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Chapter 634: The “Hell Level Difficulty” Level That Has Existed Since the Server Launch

Chapter 634: The “Hell Level Difficulty” Level That Has Existed Since the Server Launch


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 634 The gray-green fog of the “Hell Level Difficulty” level that has existed since the server was launched

  is quietly approaching.

  Looking at the nearby walls and machine gun positions, pairs of pupils lurking in the darkness gradually refracted scarlet light.

  It is now six o’clock, and Qingquan City has just entered the night, and the temperature is not too cold.

  For the spore clouds in the air and the fruiting bodies lurking in the underground passages, the night is the best cover.

  The wind had just started that night, and the visibility of the streets in the northern suburbs had dropped to less than 50 meters in the silent silence.

  Looking at her children, Xia was in a very proud mood.

  The only pity is that those humans cut off the branches of the northern suburbs underground tunnels, otherwise it could have infiltrated the fruiting bodies to their rear and suddenly attacked.

  The plan would be more perfect…

  ”Go, children.”

  Looking down at the bloodthirsty souls with invisible eyes, Xia, standing on the scarlet fungal carpet, issued a silent cry.

  ”Turn them into nutrients that nurture life-”

  ”Devour them!”



  The loud roar completely tore apart the silence of the night. The alien species that suddenly rushed towards the defense line was like a sudden rainstorm. The murderous aura that came in the face almost made everyone hold their breath.

  Thick and long tongues of fire spurted out from the huge wall that stood like a dam, and the noisy shells drew tracks in the fog and fell on the broken streets. The

  surging fruiting bodies fell one by one, but soon the fruiting bodies behind them rushed forward one after another.

  The flames of the explosions were like stones hitting the waves, which could not cause the slightest ripple in the turbulent waves.

  The defense line is less than one kilometer away from the Boulder City.

  Looking at the surging waves, the faces of the soldiers holding assault rifles in their hands could not help but show fear.

  They are all soldiers of the Punishment Battalion.

  At the same time, they were also criminals caught in the crackdown before the New Year.

  As for the waves, they were familiar with them because they had lived at the foot of the giant wall.

  However, when they really faced the waves, even the most vicious criminals could not help but feel the fear that penetrated their bones.

  The usually dull-witted gnawers seemed to be on drugs.

  Even the weakest fruiting bodies turned into ferocious beasts at this moment, and condensed into a whole under the guidance of the hive consciousness.

  That was an existence that even the death claws could not avoid. No single alien species in the wasteland was an opponent of these guys.

  They would devour everything they saw! They would

  tear the prey into pieces, chew it, and devour it –

  until every inch of the prey’s flesh and blood was integrated into this huge hive and completely became a part of that terrifying consciousness.

  ”Damn, how many of them are there?!” Looking at the fruiting bodies that kept disappearing in the artillery fire and constantly filling in the gaps, a prisoner couldn’t help but scream in fear.

  ”Big Horned Deer God…”

  Crouching behind the bunker next to him, another prisoner couldn’t help but murmur a prayer, trying to overcome the panic in his heart by calling the name of the Big Horned Deer God.

  Not far from him, a sturdy man with a shaved head was glancing back from time to time, his eyes constantly alternating between fierceness and panic.

  If it weren’t for the machine gun of the supervision team pointing at the back of their heads, he would have run away without hesitation, as far as he could!

  There were only a hundred people in a position, and each hundred-man team was responsible for a street.

  In front of them was a tide of slime mold, and behind them was the position of the militia. If they fell, those people would not hesitate to spray artillery fire on their heads.

  As the leader of these prisoners, Bit’s eyes were full of struggle.

  This was their only chance to gain freedom –

  only by proving their loyalty with blood.

  Can they become human again!

  At the moment when the artillery fire stopped, the gnawers had already appeared at the edge of the machine gun’s firing range. He pulled the trigger and let out a roar of fear.



  The wave has already contacted the position of Boulder City, and the position of the Alliance is still quiet for the time being.

  But almost everyone can feel the undercurrent lurking under the silence.

  Three Fungus-Eating Death Claws moved along the edge of the building, carrying dozens of monsters infected by slime mold. Under the cover of night and gray fog, they approached the edge of the No. 3 position of the Alliance 06 Defense Zone, and penetrated towards the No. 4 position in the middle of the defense line. The

  human nest was right in front of them!

  The amber pupils were imprinted with the desire for blood. They almost saw the building that made the noise.

  However, just as they bared their fangs, orange-red flames suddenly rose into the sky, lighting up the streets near the No. 3 position into daylight. The

  three Fungus-Eating Death Claws and dozens of Fungus-Eating Monsters were instantly exposed to the light of the flares. At the same time, two flat 20mm quadruple anti-aircraft guns were aimed at them.

  Looking at the group of guys approaching stealthily, Kakarot, who was lying by the window of the abandoned building, shouted excitedly.


  Long streaks of light were like flying catkins, carrying a devastating hurricane towards dozens of aliens standing on the street.

  There was no time to react. Three fungus-eating death claws screamed in pain in the hail of bullets, and tried to escape from the street with their tails swung.

  However, the Storm Troopers, who had been waiting for a long time, would certainly not let them succeed.

  The players squatting in the windows of the building had already set up their 37mm heavy cavalry rifles, and pulled the trigger at the same time as the anti-aircraft guns opened fire.


  The head of a fungus-eating death claw was instantly shot out, and a blood mist exploded on the chests and shoulders of the other two fungus-eating death claws.

  Although the new spores have a strong fire-extinguishing effect, the Alliance had already replaced the core of the armor-piercing incendiary bomb with a magnesium-based incendiary agent based on the advice of the Institute of Biology. The

  high concentration of carbon dioxide not only did not have a flame retardant effect, but instead acted like a combustion aid, making the white light inserted into the fungus-eating death claw burn brighter and brighter!

  The roar of pain echoed in the streets full of bullets. The first wave of elite monsters sent by Xia was instantly wiped out by the concentrated fire of the Storm Troopers.

  ”It seems that the micro-control skills of this mother are not very good.”

  Looking at the smoking barrel, the ghost hunter lying behind the window laughed and replaced the magazine for the 37mm heavy cavalry rifle in his hand.

  Brother Kakarot’s voice came from the communication channel.

  ”Don’t let your guard down, this is just the beginning, there are still a group waiting behind!”

  The ghost hunter smiled and replied casually.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s a stable group!”

  Dozens of elite monsters were wiped out in an instant, and the Storm Corps completely stunned the wave vanguard that rushed towards the alliance position.

  On a scarlet fungal carpet, Xia, who could no longer sense the assimilated fruiting bodies, was stunned on the spot.

  The fruiting bodies formed by the assimilation of slime molds are different from ordinary fruiting bodies. Those little guys cannot be produced in the incubator, but can only be captured from the wasteland by its fruiting bodies and transformed by it personally.

  As a creature almost at the top of the food chain, the difficulty of capturing the Death Claw is almost ten times or even dozens of times that of alien species such as monsters and centipedes!

  It had intended to tear a gap in the Alliance’s defense line, and then send a large force to overwhelm those humans.

  However, those cunning humans actually saw through its plan!

  After a brief moment of surprise, Xia, who was stunned on the fungal blanket, let out a shrill howl, and all the cells in her body trembled in anger.

  But it doesn’t matter –

  the reaction of those people just proved that its guess was correct!

  They do have some kind of mother nest that dominates their consciousness.

  And that “mother nest” is indeed very important to them!

  Otherwise, they would not have deployed so many defensive forces in front of the noisy concrete block when their own kind was attacked so fiercely.

  It opened its mouth, and the restless spores conveyed the silent anger.

  At the same time, under the traction of that anger, the fruiting bodies lurking near the Alliance’s No. 06 position also burned with boiling fighting spirit.

  One by one, the gnawers poured out from the entrance and exit of the subway station. At the same time, more and more high-level fruiting bodies began to gather at the edge of the North Second Ring Road.

  Among them were creepers crawling along the walls of the building, and tyrants covered with thick keratin armor.

  The northern suburbs of Qingquan City, which was originally as quiet as a lake, suddenly became boiling with the dense emergence of these fruiting bodies.

  At the same time, it was not only the slime molds in Qingquan City that were boiling, but also the radio channels of the Alliance.

  ”A large number of fruiting bodies are pouring out of the underground passage!”

  ”The number is expected to be over one million!”

  ”Oh my God… Have all the aliens in the city run out?!”

  ”Haha, just in time!”

  ”The fruiting bodies near the No. 06 defense zone are forming a dense array, and positions 1, 2, and 3 have already exchanged fire!”

  ”Let the Death Corps turn around immediately! Act according to the plan!”

  ”Got it!”

  At the same time, at the No. 4 position in the No. 6 defense zone, the face of the grave ghost catcher who was laughing at the fruiting bodies that kept emerging on the street changed instantly.

  Seeing a tyrant rushing up and about to knock down the bunkers they piled on the street, he immediately pulled the trigger and fired a 37mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb.

  The bright white sparks instantly penetrated the tyrant’s body, but it did not stop its movement. It

  was not until he fired two more shots that the hideous body fell into the black mud.

  However, the tyrant was just an inconspicuous one in the wave.

  Countless fruiting bodies crossed its body like a tide and rushed to the position under him, rushing up against the noisy and flying tracers.

  The index finger of the grave-headed ghost catcher was almost glued to the trigger, and he had no time to let go.

  A box of magazines was empty, and he immediately replaced it with another one. The barrel was so hot that it turned red.

  Looking at the increasing number of fruiting bodies on the street, he couldn’t help cursing.

  ”Damn…are these guys angry or what?”

  Pieces of meat with green smoke fell near the position, and corrosive acid mist quickly rose.

  Grave-headed ghost catcher immediately put on a gas mask, cursing, enduring the itching of the neck, picked up the 37mm heavy cavalry rifle and continued to fire.

  In fact, he was right.

  Xia was indeed a little anxious.

  On the one hand, she was sure that the mother nest behind the line of defense must be the weakness of the northern humans. On the other hand, the firepower of the alliance was beyond her expectations.

  The dark windows kept spewing flames, and the shells falling from the sky kept harvesting her children.

  Her ability could extinguish the flames, but it could not stop the explosion of the shells.

  Not only that –

  those humans seemed to have figured out her ability and cleverly used the alternating firing mode.

  That is, first use shells to blow out a spore vacuum belt, then cast incendiary bombs, and use shells to cover the advancement of the fire.

  Although she was still able to extinguish the flames in the end, she still could not prevent large areas of fruiting bodies and their corpses from being burned to charcoal by the flames.

  Fresh lives quickly disappeared in the flying sparks, but the alliance’s defense line had not yet shown a trace of weakness –

  in the endless death, she could feel the compassion of the children!

  As if she saw its hesitation in the face of death, the mother who was watching it from behind shouted majestically.

  ”Don’t hesitate–”

  ”That will only lead to more deaths!”

  ”As long as we can turn them into part of our body, this price is not worth mentioning.”

  ”This is our fate!”

  Compared with the fruiting bodies that died in the waves in previous years, this little casualty is really nothing.

  Feeling the majesty from her mother, Xia’s hesitation at that moment disappeared, replaced by madness and bloodthirstiness again.

  Under its urging, in almost a moment, the surging wave broke through the blockade of the firepower network.

  A large number of gnawers rushed to the bottom of the building and started a close battle with the players squatting on the first floor.

  Seeing that her children had rushed to the alliance’s position, the spore cloud floating beside Xia finally showed a sense of relief.

  However, this relief did not last long.

  The group of humans did not run away with their tails between their legs, but instead burst into a stronger fighting spirit in the close battle.

  It suddenly remembered that it should have realized that these people were different from those living in the walls.

  Under the command of the hive consciousness, they were not afraid of death at all, and they did not care about the waves rushing in front of them.

  It was as if what rushed into their faces were not man-eating monsters, but walking experience packs——

  ”Brothers! Get your weapons!”

  ”Fight them!”


  Led by a team leader, dozens of strength players wearing exoskeletons charged towards the slime mold that rushed up the stairs, using the steel hanging on their chests to form a moving wall.

  A ruthless man was holding a whirring chainsaw in his hand, howling as he rushed into the surging waves and swung and chopped, and every swing was a bloody storm.

  Covered in black blood, the guy standing on the pile of corpses laughed strangely.

  ”Haha, this game is so fucking stress-relieving——”

  Before he finished speaking, a tyrant rushed in front of him and crashed into him with a dull roar.

  Startled, he quickly swung the chainsaw in his hand, but the flying saw blade slid “sliding” on the tyrant’s keratin armor.

  The tyrant, in pain, stretched out his arms angrily, grabbed his shoulders with both hands and pulled hard.

  With a sizzling sound, the unlucky player who was caught was torn into two halves by the tyrant on the spot, and turned into a blood mist that sprinkled on the ceiling.

  Throwing the body in two halves to the gnawers behind him to share, the tyrant continued to rush forward with meteor strides, and the blood painted its black keratin armor into a hideous scarlet.

  If an ordinary mercenary saw this scene, he would probably be scared to death.

  However, the people standing in front of it were not normal humans, but a group of fearless players.

  They were like the warriors of Khorne.

  This bloody scene not only did not extinguish their fighting spirit, but made the players even crazier.

  At the same time, the solemn voice of the administrator came from the broadcast playing the BGM.

  ”The enemy’s main force is attacking our position. These stupid guys don’t realize that they have fallen into our trap!”

  ”Hold on! The final victory must belong to us!”

  In response to that voice, there were shouts of boiling fighting spirit.



  The noise of gunfire and artillery smashed the night of Qingquan City, and the battle against the wave officially started.

  At the same time when the 10 positions of the No. 06 defense zone were completely turned into a meat grinder, the Death Corps that went to Boulder City for support received an order to turn around and immediately turned around and killed in the direction of the North Second Ring Road. There were

  three thousand high-spirited players sitting in the armed trucks with machine guns.

  Although their equipment was not sophisticated, they were all more ruthless than the aliens.

  Because their fighting style was too fierce, they would hardly purchase expensive equipment to consume limited logistics points. The LD series rifles worth 200 silver coins were their most expensive equipment.

  The second was the bayonet, engineer shovel and grenade!

  Originally, they were supposed to go to Defense Zone 06 to support the Storm Troops.

  But just now, the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute has analyzed the possible lurking areas of “Xia” through various observation stations and drones scattered in the war zone, based on the concentration difference and flow trajectory of the spore cloud.

  As a result, the Death Troops have a new mission –

  they will attack the headquarters of the Tide with the support of the Goblin Troops!

  Holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, Bian Pashui shouted loudly in the troop’s communication channel.

  ”…The Storm Troops are under attack by the Tide, and our Fountain Brother is blocked in the corner by the fruiting body of the slime mold!”

  ”Our mission is to help them, but not to help them out, but to completely eliminate those disgusting things!”

  ”They will soon pay a heavy price for their stupidity and arrogance!”


  At this moment, the entire Qingquan City was filled with thick spores. It was impossible for Xia, standing on the fungal carpet, not to fail to notice this mighty team.

  Its mood suddenly revealed a trace of panic.

  Although it possessed a higher level of wisdom than its brothers and sisters, it still did not expect that those humans would leave the precarious nest and go straight to it.

  Most of its children were on the front line, some of them flocked to those who lived in the wall, and some of them flocked to the nest of the “Northerners”. There was not much power left to protect it.

  By the way…

  how did they find out that they were here?

  ”Mother…they found me.” Xia called to the nest in the city center, “I need your help.”

  The nest in the city center obviously also noticed that the group of human soldiers suddenly turned around and headed straight for the North Second Ring Road.

  After a brief thought, he replied in a kind voice.

  ”Don’t panic, I have sent reinforcements in your direction, they can’t hurt you.”

  That was his most elite subordinates and one of his most reliable guards.

  The group of people 200 years ago were not his opponents, let alone these guys who had degenerated for 200 years.

  The children before were not worth his effort, but Xia was an exception.

  He was very satisfied with it.

  In every sense, it is the best choice for the tribe to expand its territory.

  With the comfort of her mother, Xia’s mood calmed down a little, and she re-dedicated her spirit to the two positions located in the north and west of Qingquan City.

  She could feel that the two lines of defense that were struggling to hold on had already shown signs of collapse.

  Especially the group of people guarding the wall.

  Under the impact of the wave, they continued to suffer casualties and had already let out a wail of collapse.

  Her mother was right.

  As long as they were determined to do whatever it took, they would be able to completely drown those ugly organisms with numbers. Their fragile civilization was vulnerable to higher life.

  However, she still had a trace of uneasiness in her heart.

  Those guys had fought with her mother for two centuries. Would it really be so simple…


  On the roof of a building on the edge of the Second Ring Road, two Viper transport planes slowly landed and put down twenty fully armed players.

  They were all wearing the same five-type exoskeleton and carried almost all light weapons.

  Twenty assembled gliders were stacked next to the stairwell.

  Lao Bai took one out, held it tightly in his hand, and handed it to Ye Shi beside him.

  Ye Shi was about to take it, but Lao Bai didn’t let go, but grinned at him.

  ”Have you thought about it, kid? Your equipment is not cheap.”

  The target of this mission is the city center of Qingquan City, the city center that the post-war reconstruction committee failed to capture.

  For two centuries, the survivors of Qingquan City have not tried to attack there again.

  As a “hell-level difficulty” level that has existed since the server was launched, even players who are not afraid of death only cruise around its edge and have never gone deep into the depths of that hell.

  Now is the best opportunity, and almost the only opportunity.

  Most of the fruiting bodies in the entire Qingquan City are pinned down by the defense line arranged by the alliance.

  However, even if their mission can succeed, there is a high probability that they will not be able to come back.

  Ignoring Lao Bai’s advice, Ye Shi rolled his eyes and snatched the paraglider.

  ”Oh, what a big deal.”

  Equipment is expensive, but it has a price, and this kind of “related to the future of the alliance and the direction of the main storyline of the game” mission can only be done once.

  If he misses such an interesting thing, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

  Seeing that Ye Shi was not joking, Lao Bai laughed and patted his shoulder.

  ”Indeed, it’s just a piece of equipment… By the way, if my axe falls, remember to pick it up for me.”

  Fang Chang, who was standing next to him, also smiled and patted the mechanical compound bow in his hand, and casually hung it on his back.

  ”And my Dawn, this guy has been with me for a long time, I don’t want to lose it.”

  Kuang Feng touched the bridge of his nose.

  ”My mechanical hand is also… left to me by a friend on the Pioneer.”

  Ye Shi looked at these bad friends helplessly.

  ”Why are you so sure that I can survive.”

  Fang Chang looked away with a subtle expression.

  ”I don’t know… maybe it’s intuition?”

  Ye Shi wanted to say something, but the person next to him, Quitting Smoking, suddenly couldn’t help but complain.

  ”You have filled his head with flags. Even if this guy can come back, he probably won’t.”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha, it doesn’t matter. If we survive, we will bring his ashes back!”

  Upon hearing this, Ye Shi reacted immediately and exclaimed in his heart, “I’m so angry.”

  Good guy.

  These bastards can’t stand seeing themselves doing well!

  At this moment, an arc of light streaked across the sky, flying straight toward the city center.

  It was the Lingyun fighter piloted by the Luoyu brothers, and it was also a signal for them to attack.

  Putting aside his joking expression, Lao Bai walked to the south of the building with the glider in his hand, tapped his tactical helmet with his index finger, and closed the black eyepiece.

  ”Our ace pilot has already set off.”

  ”It’s time for us to follow!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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