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Chapter 638 Gaia

Chapter 638 Gaia


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 638 Gaia

  To the north of the Valley Province, the origin city of the Great Rift Valley.

  In the spacious conference room, an old man with gray hair and a majestic face sat in front of the empty conference table.

  He is the chief of the Great Rift Valley and the last member of the post-war reconstruction committee.

  No one knows how old he is, not even himself. The distant memories of the old times have long been left in the past.

  Staring at the south, the old man’s face gradually showed a trace of surprise.

  After a moment, he lowered his eyebrows and muttered to himself in disbelief.

  ”…It actually worked?”


  It’s not just the chief of the Great Rift Valley who was shocked.

  Yang Kai, a researcher sent to the alliance by the academy, also had an extremely surprised expression on his face at this moment.

  The spore cloud covering the sky above Qingquan City is slowly collapsing!

  They have been observing this mother nest for two centuries, and this is a miracle that has never happened in two centuries!

  Not only that.

  Through the analysis of the pheromones in the spore cloud, he can clearly hear the mother nest wailing in pain.

  ”…How did they do it?”

  Is it some kind of special virus?

  Or did they introduce some kind of creature that can restrain the mutant slime mold…

  But the genetic information contained in that guy’s gene bank almost exceeds the sum of all the genetic information of all creatures on the earth. He has almost become a god-like existence in ancient religious beliefs!

  They don’t even have a complete grasp of that guy’s gene bank, where can they find creatures that can restrain him?

  Yang Kai muttered to himself, his face full of disbelief and confusion, puzzled.

  He couldn’t figure it out.

  Even the post-war reconstruction committee couldn’t eradicate the stubborn disease, how did this survivor force that was born less than two years ago do it!


  The spores accumulated in Qingquan City are boiling, like a pot of boiling water. It

  ’s not just the mother nest in the city center that roared, but also the young Xia.

  It felt the mother’s pain.

  A terrible force invaded his body and was devouring him bit by bit!

  In anger, Xia couldn’t help but feel a little panic.

  What on earth is that thing?

  Even its mother can’t deal with it!

  The spores floating beside it created a circle of furious ripples.

  The gray-green smoke was like a torrent, spreading along the street with the edge of the North Second Ring Road as the center, covering all the fruiting bodies and evolutions.

  Silent shouts echoed in the consciousness of every fruiting body.

  ”Kill them!”

  ”Tear them all apart!”

  Resonating with the furious emotions, both the gnawers and crawlers gave hoarse and shrill roars, like the echoes aroused by the shouts.


  On the defense line less than one kilometer away from the giant wall, watching the increasingly fierce wave of the offensive, the faces of the soldiers of the Punishment Battalion could not help but show a trace of panic.

  Less than an hour after the sound of gunfire, 5,000 people were reduced by 20%.

  Two hundred-man teams were killed!

  They saw with their own eyes that the brothers on the same front were overwhelmed by a group of corpse gnawers.

  In just a few breaths, the guy was torn into pieces by countless claws, and there was not a single intact bone in the whole person.

  The fruiting bodies were like evil spirits.

  And now they were even more crazy, rushing towards them recklessly!

  After all, they had only received three months of military training, and they were not like the players who could die again and again.

  Some soldiers could not help but move back in fear.

  As if they saw the fluctuation of morale, the roar of the supervisory team came from behind them.

  ”Hold your position! Do not retreat!”

  At the same time, the two machine guns in the back also sprayed fierce firepower, accompanied by the sound of thump thump thump, and tracers were scattered in front of the crowd like raindrops.

  Bit gritted his teeth, picked up the rifle in his hand, and rushed forward with a shout. After killing several gnawers that had knocked down the machine gunners in the front position, he pulled away the incomplete corpse and squatted in the machine gun bunker.

  He knew it very well.

  If they took a step back, not only would the rain of bullets in front of them retreat with them, but also the artillery fire from the rear would fall on their heads. If they

  retreated, they would definitely die.

  But if they held on, they might still be able to survive!


  Bit, who picked up the machine gun, gripped the trigger tightly, firing at the gnawers that rushed towards him one after another, while using his roar to dispel fear.

  At this moment, the sound of artillery suddenly came from the other side of the street.

  He was very familiar with that sound, it was the 37mm cannon of the Alliance!

  As if to confirm his guess, armored vehicles rushed into the battlefield from the side, overturning large areas of alien species with their wide fronts and steel anti-collision nets.

  The 37mm machine guns on the tops of the armored vehicles fired and fired, and traces as thick as pythons opened a net of death on the fragmented streets.

  The middle of the wave suddenly exploded with a series of black blood mists. The roaring fruiting bodies fell down like wheat, and many gnawers were even more miserable with half of their bodies blown off.

  The pressure on the originally precarious defense line was instantly reduced by half, and the morale of the punishment battalion returned from the bottom of the valley to the middle of the mountain.

  Seeing the armored vehicles and the black skull badges, many people shouted with joy, and some even whistled.

  ”It’s the Skeleton Corps!”

  ”Reinforcements! Our reinforcements!”

  ”They haven’t given up on us!”

  Not only the Skeleton Corps!

  There are also the militias of Boulder City!

  The militias wearing exoskeletons, led by power armors, followed the pace of the armored vehicles and advanced forward, launching a counterattack against the surging waves.

  The artillery projected from the giant wall and the bullets fired by the punishment battalion have annihilated a sufficient number of fruiting bodies. Some full gnawers tried to bring nutrients back to the incubator as resources for the violent soldiers.

  Of course, the Alliance would not let these guys succeed. They did not intend to give that Xia any breathing time.

  Taking advantage of the weakening of the wave, the Skeleton Corps, which had been waiting for an opportunity for a long time, immediately launched a counterattack with the militia of Boulder City.

  Looking at the roar of guns and cannons in the street, Bit’s pupils could not help but dilate, and then revealed a trace of incredible ecstasy.

  The soldiers behind him were the same.

  A few months ago, they hated the tanks and armored vehicles of the Alliance. After all, it was these guys who blocked the slums under the giant wall and wiped them out without martial ethics.

  Especially after being incorporated into the punishment camp, almost everyone despaired and thought they were dead. The Alliance would definitely use them as cannon fodder until they died.

  However, what they did not expect was that the Alliance did not do so, but fulfilled the agreement with them-after they fulfilled their mission as cannon fodder and supported the attack of the wave, the Alliance and the militia took over the task of attacking.

  Only when you lose and regain, you will know the preciousness of life.

  At this moment, the survivors were so grateful that they wanted to kneel on the ground.

  Even the most vicious prisoners offered heartfelt praise.

  ”Praise the Alliance! Praise the great administrator!”

  After escorting the militia infantry to the vicinity of the incubator, the Skeleton Corps only left more than a hundred awakeners to help after dealing with dozens of difficult evolutions. The rest of the players followed the armored troops along the main road and rushed to the Death Corps on the edge of the North Second Ring Road.

  According to the message from the human radio station from the front line, the Death Corps ran into the remnants of the former 111th Orbital Airborne Division that was eroded by slime mold.

  Among them were not only dozens of decayed knights, but also a six-story-high Titan!

  Half of his head appeared from the top of the armored vehicle, and the mole picked up a horn and shouted loudly.

  ”Full speed ahead!”

  ”Our marginal brother ran into a Titan! We can’t let that guy eat alone!”

  The loud roar echoed in the communication channel.

  ”Ah, ah, ah!”

  As the counterattack campaign began, the situation in the war zone near Boulder City has reversed.

  The incubators scattered along the route of the wave are equivalent to the “barracks” of slime mold. Once the violent soldiers are dismantled, the corpses on the ground can only be used as raw materials for refining nutrient paste.

  The war on the Western Front has basically come to an end, and the battle on the Northern Front is still going on.

  Especially Section 06 of the defense line.

  A total of 10 positions in the front, middle and back sections were completely submerged in the fierce attack of the wave.

  The Burning Corps that airdropped into the city center seemed to have poked the defense nest. That Xia was like crazy, attacking the Alliance’s positions regardless of everything.

  The Alliance was not to be outdone. The planes of the Goblin Corps circled between the ruined high-rise buildings, and rained death on the ground from time to time.

  The artillery in the rear was also firing non-stop, sending shells to the positions that had been filled with fruiting bodies.

  Although those positions were almost submerged in the endless waves, no matter how Xia urged the fruiting bodies under her command to attack, they were never able to completely occupy those battlefields.

  The gunfire of resistance never stopped. Even though more than half of the players were killed or wounded, they did not retreat, but pushed forward continuously.

  Encouraged by the residents of the shelter, the NPCs of the alliance also burst out with amazing fighting spirit, rushing to the position one after another.

  The battle entered a stalemate.

  Every street seemed to have become a meat grinder. Both sides used all the means they could think of to fight for every inch of the position in front of the last line of defense.

  At this moment, a scene that no one expected happened.

  The slime mold fruiting bodies that had been surging towards the position like a tide suddenly retreated!

  Whether it was the gnawers who were cannon fodder or the decayed knights wielding large weapons.

  They turned around at the same time like the receding tide and hurried away along the way they came.

  Standing on the No. 4 position in the middle of the defense zone, Kakarot, who was panting, changed the magazine of the rifle in his hand and glanced at the street outside the window of the building.

  When he saw the gnawers turning around and retreating, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”What’s going on?”

  The wave actually retreated? !

  When the wave came last year, they fought for several days and pushed back to the mother body that kept giving birth. Only after killing it did the wave end.

  He was having a great time killing.

  Why did these fruiting bodies start running back?

  The same thing happened to Kevin, who was standing by with a broken leg, with an expression that the sun was rising from the west.

  ”Is that Xia scared?”

  Looking at the slime mold fruiting bodies that were constantly withdrawing from the building, Kakarot shook his head subtly.

  At this time, the voice of Brother Quanshui came from the communication channel.

  ”… Brother Mosquito saw that the slime mold fruiting bodies were returning to defend the North Second Ring Road. I guess they are the brothers of the Burning Corps… Unbelievable, they actually succeeded?”

  When saying this, Commander Quanshui’s voice couldn’t help but carry a hint of emotion.

  To be honest, although he agreed with Brother Fang’s “bodyguard plan”, he had doubts about that guy’s plan to surprise attack the city center.

  Perhaps he didn’t understand the game deeply enough.

  In his opinion, for a game still in the closed beta stage, there was no reason for the dog planner to let them kill the big boss in the city center. Would

  n’t it be appropriate to add a health lock?

  Unexpectedly, the dog planner was so generous. It was just like what he said when he was drawing the cake.

  If that Xia was killed, the wave would probably become history from now on.

  At least that was the case in Qingquan City.

  ”What should we do now?” Kakarot reached out and tapped his helmet, asking in the communication channel.

  After just a moment of thought, Quanshui said without hesitation.

  ”Chase after him!”

  Kevin, who had a broken leg, was stunned.

  ”Catch up? Now?”

  ”Right!” Izumi said without hesitation, “Now is the best opportunity. The Death Corps has reached the edge of the North Second Ring, and the Skeleton Corps is also heading towards the North Second Ring. As long as we delay the retreat of those little guys, we can kill them all, old and small!”

  ”Hehe, I like this idea!”

  Kakarot grinned, loaded his rifle, switched to the team voice, and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Brothers! The wave is retreating, it’s time to counterattack!”

  ”It’s time to change our BGM!”

  As if to match his order to attack, the radio that was originally broadcasting noise suddenly blew the familiar melody – the sound of the charge!

  When the loud melody passed through the battlefield filled with gunpowder, the players who had almost exhausted their physical strength suddenly seemed to have awakened their blood and burst into amazing morale!

  The earth-shaking roar even dispersed the gray fog accumulated on the street.

  One by one, the players rushed towards the retreating slime mold as if they had been injected with chicken blood.



  The soldiers of the First Corps standing on the battlefield were dumbfounded, staring at the group of refuge residents who were chasing the slime mold fruiting bodies with bloodshot eyes.

  Li Shudong swallowed his saliva, his eyes full of surprise and shock, and then gradually replaced by boundless respect.

  They are all true warriors! They are

  not afraid of death, and they don’t know what fatigue is!

  Inspired by the overwhelming fighting spirit, he felt the blood in his chest boiling, and he couldn’t help shouting out a cry that he himself didn’t understand.



  As the Storm Corps and the First Corps began to pursue, the counterattack campaign in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City was completely launched.

  Just as Xia was exhausted from dealing with the pressure from two directions at the same time and trying her best to dispatch the fruiting bodies to defend, Luo Yu and Xiao Yu’s devouring of the mother nest was gradually coming to an end.

  The increasingly weak consciousness no longer begged, but fell into a dark abyss with vicious curses.

  Luo Yu felt that his consciousness was merging into His body, flowing through His blood vessels throughout His body.

  Gradually, he could feel not only His body, but also the part outside His body.

  The billions of spores floating in the air were like his tentacles.

  Through those floating neurons, he could vaguely perceive each fruiting body.

  They were all His children.

  Including Xia.

  And also the fungal carpet crawling all over the wall.

  He clearly saw that Xia, the child he loved most in his life, was looking up at him with fear.

  It was as if he was a terrible monster.

  At this moment, a word he had only seen in novels suddenly appeared in his mind.

  ”Is this… possession?”

  This seems to be the most appropriate description.

  Realizing this, Luo Yu soon fell into ecstasy. Ignoring

  Xia who was frightened of him, he tried to concentrate all his energy and integrate his consciousness into the vast sea of ​​consciousness.

  At this moment, a bright white light suddenly broke into his consciousness.

  With a loud bang, he felt as if his body was sucked away and forcibly pulled into a vast and boundless darkness.

  Suddenly losing the perception of his body, Luo Yu couldn’t help but panic in his heart, thinking that he was too pretentious and was attacked by the mother nest.

  Fortunately, at this time, a light whisper floated into his ears, which immediately calmed his restless mood.

  ”Eeh!” (Don’t be afraid, I’m here too!)

  Luo Yu took a deep breath and looked at the bright white light floating next to his consciousness.

  ”Xiao Yu?”

  ”Eeh!” (Yes!)

  ”Where am I?”

  ”Eeh.” (This is His memory.)

  ”His memory…”

  Repeating this sentence, Luo Yu suddenly realized that they had devoured not only His body, but also His memory.

  Thinking of this, Luo Yu couldn’t help but feel a little curious, wanting to see what was hidden in the depths of the memory of this mother nest.

  At this moment, tiny dots of light suddenly appeared in the darkness beside him, and then the boundless darkness turned into a vast starry sky.

  Floating in the colorful starlight, Luo Yu’s eyes widened, although he was just an abstract consciousness here and didn’t have real eyes.

  Gradually, a bright star emerged from the starry sky.

  And next to the star, there was a beautiful planet hanging.

  It was like a finely crafted work of art.

  The earth is the red of dusk, and the sea is the green of vitality.

  Endless rainforests are all over the world, and lush species rest and recuperate here.

  What’s even more incredible is not just this.

  The endless rainforest is not made up of trees, but huge “mushrooms”.

  The “animals” active on the planet are also fundamentally different from those on Earth.

  They are born from the soil under their feet, return to dust after death, and then start a new cycle.

  All things feed on His hair, and there is no need to fight and kill each other, and they can play all day long.

  There is no concept of food chain here, only a nearly perfect circle.

  In a sense, whether it is running on the ground, flying in the sky, or growing in the soil.

  Everything on this planet is His fruiting body, and they finally achieved eternal harmony in the long river of time.

  All things are nurtured by Him, and all things also nurture Him.

  Looking at the beautiful planet, Luo Yu couldn’t help but be fascinated for a while, mainly because he had never seen it.

  Is this the “beehive”?

  It seems…

  not as scary as imagined?

  ”Who is He?”

  A distant voice came from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

  ”He has no name.”

  ”When you come, call Him Gaia.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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