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Chapter 637 The Collapse of Hell!

Chapter 637 The Collapse of Hell!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 637 The Collapse of Hell!

  After listening to Brother Fang Chang’s almost crazy idea, Luo Yu felt that this guy must have gone crazy from playing games.

  However, on second thought, he felt that what this guy said seemed to make some sense.

  This is a game after all!

  A rational analysis, if the guy can be killed by conventional weapons, there is no need to wait for the post-war reconstruction committee. The Human Union has done so long ago, and there is no need to wait for them to clean up this mess two hundred years later.

  In any case, they have no better way at this moment.

  They can only give it a try!

  Thinking of the Titan that was eroded by slime mold in the air, Luo Yu took a deep breath, comforted the uneasy Xiao Yu, and looked at Fang Chang and said seriously.

  ”How should I get in?”

  The huge mouth has been vomiting earth out, and the mud and construction waste that He pulled out from the ground are almost piled up into a small mountain.

  The electricity generated by Ye Shi may still make Him feel good for a while, but the problem is that once He stops vomiting, he will definitely withdraw his mouth back into the ground.

  The mother nest has already suffered a loss once, so we can’t expect it to be greedy again.

  Fang Chang raised a smile and looked at the Lingyun fighter plane that was cut into a “machine stick” not far away.

  Although he often laughed at Mosquito’s imagination, he had to admit that the guy had never cut corners on quality.

  For example, the fighter plane in front of him was made of stainless steel.

  Although the wings were all broken, the main structure was intact.

  ”Get in with this thing.”

  ”Get in with this thing?!” Luo Yu was stunned and said in confusion, “How the hell do we get in.” It was

  already amazing that he could land this plane smoothly. If it could fly again, Newton’s coffin would be in trouble.

  He knew what Luo Yu was thinking, but Fang Chang’s idea was completely different from what he thought.

  In fact, there is no need to let the plane take off again –

  ”It’s very simple,” Fang Chang continued to say to Luo Yu with a happy smile on his face, “Let Lao Bai carry the plane and throw it into the mouth of the mother nest. You just need to close your eyes and step on the accelerator.”

  The plane has no accelerator, and the rudder is under your feet.

  Luo Yu looked at Fang Chang in confusion.

  He suspected that this guy didn’t understand the principle of the plane at all.

  However –

  if you think about it carefully, this method is not completely impossible.

  The engine did not shut down because it was broken. If it had not been broken in the turbulence just now, it could theoretically be started.

  Luo Yu tried to imagine the scene.

  That feeling is like –

  ”Just like a missile.” Lao Bai’s complaints spoke for him. The former looked at Fang Chang and couldn’t help asking, “Are you sure it can work?”

  ”I’m not sure. Only our ace pilot has the most say in this.”

  Fang Chang looked at Luo Yu with a sharp look, waiting for his answer.

  Luo Yu took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

  ”I can give it a try… but this thing is not light. Are you sure Lao Bai can carry it?”

  Even if he had used up all the ammunition and the fuel was almost burned, and the wings were completely broken, leaving only the cabin connected to the engine, the remaining structures would weigh four or five tons.

  This weight is indeed very light by the standards of a fighter jet, but it is still a bit exaggerated for humans.

  Will it work?

  Luo Yu looked at Lao Bai, who was covered in blood, with suspicion, but the latter showed a relaxed smile on his face.

  ”Give it a try. With the power provided by the exoskeleton, it should be no problem.”

  Seeing Lao Bai nod, Luo Yu no longer hesitated and nodded seriously.

  ”Then let’s give it a try!”

  The three of them immediately started to act.

  Fang Chang ran to the side of the giant mouth with a shovel, and laboriously dug out a slope that looked okay on the pile of gushing earth.

  Luo Yu went back into the cabin to confirm the oil circuit and tried to restart the engine.

  At the moment when he held the joystick with both hands, the wonderful feeling from before returned to him, and the whole plane seemed to merge with him.

  At this moment, Lao Bai also walked to the back of the plane, swung the hot melt cutting axe, and swung it hard at the half-remaining vertical tail.

  The bursting sparks cut off the vertical tail completely. Luo Yu, who was sitting in the cockpit, shook his shoulders and couldn’t help shouting.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Lao Bai, who was holding the axe, was stunned and scratched his helmet with his hand.

  ”Reducing some weight for you… You won’t need it anyway.”

  Luo Yu: “…”

  There is indeed nothing wrong with what he said, but how much weight can a half vertical tail have?

  Fang Chang’s shout came from the front.

  ”Hurry up! I’m afraid Ye Shi won’t be able to hold on for much longer!”

  ”Oh oh!”

  Lao Bai shouted with full momentum, hung the hot melt cutting axe on the exoskeleton, walked to the bottom of the plane and squatted, holding the belly of the plane with both hands, and lifted it up with all his strength.

  Under the support of that force, the fuselage of the Lingyun fighter began to shake violently, as if it had epilepsy.

  Lao Bai clenched his teeth, his muscles were tense, the veins on his neck bulged, and his forehead to his shoulders were blood red. His feet were deeply embedded in the soil.

  That was nearly five tons of weight!

  He was challenging the limits of human beings!

  Feeling the high-frequency shaking of the seat, Luo Yu couldn’t help but hold his breath, as if this would help him lose some weight, and at the same time silently cheered for Lao Bai in his heart.

  Fang Chang was the same, holding his breath involuntarily.

  Time passed slowly, every second was as long as a year, but the plane was not moved an inch off the ground except for the constant shaking.

  Looking at the fuselage that still didn’t lift up, Fang Chang, whose heart was in his throat, couldn’t help but frown. Is it

  really too much of a stretch?

  ”Why don’t we change another one–”

  He was about to say that he would think of other ways, but a loud roar interrupted him.


  Boundary breakthrough!!!

  The moment his talent was activated, Lao Bai’s pupils were instantly filled with bloodshot. He held up the fuselage with his hands and dug two inward-concave palm prints on the bumpy stainless steel shell.

  The Lingyun fighter plane that was cut into a machine stick was lifted up by him in an instant. With

  nearly five tons of weight on his body, Lao Bai felt that his whole body was sinking into the ground.

  But there is no doubt that the plane was indeed lifted up by his hands!

  The joints of the exoskeleton made a wail of being overwhelmed, as if they could collapse at any time.

  The same was true for the bones in his whole body, which were already on the verge of human limits.

  Without stopping for a moment, Lao Bai took big steps and ran towards the slope that was just a stone’s throw away. At the moment he reached the top, he threw the half of the plane that he had lifted above his head into the abyss-like huge mouth.


  He roared and sent Luo Yu on his last journey, and all the muscles in his body lost power in an instant.

  Looking directly at the esophagus that was like a black hole and the gravel and soil that kept gushing out, Luo Yu gritted his teeth and started the engine. While pushing the throttle to the maximum, he also pushed the afterburner that he would never use normally to the bottom.

  ”Get in here!”

  A pale blue arc of light lit up in the deep darkness, and the engine’s nozzle blew out hot air waves.

  The Lingyun fighter, which had been completely scrapped, started its engine again and sent its last power.

  Under the pull of gravity and engine thrust, the Lingyun, with its nose down, was like a sharp dagger, piercing the mother nest’s throat that was constantly swallowing and spitting.


  Obviously sensing the foreign object pouring into its throat, the mother nest, which was spraying soil, let out a painful howl, as if it was stuck by a fishbone.

  However, no matter how it sprayed soil, it could not withstand the engine that could accelerate more than ten tons of stainless steel to Mach 3.

  In a sense, the remaining half of the plane has become a de facto missile!

  Less than three seconds after the engine ignited, the flickering flames at the engine nozzle went out again, but it was enough for Lingyun who had completed the acceleration.

  Ling Yun dived down rapidly, and within a few breaths, he followed the twisted esophagus of the mother nest and penetrated straight into the depths of his digestive system.

  ”What the hell?! Luo Yu?”

  Ye Shi, who was holding a tentacle, looked at the Ling Yun fighter plane that plunged into the scarlet fungus chamber in surprise, and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  He didn’t know Fang Chang’s plan, but he thought that this mother nest was amazing, and could catch everything flying in the sky and eat it.

  Isn’t this plug-in too awesome? !

  The cabin of the fighter was filled with sand, and Luo Yu, who was almost buried, obviously couldn’t hear what he said, and didn’t have the time to pay attention to this guy.

  The mother nest seemed to have finally noticed the abnormality in him and realized his threat. The tentacles connected to the stomach wall twisted like dancing pythons, and then pounced on his car like crazy. The

  sharp tentacles hit the stainless steel fuselage with a clang clang clang sound, but fortunately it didn’t pierce it.

  The heart that was originally hanging in the air was put down. Luo Yu began to concentrate and focus on the surroundings. He soon noticed Ye Shi who was hanging not far away, and shouted with joy.

  ”Brother, help me!”

  ”How can I help you?” Ye Shiyi, who was holding the tentacles, was confused.

  Luo Yu continued without stopping.

  ”Don’t you know how to discharge electricity? Think of a way to help me get rid of these tentacles.”

  Ye Shi said with a smile .

  ”Fuck, if I had this ability, why would I hang here?!”

  Hearing this, Luo Yu was speechless for a while because it made so much sense.

  But at this moment, Ye Shi suddenly had an idea and shouted at him.

  ”Wait, I have an idea!”

  ”What is it?”

  ”Fuel tank! Where is your fuel tank?”

  ”It’s behind my seat–”

  Before Luo Yu finished speaking, Ye Shi had already pulled out his pistol, aimed at the fuselage behind his butt, and fired two shots.

  Startled by his sudden action, Luo Yu said with a smile.

  ”My brother, this is made of stainless steel. Are you kidding me by shooting it with a pistol?”

  Not to mention that a pistol can’t penetrate it, even if it’s a rifle, it can’t be penetrated!

  ”Hey… I’ll give it a try.”

  Ye Shi put away his pistol awkwardly, reached into his pocket, touched a coin, and suddenly felt happy.

  ”Got it!”

  Although it was the first time to try, the running algorithm was already written on the chip.


  the operation method that a certain D-level researcher repeatedly told him, Ye Shi bit the coin in his mouth, freed his right hand to aim at the upright Lingyun fighter, and raised his thumb as the crosshairs for aiming. Seeing his action, Luo Yu was stunned.

  ”What are you doing?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, the blue arc flashed around Ye Shi’s arm, and then a sound of breaking through the air passed through his cockpit. Several

  tentacles broke instantly, spraying black mucus all over the cabin.

  The scarlet bacteria not far behind him were also pierced with a hole, and black mucus continued to flow into the digestive chamber.

  Startled by the noise, Luo Yu stared at the guy hanging on the tentacle in disbelief.

  ”What the hell?! What was that just now?!”

  ”Hey, my electromagnetic cannon! Isn’t it awesome? But the accuracy is not so good… I’ll try again.”

  Ye Shi bit another coin in his mouth and adjusted the direction of his thumb.

  The capacitor began to charge, and the crackling sound of static electricity rang out all over his body. The tentacle he was holding was shaking as if it was numbed by electricity.

  Looking at the shaking “electromagnetic cannon”, Luo Yu’s heart almost rose to his throat, and he finally couldn’t help shouting.

  ”You fucking better–”

  This time, before he finished speaking, Ye Shi let go of the silver coin in his mouth and let the tumbling coin fall on the magnetic track formed by the blue arc.

  Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

  The blue arc was like a slingshot with a full string, and the moment the silver coin entered the track, it erupted with terrifying power.

  The silver coin accelerated to several Mach speeds was like a cannonball, hitting the middle section of the Lingyun fighter’s fuselage.

  The fuel tank was instantly shot through.

  The clear oil flowed along the outer shell of the cabin to the bottom of the digestion chamber.

  Looking at the remaining fuel on the dashboard that was constantly decreasing, Luo Yu was delighted.

  ”It’s done! Wait, don’t ignite yet, wait for the oil to leak for a while!”

  Although there was not much oil left in the tank, there were still about a hundred liters left.

  Seeing that the dial was no longer going down, Luo Yu took out a signal gun from the rescue box under the seat, aimed at the pool of fuel just below the nose of the plane, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  A signal flare burning with red light shot out of the gun barrel and hit the pool of fuel squarely.

  With a flash of dazzling red light, the oil mixed with black mucus instantly burst into a flame and spread into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. The

  roots were ignited by the flames, and the tentacles wrapped around the plane were instantly like being electrocuted, waving their bodies in pain in the flames.

  Taking advantage of the gap when they were busy, Luo Yu endured the scorching smoke and drilled out of the damaged hatch. The moment before the flames climbed onto the fighter plane, he jumped towards the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

  Almost at the same time when his feet touched the bottom of the digestive chamber, the flames burned into the fuel tank.

  The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed the tentacles, and the surging shock wave hit his back, pushing his body forward.

  Ye Shi, who was watching the show on the tentacles, was also shaken off by the shock wave and fell heavily to the ground.


  He grimaced in pain after falling from a height of several meters, but fortunately his bones were made of titanium alloy, so he patted his butt and stood up.

  The tentacles in the entire digestive chamber were completely burned, and the trembling fungus blocks had completely lost the way to deal with them.

  After they made a big fuss, the “stomach wall” originally composed of scarlet fungus blocks was also burned into black charcoal by the flames.

  For the mother nest that spanned several kilometers, this level of damage was obviously not fatal, but it was definitely enough for Him to drink a pot.

  Especially at this critical juncture.

  A large amount of nutrients in His body were supplied to the newborn Xia, and it would be difficult to allocate excess energy to repair the damage in a short time.

  Now is the best opportunity to devour Him!

  The oxygen content in the digestion chamber gradually decreased, and the burning flames gradually extinguished.

  Dragging his bruised body, Luo Yu limped to the relatively intact side of the digestion chamber, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the agitated scarlet fungus block.

  The frequency of the contraction revealed a hint of fear, as if it was trying its best to drive him out of here.

  However, this was obviously in vain.

  He had finally come here, how could he give up?

  Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu whispered softly.

  ”Please… Xiao Yu.”

  Hearing his call, a murmur floated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

  Then, tiny light red cilia oozed out from his palm and began to spread towards the scarlet fungus block.

  Just like when he was flying a Lingyun fighter.

  He felt that his consciousness was gradually leaving his body along the light red cilia, slowly leaning forward.

  Indistinctly, he seemed to hear the cry from the dark.

  Just as he could understand Xiaoyu’s murmurs, he could also understand the furious shouts.

  ”You are courting death!”

  Feeling the surging emotions, Luoyu’s mouth curled up unconsciously.

  It was really funny.


  For players like them, it was just a matter of three days!

  ”Then let’s try.”

  Feeling his arrogant determination, the mother nest let out a silent roar.

  The roar was full of disdainful contempt and anger at being offended by a tiny thing, but in the boundless anger and contempt there was also a trace of imperceptible panic.

  Although He has a huge body like Leviathan, He is not truly invulnerable.

  Relying on the rich organic nutrients on the surface, He can be reborn from the ruins again and again, and even evolved a terrifying toughness that can withstand nuclear strikes.

  However, what He is facing at this moment is not a nuclear bomb.

  It is a monster that has struggled to survive in an extremely harsh environment for nearly two centuries.

  The two sides’ understanding of devouring and the use of resources are completely on different dimensions.

  When He could not rely on a large number of fruiting bodies and powerful evolutionary bodies to overwhelm Xiaoyu, but wrestled with Xiaoyu in the field where Xiaoyu was best at, something happened that neither He nor Xiaoyu had ever thought of –

  this god-like guy was not as powerful as he imagined.

  This little thing like a baby was not as vulnerable as He imagined.

  It was like His cancer cell!

  The cancer cell that had been prepared for Him for two centuries and was only effective for Him!

  Today’s script seemed to have been written many years ago, starting from the moment the B6 layer of Shelter No. 404 fell… The

  scarlet fungus block gradually faded and turned into another vivid pink and flesh red.

  In a moment, the fungus blanket connected to Luoyu’s palm had changed color, forming two distinct worlds with the restless fungus blocks around it.

  The scarlet slime mold was surging with its fangs and claws, trying to take back the lost territory. However, no matter how they struggled, even if they occasionally squeezed back an inch of territory, they could not stop the momentum of the light red fungus to expand.

  Looking at this incredible scene, Ye Shi couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

  Not only him.

  Even Luo Yu himself, whose right hand was attached to the fungus blanket, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

  He didn’t know he had this ability.

  No –

  this should be Xiao Yu’s ability.

  At this moment when he was stunned, half of the digestive chamber had fallen into his hands, and his right hand was completely integrated with the digestive chamber. The

  mother nest, which was so arrogant a second ago, finally realized the threat and hurriedly agitated the esophagus of the digestive tract, trying to eliminate the alien that invaded its body through other means.

  He must kill it!

  At all costs!

  Even if it means completely cutting this piece of flesh and blood from his body!

  With a sharp howl, the extremely underdeveloped alien species fell from the digestive chamber and slammed to the ground.

  They have round bellies, arthropod-like heads, and underdeveloped wings.

  Old players who participated in the last wave will not be unfamiliar with this thing, they are the self-destructing flying insects that can explode!

  Seeing Luo Yu standing motionless on one side of the digestive chamber, they screamed and were about to pounce on him.

  However, before they could stand firm, a burst of gunfire shot the dozen self-destructing flying insects into a pool of fragments.

  ”I’m not dead yet!”

  Ye Shi picked up his teammate’s assault rifle from the ground, and after firing a round, he quickly changed the magazine and aimed at the fruiting bodies that continued to fall from his head.

  Even if he didn’t know the content of the plan at all, he knew that he must not let those fruiting bodies get close to the Luo Yu brothers!

  The mother nest, feeling the threat to its life, had gone completely crazy and attacked its stomach regardless of everything.

  The two cooperated tacitly.

  One was responsible for cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, and the other focused on cooperating with Xiao Yu to devour all the mutant slime molds that were touched.

  At this moment, the top of the agitated digestive chamber suddenly shrank and closed the cardia.

  At this moment, the entire digestive chamber had completely fallen into Luo Yu’s hands and completely became a part of his body.

  Although this is just an organ, it is connected to the internal circulation system of the entire mother nest.

  Unless the mother nest stops breathing, it is impossible to suffocate him by cutting off the influx of gas.

  He doesn’t even need to get oxygen through his own breathing.

  In order to support the consumption of this huge body, the respiratory system of this mother nest is much more powerful than his own lungs!

  ”Please… stop!”

  Hearing the voice of compromise coming from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, Luo Yu couldn’t help but curl up a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Didn’t you say that I was seeking death?”


  The silent silence made Luo Yu feel bored.

  Seeing that the mother nest didn’t want to pay attention to his ridicule, he turned his attention back to the mutant slime molds that were entangled and resisting him.

  The fruiting bodies that fell into the digestion chamber were gradually absorbed by him and became nutrients for him to strengthen himself.

  Including the players of the Burning Legion who died before, they were also digested and absorbed by him and became part of his body!

  As for Ye Shi, forget it.

  That guy didn’t have much meat on his body, and he was still alive, so he couldn’t do it.

  At this time, the voice floating from the dark once again merged into his expanding sea of ​​consciousness.

  This time, the voice was filled with a hint of pleading.

  ”No… I don’t want to die…”

  ”What about those people you devoured? Do they want to die?” Luo Yu’s voice was filled with a hint of amusement.

  He did not hear the mockery in the voice.

  The mother nest answered without hesitation.

  ”They… are weak… ugly… dirty. It is the law of nature that they are eaten by the stronger and more perfect me.”

  Luo Yu nodded, with a happy smile on his face.

  ”I feel relieved when you say that.”

  Perhaps it was because of the happy mood that the mother nest, who thought she had escaped a disaster, could not help but reveal a hint of joy of surviving a disaster.

  However, the joyful mood did not last for two seconds, and with Luo Yu’s next sentence, it fell into the abyss again.

  ”…Since you agree that it is the law of nature, I guess you will not have any complaints even if you are eaten by me.”

  ”You are really weak because you can’t even digest what you eat.”

  The second half of the sentence was said by Xiao Yu.

  As the two of them finished speaking, the light red tentacles wrapped around the digestive chamber took the next step and began to spread towards the internal circulation system of the mother nest.

  Soon, the “cancer cells” he released will spread along the internal circulation system to the whole body of the mother nest, giving it the final fatal blow.

  Luo Yu himself did not expect that the whole process would be so smooth.

  Not only him, but also Xiao Yu, who was sitting on the B6 floor of the shelter, was opening his mouth in surprise at this moment.

  His strength made it tremble, and it did not even dare to reveal its breath in front of Him.

  As a result, His own power was so vulnerable!

  In any case, this mother nest does not have enough time to evolve “antibodies” that can solve them.

  At this moment, He is like a king collapsed on the dragon throne. Even with the great power to command thousands of troops, he can’t escape the inevitable aging and death.

  ”No——” He shouted desperately, trying to stop the incomprehensible power flowing in his body, but still couldn’t stop his own collapse.

  As if hearing His desperate wail, the spore cloud lingering over Qingquan City was surging and boiling like waves.

  Standing on the huge wall of Boulder City, Ibers stared at the direction of the city center with unbelievable surprise on his face.

  The “giant tree” that had stood for more than two hundred years was actually collapsing!

  That was the scene that Lord Fang Ming dreamed of seeing, and one day he actually witnessed it for that lord!

  He thought he would never have a chance in this life.

  After all, those stupid organisms are so disappointing, always wasting precious time on meaningless cannibalism.

  Ibers kept muttering in his sleep, his voice choking with excitement.

  ”Incredible… They actually did it!?”

  This incredible miracle excited him more than a river of blood!

  It was like seeing the Giant Deer God in person!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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