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Chapter 63 Tang Weiwei: Don’t push your luck

Chapter 63 Tang Weiwei: Don’t push your luck


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 63 Tang Weiwei: Don’t push your luck.

  Xu Xiuwen was startled and blurted out, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m so scared.”

  Yang Baishan was the first to say, “Don’t talk about girls, I’m a boy, and I can’t help but be moved when I hear a boy singing to me.” He was

  actually recognized by other people in the dormitory.

  Xu Xiuwen glared at Yang Baishan, “I’m not gay!”

  Others in the dormitory: “Hahahaha…”

  Although the singing of the Department of Plumbing Engineering was over.

  But due to the existence of the forum, more and more people knew about and saw the performance that day.

  The result of the incident was that

  at noon the next day, a few minutes before the start of the military training, Xu Xiuwen was called out of the team by several seniors.

  This is nothing, these seniors are not students of Jiangling College, but from Jiaotong University.

  This time, they found him because they saw his singing ability and invited him to participate in the welcome party of Jiaotong University.

  Jiangling College is an independent third-tier college, but there is no welcome party, only the school has it. So every year, students from Jiangling College will participate in the welcome party of the school.

  This is not surprising.

  Xu Xiuwen had seen this kind of thing in his previous life.

  He just didn’t expect that one day it would happen to him.

  Xu Xiuwen was not interested in attending the welcome party.

  His original intention was to keep a low profile.

  But now that he couldn’t keep a low profile, he chose to let himself go and agreed very straightforwardly.

  Seeing that he agreed, several seniors were also very satisfied with his straightforwardness.

  Both parties left their numbers.

  Before the seniors left, they also informed Xu Xiuwen that they would go to the large and small auditoriums after the military training to discuss the program.

  In addition to him, Bai Yue’er was also invited to participate in a dance program.

  Bai Yue’er also agreed.

  After the military training, Xu Xiuwen and several roommates went to the cafeteria for dinner.

  Here, he saw Tang Weiwei.

  Tang Weiwei was alone.

  The girl bought two big white buns at the window selling buns.

  Xu Xiuwen watched her put the buns in a plastic bag and put them in her pocket.

  ”You go eat first, I have something to do.” Xu Xiuwen found an excuse to get rid of several roommates.

  Seeing that Tang Weiwei was about to leave the cafeteria, he sped up and chased after her.

  After leaving the cafeteria, Xu Xiuwen almost lost her.

  Fortunately, Xu Xiuwen guessed that she was going back to the dormitory, and followed the way back to the dormitory to find her.

  Sure enough, he saw Tang Weiwei in front of him.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly caught up, patted the girl’s left shoulder from behind, and then deftly went around to the right.

  Tang Weiwei was patted on the shoulder, but she turned around and saw nothing.

  Just when she was feeling strange, a voice suddenly came out from behind, “What are you looking for?”

  Tang Weiwei was frightened, and she didn’t stand still, and her body fell straight to the side of the road.

  Xu Xiuwen was quick-witted and grabbed the girl’s jade hand and pulled her into his arms.

  Tang Weiwei came to her senses and fell into Xu Xiuwen’s arms.

  ”You… let me go.” The girl said something non-threatening.

  ”What if I don’t let go?”

  Tang Weiwei lowered her head and didn’t speak, but he could feel the girl’s body shaking, and her body language was expressing resistance.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect this to happen, so he quickly let go and took a step back.

  ”I’m sorry, I was just kidding.”

  Tang Weiwei lowered her head, not knowing what she was looking at, and suddenly asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”

  ”What?” Xu Xiuwen didn’t understand what she meant.

  ”Why did you pull me up yesterday?”

  Tang Weiwei didn’t have a good relationship with other girls in the plumbing department.

  Except for a few people in the dormitory who didn’t isolate her, other girls basically didn’t want to associate with her.

  After what happened yesterday, Tang Weiwei was isolated by the girls.

  Last night, some girls deliberately said some gossip in front of her, such as, how could Xu Xiuwen like her, but he was just teasing her. Someone should see himself clearly, figure out his position, and not be blind, etc.

  Tang Weiwei went to college just to study hard and change her fate through studying.

  She was not as lucky as other girls who could play freely in college.

  She couldn’t afford to play!

  But Tang Weiwei didn’t say these words to Xu Xiuwen. Xu

  Xiuwen was speechless. It was just a sudden thought yesterday, and he didn’t have any extra thoughts. Now that Tang Weiwei asked him face to face, he couldn’t think of a suitable reason for a while.

  After a moment of silence, the girl said calmly, “I hope you won’t bother me in the future.”

  After that, the girl walked past Xu Xiuwen and walked forward.

  ”Stop!” Xu Xiuwen suddenly shouted.

  Tang Weiwei did not stop.

  Xu Xiuwen raised his voice, “Tang Weiwei, I told you to stop!”

  This time Tang Weiwei stopped obediently.

  Xu Xiuwen slowly walked behind the girl and asked, “Did someone say something to you?”

  Tang Weiwei’s nose was sour, and she didn’t say a word, but tears had already appeared in her crescent eyes under her bangs.

  Her lips were full, her lip beads were three-dimensional, and her mouth corners were slightly flat. At this moment, she bit her lips, and she had a kind of touching temperament.

  ”I… want to be friends with you. I have never thought of hurting you, either directly or indirectly. If anyone else said anything bad to you, I apologize to you.”

  Tang Weiwei still didn’t say a word.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the scenery in the distance and said softly, “I like Chongqing. I have liked it since I was a child. I think the girls in Chongqing are different from girls in other places. So after I came to college and met you, I knew you were from Chongqing, so I wanted to know more about you and make friends with you. My original intention was just to get closer to you, nothing else.”

  ”Are you serious?” Tang Weiwei listened to Xu Xiuwen’s explanation and turned around slowly.


  ”But you can’t force others.” Tang Weiwei thought about the first day of military training.

  ”I… I was too impatient. I’m sorry, I apologize to you.”

  ”You haven’t told me why you did that yesterday?”

  ”Yesterday… I thought we were already good friends, and I wanted to share my feelings with you at that time. I was inconsiderate.”

  Tang Weiwei felt the sincerity in the boy’s words and was no longer angry, but she was thin-skinned and couldn’t say the words to forgive him.

  ”Why did you chase me just now?”

  Xu Xiuwen asked back, “I thought we were friends. Shouldn’t we say hello when we see friends?”

  After thinking seriously, Tang Weiwei nodded and said “Yeah”.

  ”Since we are friends, can I continue to say hello when I see you next time?”


  ”Can I still talk to you?”


  ”Can I ask you for comfort when I am in a bad mood?”

  ”You… don’t push your luck.” Tang Weiwei finally couldn’t help but retort.

  ”Okay, I know my limits.” Xu Xiuwen smiled.

  He stared at the girl’s pocket and pretended to be surprised, “What’s in your pocket? It’s bulging. Are you hiding something good?” Then he reached into the girl’s pocket. I

   finally received a message from the station today. I can be promoted on the website this weekend. I don’t know if I should add more chapters.


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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