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Chapter 630: Unusual “Fog”

Chapter 630: Unusual “Fog”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 630 Unusual “Fog”

  ”…Recently, the concentration of spores in the air of Qingquan City has continued to rise. According to the analysis results of the Alliance Biological Research Institute, the wave will occur within two weeks.

  At present, the Alliance Army Command has designated part of Qingquan City as a temporary strategic preparation area. Residents of Boulder City and Dawn City must pay attention to their personal safety and try to avoid activities in these areas. Do not stay in the city for a long time outside the settlement unless necessary.

  However, there is no need to panic, especially for newcomers. The annual wave is already a reserved program in Qingquan City. Even if they come with great force, the final victory must belong to us who are united! The ”

  Survivor Daily” will bring you the latest first-hand front-line battle reports!”

  Boulder City, Pirate Bay Tavern, the lively atmosphere is like a blazing fire, and the sound of clinking and noisy is endless.

  Looking at the old-fashioned radio with a holographic screen on the bar, the drunk man burped and suddenly sighed.

  ”It’s really nostalgic.”

  The drinker next to him looked at him.

  ”What do you miss?”

  ”House’s broadcast,” the man chuckled, cleared his throat and said loudly, “…My dearest listeners and friends, the wave is coming, and the country bumpkins and beggars outside the giant wall are looking at us who live a rich life. Of course, we will not open the door, and we can watch their jokes by the warm fireplace, watch them howl with hunger, and watch them rolling in the mud with the corpse eaters. And our boys, under the wise command of the militia, suffered minimal casualties. Although a few people died, those people did not have a chip in their pockets, and they were not actually considered people from Boulder City.”

  He imitated House’s exaggerated voice, and because it was too funny, everyone couldn’t help laughing after hearing it.

  ”House, hahaha!”

  ”If you didn’t say it, I would have almost forgotten this guy!” Life

  got better day by day.

  But occasionally they would still think back to the unpleasant days in the past and those guys who had already rolled away.

  Some things can only be seen clearly when you look back.

  There is no need to add annotations. Just read Mr. House’s words again and everyone will smile knowingly.

  ”By the way, where did he go?”

  ”I also heard that he went to Red River Town at first, but the mine owners there didn’t listen to the radio at all, so he had to go to Garbage City. As a result, there happened to be his listeners there, but they all thought he was expelled by the Alliance, and the councilors there were so scared that they didn’t even dare to let him in.”

  ”Hahaha, I don’t think the administrators will bother with this guy. If they really bother with him, he won’t even be able to leave the door here.”

  ”I heard that he later went to the Bughra Free State. There, no matter who he is, he can continue to do his old business.”

  After the upheaval, many inner city nobles and merchants who had worked for the nobles ran to the good place in the north where money can buy everything.

  For example, Weijia, I heard that he is not bad. He used to look like a slave, but after going there, he mixed up with some decent people.

  This guy is like a loach, which got into the mud from the semi-clear water, and lived a more comfortable life than before.

  But they didn’t envy that guy.

  For most people here, they have had enough of the “winner takes all” situation. Whoever wants to eat can eat it by themselves.

  They won’t envy if they win, nor will they pity if they lose. They will just go their own way.

  At this time, the sound of wind chimes came from the door, and wet footprints stepped on the wooden floor. Joey, the leader of the militia who had just got off work, strode towards this side.

  ”It’s not appropriate for you to blame our militia for this. We did the work, although I admit that we didn’t do much before.”

  Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. Seeing that it was Joey, the man who imitated House before suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face and laughed.

  ”Joey? Of course we are not targeting you. We all know that you are a good person. How are you doing recently?”

  As he said that, he took the initiative to pull out a chair for Joey.

  Sitting down obediently, Joey took the hot towel handed by the bartender and wiped his face.

  The air quality has been bad these days.

  Although the survivors here have long been accustomed to the musty air, it is still inevitable to get their faces and hair dirty.

  The towel also thanked the bartender. Joey ordered a glass of hot mead and said casually.

  ”…As before, we are mainly responsible for defense tasks. The alliance has not made things difficult for us. As long as we can contain part of the wave in the area of ​​the giant wall, they will launch an active attack from the North Third Ring Road to put pressure on our enemies.”

  The man put his hand on his shoulder and shook it, and said seriously.

  ”Don’t bear it alone when you have difficulties. Tell us, we can also fight.”

  The others did the same, looking at him without joking.

  Joey was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

  ”Hahaha, come on, you’re fighting with bottles? Let’s leave the professional work to professionals like us.”

  The man also grinned, but his expression was still a little nervous. After all, the residents of the inner city have been responsible for dealing with the waves for the past 200 years. This year is not only the first time they face this threat by themselves, but also the most turbulent wave after the warm winter.

  ”Do you have enough manpower?”

  Joey said with a smile.

  ”There has never been a shortage, not to mention that there are a group of useful guys this year.” ”

  Useful guys?”

  ”The villains in the slums, those who do business with the looters.”

  Hearing this, the people in the tavern quickly remembered the crackdown at the beginning of the year.

  Those gang members were stupid enough. The Alliance had long disliked them, but they always thought it was the problem of the Stone City and didn’t bother to deal with it.

  Now that the Stone City has joined the Alliance, the slums under the giant wall that are full of filth have become the Alliance’s problem. Those blind bastards not only don’t know how to restrain themselves, but also set their sights on the residents of the shelter.

  I heard that the manager was in Boulder City at the time. After hearing the news, he waved his hand and more than a dozen tanks that had just come down from the front line turned around and surrounded the slums under the wall. Suspected gang members were taken away for interrogation, and those who resisted with weapons were shot on the spot.

  I don’t know how many died in the end, but there must be more than 5,000 captured.

  After that day, the whole slum was quiet, and the orphanage and welfare home in Boulder City were filled with the rescued children.

  ”…I heard that the manager organized them into a punishment camp and they received three months of military training in Qingshi County.”

  Joey took the mead handed over by the bartender and took a sip to moisten his throat.

  ”It’s time for them to pay back their debts.”


  Near the geological park in Qingshi County, there is a closed camp.

  Unlike the geological park next to it that has been transformed into a mine, the people here don’t have to spend all their time in the dark mines like the looters. After all, their crimes are not as serious as those of the looters.

  Therefore, they only need to work for 10 hours.

  As for the rest of the time, they receive harsh military training, use sticks instead of rifles to learn stabbing and raising guns, crawl in the snow, and exercise their courage in the machine gun fire and close artillery fire to prepare for the coming wave.

  Some people who couldn’t hold on died in training or fell in the mine, but they were only a minority.

  Even though the terrifying amount of training was crazy, the vitality of the wastelanders was tenacious, so there were still more than 5,000 people who survived. In

  just three months, these guys who were originally ruffians completely changed their appearance, and even the guys who were originally fat with fatty livers became thinner than their necks.

  Only after losing their freedom and dignity will people know the value of both, and this is the meaning of prison.

  After the training in the punishment camp, even if it is not enough for these villains to understand the etiquette and shame of civilized people, at least they will remember the punishment with their bodies.

  After a day of training as usual, the officer of the 1000-man team of the First Corps of the Alliance called a group of hundreds of prisoners to the cafeteria and announced the task in two weeks.

  Although it was expected, when they heard that they would step onto the battlefield as cannon fodder, they still showed timid and panic expressions on their faces.

  However, in response to the timidity of the crowd, the officer continued to speak expressionlessly.

  ”This year’s wave is different from previous years. Many of you will die, even the majority.”

  A prisoner swallowed his saliva, mustered up the courage to look at the officer and asked.

  ”What if we survive?”

  The officer looked at him, knew what he wanted to ask, and continued.

  ”If you survive, you will be qualified as a human being. Whether you can become a resident of the alliance depends on your performance.”

  ”However, the administrator promised that after the wave is over, regardless of whether you have won the recognition of the residents of the alliance, you don’t have to come back here. You can go to the south as a ‘supervised’ to open up wasteland and open up a new settlement there.”

  ”If you perform well, you have a chance to become a resident.”

  Hearing this, many prisoners showed joy on their faces. No matter how bad the situation in the south is, it is better than here. Besides, isn’t there a Singularity City there?

  As long as they are not exiled to the wasteland to fend for themselves, or thrown into a mine to work like an animal until they die, it is acceptable to them.

  However, some people know the situation in Jinchuan Province. It may be the next battlefield of the alliance, so some people also showed sad expressions.

  Looking at the prisoners whispering to each other, the officer continued to speak expressionlessly.

  ”I’m not bargaining with you. You only have two choices. Either give up being a human being like those predators and work until you die in the mines, or pick up your last bit of pitiful dignity and at least let us see that you are willing to die for your identity as a human being.”

  The cafeteria was quiet for a while.

  A prisoner took the lead and raised his right hand.

  ”I’m willing to go.”

  ”What’s your name?”

  Facing the officer’s question, the man hesitated for a moment and lowered his head and said.

  ”… Dagger.”

  There are many people with this name in the slums of Boulder City. Some people who originally had no names will mostly be given a dagger, a kitchen knife, an axe, etc. after joining the gang.

  Looking at the wrinkled hyperplasia on his arm, the officer frowned.

  Members of the Dagger Gang will tattoo a dagger on their arms as a symbol of identity. Other gangs also have similar habits. The alliance used these tattoos to capture many grassroots gang members.

  Later, these guys entered the punishment camp. At the request of the supervisors, they were either burned or sanded with sandpaper to remove all the marks on their bodies, but the scars would still remain.

  The officer probably guessed the identity of this guy, but he didn’t say anything.

  ”From today on, your name is Bit, and you are in charge of these more than 100 people.”

  He raised his arm and looked at the time on his watch. He continued, “Before turning off the lights and going to bed, count the number of people who will stay for me.”

  Bit breathed a sigh of relief, wrote down his new name, and saluted.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  There are still two weeks left before the wave, and the preparations for the war have entered the final stage.

  A large number of military supplies were transported into Dawn City along the railway, and then transported to various positions in the urban area of ​​Qingquan City by transport trucks.

  After the alliance with Boulder City, the alliance repaired the main traffic arteries in the city, both above ground and underground.

  The edge of the North Fifth Ring Road.

  Chu Guang, wearing a power armor, inspected the situation of the front-line positions accompanied by a wrench.

  Although the defense line is still the same as a year ago, this place has undergone earth-shaking changes, just like Dawn City.

  If the Alliance’s army was just a bunch of miscellaneous armed forces that used a mix of World War II and Cold War weapons, then what’s standing here now is a regular army.

  Fully automatic weapons are not only equipped to the entire army, but also distributed to the squads.

  One by one, 155mm artillery with thick and long barrels stands like a forest on the battlefield.

  It’s hard to imagine that just a year ago, most of the Alliance’s artillery was either third-hand goods seized from the plunderers, or knockoff goods made by Mosquito and a group of players like him.

  It’s not just artillery.

  There are also auxiliary equipment such as exoskeletons.

  At the beginning, the “KV-1” exoskeleton welded with a few steel plates was already a good equipment, and now even the workers who load and unload goods are wearing “miner” exoskeletons produced in Ideal City.

  Of course, it’s not just people and equipment.

  The most intuitive change is the entire position itself.

  The innermost defense line was formed by connecting tall buildings with concrete walls topped with barbed wire, and from there, firepower points were built on the natural shelters of skyscrapers, leaving only a few main roads with gates for entry and exit. The

  tall buildings that served as firepower points, like the corners of bastions in the classical period, could provide almost all-round firepower coverage to the adjacent streets.

  The entire defense line almost covers the entire area where the survivors are active, from the south side of Dawn City to the north side of Qingquan City. If the slime mold fruiting body wants to bypass this defense line, it must go around the city from the east or west line.

  However, since the information exchange rate of slime mold is linked to the spore concentration, the activity of slime mold fruiting bodies in a certain area will also be affected by the spore concentration.

  It’s like a server can only support 100 players at most. The information processing efficiency and channel width are only so large. If the administrator forcibly modifies the server protocol and removes the limit on the number of online people, resulting in a server with a capacity of only 100 people pouring in 10,000 people, the final result must be that everyone is stuck like a slide. The

  same is true for the mutant slime molds that rely on “node organisms” to carry out activities. The shortcomings in their DNA prevent them from expanding the will of the mother nest to areas with thin spore clouds, and they can only concentrate their strength in the form of waves to break through the defense line of civilization. Therefore,

  the fruiting bodies that take detours must be a minority, and most of the fruiting bodies will be concentrated on the front position. This is also one of the conclusions drawn by the Alliance Biological Research Institute through rigorous scientific research.

  The Alliance does not need to follow the method of the post-war reconstruction committee to enclose the entire city with a huge wall.

  Instead, it is enough to build a defense line that “extends from the area with higher spore cloud concentration to the area with lower concentration.”

  ”…The positions we built in the last wave are still retained. This time we have reinforced them on the original basis and improved the defense mode!”

  ”According to the advice of the General Staff, we divided the defense line into 20 sections, which were assigned to 20 thousand-man teams respectively. Each section was divided into 10 positions in the front, middle and back sections, and expanded outward in a ‘334’ mode to ensure that the firepower can cover every inch of land in front of the position!”

  More detailed improvement plans are of course not just that simple. The firepower configuration, logistics transportation, and support methods of each position have more detailed considerations, but these cannot be explained clearly in a short time, so Wrench did not list them in detail.

  In the last wave, the Alliance lacked experience in large-scale operations, but this time is different.

  After the baptism of the Luoxia Province Campaign, officers and soldiers at all levels of the Alliance have acquired considerable experience in mobile warfare, positional warfare and other battlefield modes.

  Looking at the glowing Wrench introducing the situation, Chu Guang nodded approvingly and gave a positive evaluation.

  ”Well done.”

  Wrench smiled honestly, and the red light on his old face shone even brighter.

  Most of the first batch of officers of the Alliance were like him, wastelanders rescued from the mouths of predators in Shelter No. 404.

  He did not have a high or great ideological realm, and he did not like to think about that thing.

  For him, who had simple ideas, the affirmation of the manager was the supreme honor.

  Looking at the glowing Wrench, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”But there is one thing I have to tell you.”

  Wrench said immediately after hearing this.

  ”Please give me your orders!”

  ”It’s not an order, it’s about all the arrangements for the future.”

  Chu Guang smiled and said in a chatty tone.

  ”The size of our army is getting bigger and bigger, and the original command system has become a bit bloated. So I plan to wait until the end of the wave and redivide the troops to change the original division of the thousand-man team and the ten-thousand-man team to the organization of the era of the Human Alliance.” There

  has been a lot of discussion on the forum about the organization of the Alliance Army. He had previously combined the opinions of some professionals and discussed it with Vanus.

  The Legion uses the organization of the ten-thousand-man team and the thousand-man team to move people forward. That’s because they have three-year fast-trained clone cannon fodder. In addition, the Weilant officers themselves are military nobles with fiefdoms. The promotion channel of the entire society is based on military merit, and there is no need to set up additional military ranks. Therefore, this simple and crude organization is easier for them to manage. Although

  other survivor settlements in the wasteland do not have three-year fast-trained clones, because human lives are worthless and there is no shortage of cannon fodder, these settlements also copied it.

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with this copying method.

  The arms produced by the Legion are very popular throughout the wasteland, and as the survivor force with the strongest military power, it is normal for other survivor forces with insufficient armed forces to learn and imitate.

  Not to mention the plunderers, who follow primitive laws and worship the violence of the legion. Therefore, in the plunderer tribe, the tenth and centurion are not only titles that symbolize power, but also symbols of honor and bravery.

  Under the dual choice of most survivor settlements and the plunderer tribe, the organization of the thousand-man team and the hundred-man team has become the mainstream in the wasteland.

  However, the mainstream is not the only one. For example, the organization of the enterprise is completely opposite to that of the legion.

  Most of the private armed companies in Ideal City perform tasks in small teams, which is more extreme than the battalion-level tactical group in reality. It has been streamlined to the level of “company-level tactical group”.

  The troops directly under the enterprise organization are composed of hundreds of commandos.

  However, Ideal City did not expand externally, and the direct troops only swept the mutants around. The big troubles were basically settled with money, so there was nothing wrong with adopting this short and powerful organization.

  Whether it is the enterprise or the legion, the military concepts adopted do not fully meet the needs of the alliance.

  Chu Guang intends to make a compromise based on the two.

  That is, the existing NPC Corps will be reorganized using the sequence of army, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company and platoon and the principle of “three-three system”. The

  reorganized first and second corps of the alliance will be called the first and second armies of the alliance, with 10 to 20 standard brigades of 2,000 people under their jurisdiction.

  Such an organization is not only more concise and clear, but also more convenient for granting military ranks.

  As for the players, the original “corps” organization rules are still used.

  So far, the combat efficiency of each corps is quite good, and there is no need for large-scale reform. At most, some details will be fine-tuned in battlefield positioning.

  These corps are actually equivalent to the “battalion-level tactical group” of the alliance, responsible for carrying out special operations missions with higher risk factors and more excitement.

  For players with strong individual combat effectiveness, it is not practical to require them to fight completely according to the standards of the regular army.

  According to Chu Guang’s own experience, players can accept being cut leeks, and even feel pleasure from being cut, but they can’t accept being educated by operators on how to play games.

  So he never taught the players what to do, but only set rules to tell them what not to do and what the punishment would be if they did it.

  Taking this opportunity, Chu Guang briefly talked about his plans for the future four armies of the Alliance: Army, Navy, Air Force and Space Force.

  Although two of them were not yet in sight, Wrench still listened very seriously and did not think he was joking at all.

  After listening, he immediately saluted without saying a word and said with a loyal face.

  ”The First Army of the Alliance resolutely obeys your instructions! Your will is the will of our army.”

  Seeing Wrench’s serious expression of loyalty, Chu Guang smiled faintly and said,

  ”Don’t be so serious. You just need to know the reorganization work after this wave. There is no need to notify them for the time being. The reason why I told you in advance is that I hope you can try to explore the direction I said in the next battle. I will hold a meeting at the General Staff Headquarters later, and I will also seek the opinions of officers at all levels.” As

  soon as he finished speaking, a long alarm came from the south.

  The two looked over there at the same time.

  I saw that the gray-green fog that was originally as quiet as a lake suddenly rolled along the street towards their defense line like a mountain torrent. It’s


  It’s a wave!

  Looking at the fierce gray fog, Chu Guang’s eyebrows were raised with a hint of surprise.

  The wave came earlier than the Institute of Biology expected.

  But it’s normal.

  There is no 100% accurate weather forecast.

  Seeing the rolling fog, Wrench’s pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly looked at Chu Guang beside him.

  ”Master Administrator, please step back.”

  His intuition honed on the battlefield told him that this fog might not be that simple.

  However, Chu Guang did not move, but raised his chin in the direction of the defense line and said concisely.

  ”Don’t worry about my safety, you should care about everyone behind this defense line.”

  ”Now do what you should do, I will be here to witness your bravery!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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