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Chapter 64 Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp (14)

Chapter 64 Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp (14)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 64 Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp (14)

  While Chu Guang was talking to the head of the Yu family, the players who were watching were also whispering to each other.

  ”Did you understand what the administrator said just now?”


  ”I understand a little bit. In simple terms, it’s one kilogram of coarse salt for ten skins?”

  ”This kilogram of coarse salt seems to be exchanged for three kilograms of bacon!”

  ”Three kilograms of bacon for ten skins? Shit! You are so stupid! Ten skins can’t be exchanged for two guns? It’s really bullying the natives!”

  ”You are so narrow-minded! By the way…how many silver coins did the administrator sell us for the coats and leather goods?”




  These cute little players seemed to have discovered something serious, but Chu Guang, who was so stupid, didn’t take it to heart.

  Is this important?

  Obviously not.

  If you don’t buy low and sell high, are you still called NPC?

  Do you think you have traveled to another world!

  Can’t stand opening a private server, change the silver coin attribute equipment as much as you want, as many river miles as you want.

  Yu Hu, the second son of the Yu family, was still counting on his fingers. Addition and subtraction within 100 were somewhat difficult for him.

  A hyena skin was exchanged for 150g of coarse salt. 150g of salt required 3 chips on Bet Street, which means… a hyena skin was exchanged for 3 chips?

  One more chip than selling it to Old Charlie?

  But the quality of this coarse salt is much better than what Old Charlie sold…

  There is no sand mixed in it!

  Finally, he understood it. Yu Hu turned his head and looked at Chu Guang, and said with uneasiness.

  ”How can that be? Wouldn’t you lose money by exchanging like this? Otherwise, 100g will be fine, just like this time.”

  Looking at the innocent child in front of him, Chu Guang suddenly didn’t know how to face him, so he looked up at the sky and patted his shoulder.

  ”Have you heard of a word called win-win?”


  This foreigner always said something difficult to understand. Yu Hu finally figured out how much a piece of skin cost, but was confused by this word he had never heard of before.

  I just felt that…

  Brother Chu’s expression looked very unfathomable.

  ”That’s right,” Chu Guang nodded and continued, “You made money, I made money, and we are now a win-win situation.”

  Yu Hu looked at his father happily.

  ”Dad! Let’s sell all the furs to Brother Chu in the future! This way we will win-win!”

  ”Shut up.”

  The head of the Yu family obviously thought more,

  but it was obviously not because of the price. After all, the son follows his father in education.

  Looking at Chu Guang, the old man still had concerns in his heart.

  ”I understand what you mean, but the mayor doesn’t allow us to do business with outside merchants. If we are discovered…”

  Once or twice is okay.

  In the long run, it will definitely be discovered.

  After all, slaughtering and tanning are both on Bet Street. In the end, the fur disappeared and was not sold to Old Charlie. There will always be people who are suspicious.

  Hearing this, Chu Guang smiled indifferently.

  ”Am I a businessman? Obviously not, my home is here! We are neighbors, and more importantly, friends. Is there a problem with visiting a friend’s home? Obviously no problem.”

  ”As for that old leech… well, I mean the mayor of Bette Street. If he forbids you from contacting us, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to bring anything from home. Just bring the prey directly to me.”

  ”Our people can even help you skin and meat for free, and process it in front of you, and guarantee that there will be no shortage of weight!”

  ”When the time comes, keep the skin, and you can take the meat and the salt you exchanged back. Or you can just sell the prey to me directly. Not only can you exchange it for salt from me, but also for grains and smoked jerky, which is definitely more cost-effective than taking chips to buy from Old Charlie!”

  After hearing Chu Guang’s assurances, the old man’s eyebrows finally relaxed, and he whispered excitedly.

  ”That won’t work… We can’t let you help us get meat for free. According to the rules of Bette Street, we will take 30% of the prey after slaughtering, and we will also give you 30%!” What the hell? Is it


  profitable to open a slaughterhouse on Bette Street?

  But come to think of it, slaughtering is a craft.

  Chu Guang sighed.

  Sure enough, he was too kind.

  ”You are too polite.”

  ”30% is too much, let’s just 20%!”


  Chu Guang didn’t want to care too much about whether it was 30% or 20%.

  Anyway, he would win more.

  Of course, for these scavengers on Better Street, doing business with him would definitely not be a loss.

  After all, he is different from a businessman.

  Those vampires are more ruthless than leeches. They do one-time business and would like to suck even the bone marrow. After all, it is unknown whether you can survive tomorrow, so who cares about the day after tomorrow?

  As for me.

  I am definitely not just after a few skins and pieces of meat.

  If it is handled properly, Better Street may change its mayor in a short time.

  At worst, when both sides have accumulated enough trust, there should be a group of people who choose to leave their homes and come to him.

  He needs an opportunity.

  The old and young of the Yu family thanked Chu Guang, finally accepted the one kilogram of coarse salt, and prepared to leave.

  However, at this time, Xiaoyu, who had been hiding behind Yu Hu, suddenly came out from behind his brother, looked at Chu Guang with his big black eyes, and said crisply.

  ”Are you going back?”

  Go back?

  It was only two weeks, but when Chu Guang heard this question, he suddenly felt as if he was in another world.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak, Xiaoyu continued.

  ”My second brother said that you were not taken away by the hyenas and are still alive, but you will not go back in the future, but you can take me to see you, so I followed. Xiaoyu just wanted to ask, do you still need that shed?”

  The child’s speech was still as difficult as before, and he wanted to put all the words into one sentence and finish it at once.

  But Chu Guang probably understood it, and his heart was touched.

  Originally in his plan, the shack on Beth Street was just a retreat. By the way, he could exchange some supplies during the reclamation period. It was enough for Xiaoyu to guard it for him for two or three days.

  If he didn’t go back in three days,

  it meant that he didn’t need to go back.

  ”Have you been watching for me all the time?”


  Xiaoyu nodded like pounding garlic, raised his nose proudly, and looked very proud. Now he was not afraid of strangers or shy.

  ”Xiaoyu promised to help you watch, and he will never regret it. Second brother said that there was dust on your door and he would definitely not come back, so I swept the dust for you.”

  ”Although the little bastard from the Wang family always wanted to pry open your door when I wasn’t paying attention, Xiaoyu’s ears are very sharp, and he can hear the slightest sound! He doesn’t dare to hit me, but my second brother has beaten him before.”

  The more Chu Guang listened, the more he felt sorry.

  Although he didn’t cheat people when he was a salesman before, he did fool people a lot, and he also took advantage of people’s greed. But when he met such an honest, naive and kind customer, he really couldn’t do it.

  What can I say.


  Forget it.

  Maybe this is the reason why he can’t be the top seller or get rich even though he has a face as handsome as Yanzu.

  ”Thank you for helping me look at homes for so long! But I won’t need it in the future…”

  ”That shed, just think of it as my coming-of-age gift to you. If there is anything in it that you can use, just take it down, no need to ask me.”

  Xiaoyu nodded, not quite understanding.

  ”Aren’t you coming back?”

  This was actually the only question she wanted to ask.

  ”Well, my companions need me, so I’ll stay here from now on.” Chu Guang used a euphemism.


  Thinking of having no candy to eat in the future, Xiaoyu felt a little depressed, but she still cheered up.

  ”Thank you for your gift! Then, Xiaoyu, can you give it to your brother? My little nest is good, but my second brother needs a bigger nest to get married, so that he doesn’t have to marry too far away and can come back often to visit.”

  ”Well, your brother… that should be called marrying. Anyway, it’s up to you, anyway, it’s already yours.”

  Chu Guang touched her little head, then took out all three lollipops in his pocket and stuffed them into her little hand.

  ”Take it and eat it, these are for you… remember to tear off the wrapping paper.”

  Then he said worriedly.

  ”Also, don’t stuff them all in your mouth, you can only eat one at a time, otherwise you will get sick of the taste.”

  ”Oh, crab!”

  Finally got the lollipop she had been thinking about, although she was a little reluctant, but Xiaoyu still followed her family back sensibly.

  It will be dark soon, and the monsters will crawl out of those tall and big buildings and go to the streets to find food.

  This is what she has heard since she was a child…


  In the evening.

  The north gate of the outpost was very lively.

  It seems that a conventional market has been formed here.

  Players stick wooden signs on the ground, engraved with their identity numbers and IDs, and mark a piece of land of moderate size to indicate that this is their fixed stall.

  The people who were here yesterday are here today, and no one will go to the trouble of demolishing it.

  There are fewer people in the game now, and everyone comes in person by person, so everyone is more or less friendly and well-mannered.

  After all, what’s the benefit of hindering others?

  Everyone here is the first echelon of the future. If you are good at it, you will be a second-tier strongman, and if you are a little embarrassed , you will be a third-tier big brother.

  If you don’t care about your face now, how can you get by in the future?

  Seeing that the players are so orderly, Chu Guang, the manager, is happy to be idle, and simply follows the “public opinion” and puts up a piece of paper in front of the north gate.

  [From now on, one hundred meters outside the north gate is the “market”, and residents of the shelter can set up stalls and trade freely. ]

  [The consignment shelf is located in the lobby of the shelter residents. You need to pay a rent of 1 silver coin to consign items. If no one is looking for it, it will be removed from the shelf after seven days, and you can pay additional rent to renew it after it is removed from the shelf. 】

  After the note was posted, the players came to see it, and cheered after reading it.

  ”Master Administrator is awesome!”

  ”Great! Is this an in-game update? The market function is finally out! Great!” “Is

  anyone buying the mutant hyena’s tusks? The market function is already there, how long will it take to enchant, punch holes and inlay inscriptions? If you don’t stock up on materials now, when will you wait! How can you become stronger?”

  ”Is anyone buying mushrooms? Fresh big mushrooms! Woohoo, come and buy them, I promise I won’t raise the price again, it will only be 4 copper coins in the future, really!”

  ”Boss Crow, have your mushrooms been to college?”

  ”Can they lay eggs?

  ” “Can I buy them and release them

  ?” “Can I let Diona spit in my wine?”

  ”Fuck, you’re a pervert!”

  Looking at the noisy players, Chu Guang had a fatherly smile on his face.

  Life is getting better day by day.

  It was this day, and it got dark earlier and earlier…


  Before dark, the Yu family returned to Beth Street, but the atmosphere here was a little different from usual.

  There was a cart parked in front of the door of Beth Street. Next to the cart stood two men wearing animal skin coats and carrying iron rifles, as well as a slave with dishevelled hair, ragged clothes, and tortured to the point that it was hard to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

  Old Charlie stood at the door and negotiated with the leading man with a flattering smile on his face.

  The latter’s face showed obvious impatience, and he blew smoke rings on Old Charlie’s face. Another strong man also urged the latter to hurry up.

  Not long after, the doorman Old Walter led a woman out of the door.

  She was wrapped in a robe, her hands and feet were shackled, and her ankles were printed with stripes. The faint whiteness was so white that not only men, but even women would feel attracted to her.

  Xiaoyu had never seen such a beautiful sister before. Her black eyes blinked, full of curiosity and envy.

  ”Brother, who is she?”

  Yu Hu whispered.

  ”I don’t know. The old mayor bought her from outside. I heard she was cloned of something?”

  ”Clone. Look at her eyes. They are soulless. Don’t look at them!” The old man had obviously seen a lot. He reached out and pulled his son and daughter, whispering, “Don’t make any noise and don’t make eye contact with those people. We’ll wait for them here for a while.”

  The two followed their father obediently and hid in the shadow of the street corner.

  The man in animal skins checked the goods, smiled, patted old Charlie on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

  Then Xiaoyu saw that the rude man tied the sister’s hands to the cart and called his companions to leave.

  ”Brother, where will they take her?”

  Yu Hu didn’t know how to explain this problem. He was a man, so he could guess it, but he didn’t know how to say it.

  Every time the cold winter approaches, every household in Beth Street must respond to the mayor’s mobilization and hand in supplies. Doesn’t the old mayor need to pay tribute to others?

  Obviously not.

  It’s like big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp.

  ”You are still young, don’t ask so many questions.”

  ”I’m not young anymore.” Xiaoyu said depressedly.

  Yu Hu smiled when he heard the words and rubbed his sister’s little head.

  ”Be good, eat more meat now that you are not a kid anymore, eating meat will help you grow taller… What is that plastic stick of yours, is it delicious? Do you have any more? Give me one to try.” ”

  No! Go ask Brother Chu for it yourself.” Xiaoyu dodged nimbly like a little fish.

  ”It’s time to go.”

  The old man carefully hid the salt in his arms, then reached out and took the plastic stick that Xiaoyu had been holding in his mouth all the way, threw it into the corner, and regardless of the latter’s grievance, he pulled the two of them towards Beth Street.

  Old Charlie glanced at the three people, but didn’t say anything, just chatting with Old Walter next to him in a relaxed tone, as if nothing had happened.

  ”Were there such beautiful girls in your previous shelter?”

  ”No, the people living in my shelter were at least normal people.”

  ”That woman is abnormal?”

  ”There are two types of clones. One type develops from infancy and grows naturally, almost the same as normal people. The other type is a quick product, which stays in the incubator until it is fully developed, and is no different from a commodity… This type is very diverse, with very different uses and development cycles, and some with high and some with low technical content. You wouldn’t understand even if I told you.”

  Old Walter smiled and handed a cigarette to Charlie.

  ”Anyway, there’s still some time before dark, so tell me about it.”

  Old Charlie sighed, and talked about that short but beautiful time for him, as if telling a story.

  Xiaoyu also wanted to stop and listen, but her father didn’t want to. He pulled her and Yu Hu without saying anything and hurried home.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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