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Chapter 636: Deep into Hell!

Chapter 636: Deep into Hell!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 636: Deep into Hell!


  Boulder City.

  Standing on the giant wall, Ibers looked at the direction of the city center, his face full of incredible surprise.

  I saw that the spore cloud shaped like a giant tree was restlessly agitated, as if shaking the lush treetops in a storm.


  Someone has angered that guy.

  The surprised expression gradually turned into an interested look, and Ibers, who stopped to admire, couldn’t help but click his tongue.

  ”It’s been so long, and this is the first time that guy has lost his temper so much… How many years ago was the last time?”

  Was it twenty or thirty years ago?

  In his impression, a group of mentally abnormal shelter residents seemed to have been there, and their minds became even more abnormal after coming out of there.

  It seems to be Shelter No. 117?

  But it doesn’t matter.

  ”Now there’s a good show to watch!”

  Ibers’ eyes flashed with excitement, as if he was waiting for a long-awaited movie.

  Rivers of blood!

  Hurry up!


  It was not only Ibers from Giant Stone Military Industry that was looking at the direction of the city center, but also a scientific research ship that was keeping a safe distance of dozens of kilometers from Qingquan City.

  At this moment, Yang Kai was collecting data about the slime mold mother nest through the equipment on the scientific research ship, while keeping in touch with the research department of the college headquarters, reporting the situation in Qingquan City to his superiors in real time.

  ”A small group of ground forces of the alliance has entered the city center… Yes, it was the unit composed of awakened people. They cleverly used a series of operations to divert the evolved bodies in the area of ​​the North Second Ring Road, avoiding a firefight and entering the life restricted area.”

  ”But their progress seems not to be smooth. The bait troops collided with the Titan left by the 111th Orbital Airborne Division, and the team that went deep into the city center came into contact with the mother nest as soon as they landed.”

  ”Speaking of this, I am also very curious. How did they lock the location of that guy so quickly.”

  Looking at the scanning screen projected on the holographic screen, Yang Kai’s face was full of weird expressions.

  A long time ago, the exploration team led by the Post-War Reconstruction Committee searched for the location of the mother nest, but never found the specific location of that guy.

  After all, the city center of Qingquan City is not a point on the map, but a fairly large area. Not only is the surface in a mess, but the underground is even more complicated, like a three-dimensional maze. The

  mutant slime mold mother nest in the Qingquan area hides in that maze, releasing spores to the surface through the underground transportation network and the city drainage system.

  The difference in spore concentration can indeed analyze the approximate area where the mother nest is located, but it is almost impossible to lock the specific coordinates of the mother nest by this method alone.

  Only by investing a sufficient number of ground troops and conducting a carpet search of the area where the mother nest is located can it be possible to find that guy.

  The defense department responsible for exploring the center of Qingquan City has suffered heavy casualties for this, and it has only approached Him.

  But now, judging from the changes in the spore cloud in Qingquan City, those guys are obviously close to the mother nest and have even touched Him.

  If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental.

  Yang Kai was puzzled.

  How did they do it?


  To be honest, Fang Chang did not expect that according to the coordinates provided by Xiaoyu, they would land directly on top of the mother nest.

  What he didn’t expect was that within half a minute of landing, they were swallowed by a bloody mouth that was tens of meters wide.


  The Luoyu people flying in the sky were dumbfounded.

  A huge pit like an abyss suddenly appeared on the empty ruins!

  The scarlet fungus blocks stretched out from the ground and closed together like the mouth of a man-eating plant, and in just a moment, they swallowed the two ten-man teams of the Burning Corps!

  The whole ground was shaking violently, just like boiling water.

  ”Old White!”

  Hang on, brother!

  Luoyu gritted his teeth, turned the plane around, and aimed the machine gun at the closed big mouth.

  In a short roar, dozens of tracers poured down on the closed giant mouth like hail, splashing large pieces of gravel and broken fungus blocks.


  A dull and long wail sounded on the ruins, like the whistle of a ship.

  Looking at the black blood and tissue debris scattered on the ground, Luo Yu realized that his attack was effective, and he couldn’t help but feel happy.

  However, just as he pulled up the nose of the plane and turned around to prepare for another round of strafing, he saw that the closing giant mouth was slowly sinking below the surface.

  This guy wants to escape!

  Luo Yu saw that he was almost too late, so he quickly stopped pulling up and turned the nose of the plane back in advance.

  However, the mother nest seemed to be ready. Almost at the same time as he turned the nose of the plane, a dense black shadow suddenly emerged from a half-collapsed building not far away, running straight towards him!

  Looking carefully, it turned out to be a four-rotor drone eroded by slime mold!

  There must be at least a thousand of them!

  Seeing this scene, Luo Yu’s face changed drastically.

  Good guy.

  This is also possible? !


  Xiao Yu’s anxious reminder came to his ears. Luo Yu, who had already discovered the threat in advance, suddenly pulled up the nose of the plane.

  Almost a second before the collision with the drone group, the Lingyun fighter he was driving drew an upward arc in the air, almost brushing the edge of the dense black shadows and pulling away.

  ”Oh my god… this slime mold has become a spirit!”

  Although it was in a game, Luo Yu was still scared out of his wits because the experience was too real.

  The huge mouth that had previously stretched out of the ground was gone, and only a large pit that sunk downwards remained on the flat surface.

  Luo Yu’s heart sank slightly, wondering what the situation of his teammates was.

  ”Eh…” (Something… is wrong.)

  Hearing the voice in his ear, Luo Yu hurriedly asked.

  ”Did you find anything?”

  ”…Eh!” (…He has set his sights on us, we’d better get out of here quickly!)

  Luo Yu was stunned when he heard this.

  Targeted us…

  We have been fighting for so long, isn’t it obvious?

  Perhaps Xiaoyu’s expression was too euphemistic, and he did not realize the deep meaning contained in this sentence.

  And at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

  The tail flame of the engine nozzle suddenly swayed, and it suddenly went out like a candle blown out by the wind, and the upward-pulling aircraft also lost power.

  Luo Yu’s face changed completely. This situation was exactly the same as when a jet plane turned off the flame at a very high altitude.

  However, this place is less than a thousand meters from the surface of the ground. How could it be possible-

  wait, that spore that absorbs oxygen!

  Luo Yu, who suddenly reacted, shouted “I Zhuo” in his heart, and the group of drones behind him had already caught up.

  It is absolutely impossible for a drone that relies on rotors to fly to catch up with a fixed-wing aircraft.

  But with the loss of power and the speed constantly decreasing, his vehicle almost became a living target hanging in the air.

  Seeing that the dense swarm of drones was about to catch up, and the engine was unable to re-ignite, he could only turn the nose of the plane, regain speed under the pull of gravity, and rush towards the whistling drone cluster.

  ”Die for me!!!”

  Looking at the surging drone group, Luo Yu roared and pulled the trigger to the bottom with his index finger.


  With a deafening roar, the machine gun spraying flames was like a bayonet, stabbing into the dense black cloud.

  Large areas of drones were torn into pieces by the machine guns, and the orange-yellow tracers actually cleared a vacuum zone in the tide-like sea of ​​drones!

  However, there were too many of them.

  A mere 20mm machine gun was not enough to shoot down all the drones that rushed up.

  Soon, the fish that escaped the net crashed into his plane, and then stuck directly to his fuselage like taffy.

  The weight of the Lingyun fighter suddenly increased several times, and more and more drones entangled with it, almost covering the entire cockpit.

  After firing the last bullet in the machine gun, Luo Yu shot out the two missiles hanging under the wing before the wing was completely entangled, and forced to land in the direction of the nuclear bomb crater.

  That was the only possible landing place.

  The nuclear explosion 200 years ago cleared all obstacles in the entire area.

  Just as he was about to land successfully, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow blowing towards him.

  It was a waving tentacle.

  Like the previous giant mouth, it drilled out of the soil and waited for him to rush up.

  He held the joystick tightly and almost instinctively stepped on the rudder.

  The oncoming tentacle almost brushed the left side of the canopy and hit the left front swept wing of the Lingyun fighter hard.

  The only advantage of goblin technology was fully revealed at this moment. The forward-swept wing made of stainless steel was like a sharp razor, cutting the tentacle that drilled out of the ground into two pieces.

  The remaining half of the tentacle was like an earthworm that was cut in half, twisting painfully on the ground, and black slurry gushed out from the broken end like a fountain, spreading all over the ground.

  However, Luo Yu had no time to rejoice.

  This beautiful cut not only cut off a tentacle of the mother nest, but also made his vehicle completely lose balance, flipping to the center of the nuclear bomb crater, and breaking the two pairs of beautiful forward-swept wings in the process of rolling.

  However, thanks to this, a large piece of fruiting body attached to his vehicle was also crushed into pieces in the rolling, leaving a pile of wreckage until the rolling fuselage completely stopped.

  At this moment, the entire Lingyun fighter plane was left with only a bare cabin, and the stainless steel fuselage was pitted and bumpy, and there was almost no intact shell.

  If it were an ordinary pilot, it would be a medical miracle to leave a whole body after this series of operations.

  However, Luo Yu, who was flying the plane, was not an ordinary pilot, and he could not even be considered an ordinary human.

  Just two seconds after losing his heartbeat, the light red fungus attached to his chest suddenly shrank inward twice.

  About half a minute passed.

  The unconscious Luo Yu suddenly coughed violently twice, choked out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with minced meat, and woke up from his coma.


  A surprised cry came from his ear, and he knew that Xiao Yu had saved him again.

  ”Thank you…”

  ”Eh!” (I’m glad you’re okay.)

  Squeezing a smile from his face, Luo Yu took a deep breath and untied the seat belt pressing on his chest.

  Looking at the half-handsome face reflected in the cockpit, he stretched out his index finger and touched the light red fungus, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

  This buff that accelerates recovery is indeed useful, and the only drawback is probably that it looks less and less like a human.

  But it’s not ugly. Maybe it was

  because he had been watching it for a long time. He was not used to the shape of Xiaoyu’s fruiting body, but after spending a long time with it, he felt that it was actually okay, and sometimes he even felt that it was quite handsome.

  On the one hand, it may be because his own aesthetics are also changing subtly, and on the other hand, it may be because Xiaoyu is moving closer to human aesthetics.

  As a completely different form of life, in a sense, it is the same as the bionic people and AI living in the alliance-it is being slowly assimilated by the society of the alliance.

  Just like the kittens and puppies near human settlements more than 10,000 years ago.

  Cooperation is always easier than confrontation to survive in this dangerous universe.

  But that may be a long time in the future…

  Xiaoyu is the only exception among the tens of millions of evolutionary routes of all mutant slime molds. The monster entrenched in the center of Qingquan City at this moment is not a docile kitten or puppy. It is

  a vicious wolf that grinds its teeth and sucks blood!

  The cockpit of the plane is stuck. Luoyu tried to open the hatch, but found that it did not move at all, so he found a window-breaking hammer from the toolbox under the ejection seat and smashed it hard on the cockpit glass.

  After breaking the glass, he grabbed a submachine gun, climbed out of the cockpit, and loaded the gun.

  This was the center of the nuclear bomb crater.

  There was a bare wilderness all around, and the edge of the crater could be seen in the distance.

  Just as he was trying to contact the headquarters through the onboard radio, the ground suddenly shook violently again.

  Luo Yu’s face changed slightly.

  Just when he thought that the mother nest was going to use the same trick again and swallow him up, he saw a cloud of dust suddenly rising in the open space about 20 meters away from him. He

  saw a huge mouth shaped like a piranha plant, like a whale jumping out of the water, suddenly drilling through the soft soil.

  Luo Yu’s initial reaction was that this guy didn’t find his position correctly and bit off, so he immediately set up the small water pipe in his hand and prepared to fire, but soon found that this guy’s condition was a little abnormal.

  The huge mouth let out a long cry of pain, twisting its body in the rolling dust, as if it was retching, and constantly spraying out sand and gravel.

  Seeing this scene, Luo Yu was stunned.

  ”I’m Chao?! What’s going on!?”

  Is this…

  a stomachache?

  At present, it seems to be the case. The huge mouth is still vomiting, as if it wants to suck all the sand and soil underground to the surface.

  Seeing the rubble and soil from the blowout coming towards him, Luo Yu hurriedly dodged backwards.

  At this moment, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, in the flying dust, there seemed to be a figure flying out, and heavily fell on the open space 5 meters away from him.

  The man was holding a short axe covered with black blood in his hand, lying in a big letter shape.

  After a while, with a snap, something fell next to him, and it seemed to be a severed hand.

  Luo Yu hurried over, took off the man’s helmet and saw that it was Lao Bai.

  Seeing Luo Yu’s face, Lao Bai smiled a little embarrassedly, and said embarrassedly.

  ”It’s a bit embarrassing, brother, don’t laugh at me… Well, how did you get down?”

  And his face looked like this.

  Luo Yu smiled bitterly.

  ”Don’t mention it… This mother nest has one plug-in after another, and none of them are the same. I have been flying for so many years, but this is the first time I have been competing with such an outrageous thing.”

  ”It’s really outrageous…”

  Getting up from the ground, Lao Bai reached out and wiped his face covered with black blood, but because his hands were also covered with black mucus, his face became even dirtier.

  As if realizing that this was a futile act, he reluctantly gave up cleaning his face and walked over to pick up the severed hand of Brother Kuangfeng.

  This guy is the most unlucky.

  As soon as the giant mouth closed, it was pierced from bottom to top by a tentacle, and the whole person was left with this indigestible mechanical hand.

  Since the establishment of the Burning Legion, they have participated in countless battles of all sizes.

  Such tragic casualties are probably the first time.

  Seeing that the highest-level and most powerful power-type beasts in the entire server were so embarrassed, Luo Yu swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

  ”What on earth did you encounter?”

  ”Just like you saw, we were swallowed by that thing.” Looking at the twisting giant mouth, Lao Bai grinned at the damaged corner of his mouth, “This guy probably wants to open our brains to see what’s inside, so he takes us deep underground… But this beast obviously underestimated us.” To be

  honest, they were indeed caught off guard, but it was just caught off guard.

  Just after Kuangfeng was killed in seconds, the others reacted quickly, focusing their attention on the ground and the surroundings, and firing at the closed mouth with their rifles.

  After discovering that ordinary rifle bullets could not penetrate the mouth of the mother nest, Fang Chang took the lead in pulling out the Dawn Longbow and shot a charged explosive arrow at the top of his head.

  The arrow that exploded after being inserted into the fungus block produced a good killing effect. The mother nest that swallowed them soon showed symptoms of indigestion, and the inner wall of the digestive bag shook violently.

  The morale of the crowd was immediately boosted, and the others also used their own equipment to attack the scarlet fungus blocks around them.

  The most ruthless one among them was undoubtedly Brother Ye Shi.

  This guy had been transformed into a mechanical body by the researchers of the academy. The digestive fluid of the mother nest had no effect on him, and his defense was even stronger than the sky.

  A tentacle poked his crotch, and the power that could pierce through a person did nothing except push him up.

  Then Ye Shi quickly hugged the tentacle, activated the electrode installed on him by a researcher, and directly applied electrotherapy to the digestive system of the mother nest. The

  instantaneous output of current almost drained the battery of his exoskeleton, but the effect was also amazing.

  After being hit by a 100,000-volt shot, the mother nest’s cavity wall twitched as if it had taken a laxative, and then the gravel and sand under the feet of the crowd began to gush upwards.

  This move was obviously not a good move.

  The mother nest had given up on assimilating them and wanted to spit them out of its body.

  Just as the two were talking, Fang Chang was also ejected from the giant mouth and fell not far from them.

  ”Fuck, Fang Chang? You came out too?”

  Looking at Fang Chang who was getting up from the ground cursing, Lao Bai’s face was filled with surprise.

  Just now, after Fang Chang shot an arrow, he was targeted by a bunch of tentacles. He thought this guy was dead.

  ”It was almost over…”

  Taking off the helmet with a broken mask, Fang Chang looked at the twisted giant mouth with a gloomy face.

  He almost died as soon as he landed. After playing this game for so long, this was the first time he was so embarrassed.

  Lao Bai walked to his side, stretched out his hand to pull him up from the ground, and asked.

  ”Where is Ye Shi?”

  Recalling the scene he saw before being spit out, Fang Chang paused for a moment and said.

  ”I guess he is still holding that tentacle… But I guess he is running out of power.”

  At this moment, he suddenly noticed Luo Yu next to Lao Bai, and then his eyes stayed on the half of his face that was eroded by slime mold, and his expression was slightly stunned.

  ”Luo Yu…”

  Luo Yu coughed lightly.

  ”Don’t ask, I was shot down. As for my face… it became like this after being nursed back to life by Xiao Yu.”

  Fang Chang didn’t care. He walked straight to him in two steps, stretched out his hands happily and held his shoulders, “I didn’t want to ask you this, this kind of thing can be known at a glance… How do you feel now?”

  Being looked at by those fiery eyes felt a little unnatural, and Luo Yu nervously took a half step back.

  ”I… I’m fine, what’s wrong?”

  The look was so similar.

  It was exactly the same as when Mosquito invited him to test drive the new aircraft of Goblin Technology!

  Looking at Luo Yu with an unnatural expression, Fang Chang cleared his throat and said seriously.

  ”I’m afraid Ye Shi won’t be able to hold on for long… and I found out that conventional weapons can’t kill this guy.”

  ”Unkillable means…”

  ”It means exactly what it says! He has merged with this land, and his body is spread throughout the underground space of the city center. To put it another way, our weapons cannot be stronger than those of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee… If the information in the setting collection is not written randomly by A Guang, then the idea of ​​using explosives to destroy the mother nest from the beginning is not feasible. He is not in a certain place on this land, but everywhere!”

  Perhaps this is the reason why the exploration team of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee failed to lock the specific location of the mother nest.

  Every coordinate they explored was correct, but they only found a part of Him.

  And every time they destroyed a part of Him, He would be silent for a while, and soon after, He would come back with the memory and experience of fighting with them before.


  Luo Yu looked at him in disbelief.

  ”How could it be? You didn’t…”

  ”We succeeded in causing damage to Him, didn’t we?” Fang Chang guessed his thoughts, looked at him, and continued seriously, “It’s useless, that little damage is like a flea bite on Him. Even if we try our best, at most we can let Him lie dormant underground for two or three years like the Post-War Reconstruction Committee… Now there is only one last way to kill Him once and for all.”

  Luo Yu knew what that method was. It was Plan B provided by the administrator for them –

  after discovering the mother nest, if it was found that the mother nest could not be destroyed, he would eat that guy with the Xiao Yu fruiting body on his body.

  However, there is a prerequisite here, that is, first of all, we have to get close to the mother nest.

  Seeing the confusion in Luo Yu’s eyes, Fang Chang cast his gaze on the huge mouth that was vomiting gravel.

  ”We are above the mother nest, and He is under our feet.”

  ”That’s the nearest entrance!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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