple”. The brand structure has never been better than that of group takeaway.

  But the high-end channel of Waimai Chaoren has joined, which is equivalent to filling their business gaps and improving their brand image.

  So, the cooperation was a done deal.

  Jiang Qin read the document carefully and looked up at Wen Jinrui: “Please notify the managers of the branch stations in each city to come to Linchuan for a meeting on Wednesday.”

  ”Okay, boss.”

  (The foreshadowing is completed, but I always feel that the previous part is not well written. It will be optimized recently. Dear readers, please vote!)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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