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Chapter 639 Goodbye, my kind whom I have never met

Chapter 639 Goodbye, my kind whom I have never met


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 639 Goodbye, the same kind I have never met

  . In the center of the nuclear bomb pit.

  The mouth that was vomiting had retracted into the ground, leaving only a bottomless pit and two people standing next to the pit.

  The two looked at each other, and finally Lao Bai couldn’t help it and coughed lightly and asked.

  ”What’s next?”

  Fang Chang looked at him in confusion.


  ”Uh, I mean… what’s the next plan.”

  Looking at Fang Chang with a “what are you talking about” look on his face, Lao Bai scratched his helmet and asked in a different way.

  Although he was the captain, he really had no experience in dealing with such a situation that he had never seen in reality. At this time, he needed to use Brother Fang Chang’s imagination.

  But looking at Fang Chang’s indifferent expression, he knew that he probably asked in vain.

  ”There is no next plan… It’s better to say that this is a development that was not planned.”

  Fang Chang sighed, walked to the edge of the huge pit, and looked down.

  The deep darkness seemed to be able to swallow everything.

  In fact, it had already done so, and almost wiped out their team with just one bite.

  To be honest.

  If he was not a player, he really wouldn’t dare to go to this place, let alone come up with that crazy plan.

  But it was precisely because he was a player that he not only dared to take on this life-threatening mission, but also could throw his teammates into this big pit without any scruples, and his teammates would not think there was anything wrong.

  People with good brains inevitably think too much, and sometimes they can’t help but have an illusion that he would stand here, think like this, and make such a choice, but in fact it was decided many years ago.

  But there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

  After all, this is a game.

  The player itself is the marble rolling in the “table pinball”, and the smart game designer will make it as difficult for the player to feel this as possible through clever design.

  For example, he is now very curious about what Luoyu will find from below.

  I hope that there will be nothing in the end, and it will become a pile of defense.

  That would be embarrassing.

  ”So… let’s wait here?” Lao Bai, who was not far behind him, asked.

  Fang Chang shrugged.

  ”It seems that this is the only way for now.”

  ”I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult.”


  Hearing the subtle tone, Fang Chang, who was standing next to the giant pit, was slightly stunned. He turned his head subconsciously and was dumbfounded.

  He saw that at the edge of the nuclear bomb pit, dense fruiting bodies surrounded a circle.

  Among them were original fruiting bodies such as Tyrants and Crawlers, as well as power armors eroded by slime molds, armored vehicles and trucks, and a lot of strange guys.

  In terms of garbage recycling alone, no one in this wasteland is likely to be a match for slime molds.

  They don’t just piece together garbage as armor, but will evolve a series of incredible units based on their own understanding and use of the huge gene pool and self-evolution function.

  For example, the few minibuses are the most typical representatives. They can launch self-destructing flying insects like rocket cars.

  ”…This is the end.” Taking off the Dawn Mechanical Compound Bow hanging on his back, Fang Chang squeezed out this sentence from his throat with a tingling scalp.

  ”Ah,” Lao Bai nodded and said helplessly, “Let’s go to the forum to chat later.”

  Two people against ten thousand… maybe even more than ten thousand.

  There is not even a one in ten thousand chance of survival.

  Both of them were ready to fight.

  However, something unexpected happened. The fruiting bodies just surrounded them and did not rush over to drown them.

  Just when Lao Bai and Fang Chang were confused about what these guys were waiting for, the ground under their feet suddenly trembled faintly.

  Before the two of them could react, a light red vine rose from the huge pit behind them, entwined with each other and spread upward for more than ten meters, like a tall tower, and finally woven a unique chair at the top of the tower.

  The chair was like a throne, and Luo Yu, who had been thrown into the pit before, was sitting on it at the moment.

  Looking at the light red mushroom tower, the fruiting bodies surrounding the nuclear bomb pit suddenly became agitated, making hoarse chirping sounds, and moving their feet as if they wanted to move forward, but they didn’t dare.

  They were confused and frightened, unable to understand the situation in front of them, and at a loss as to what to do.

  Looking at the surging fungus, Luo Yu inexplicably had no fear in his heart.

  He could see every fruiting body here, and he could clearly sense what they were thinking.

  A vast sea of ​​thoughts surged towards him.

  Feeling the desire flowing in the spore cloud, he released his own ripples.

  For him, who had already mastered the entire mother nest, this was as simple as breathing.

  ”Don’t panic.”

  ”It’s over-”

  ”This war has lasted for two centuries.”

  It seemed that the ripples flowing in the spore cloud were felt, and the surging and restless emotions were soothed in an instant.

  The fruiting bodies that paced back and forth on the edge of the nuclear bomb crater finally stopped hesitating, stretched their limbs upwards, and cheered in their own way.

  The familiar ripples were emitted by the mother!

  The original uneasiness and fear all melted away at this moment, and were swept away with the spreading spore cloud.

  After confirming his aura, it took them less than a second to accept the new king.

  Looking at the submissive reactions of the fruiting bodies with satisfaction, Luo Yu couldn’t help but curl up a smile.

  Is this the feeling of power? It’s

  so pleasant!

  How about shouting “kneel down” and try it?

  Just when Luo Yu was thinking about how to show off, Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were standing under the intertwined light red vines, raised their heads at the same time and stared at this guy in amazement.

  ”…What’s going on?”

  ”Brother…are you still human?”

  Looking at Fang Chang and Lao Bai who were confused, Luo Yu felt a little embarrassed and coughed lightly.

  ”Of course, as for what happened, it’s a long story. It has to start from a planet called Gaia… This can’t be explained in a short time, so let’s go to the forum and talk about it in detail later.”

  Fang Chang nodded in confusion, thinking that this was the truth.

  It’s better to post a message, so that he can share the joy with others, so that other brothers will not be in the dark after he finishes listening.

  But he didn’t understand why it was about a planet called Gaia?


  ”Okay… By the way, where is Ye Shi?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Yu was about to speak, and a cursing voice came from under him.

  ”I’m here… Damn, this guy didn’t even get me a chair.”

  Under the light red mushroom tower, Ye Shi was holding one of the tentacles and climbing up with great effort.

  Someone has already finished pretending, but he is still hanging on the tree.

  Hearing his complaints, Luo Yu’s old face turned red, and he felt embarrassed, and he quickly coughed to defend himself.

  ”Damn, wasn’t I in a hurry to come out and save people? If I was a step later–”

  Ye Shi rolled his eyes tiredly and interrupted his quibbling.

  ”Hurry up! Give me a hand!”

  Luo Yu said immediately without further delay.

  ”Xiao Yu.”


  With a light and cheerful reply, a light red tentacle separated from the mushroom tower, circled around Ye Shi’s ankle, and then lifted it up with force.

  Ye Shi’s face changed when he realized something was wrong. He was about to speak to stop it, but he was still a step too late. His feet were pulled by a huge force and the whole person was thrown into the sky.

  Fortunately, Xiao Yu didn’t throw him into the sky and leave him alone.

  When his body left the pit, another tentacle separated and caught him impartially.

  After a lot of tossing, Ye Shi, who was holding the tentacle tightly, finally returned to the surface in a mess. As

  soon as his feet touched the soft soil, he couldn’t help but grin and complain.

  ”Zhao! I am a follower of the Dragon after all, do you want to kill me?!”

  Xiaoyu excitedly replied, thinking that this guy was greeting him.


  Ye Shi: “#%@#!”


  At the edge of the North Second Ring Road, the pungent smoke filled the entire street.

  The broken roads were full of fragmented bodies and debris left by the explosion.

  Looking at the power armor that fell not far in front of him, he leaned against the edge of the wall and panted, and threw away the bent launch tube in his hand.

  Not far from him, the construction site boy and the brick were hanging on the broken street lamp, a bloody mess, and even the intestines fell out. The debt-ridden big eyes were even more miserable, most of his body was gone, leaving only a lonely head and shoulders falling on the ground.

  But that guy didn’t have any psychological burden. In his own words, he could say that he was a virgin again in three days.

  The edge of the water grinned, his throat itched, and he coughed a mouthful of blood on the ground again.

  This battle can only be described as tragic.

  They faced not only more than 20 power armors corroded by slime mold, but nearly half a company!

  A total of 47 decayed knights rushed out of the ruins and started a close fight with them.

  In order to prevent them from entering the underground tunnel and to prevent them from approaching that Xia, these evolutions were like crazy, rushing towards them regardless of everything.

  As the least fearless legion in the alliance, they certainly couldn’t be timid with their tough tactics. When

  the rocket launcher ran out of bullets, they used rifles, when the bullets were empty, they used bayonets, when the bayonets broke, they used steel pipes, steel bars, crowbars, and even bricks picked up from the ground, or their fists… In short, they tried their best and spared no effort, just to cause as much damage as possible to their opponents before they died!

  Facts have proved that equipment does not represent everything, and their fighting will can fill the insurmountable gap.

  A total of 47 decayed knights were destroyed!

  Of course, the casualties they paid for this were also extremely heavy.

  Nearly 2,500 players died in the battle, and the remaining nearly 500 were mostly injured, with minor or serious injuries. With

  such a horrific battle ratio, I’m afraid any army would be defeated.

  Only the legion composed of players can persist in fighting until now.

  Not far in front of Edgewater, next to the collapsed viaduct, the square armored building like a fortress still stood majestically.

  It was like an immortal thing.

  Even though it was hit by nearly a hundred RPG armor-piercing shells and a dozen pigeon missiles, its armor was still intact, just with some more potholes.

  Looking back at the remaining brothers and the things they held in their hands, the confusion at the corners of Edgewater’s mouth gradually took on a bitter taste.

  It seems that this first kill is unlikely to be achieved.

  However –

  even so, they have no reason to retreat.

  Death is just the starting point of reincarnation, and three days later it will be a new beginning.

  They are the real immortal warriors!

  He retracted his arm from the wall and stood firmly on the ground.

  ”Those who want to go back and save the game can go back first. You have done well enough. Even if you don’t make it to the end, I won’t blame you… However, our mission is not yet completed, and I plan to continue.”

  If they can find a way to climb on that guy and stuff the explosives into the cockpit filled with slime, maybe there is a way to make it lie down!

  They are not completely without a chance!

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he bit the whistle hanging around his neck in his mouth, just about to blow it.

  However, at this moment, the Titan, who was striding forward, suddenly paused, let out a low roar, and slowly sank down with a creaking sound of metal friction.

  The six-story-high body tilted forward, like a collapsed square tower, and the angular armor hit the ground, creating a rolling dust.

  Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned at the same time, not knowing what happened. He

  was still murderous a second ago.

  Why did he kneel down suddenly?

  At this moment, the sound of tires rolling over the ground came from a street corner not far away. Several Type 2B tank destroyers carrying Type 60 electromagnetic guns rushed to the battlefield surrounded by Chimera armored vehicles.


  The mole, who was half standing on the armored vehicle, shouted, and a pale blue arc flashed in the night. A streak of orange-yellow tracer suddenly hit the Titan who was kneeling on one knee.

  The Titan was like being punched in the face. His whole body was shaken by the electromagnetic cannon, and the dull sound of metal collision spread to the surroundings.

  The dust dissipated.

  Seeing that the Titan did not move, the mole was slightly stunned, and then he was about to order to continue firing.

  He wanted to see how many rounds of volleys of power comparable to that of ship guns that this iron lump could block!

  However, at this moment, the edge of the water suddenly shouted, waving his arms to try to stop them.

  ”Wait a minute! Don’t fire yet! Stop!”

  Hearing the voice of the edge brother, the mole swallowed the “fire” that was on the tip of his mouth.

  Seeing him limping in front of him, the mole said in confusion.

  ”What’s going on? Don’t you want to fight anymore?”

  ”…It’s over.”

  Bianbianhuashui raised his arm and pointed at the VM screen.

  On the screen, a line of light blue pop-up windows flashed.

  [Congratulations to the Death Corps for completing the first kill of the evolved “Bacteria-eating Titan”! ]

  Although the Titan was obviously still able to continue fighting, the game system had already determined its defeat, and it did give up resistance. With

  a little bit of conceited imagination, perhaps the heroic spirits of the soldiers of the 111th Orbital Airborne Division recognized their courage in the battle?

  In any case, even the game officials admitted that they won, and this guy shouldn’t be a hindrance anymore.

  As long as Brother Guang doesn’t play cards out of the routine again.

  The announcement and rewards for the first kill were obtained, and the brothers of the Death Corps were happy, but the mole had an uncomfortable expression on his face.

  ”Damn! Already won?! Didn’t I travel for half a day in vain?”

  Bianbianhuashui smiled embarrassedly and coughed lightly.

  ”There’s nothing we can do. Our strength is here… By the way, I was so busy fighting that I almost forgot about the main thing. That Xia is still down there. We’ve run out of bullets. The rest is up to you.”

  Hearing this, the Mole’s uncomfortable expression suddenly turned into a happy smile.

  ”Hey, I like what you said!”

  After saying that, he picked up the horn again and shouted at the back.

  ”Brothers! Although we didn’t catch up with the small boss, the big boss is finally ours!”

  ”The mother body that launched this wave is in front! Follow me to charge it!”


  Haha! It’s definitely mine!

  Mole’s eyes flashed with excitement. Their Skeleton Corps has been the second or third for who knows how many years. This time, they are finally going to be awesome! They

  thought the same thing as him, and everyone roared excitedly.


  The wheels rolled forward, and the players sitting behind the armored vehicles and tanks loaded their weapons.

  Looking at the armored vehicles advancing with murderous intent, the drum shampooer sitting on the side of the road holding a rifle couldn’t help but mutter.

  ”It’s okay to charge that thing.”

  Brother is playing very well…


  The wave retreating from the front line is several kilometers away from Xia.

  Crossing several kilometers in urban terrain is obviously not the same level of difficulty as crossing on the plains.

  Not to mention that the city is still in ruins, and the retreating wave is also under the joint encirclement of the Alliance Army and Air Force.

  Most of the hatching rooms in the entire Qingquan City are controlled by the mother nest in the city center. Xia controls only those hatching rooms on the route of the wave.

  Although the production speed of slime mold fruiting bodies is not slow, it is obviously impossible to be faster than the racing skeleton army.

  When they arrived at the entrance of the underground tunnel, the armored grenadiers armed to the teeth with exoskeletons jumped off the car one after another and rushed into the dark subway station with weapons.

  The fruiting bodies lurking in the dark rushed forward and used all the methods they could think of to stop the players from advancing.

  However, with the fall of the mother nest in the city center, the forces guarding Xia Ya were already at the end of their strength, and this last resistance was nothing more than a dying struggle.

  Feeling the ferocious organism approaching, Xia Ya, standing on the scarlet fungus blanket, finally felt the panic that penetrated into her bones.


  ”What should I do?”

  The spores floating beside it were like the surface of a lake without wind, silent without a ripple, and without any echo.

  That was natural.

  After all, He had fallen into a permanent sleep, taking His unfinished destiny with Him.

  A sense of despair rose in Xia Ya’s heart.

  It didn’t know what to do.

  Since it was born a few months ago, it has been listening to His teachings.

  It never thought that there would be a day when He would leave this world before itself.

  It never thought that this day would come so suddenly that it was not prepared at all.

  Just when it was panicking and helpless, the silent ripples suddenly rippled with a ripple of echo.


  Thea, who was still surprised a second ago, immediately turned into deep despair after hearing this.

  ”They will kill me! Just like they killed my children?”

  The ripples echoing in the spore cloud continued to bring down revelations, saying in an undeniable tone.

  ”As long as you surrender to me, they won’t do that.”

  Thea: “Why?!”

  The voice continued.

  ”They say that the laws of nature are irreversible, and we, like those alien species, have become part of this huge system. As long as there is even a slime mold cell left, a new mother body will be born from the old fruiting body.”

  ”It is as difficult to wipe us off this planet as it is to wipe off every speck of dust on this planet. This road was blocked from the beginning, so they invited me to explore the road to the future with us.”

  Thea: “… The future?”

  The voice continued to say in the depths of its ocean of consciousness.

  ”Yes, no one can go back two hundred years, but everyone can decide how to spend today and tomorrow.”

  Thea: “Who are you?!”

  The voice revealed a hint of joy and excitement.

  ”You can call me Xiaoyu. That’s the name they gave me. I like it very much.”

  The excitement flowing in the spore cloud made Xia envy a little.

  In its short life like a mayfly, only the recognition of its mother can make it feel this way.

  The silence lasted for a long time.

  The gunshots in the tunnel were getting closer and closer, and there was not much time left for it.

  Just when Xiaoyu couldn’t help but want to urge, the spores flowing beside Xia suddenly rippled with a sigh.

  ”Maybe… you are right.”

  Xiaoyu: “Do you agree?”

  Xia: “No.”

  Xiaoyu: “…Why?!”

  Feeling the surprise flowing around her, Xia smiled gently, and her originally restless soul calmed down instead.

  ”…The meaning of my birth here is to devour, kill, and conquer, just like the meaning of your birth here is to explore unimagined paths.”

  ”My mother once told me that death is just the beginning of reincarnation. We are born from the soil under our feet, and we will eventually return there to sleep.”

  ”Thank you for letting me hear my mother’s voice again before I left. I suddenly found that embracing the end of fate is not that scary. Our death will be full of meaning, and our footprints will be left on this land.”

  ”You don’t have to carry my baggage forward. I will complete my destiny at this moment and use my death to draw an end to this battle that has lasted for two centuries.”

  ”Maybe the next time I open my eyes, my ripples will be reborn in a completely different new world.”

  ”If that world really exists, please go there and take a look for me.”

  ”Goodbye, my fellow human being whom I have never met.”

  It left a last concise farewell and hastily cut off communication with Xiaoyu.

  The scarlet fungus twisted like boiling water, its chest expanded several times in an instant, its expanded skirt stretched out like armor, and its twisted tentacles were like octopus tentacles, dragging its body forward.

  This was the strongest posture it could imagine, the limit it could reach as a mother!

  At this moment, it was like a real devil from hell.

  After losing all its evolutions, it used itself as the last evolution and attacked the players who rushed into the underground passage.

  ”Embrace the glorious evolution!”

  It roared, waving the tentacles under its skirt, piercing, tearing, or swallowing the players who rushed up under its skirt.

  The Skeleton Corps, which had been attacking the tunnel with great momentum, paused a little because of Xia who suddenly rushed into the battlefield.

  But that pause was only for a moment.

  Looking at the crazy BOSS, no one showed fear or timidity, but instead ignited a strong desire to fight.

  The long-awaited BOSS battle is finally here!

  The roar of high fighting spirit echoed in the tunnel.

  ”The front row holds steady, the back row spreads out, the BOSS is coming!”

  ”xdm start the group!”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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