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Chapter 635 He!

Chapter 635 He!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 635 He!

  At the edge of the North Second Ring Road, a silver-gray power armor stood quietly in the middle of the dilapidated street, holding a heavy rifle half a person’s height in its hand, shaped like an unsharpened sword.

  Years have left traces of wind and frost on the surface of the armor, and the city camouflage paint has been replaced by scarlet spots.

  The same is true for the rifle in its hand, the tuning fork-shaped magnetic track has been filled with flesh-red fungus blocks.

  The memories remaining in the cells always appear in front of it from time to time, and it vaguely remembers that it is a machine born for fighting.

  It’s just that it has long forgotten why it fights and when the last battle ended…

  Just then, a light breeze blew from the other end of the street, and almost at the same time, the sound of rolling wheels came from the silent street corner.

  As if it felt the murderous intent coming towards it, it slowly raised its head, and gray-green mist floated out of the gap in the helmet, and a touch of bloodthirsty scarlet was reflected in the dark eyepiece.

  ”Kill them!” The voice that floated from the dark appeared in its ears again, and it felt that every cell in its body was boiling.

  That was an order that could not be refused –

  in fact, there was no reason to refuse.

  It existed just to respond to that call.

  The heavy arm slowly raised, and the big sword in its hand made a creaking friction sound like a machine that had not been oiled for many years.

  However, when its arm was raised, the heavy body seemed to be rejuvenated, bursting out with amazing speed and strength.

  It was like a cannonball, rushing towards the front truck with thunderous momentum, and swinging the blunt big sword in its hand.


  Almost at the moment when steel collided with steel, the front of the truck welded with steel plates was like an ice cream pierced by a spoon, dented inward and broke into two pieces.

  The whole truck overturned and fell on the side of the road. The driver was killed on the spot, and the people in the car fell to the ground and staggered to get up from the ground.

  It could vaguely hear what they were calling.

  Although it couldn’t understand.


  the prey’s last words are never important, because they will soon be turned into meat paste under its feet.

  Standing next to the wreckage of the truck, it clenched the weapon in its hand, and its scarlet pupils quickly locked onto the next one –

  the next one!

  Just as the power armor corroded by slime mold swung the weapon in its hand and ran to the next transport truck, the Death Corps, who were caught off guard, finally reacted.

  Midnight with an umbrella but no knife: “Fuck! Old Six!”

  Laplace: “Old Six hammer, it’s the Decayed Knight!”

  Midnight with an umbrella but no knife: “BOSS is spawning! Get your weapons, brothers!”

  Outlaw: “Ahhh, tatah!!” The

  player squatting on the roof immediately aimed the fixed machine gun at the guy, pouring out fierce firepower, but still couldn’t stop the guy’s charge.

  The 10mm machine gun bullet that was enough to break the concrete wall hit the curved surface of the armor, leaving at most a shallow scratch. What’s

  even more horrifying is that this guy not only has incredibly hard armor, but also has no weak flexibility.

  The sword in its hand easily deflected several tracers flying in front of it, and then it dodged a path and killed in front of the next truck.

  Another truck burst into flames.

  Looking at the evolution of Wushuang rushing through the crowd, Edge Water couldn’t help but frown, and the debt-ridden big eyes on the side cursed.

  ”Damn, I knew this mission wouldn’t be so easy.”

  ”There’s something wrong with this thing.” The construction site boy and the brick standing next to him suddenly said something.

  ”Yeah.” Edge Water nodded solemnly, then looked at the big eyes on the side, “Release the drone!”


  As the voice fell, the big eyes had already closed his eyes, and the index finger pointed at the side of the tactical helmet.

  A four-rotor drone was ejected from the truck and flew straight towards the direction of the decayed knight.

  As if sensing the approaching threat, the decayed knight slammed the sword in his hand to the ground, and dozens of broken stones smashed into the air.

  Through the direct connection of consciousness, the debt eye manipulated the drone to perform several incredible rolling maneuvers, like a fluttering butterfly, deftly passing through the dense concrete debris.

  ”Die for me!!!”

  At the moment when the drone rushed to his face, he immediately activated the detonation function, and the three-kilogram warhead hanging under the drone instantly exploded into a ball of fire.

  This terrifying power can even overturn the Conqueror tank, but this antique with a history of more than 200 years just shook its body.

  Seeing this incredible scene, the big eye opened his eyes and stared straight.

  ”Fuck! The defense of ‘Dragon Rider’ is so amazing?!”

  ”This is not ‘Dragon Rider’, nor does it look like ‘Champion’…” The sound of paddling on the edge gradually took on a hint of excitement, and clenched his fist on the roof, “This is probably an improved version that has not appeared in the official setting collection!”

  Although it was an opponent he had never encountered before, neither he nor the other players present showed a fearful expression.

  Instead, they ignited a stronger desire to fight!

  This is an unprecedented challenge –

  those who complete the first kill will not only receive the honor of the server-wide announcement, but their names will also be permanently included in the Hall of Fame!

  ”Infantry squad fire cover!”

  Looking at the staggering and steadying Decayed Knight, Bianbian Pashui shouted loudly in the communication channel.

  ”Anti-tank team, move forward! Use armor-piercing shells to focus fire!”

  Although the previous explosion did not directly destroy the Decayed Knight, the shock wave of the explosion still caused considerable damage to it.

  Large pieces of fungal blanket peeled off its body, and it needed to rely on the big sword in its hand to barely stand firm, while the surrounding players had already picked up their rifles and fired fierce bullets at it.


  Gray-green smoke leaked from the gap under the helmet, like a silent roar, it angrily raised its big sword and prepared to rush towards the players, but at this moment, several players carrying RPG rocket launchers had lined up in front of it.


  With an excited shout, armor-piercing shells shot out like arrows, trailing white smoke columns towards the corrupt knight.

  The Decayed Knight swung his sword swiftly, slashing away two armor-piercing shells that were aimed at his face, but he could not stop more armor-piercing shells from hitting his chest, knees and shoulders.


  Brilliant sparks flew in the roar of the explosion, just like molten iron splashing from a forge.

  The Decayed Knight, who was hit by several armor-piercing shells, staggered back, lost his balance with a hoarse roar, and fell heavily to the ground.

  Even the armor of the Prosperous Era, without a shield, could not withstand the simultaneous fire of so many armor-piercing shells.

  There was a hole as thick as a thumb in its chest armor, revealing the scarlet flesh inside, and its right leg was directly scrapped, pierced through by the metal jet.

  The Decayed Knight struggled to get up from the ground, but just as he sat up halfway, two more shells hit him head-on.

  Knowing the importance of finishing off the enemy, the players did not stop attacking after knocking down the boss, but immediately added another thermobaric bomb!

  The blast hit the chest armor, shaking the road underneath it upwards.

  The hot air flow poured in from the damaged part of the armor, instantly crushing the fungus inside into a pool of black mud.

  The heat poured into the chest cavity brought its consciousness far away, and in its last moments, it seemed to hear the wailing of every slime mold cell in its body.

  Looking at the group of people walking towards it, the scarlet behind the black eyepiece gradually faded in the firelight. The nightmare

  that had imprisoned it for two centuries.

  It was finally over…

  The slime mold attached to the armor was completely destroyed, and the power armor that fell again finally stopped moving, loosening the greatsword in its hand that seemed to have become a part of its body, no longer struggling to stand up, and no longer making any sound.

  A player walked up and checked its body, confirming that the guy was dead.

  Looking at the rectangular iron block that had been corroded by slime mold and fell to the side, the construction site boy and the brick carrying the RPG launch tube muttered in surprise.

  ”This thing is actually a rifle?”

  And it’s a Gauss rifle!

  Large pieces of fungal carpet peeled off the gun body, revealing the tuning fork-shaped barrel and the forward-folding grip, and a vague badge could be seen on the streamlined buttstock.

  [111th Orbital Airborne Division]

  Below the badge, a line of vague text could be vaguely seen.

  ”He should have been a soldier… or maybe a squad leader,” looking at the incomplete armor wreckage, the debt-eye roughly imagined this guy’s life experience, and continued in an uncertain tone, “When performing a mission in the center of Qingquan City, he and his team were swallowed by slime mold, and then continued to fight for two centuries as an evolved body.”

  ”In other words, we just defeated the 111th Orbital Airborne Division in the background?” The construction site boy and the brick said, scratching the back of his head.

  ”At least we let one of them rest in peace.” Looking at the armor lying on its back on the ground, Edge Water sighed softly, “Drag it onto the truck.”

  The possibility of repairing it should be small.

  Besides, the Alliance now has its own self-developed power armor “Xiaguang”, and there is no need to force these old antiques.

  The museum is where it should be.

  ”Xia is in front! Keep going!”

  Reorganizing the stagnant team, Edge Water shouted loudly in the communication channel, calling on everyone to continue on the road.

  Then at this moment, the road under their feet trembled faintly, as if there was an earthquake.

  Edge Water looked forward suddenly, but his sight was blocked by the thick fog and he could not see anything.

  Debt Big Eye decisively controlled a drone to eject and fly in the direction that the old man on the edge was looking.

  However, the drone almost just broke into the thick gray fog and lost the signal as if it had hit a wall.


  Debt Big Eye’s shoulders shook violently, shook his head, and shook off the snowflakes in his vision.

  When his vision returned to normal, he looked in the direction where the drone disappeared, but he was stunned.

  He saw a huge fist like an advertising sign clenched there, and connected to it was an arm as thick as a train and a towering body like an iron tower.


  Bianhuashui’s face changed slightly, and he slowly squeezed out a word from his lips.

  It turned out to be a Titan!

  Not only that –

  silver-gray figures emerged in the fog, they marched forward with firm steps, their pupils exuding scarlet murderous intent, and their heavy armor was no less than the one that the players had dealt with before.

  Bianhuashui roughly counted that there were at least twenty power armors surrounding the Titan!

  They held various weapons in their hands, and still maintained the formation when they explored deep into the city center two centuries ago.

  The slime mold devoured them and transformed them into the guardians of this ruins.

  Feeling the pressure coming in their faces, the nearly 3,000 players crowded on the street swallowed their saliva at the same time.

  The boy and the brick moved their Adam’s apples, glanced at the matchstick-like RPG in their hands, and muttered softly.

  ”…This is fucked.”

  The guy that took so much effort to kill turned out to be just an elite monster next to the boss.

  The real boss has just appeared!

  Although his scalp was numb, he gritted his teeth and picked up the weapon.

  They had successfully deceived Xia, letting the group of guys who were ready to move hit the muzzle of their prepared guns and restrained almost all the power of the wave.

  Now is the time when the new mother’s own defense is the most empty. As long as they seize the opportunity to kill that guy, they can win this war-

  at least solve this year’s crisis!

  ”Prepare for battle!”

  No matter what, they must not fall here!


  ”Oh my God… Is that guy a Titan?”

  Sitting on the Lingyun fighter, Luo Yu, who was shuttling between high-rise buildings, glanced at the ground covered with clouds and mist, and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  A six-story-high steel giant stood on the street, scarlet plaques crawling all over its square armor like moss, and a deep roar echoed over the entire city.

  The brothers of the Death Corps seemed to have bumped into this guy.

  Although he wanted to help them, he had more important things to do now.

  ”Hold on, brothers…”

  The planes of the Goblin Corps are on their way, and soon the air support will be over their heads.

  Gritting his teeth, Luo Yu pushed the throttle and accelerated towards the city center.

  As the distance got closer, he felt his chest beating faster and faster.

  At this time, a light murmur came to his ear.

  ”Eh.” (I saw Him.)

  The spores flowing in the air have completely merged with this wasteland. He is like a god on this land, and every breeze is His breath.

  This is a life form that Xiao Yu has never seen.

  From the invincible power, it felt a slight fear.

  The partners who coexist with it are not His opponents…

  They are still too weak.

  Even if all of them are added together, they may not be as good as a strand of cilia on His body.

  ”Don’t be afraid, tell me, where is that Him?” Feeling Xiao Yu’s panic, Luo Yu focused on controlling the plane while patiently comforting it.

  Xiao Yu’s mood was slightly stable.

  ”I can take you to Him… but I don’t have the confidence to defeat Him.”

  Luo Yu: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you face Him alone, I will be with you!”

  Xiao Yu said pessimistically.

  ”You will die… maybe I won’t, what remains in you is only my fruiting body, but you will be eaten by him, along with the part of me left in your body.”


  Luo Yu grinned.

  ”Don’t worry, I won’t die.”

  Just kidding.

  He is a dead card pilot!

  To think that he will die if he is killed once is too much to underestimate him!

  Xiao Yu’s voice is still a little hesitant.


  Holding the joystick with both hands, Luo Yu said seriously.

  ”I promise you… Even if I lose my heartbeat, I will still appear in front of you in three days.”

  The humming sound was silent for a while, and then it came out lightly again.


  Without thinking too much, Luo Yu answered without hesitation.

  ”Of course!”

  Although he couldn’t see Xiao Yu deep underground, he could feel the joyful emotions in the humming sound.

  Pale red tentacles oozed out from the backs of his hands and slowly extended toward the joysticks tightly held in his hands, like an invisible hand holding his hands. In

  just a few breaths, the pale red tentacles had merged with the central control of the aircraft and spread around the cabin.

  Luo Yu was not at all panicked by this sudden change.

  He believed that Xiao Yu would not cause trouble for him at this critical moment.

  It was just as he expected.

  At the moment when the pale red tentacles were completely connected with the mechanical parts in the cockpit, an unprecedented feeling crawled over his body.

  He felt his consciousness sinking down.

  After that moment of trance, he suddenly realized that his consciousness had merged with the entire aircraft!

  The forward-swept wings stretched forward were like his arms, and he could clearly feel the airflow passing through the wingtips, as if it was sliding through his fingertips.

  After flying for so many years, he had never experienced a feeling like today.

  He seemed to have become a bird soaring between high-rise buildings, and all kinds of incredible maneuvers were as easy as breathing for him.

  It was as if he was not driving Lingyun.

  Instead, he became it!

  ”I’m Zhuo…”

  Experiencing this incredible and wonderful feeling, Luo Yu’s heart was more and more surprised.

  He felt that his understanding of flying had been raised to a whole level, reaching the legendary realm of “man-machine integration”!

  As if sensing the joy in his heart, Xiao Yu also shouted with joy.


  It was rare that he didn’t care about Xiao Yu’s foul mouth. Luo Yu’s mood at this moment was completely filled with joy.

  ”Hahaha, great, Xiao Yu!”

  ”Ew!” (We are getting closer and closer to Him, He has discovered us!)

  ”Got it!”

  Looking at the skyscrapers flying outside the cabin, Luo Yu opened the safety of the machine gun, his eyes locked on the gray outside the cabin, and the corners of his mouth raised a high-spirited arc.

  ”I’m ready!”


  At the same time when the Lingyun fighter arrived at the battlefield, the 20-man team of the Burning Corps had already crossed the edge of the Second Ring Road on a glider and arrived at the center of Qingquan City.

  This area at the root of the spore cloud is shrouded in gray fog that is like a solid entity all year round. Even old players like Lao Bai Fangchang who have been in the server since the early days of the game have never seen the situation here.

  Rather than saying that it is a nuclear bomb crater, it is better to say that it is a sunken lake bed.

  The rules of concrete buildings to resist nuclear explosions seem to be completely invalid here. In the face of absolute equivalent and heat, the concrete in the center area and the steel bars supporting them were crushed into powder and completely wiped out from this world. The

  building in the center of the nuclear bomb crater seemed to disappear out of thin air, and not even the wreckage was left. The

  area around the nuclear bomb crater was in a mess. The collapsed high-rise buildings were either cut off in the middle or uprooted together with the underground parking lot and the foundation!

  There was silence in the communication channel.

  After witnessing this scene, almost all players were shocked and speechless.

  Holding the handle of the glider tightly with both hands, Fangchang’s expression gradually changed from surprise to solemnity.

  Incredibly, even strategic weapons of this power were not enough to completely wipe out the mother nest from the surface of the planet…

  And the weird thing was that after crossing the inner ring road of the city center, they could not see any trace of the fruiting body.

  Where did all those little guys go?

  At this moment, Luo Yu’s intermittent voice came from the communication channel.

  ”…Xiao Yu has locked the location of the mother nest. The nearest entrance is about 600 meters west of you. I have marked it on the map.”

  Old Bai, who was floating in the sky, frowned slightly.

  ”Is that guy underground?”

  Affirmative answers continued to come from the communication channel.

  ”It should be. Most of the spores in this area are sprayed from a well. His body should be buried underground. I will provide you with air support as much as possible, but I can only solve the surface part.”

  Lao Bai: “Received, you should also pay attention to safety!”

  Luo Yu grinned: “Don’t worry, I won’t come down until the end!”

  The signal condition here is very poor, and the communication is intermittent.

  Without wasting time on chatting, Lao Bai confirmed the landing coordinates through the VM and immediately led everyone to float over.

  The group of people touched the ground with their feet and immediately set up their weapons and set up their formations.

  However, to everyone’s surprise, there was no tide of evolutionary bodies rushing up to swallow them up. Instead, the silence made people feel a little hesitant-did they come to the wrong place?

  Looking around, there were only the wreckage of buildings and the foundations of skyscrapers that suddenly drilled out of the ground.

  The layers of concrete ruins were like man-made hills, half buried in fine sand.

  The feeling of standing on the ground and looking around is far more shocking than the feeling of floating in the sky and looking down at the ground.

  However, what puzzled everyone was that they carefully observed before landing, but they did not see any shadow of slime mold.

  There was not even a trace of bacterial plaque!

  ”Where is the well?” Quitting asked nervously in a low voice.

  Lao Bai looked around.

  ”Luo Yu said it’s nearby… Let’s look for it.” It

  ’s always a good thing that no evolved bodies are around.

  However, at this moment, Ye Shi, who had been frowning, suddenly spoke.

  ”Did you hear any sound?”

  Hearing this guy’s crow mouth, everyone was slightly stunned, but there was no time to react, and the earth-shaking tremor came from under everyone’s feet. The

  fine sand began to sink downwards, along with the nearby concrete debris.

  Looking at the sinking surface, Fang Chang’s face suddenly changed.


  He finally reacted, why there was no fruiting body here.

  The mother nest was not hiding somewhere here. It had never hidden itself. Instead, it was right under their feet, already integrated with the land—

  they were standing on top of it!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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