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Chapter 629: Mrs. Jiang’s Value

Chapter 629: Mrs. Jiang’s Value


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 629 The Value of Mrs. Jiang

  On Monday, when the summer was getting thicker, Feng’s internal adjustments were made, and Cai Ming officially became the custodian of Hurricane Investment.

  The two people were quite harmonious when they handed over their work, but from Cai Ming’s point of view, he felt that Feng Shirong was covered with a layer of clouds.

  ”Mr. Cai, Hurricane Capital will be handed over to you in the future.”

  ”Mr. Feng can’t say that. I’m just a temporary replacement. To put it bluntly, I’m a steward temporarily arranged by the shareholders. I don’t seek credit, but I hope to avoid mistakes.”

  Feng Shirong sighed when he heard the last eight words: “The matter of Takeaway Superman was indeed my decision-making mistake.”

  Cai Ming shook his head: “It was because the group buying was too strong. Alibaba and Tencent were helpless. You don’t need to blame yourself too much.”

  ”I never make excuses for my failures. That’s the behavior of the weak.”


  Cai Ming nodded, thinking that he had failed three times in his first trip, two investment failures, and one decision-making error. Excuses seemed to be insufficient.

  At this time, Feng Shirong sat in the boss chair, looking out the window with a calm gaze, feeling like a hero who was not successful.

  The city in front of him was familiar to him, but also very strange.

  He grew up in this city, so it was a familiar feeling.

  But later, for overseas investment, he stayed abroad for many years, and these years were the fastest growing years in the domestic economy, so it was a strange feeling.

  The takeaway superman was an outsider who could not chant sutras, and he felt the same way.

  At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Duan Ying stepped in and put a thermos bucket on the table.

  ”Honey, I made soup for you.”

  ”Well, put it aside first.”

  Duan Ying nodded, stepped aside, and looked out the window with Feng Shirong.

  Her expression was very calm, without too many waves, but in fact she was already very disappointed. The

  hungry company that she had high hopes for was defeated by the group buying in a blink of an eye, and it didn’t even have the power to fight back. The shares she and Duan Wenzhao had shrunk drastically, and they got nothing, and even lost their own private money.

  But what made her even more unacceptable was that Hurricane Investment was no longer managed by her husband.

  Think about it, at the beginning of the year, she returned strongly, moved into Sheshan Manor, announced Feng Shirong’s return, and forced Qin Jingqiu to cut off her arm and make Qin’s real estate independent. How glorious it was. But in

  less than half a year, Feng Shirong lost control of Hurricane Capital due to consecutive investment failures, which was equivalent to losing half of Feng’s Group.

  Then why did she hold a party for the wives and win over those people?

  She wanted to participate in Feng’s business, and even felt that she would not do worse than Qin Jingqiu, but she did not expect things to develop to this point.

  At this time, Cai Ming stood up from his seat and took a step to leave: “Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng is here, so I’ll leave first.”

  ”Wait a minute.”

  ”What’s wrong, Mr. Feng, is there anything else?”

  Feng Shirong pointed to a construction site not far away: “What construction project is that place?”

  Cai Ming walked to the French window and took a look: “It’s the Pintuan Industrial Park.”


  Feng Shirong looked out of the French window of the headquarters building and saw a construction site in the distance. The main building and the park had been built. The scale looked very large, and he couldn’t help but be curious.

  As a result, the answer given by Cai Ming made him stunned for a moment.

  Duan Ying also came over and looked at the construction site, her hands clenched tightly.

  Cai Ming pointed and said, “That building in the middle is the headquarters building of Pintuan, and it will be completed by the end of the year.” “Is it

  so large?”

  ”Pintuan currently has more than 50,000 employees. The news business group, social business group, group buying business group, takeaway business group, supply management department, investment management department, and big data research and development department are all large departments that require a lot of office space. It’s not surprising that they are larger in scale.”

  Feng Shirong didn’t react much after hearing what Cai Ming said, but Duan Ying opened his mouth and took a step back involuntarily.

  The assets of Internet companies are different from real estate. Sometimes they can’t be seen by the naked eye, but once they are read out, their hugeness can be seen.

  Duan Ying has never been involved in business, and has always felt that running a website and running a real estate are not at the same level. But until he saw the scale of the construction site opposite, he realized how wrong he was.

  But Feng Shirong’s focus was not here.

  ”Why is the contractor Wanzhong Group?”

  He pointed and saw the six words “Constructed by Wanzhong Group” on top of the main building that had been built.

  Cai Ming glanced at him: “Don’t you know? Mr. Jiang of group buying is the second largest shareholder of Wanzhong Group.”


  Feng Shirong was stunned for a moment: “No, I’ve read the information before. Thirty percent of the shares of Wanzhong Group are controlled by a foundation called Jinsinan.”

  Cai Ming smiled slightly: “That’s just a superficial sleight of hand. In fact, the Jinsinan Foundation is also owned by Mr. Jiang. He just holds a controlling stake in this way. Some well-known brands such as Helishao, Burger King, and Green Pepper Grilled Fish are all invested by him in this way.”


  ”You guessed right. The word Nan should be Miss Feng’s name. The largest financial institution in Mr. Jiang’s hands is named after her.”

  Cai Ming looked at the building: “During the group buying war before, many people thought that group buying was a small household without funds. Later, when Jinsinan broke out, everyone was really shocked.”

  Cai Ming used to be Qin Jingqiu’s right-hand man, and he also got this information from Qin Jingqiu.

  However, the impact of this news on Feng Shirong was very severe, and he was still unable to process it after a long time.

  Duan Ying heard the conversation between the two people and had a questioning expression on her face: “Boss Cai, which Wanzhong Group is it?”


  It is the project partner of Qin’s Real Estate. The Wanzhong Mall that you and my wife have been visiting is theirs. The CEO of their group is surnamed He and is from Linchuan.”
“Jiang Qin is also in the real estate business?!”

  Cai Ming shook his head when he heard the voice: “Boss Qin said before that Boss Jiang only holds shares and decides the development direction, and does not participate in daily management.”

  Feng Shirong turned his head and looked at him: “Is the idea of ​​comprehensive commercial real estate his?”

  ”Yes, all the Wanzhong Malls currently have the direction decided by Boss Jiang, and the planning, layout and investment promotion are also done according to his mall manual.”

  ”Group buying, is it supported by Qin’s Real Estate?”

  ”I don’t know the specific details, but it shouldn’t be. When Boss Qin contacted Boss Jiang, group buying had already taken shape. Boss Qin probably felt that this comprehensive commercial real estate project was good when he contacted Boss Jiang, so he cooperated with Wanzhong Group.”

  Duan Ying stood in front of the French window for a long time, and she felt something coming towards her face.

  Real estate, Internet business, capital institutions, and the construction site in front of them, all of them belonged to Jiang Qin.

  And the stepdaughter who had been oppressed by him for so many years was now Mrs. Jiang, who was repeatedly mentioned by him in the news.

  What about herself? She was Mrs. Feng…

  But what panicked her was that the value of her as Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang of Feng Nanshu seemed to be completely different.

  Especially after the power of Feng was divided, the power in Feng Shirong’s hands was equivalent to being cut in half, and the value of her as Mrs. Feng was even lower.

  This was not her imagination, but during the mahjong playing period, the wives of the senior executives and shareholders had obviously less respect for her.

  She had worked hard for many years to climb to her current position, and she could not accept this result at all.

  ”Mr. Feng, please drink the soup. After all, it is Mrs. Feng’s intention. I will not bother you anymore.”

  ”Thank you, Mr. Cai, for answering my questions.”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  Cai Ming smiled, then said goodbye, got up and left the president’s office.

  Before leaving, he couldn’t help but look back at Feng Shirong, and a sigh came from his heart.

  Feng Group was built up by Mr. Feng.

  At that time, the country’s spring breeze had just blown, and all kinds of businesses flourished but were not at all volatile, which was easier to do than now.

  Mrs. Feng had some official background in the past, and the Feng family had some savings, so it was not surprising that they could do business.

  Because in that era, as long as there was a little initial capital, you could raise a rich man by throwing it into an industry, otherwise why would there be a craze for going into business?

  So Feng Group grew step by step, and it involved more and more industries.

  At that time, Feng was completely under the control of Mr. Feng, and the development was stable and advanced.

  Unfortunately, his two sons seemed to have no business talent.

  Feng Shihua was more fascinated by art and had no interest in business, but fortunately his wife was the great President Qin, so when Mr. Feng took Feng Shirong to invest overseas, Feng Group was still strong.

  Feng Shirong was very keen on business and his style was very radical, but he had the intention, but… a little powerless.

  So, it is not unreasonable that Feng is in a mess now.

  Cai Ming felt that Feng Shirong still didn’t understand the domestic development situation, or didn’t understand it.

  In the past, information was not well developed. You could just build a pig farm on a piece of land, and build another pig farm when you made money, and the accumulation of wealth would naturally increase.

  But now that information is well developed, many industry news are open and transparent, and business is no longer divided by region, and the national trend is becoming more and more serious.

  Rich businessmen and elites from all over the country have joined the competition. There will be thousands of opponents when a vent appears. In this case, how can you do business without the strength of a bloody battle?

  In other words, the times are different, and the competitive relationship is also different.

  It is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business.

  This is no longer a world where you can continue to develop naturally as long as you are big.

  Cai Ming gently closed the door and planned to go to Shanti Villa to meet Feng Shihua and ask Hurricane Investment what to do.

  At this time, Feng Shirong opened the thermos bucket and began to drink soup silently, while his heart was slowly digesting the news just now.

  ”No wonder Joy City has such a hard time attracting investment, no wonder Fandian was singled out for targeting, no wonder Waimai Superman went bankrupt and stopped business, what about supporting Nanshu, that sounds nice, I think he is supporting Qin Jingqiu.”

  Duan Ying pursed her lips: “Poor daughter, maybe she is just a tool for marriage.”

  When she spoke, her hands were clenched tightly together.

  There was no way, she could only say this, could only say this…

  The group buying was too big, so big that after she heard it just now, it was like a thunderclap in her ears, so she couldn’t let Feng Nanshu become Mrs. Jiang, otherwise she didn’t know what would happen to her.

  That Jiang Qin was too cruel, just look at how he attacked Fandian, you can tell, she can’t take chances.

  Feng Shirong glanced at her, said nothing, lowered his head and drank the soup slowly.

  Duan Ying turned to look at the huge construction site outside the window, still feeling a sense of oppression that made it difficult for her to calm down.

  (Seeking monthly tickets)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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