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Chapter 631: Is it the brain that is strengthened this time?

Chapter 631: Is it the brain that is strengthened this time?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 631 Is it the brain that is strengthened this time?

  The afternoon sunlight was continuously stretched by the gray-green spore cloud. Although noon is the least active time for slime mold fruiting bodies, this rule is reversed at the turn of spring and winter.

  Even though restricted by sunlight, the frozen fruiting bodies are glowing with the breath of life due to the more suitable temperature, and the eerie gray gas slowly floats out of their mouths and noses.

  However, perhaps because the prey has not appeared yet, they did not make any other unnecessary movements. They

  just stood quietly on the devastated street, with lifeless eyes facing the direction where the breath of life is most active.

  As if waiting for something.

  The soldiers of the alliance were also watching them, with light and heavy machine guns mounted on the edge of the window.

  Now is not the best time.

  They were also waiting, waiting for the slime molds to gather on the street, then calling in artillery fire to tear them apart, and then using machine guns to harvest the remaining remnants…

  The Alliance’s No. 06 defense zone is located at the waist of the entire defense line that was cut into 20 sections. The pressure here is not as severe as that of sections 10 and 11, nor as leisurely as sections 1 and 20. At this moment, it is calm.

  On the front-line No. 1 position, there is a reinforced abandoned office building rooftop.

  Quanshui held a telescope in his hand and stared at the north direction motionlessly.

  In the direction he was looking at, a four-wheel pickup truck with welded steel bars and buckets drove out of the open gate under the cover of four players and rushed towards the gnawers wandering in the nearby positions.

  Except for the driver who was a level 20 veteran player, the other four were all newbies who had just entered the game.

  They hold bolt-action rifles in their hands, crowbars or knives on their backs, and are dressed more “fashionably” than looters, with excitement on their faces.

  ”Awesome! Is this the wasteland?”

  ”Is that a zombie? A little shorter than expected, and why are they not wearing clothes?”

  ”Stupid! It’s been 200 years, how can they still be wearing clothes?”

  ”What zombies? That thing is called a gnawer! It’s made of mushrooms!”

  ”What the hell? Mushrooms? Isn’t it similar to the green skins in Warhammer?”

  ”I think the difference is quite big…”

  Worried that these guys would get too excited and miss the point, the old player sitting in the pickup truck honked the horn.

  ”Don’t go on a picnic, keep your eyes on your target, I’m not kidding you, you’ve reached the front line, this is not a joke.”

  Their mission is simple.

  That is to clear the gnawers that are in the way in front of the position.

  Although these guys are not very powerful, they will consume the machine gun ammunition of the alliance position as cannon fodder. It is also the daily routine of each defense zone before the wave comes to clean these guys regularly.

  ”Big, big boss, if you die in the game… what will happen in reality?” A female player wearing a football helmet was excited and nervous, holding the rifle tightly in her hand.

  It was the first time that someone called her a big boss. The level 20 player smiled embarrassedly and teased.

  ”What will happen if you get up.”

  The girl was stunned.

  ”What will happen…”

  ”I will get up.”


  In fact, it is not that simple. He still remembers that when he died for the first time, he could not go online for three days. His whole body felt like ants crawling. He lay flat on the bed with his eyes open at night and couldn’t sleep.

  But it will be fine after a few more experiences.

  It is inevitable that people will not adapt to entering another unfamiliar environment from one environment, but after a period of time, most people can adapt to this kind of “switching back and forth between two worlds” life.

  Just as the two of them exchanged a few words, the nearby gnawers had gathered here because of the previous shrill horn.

  The old player coughed and ended the chat.

  Seeing the gnawers gathering around them, the four new players instantly tensed up their sensitive nerves.

  A strength player took the lead in raising the “Eviscerator” rifle in his hand, aiming at the one closest to him and pulling the trigger.

  With a bang, the bright fire flashed forward, and gravel and dust bounced on the concrete block not far away. The

  huge recoil hit his shoulder and pushed his body back.

  Although the shot didn’t hit, looking at the green smoke floating from the muzzle, the player was suddenly excited like a 200-pound child, his face flushed with excitement.

  What a feel!

  It’s a real thing!

  It’s much more fun than the water bullet gun!

  Seeing the ignorant look, the old player in the pickup truck smiled. He

  couldn’t even hit a slow-moving target at 30 meters.

  But he didn’t laugh at these rookies, he just patiently instructed them.

  ”Don’t panic, you’re a strength player, you can definitely hold down the barrel. Remember to spread your legs forward and backward, bend your knees, and sink your center of gravity. Don’t stand there like a pillar. If you run into a creeper, you can’t run away. Damn it, I told you to run, why are you running?”

  ”I, I, I’m kiting!” An agility player retreated while pulling the bolt to reload.

  The old player sitting in the pickup truck couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

  ”There are only a few gnawers, you can’t kite them, put in the side blade and fight them! Stab their necks and hit their heads with the butt of the gun! It’s much faster than you shooting!”

  The old player in the car kept shouting and commanding. Amid the continuous honking of the horn, the gnawers surrounded his car. He

  was already level 20, so of course he wasn’t afraid of a few gnawers. He put down the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator. The jagged bucket instantly knocked over the gnawers that pounced on the hood.

  The four newbies were encouraged by this, and they also mustered up their courage, pulled out the crowbars and daggers on their backs, and rushed towards the gnawers surrounding the pickup truck.

  As the sticks and daggers were randomly used, black blood plasma splashed on the battlefield, and soon there were more than a dozen gnawers lying on the ground.

  The battle lasted for a full half an hour.

  The newbies, covered in blood, were panting, but their faces did not show any fatigue, but became more and more excited.

  When they first saw these monsters with bared fangs and claws, they were shocked by the realistic modeling.

  In the end, it felt like that.

  ”Boss, I feel that the fighting power of this gnawer is not good,” wiped the black blood on his face, and the strength player holding a rifle walked to the side of the pickup truck and said with a grin, “Is there a stronger alien species? The kind that is a little more exciting.” The

  old player sitting in the car lit a cigarette and was immediately happy when he heard this.

  ”Stronger? Of course there must be! I’ll take you to brush the Deathclaws later!”

  Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard this.


  The old player said cheerfully.

  ”That must be true, but let’s talk about it after you survive the wave.”

  Death is a link that all players will eventually face. Anyway, they will die sooner or later, so it is good to die early.

  According to the feedback from players on the forum, most people’s opportunity to grow is after their first death.

  Whether it is the understanding of the game or the experience of fighting, it will be sublimated after rebirth three days later.

  The task of cleaning up the gnawers came to an end, and everyone began to clean up the battlefield.

  Under the command of the old player, four newbies carried the corpses of the gnawers and grunted and lifted them onto the pickup truck.

  The fruiting bodies of slime molds can be used to produce nutrient pastes and fertilizers, and can also be used to recycle active substances for making clones.

  It’s no problem to sell this car of corpses for dozens of silver coins. If you come a few more times, you will have enough money for an automatic rifle.

  The fountain commander standing on the roof watched from the beginning to the end.

  Kakarot, carrying a rifle, walked up to him and said with a grin.

  ”The quality of this class of new players is okay.”


  Putting down the telescope, Izumi also smiled and said, “There are shadows of us in the past.”

  Kakarot: “Hahaha!”

  Although the girl who asked “What will happen in real life if you die in the game” looked timid, her actual performance in battle was much calmer than she looked.

  Although the power player missed the first shot, after getting familiar with the recoil and trajectory of the Eviscerator rifle, he quickly used the buttstock to complete the first kill in his gaming career.

  Although the Storm Corps does not accept rookies below LV10, their old players have always been doing the “passing on the torch” master-apprentice mission to help those rookies who have just entered the game adapt to the game rhythm of the current version of “Wasteland OL”.

  Although these fresh young leeks may be just a burden now, they will always grow up in the future.

  And by then, these former rookies will choose the Storm Corps as their first choice.

  Therefore, he would often give the members of the Corps some opportunities to take the rookies to the front line for experience in less important daily combat missions.

  But at this moment, the gray-green fog not far from the distant position suddenly became abnormal.

  Izumi frowned slightly and picked up the telescope that he had just put down.

  ”The activity index of the spore cloud is increasing… The fog is approaching us.” Kakarot, who was standing next to him, took out the air monitoring indicator and looked at it, and said seriously.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Izumi immediately ordered.

  ”Sound the alarm and prepare for battle.”



  The gray-green fog rolled along the street, like a flood pouring down from the sky.

  The old player sitting in the pickup truck immediately noticed that something was wrong, and at this time, the voice of his teammates came from the communication channel.

  ”A large number of aliens are approaching your direction, withdraw to the defense line immediately!”


  The old player cursed inwardly, stuck his head out of the window, and shouted at the players who were still grunting and moving corpses.

  ”Stop moving, get in the car!”

  The four of them were stunned, but seeing that the boss was not joking, they immediately threw away the corpse gnawer’s body and jumped onto the back of the pickup truck.

  The old player turned the steering wheel sharply and took a look at the display screen on the central control.

  The air spore concentration index is 477!

  Wow, it jumped up by 70 in just a few seconds!

  Not daring to hesitate, he stepped on the accelerator and drove along the road towards the open gate behind.

  However, at this moment, dozens of round pieces of meat suddenly drew a parabola and fell, dragging a series of gray-green smoke columns and hitting him 30 meters in front of him.

  With a crackling sound, the round scarlet pieces of meat exploded instantly, exploding into a dense fog, like a physical wall.

  The old player had never seen such a strange alien, and his eyes were wide open.

  Sacrifice? !

  No –

  it doesn’t look like that thing!

  Although the Martyr will also release a large number of spores after the explosion, it mainly relies on kinetic energy and thermal energy to kill prey, and the released spores are far less than that!

  He freed his left hand to grab a gas mask and put it on his face, and shouted loudly to the communication channel.

  ”Put on the gas mask!”

  Facts have proved that his judgment is correct.

  It’s a pity that he still underestimated the power of this thing.

  Not only spores are released from the meat ball, but also countless digestive droplets with a diameter of less than 1μm.

  These droplets contain rich organic acids and dissolving enzymes, floating in the air, and together with the spores, they form a dense aerosol.

  His pickup truck had just entered the thick fog, and the exposed skin began to feel a tingling pain like a needle, and then began to fester in large areas.

  This tingling pain is just stuck at the critical point of triggering pain shielding, and the pain and itching are simply unstoppable.


  The old player stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

  However, just when the pickup truck was about to rush out of the thick fog, a piece of meat fell from the air and suddenly hit the front of the left tire.

  The sudden impact force pushed the pickup truck to the right and hit the concrete block on the side of the road.

  The old player sitting in the driver’s seat was almost stunned, and the four newbies in the rear trailer staggered forward and almost rolled from the rear trailer to the hood.

  Although the bumper was replaced with a bucket, people are not made of iron after all.

  ”My Chao, brother, can you drive?!” The power player climbed up from the ground with a shaken head, and his face was still in shock.

  ”Shut up!”

  The old player looked gloomy and was about to reverse and get back on the road. Suddenly, a tremor that shook the ground came from the alley not far away.

  His pupils suddenly shrank, and he almost instinctively pulled out the assault rifle from the co-pilot seat and loaded it.

  At the same time, two monsters with half of their bodies covered in scarlet flesh rushed out of the alley, opening their bloody mouths and roaring at everyone.

  ”What the hell?!”

  What the hell is this? !

  Not only the old player sitting in the pickup truck was stunned, but also the Quanshui standing on the roof.

  It was another alien species that they had never seen before!

  The concentration of spores was gradually increasing, and it was impossible to see the situation on the ground by visual means.

  However, Quanshui’s reaction was quite fast, and he immediately issued an order through the communication channel.

  ”Prepare No. 2 position, lock the target in the northwest area, and the heavy machine gun squad will open fire!”

  ”Reconnaissance team, unload the bodies in the car and drag that big guy back!”

  Aliens that were not in the picture appeared outside the defense zone.

  They must find out what that thing is!

  Two clean and neat replies came from the other end of the communication channel.


  In the building at the foot of Quanshui, a dark window on the tenth floor suddenly spurted out a thick and long tongue of fire.

  A strength player sat behind the tongue of fire, holding a 20mm rapid-fire machine gun in his hand.

  Thick and long tracers rushed to the corner of the street, and the monster that was eroded by slime mold instantly burst into a blood mist on its chest, staggering backwards.

  Watching the python-like tracer dancing on the concrete floor and listening to the noisy sound of breaking through the air overhead, the newbies scattered around the pickup truck felt their blood boiling.

  Before, they had only seen the exciting war scene in the promotional PV released by the official website.

  Now standing on the scene in person, it was a completely different feeling.

  The surging adrenaline made their whole bodies shake unconsciously, and every cell was excited to the extreme.

  But there seemed to be nothing they could do here.

  The supporting firepower from the rear solved the aliens that rushed to their faces for them. Just when the power player was hesitating whether to go up and make two more attacks, the old player who crouched down and got out of the driver’s seat threw him a bundle of ropes as thick as a thumb.

  ”Tie the rope to the right leg of the monster! Tie it tightly!”

  The power player was stunned.

  ”But the machine gun is still firing-”

  ”Trust your teammates! They have eyes! Hurry up!” He was interrupted in a hurry, and the old player carried his bundle and ran towards the left leg of the monster.

  Although he was still a little scared, seeing that the boss had already gone up, the strength player gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

  As their leader said, as they rushed forward, the bullets followed their footsteps and moved forward.

  The thick night light was like a barrier protecting them, suppressing the aliens in the alley and preventing them from crossing the dense firepower network.

  The strength player quickly tied the rope, and watched the boss who had tied the rope rushing towards the pickup truck, and followed him.

  However, at the same time he just returned to the road, a dark figure suddenly rushed out from the thick fog that was like a wall.

  Its outline was slightly similar to that of a crocodile, with a flat and slender mouth, lower limbs as thick as a cow, and a tail that was used to balance its body stretched straight backwards.

  However, there were no scales on its body, only scarlet flesh and scars like burns, and its skin color was even uglier, like a plucked turkey.

  The guy was really too fast.

  He didn’t even see what the guy looked like before the old player was knocked out.

  It seems that in this game, the lives of awakened people are not much stronger than those of ordinary people. If something happens, they will still crash.

  Maybe the situation would be much better with an exoskeleton, but unfortunately his boss didn’t bring it.

  Before he could even scream, the old player

  ’s neck was bitten off. Then the crocodile-like alien pounced on him and feasted on him.


  The sound of the bone breaking was clearly heard. The strength player felt creepy all over his body and his hands and feet were unconsciously cold.

  In just a breath of time, the big brother who led him to level up was killed in seconds.

  Is this the wasteland?

  But at this critical moment, there is no time to be dazed.

  Looking at the two ropes tied to the rear box, he immediately understood his mission. He ignored everyone else and rushed towards the driver’s seat regardless of everything.

  A sharp roar came from behind him, followed by a scream.

  The female player who was on duty with them seemed to be dragged into the thick fog by something.

  The other two saw it and wanted to help, but before they could fire two shots, they were also dragged into the thick fog by the big hand that stretched out.

  The support machine guns in the back unleashed fierce firepower into the thick fog, but the night lights seemed to be swallowed up, and there was no movement at all.

  Watching all this on the roof, the face of the fountain commander was full of solemnity.

  These slime molds seemed to have learned to be smart.

  They did not attack the human defense line on a large scale like before, trying to crush them with their numerical advantage, but instead cooperated with each other with clear division of labor.

  It was as if the rookie who could only frame people and attack upwards suddenly learned micro-management.

  ”…Is the brain strengthened this time?”

  Realizing this, his expression became more solemn.

  I have to share this news on the official website later!

  At the same time, the battle on the ground continued.

  Seeing that his teammates were dead, the strength player dared not fight anymore, and crawled into the cab of the pickup truck.

  Although it was the first time to drive this thing, the Alliance’s vehicle did not require very advanced driving skills.

  He gritted his teeth and kicked the accelerator. The pickup truck started quickly and dragged the incomplete monster body to the deepest part of the 06 defense line.

  The alien with its tail swaying chased him for two steps, as if trying to stop him from bringing the monster body back.

  But at this moment, the heavy machine gun fire had already nailed the guy. After wandering around for a few rounds without success, it decisively gave up the pursuit and turned its head to dive into the gray-green fog.

  The strength player did not dare to look back, and his right foot was welded to the accelerator.

  Before the door closed, he drove the car in, then braked hard and stopped the pickup truck on the side of the road.

  Several soldiers wearing exoskeletons quickly rushed over, cut the rope of the rear compartment with a dagger, and then put a body bag on the incomplete monster body and transported it to the rear with a forklift.

  The Alliance’s Biological Research Institute will be responsible for testing the body.

  Combined with the tissue fluid on the left tire and bucket, this time they can at least figure out the two trump cards in the hands of the mother nest.

  The power player sitting in the driver’s seat was panting, listening to the continuous gunfire in the distance, his heart was pounding.

  Ten minutes ago, he thought the monsters in this game were too weak and there was no pressure to kill them.

  As a result, in just three minutes, he was the only one left in the entire team of five…

  This game is too real!

  Just as he was catching his breath, a man wearing a heavy exoskeleton came over from a distance.

  Seeing the turtle shell carrying the gun barrel, he recognized the man’s identity at a glance. It was the commander of the Storm Corps, Commander Quanshui.

  The man hurriedly got out of the car, looked at the bumpy vehicle, and his expression was a little embarrassed. He lowered his head in shame and said.

  ”Sorry, I… I’m the only one back…”

  ”Don’t apologize, you did a good job in that situation. Most people can figure out what they should do when they first go to the battlefield.” Instead of blaming him, Quanshui patted his shoulder encouragingly and said with a smile, “What’s your name?”

  Newbie: “Old Man Leftover Egg!”

  Quanshui was stunned.

  Santa Claus?

  Is there such a normal ID these days?

  But no matter what, he was still optimistic about the potential of this guy, so he casually threw out an olive branch.

  ”Are you interested in joining our Storm Corps?”

  The cute heart was stunned when he heard the words, thinking that there was such a good thing, and immediately nodded excitedly.

  ”Yes! Of course!”

  Izumi said with a smile.

  ”That’s fine! From now on, you are our reserve member! When you reach LV10, I will officially bring you in.” The

  newbie of the power department was overjoyed, and the shock on his face a second ago disappeared, leaving only the corners of his mouth grinning upwards.

  First, he got the one-in-a-million closed beta qualification, and then he was invited by the front-line corps of the server!

  What kind of protagonist treatment is this!

  Wait –

  according to the routine of general online game novels, as the protagonist, would it be better to refuse lightly at this time?

  Not knowing what this guy was thinking, Izumi just thought he had received a little leek with decent potential.

  He is brave and resourceful, never panicking when faced with difficulties. He has some of the shadow of the Battlefield guy when he was a rookie. It won’t be a problem if he can make do with it.

  Nodding with satisfaction, Quanshui prepared to return to the battlefield.

  Seeing the back of Commander Quanshui turning around, Brother Shengdan, who was daydreaming, suddenly remembered something and called him.

  ”By the way…what will happen to them?”

  Quanshui stopped and looked back at him.


  Old Man Shengdan swallowed.

  ”They were just dragged into the fog…”

  ”…It’s hard to say.” Commander Quanshui was silent for a while and shook his head.

  He had been captured by the slime mold in the wave before, but the mother body quickly lost interest in him and killed him in an instant. He didn’t even see clearly how he was killed.

  This time it was a completely different mother body, and he couldn’t say what would happen.

  But the good thing in misfortune was that three were taken away this time.

  When he goes to the forum, he may hear some clues that interest him…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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