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Chapter 628 This Bad Idea Might Actually Work

Chapter 628 This Bad Idea Might Actually Work


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 628 This bad idea might work



  Chu Guang Gene sequence: Manager (sixth stage)

  Level: LV.40→LV.50

  ——Basic attributes——

  Strength: 45→60 (+15)

  Agility: 35→45 (+10)

  Constitution: 40→50 (+10)

  Perception: 39→50 (+11)

  Intelligence: 40→53 (+13)



  -Talent: 1. Wild instinct: Wild instinct can be awakened under extreme conditions, and all attributes will be increased by 10~15% during the duration, and the fatigue value accumulation speed will increase by 20~30%.

  2. Mental deterrence: It can produce a psychological pressure effect on fully mental life forms weaker than itself, weakening its resistance.

  3. Hive mind: It can share 3~15% of the intelligence attribute of fully mental life forms weaker than itself, so that it can be inspired and have a bonus to thinking speed. This effect is affected by multiple factors such as distance, number of people, and acceptance, and the maximum distance is 10m.

  4. Victory Call: The vocal cords vibrate at a special frequency, injecting courage into the shouting voice, and making the people who resonate with it have an invincible determination.

  5. “Unable to resolve”. (New)


  Shelter No. 404, infirmary.

  Chu Guang, sitting on the scanning bed, looked at the blade in his hand that he had twisted into a twist, his eyes full of disbelief.

  He had just returned to the shelter from Xizhou City last night. Not long after he lay down, he had a vague dream and woke up in a sweat.

  As usual, he handed the job of washing the sheets to Xiao Qi, and he immediately contacted He Ya to make an appointment for a physical examination.

  As expected, his gene sequence development progress has made another breakthrough! To be honest

  , Chu Guang knew something about his physical condition, but he didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated that he could twist the blade into a twist with his bare hands.

  A small scratch was cut on the skin of the palm. The blood on the blade had not dried yet, but the scratch was almost gone.

  It’s not just strength.

  From the keratinocytes on the surface of the skin to the capillaries and muscle tissues under the dermis, and even the organs and bones in the body, they are all developing in a direction different from that of ordinary people.

  Even if the macroscopic structure and outline of the body have not changed significantly, they have actually been replaced by something else.

  In Heya’s words, only 2% of the DNA of ordinary people is normally expressed, and this is basically the limit that humans can bear.

  And because his DNA is carefully designed, the proportion of selective expression in the entire gene pool has reached 4%, or even higher!

  To make an inappropriate but vivid analogy, ordinary people are private cars that can be bought on the market, all with four wheels and one engine. The performance will definitely vary according to the brand and variety, but there will definitely be no problem running on the road.

  The awakened are F1 racing cars. Although they also have four wheels and one engine, anyone can see that this thing is completely different from ordinary cars. Even if it can run on the road, no one will license it.

  Chu Guang’s situation is even more exaggerated.

  The engine of his F1 is not an ordinary gasoline engine. The four wheels and one engine are simply replaced by four plasma nozzles plus a controlled fusion engine! Others run on wheels on the road, but he flies directly on the road!

  This can no longer be considered a car, but has become something else completely.

  But the fact is indeed so.

  Wearing a 1.1-ton power armor on him is like wearing a down jacket.

  Others rely on the energy provided by nuclear fusion batteries to drive the armor, but he relies solely on the strength of his body to move freely in the power armor.

  Chu Guang estimated that if he traveled back to the original world in his physical body, he would probably be studied as an alien.

  But it seems to be okay. After all,

  just looking at this exaggerated attribute panel, he feels that there is really no difference between him and the alien.

  The basic strength value of an ordinary person is 5, and the power of a punch is about 50 kilograms. His strength attribute is 60, 12 times, which is 600 kilograms?

  Of course, this is just the power of a punch.

  According to the simple calculation of momentum formula, the force generated by ordinary people hitting the target may actually be about 1~2 times of this number, while trained people can reach 3~5 times.

  In other words –

  according to the rough calculation results, he can produce a ton of impact force with one punch? !

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang suddenly became interested and suddenly wanted to try how powerful his full-strength punch was.

  However, as soon as he clenched his fist, he was interrupted by a quick cough.

  ”Don’t mess around.”

  Looking at He Ya who was staring at him vigilantly, Chu Guang was slightly stunned, then smiled embarrassedly and loosened his clenched fist again.

  ”I’m just a little curious.”

  ”Curious about how many minutes it will take to dismantle my laboratory?”

  He Ya made a helpless expression and continued.

  ”I can tell you the conclusion directly. Your punch is probably no different from a truck crash. It’s not just ‘twelve times the strength’. Your muscle fibers and bones have actually become another ‘material’. But I still advise you not to really fight a truck. Even if you have to try, you’d better install a titanium alloy skeleton or something. Even if your bones are incredibly hard, they are still bones after all.”

  ”I’m not that idle… By the way, what is the ‘unresolvable’ in the last line?” Chu Guang suddenly noticed the bottom line of the attribute panel and asked Heya.

  Knowing that Chu Guang would ask this question, Heya pulled out a chair and sat opposite him. She pointed her index finger to the holographic image and gently pushed it in front of him.

  The image of the DNA helix unfolded in the image, and rows of light blue labels jumped out with it.

  These graphically marked the gene fragments selected for expression and the messenger RNA transcribed from them, as well as the protein chains formed under the processing of ribosomes.

  Although the entire biological process was presented very intuitively in this report, Chu Guang was still confused and didn’t understand it at all.

  Obviously knowing that this was beyond his knowledge, Heya did not keep him in suspense and explained it concisely.

  ”Unable to interpret means literally. Your body has undergone some changes and started to synthesize some proteins that I have never seen and whose specific functions I am not sure of. I don’t want to start with the basic knowledge of ‘how genes affect biological traits’. Anyway, you can understand it as… the human body is like a construction site, and some strange bricks have appeared on your construction site, and a house whose functions I don’t understand has been built.”

  ”There is no similar precedent in the database of the shelter, so I can’t speculate the possible results of this change based on the existing samples. I can only observe for a while.”

  Chu Guang was slightly surprised.

  ”Even you can’t see the enhancement.”

  ”That’s not normal. I’m a researcher, not a prophet. But don’t be so sure that it must be ‘enhancement’.”

  Heya suddenly raised the corner of her lips playfully, moved forward a little, and smiled with a bad taste, “What if it’s a genetic disease? For example, two heads suddenly grew on your shoulders. This is not completely impossible.”

  Although this possibility is not high.

  After such a long period of research, Heya has been able to conclude that his genes are not naturally formed, but more like designed using knowledge that she does not understand.

  Most of the residents of this shelter are like this.

  Their existence itself is “singularity-level” technology, and at least they have one foot on the singularity that is out of common sense.

  However, she originally just wanted to scare this guy, so that he would not always rely on his good health to wander around and not take his own safety seriously.

  Unfortunately, Chu Guang was obviously not scared, and just laughed at this ambiguous statement.

  ”If it was really that kind of thing, you wouldn’t notify me in such a joking tone.”

  He Ya, who leaned back in the chair, curled her lips in boredom.

  ”That’s right, I’ll brew the tone of a terminal illness diagnosis next time.”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”In short, what exactly the change is remains to be observed in the future?”

  He Ya nodded and said simply.

  ”That’s right. I suggest adjusting the frequency of physical examinations from once every seven days to once every three days. It would be best if it could be once every two days. Frankly speaking, I am very interested in the changes in you. If I can observe the entire process of your physiological changes, it will be of great help to my ongoing research.”

  Being looked at by those sharp eyes, Chu Guang coughed lightly, turned off the translucent holographic screen with a wave of his index finger, and fastened the buttons of his shirt.

  ”I will consider it after the wave passes, but I am afraid I can’t spare so much time recently.”

  Looking at Chu Guang who got up from the scanning bed, He Ya suddenly thought of something and spoke.

  ”By the way, speaking of the wave, I just have something to tell you.”

  Seeing He Ya’s serious expression, Chu Guang also put away the jokes on his face and gradually became serious.

  ”What’s the matter?”


  Hearing this unfamiliar name, Chu Guang frowned slightly.


  He Ya nodded and continued with a serious expression.

  ”A new mother was born in the city center. According to the clues provided by Xiaoyu, its name seems to be Xia. Our researchers sampled the spores active in Qingquan City and found mutants that were different from the previous ones from a large number of samples.”

  ”Mutants?” Chu Guang was stunned. “Didn’t there exist any in previous years?”

  Heya said patiently.

  ”Of course there were in previous years. The wave itself is the way for mutant slime molds to expand their populations, and they will also produce new evolutions in this process, but this year is different from previous years.”

  Chu Guang did not speak, waiting for her to continue.

  Heya paused for a moment and tried to explain in a popular way that he could understand.

  ”According to the information I collected from Boulder City, although mutant slime molds also evolved collectively in the wave in previous years, they usually evolved in the direction of rapid reproduction, rapid healing, and stronger armor.”

  Gradually realizing that something was wrong, Chu Guang asked cautiously.

  ”What about this year?”

  ”This year is fire-resistant.” What

  the hell? !

  Chu Guang was shocked.


  Looking at Chu Guang’s surprised expression, Heya nodded slightly.

  ”Although it sounds unbelievable, this is what we have observed.”

  ”No… is there any carbon-based organism that cannot be killed by fire?”

  ”It’s not that they cannot be killed, but the spores released by this new variant of slime mold exhibit physiological characteristics that have never been seen before. For example, when encountering unbearable high temperatures, the macromolecular carbon chains in the spore sacs will quickly combine with the surrounding oxygen molecules under the action of biological catalysts, and the volume will expand rapidly. Eventually, the spores will rupture and release a large amount of carbon dioxide.”

  ”After completing this process, the spores will quickly die, but the air in the entire area will also be quickly consumed. According to the calculation and simulation results of the Biological Research Institute, under standard atmospheric pressure, when the spore concentration index reaches 500, the oxygen content in the area can be reduced from 20.95% to 10.1% within half a minute, and the cost is only 80% of its own consumption. If the spore concentration index reaches 800, it will only take ten seconds to complete the process.”

  ”Plus, most conventional combustion processes consume oxygen, and the release of spores by the fruiting body is a continuous process. The oxygen content in the area will be further reduced, thereby weakening or even completely terminating the ongoing redox reaction.”

  Most combustibles in life will go out when the oxygen content is less than 14% after catching fire.

  If this mutant spore can really reduce the oxygen content to 10.1%, it may not only affect the incendiary bombs, but also some synthetic oil engines and generators.

  Fortunately, the minimum oxygen content for hydrogen combustion is 5.9%, otherwise the air batteries that burn hydrogen in the alliance will also suffer.

  Chu Guang’s face finally changed.

  In order to deal with this wave, the alliance prepared nearly 1,000 tons of incendiary bombs and nearly 300,000 tons of fuel for making napalm bombs.

  But his researcher told him that it probably wouldn’t be used? !

  ”Don’t the fruiting bodies of slime molds need to breathe?”

  Heya said solemnly.

  ”This is exactly what confuses me. If those slime molds create a large ‘anaerobic zone’ in Qingquan City, their own life activities will obviously be affected. I can only speculate that the fruiting bodies produced by the new species’ mother nest have a higher tolerance to anaerobic environments. After all… they themselves come from the sky.”

  Chu Guang was silent for a while and pressed his index finger between his eyebrows.

  ”It’s always good to find problems in advance… I don’t believe there are creatures without weaknesses in this world.”

  ”I think the same as you. Maybe the performance of incendiary bombs in actual combat is not as pessimistic as the calculation results, and we are also thinking of other solutions… By the way, you didn’t just prepare incendiary bombs, did you?” Heya looked at Chu Guang worriedly and asked.

  ”That’s not the case. We won’t pin our hopes of victory entirely on a certain weapon,” Chu Guang shook his head and sighed, “But to be honest, incendiary bombs have an irreplaceable role in fighting against mutant slime molds. It has the highest cost-effectiveness and can clean up a large number of corpses. If incendiary bombs cannot achieve the expected effect, this war will be more difficult than we expected.”

  Is it because too many incendiary bombs are used?

  It seems to be true.

  When Boulder City was dealing with the wave before, it had always adopted the strategy of using incendiary bombs to wash the ground and mercenaries rushing to destroy the house.

  Including when the Alliance dealt with the wave before, it even purchased several more efficient big guys from Boulder City.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

  If those slime molds continue to multiply, they will sooner or later become a bigger trouble.

  ”We have to solve the threat to the center of Qingquan City once and for all.”

  At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and spoke.

  ”By the way, what if we let the mother nest devour the mother nest?”

  This was not a solution he came up with, but he had seen someone discuss this on the forum before. Some players even encouraged Luo Yu to take Xiao Yu out to see if he could eat the other side.

  He remembered that Heya had said before that there was an “intraspecific struggle” relationship between mutant slime molds. In order to compete for sunlight, land, and organic matter, slime mold fruiting bodies belonging to different hive consciousnesses would often attack or even devour each other.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s question, Heya was slightly stunned.

  ”Let the mother nest devour the mother nest… This is not impossible. In theory, mutant slime molds with large DNA differences can indeed devour each other. This is also one of their ways to obtain genetic information and strengthen themselves, but there is really no precedent for the mother nest devouring the mother nest.”

  Not only has the alliance never encountered such a precedent, but even the companies with tentacles throughout the eastern part of the Central Continent have never encountered it.

  Because the Alliance and the Enterprise had signed a research agreement on mutant slime molds before, the data and information obtained by the Enterprise and its allies from observing and studying mutant slime molds in the past two hundred years were basically open to the Alliance. However, she had looked through all the records and had never found such an extreme situation.

  And the most important thing is that Xiaoyu’s body is on the B6 floor of the shelter. The volume that occupies the entire machine room cannot even get out of the door of the machine room, let alone get on the elevator.

  In the future, it may merge with the entire B6 floor.

  How can it be swallowed? It

  is even more unrealistic to put that “Xia” into the shelter. If you are not careful, the entire shelter will have to repeat the mistakes of the B6 floor.

  Looking at the stunned Heya, Chu Guang’s eyes flickered slightly and continued.

  ”What if the residents of the shelter carrying biological prostheses actively inject their biological prostheses into the body of the mother or the mother nest?”

  If the mother nest can be directly wiped out in this way, he can even consider stuffing the players into the shells and launching a “surgical” precision strike on the mother nest.

  Of course, this is not aimed at the newborn mother.

  It’s aimed at the mother nest in the city center!

  Although it’s a bit unfair to say this, but after just surviving a winter and giving birth to a large number of “little lives”, this guy should be very weak, right?

  There is no better opportunity than this!

  Heya opened her mouth and squeezed out a sentence with a weird expression for a long time.

  ”Who came up with this idea?”

  Chu Guang sighed.

  ”Is it not possible?”

  ”No…” Heya shook her head and said with a subtle expression, “My opinion is just the opposite. This bad idea might really work.”

  Chu Guang: “!!!”

  What the hell?

  It really works? !

  (Thanks to “Han Ye Wei Liao” and “Tang Ya” for the rewards!!! In a few hours it will be 2023, everyone, I wish you a happy Year of the Rabbit!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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