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Chapter 640: The End of “The Wave Returns”

Chapter 640: The End of “The Wave Returns”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 640 The End of “The Wave Returns”

  The smoke-filled tunnel was in a shocking mess, with countless fruiting bodies and players’ bodies mixed in the sea of ​​corpses.

  The strong smell of blood and the musty smell of spores mixed together, bringing a strong mental shock to every player who went deep into the tunnel.

  However, compared with emotions such as fear or timidity, most people probably still felt that it was enjoyable and exciting.

  And from the perspective of the casualties, there is no doubt that the players wearing exoskeletons have an absolute advantage!

  Although Xia, who waved her tentacles and went into battle personally, relied on her incredible recovery speed and damage output to kill many careless players, most of the other fruiting bodies and evolutions that stayed in the tunnel to guard the house could only scare people at most.

  The Death Corps has helped them to gnaw the hardest bone, and the only target that threatens them the most is Xia herself.

  Even though Xia caused a lot of casualties to the Skeleton Corps, she still couldn’t escape the fate of death.

  Under the fierce attack of the players, it finally fell in a pool of black blood with an unwilling roar.

  To be honest, the mole thought about catching it alive, after all, Luoyu was really enviable. It’s awesome

  to have a BOSS as a pet.

  However, it didn’t give him any chance. Its dozen tentacles were as fast as fans when it came to showing off to people, so he had to give up the idea of ​​catching this guy alive.

  At the moment when the guy fell, all the slime mold fruiting bodies controlled by it stopped moving, and stayed in place at a loss as if they had lost their souls.

  If there is no external interference, these fruiting bodies will probably act on instinct for a while, and then after a period of silence, a new mother body that can lead the population to continue will be born from the existing population.

  That mother body will probably be more aggressive than Xia.

  But now, Xiaoyu has eaten the mother nest in the city center. With the power of the mother nest, it can slowly turn these out-of-control fruiting bodies into its own puppets.

  Of course, the players who were still in the tunnel at the moment did not know about this. They were cheering for this hard-won victory.

  The stealing tactics succeeded!

  They successfully defeated that Xia before it became a new mother nest!

  The wave that would usually last for half a month or even one or two months was completely over in less than 24 hours!


  Looking at the pile of fragmented scarlet fungus blocks in front of him, the panting Mole wiped the black blood on his face, and the fatigue in his eyes was gradually replaced by excitement, and he kept muttering.

  ”This time the MVP should be mine, right?”

  Not just the Mole.

  Everyone standing here had excitement in their eyes.

  After paying nearly a hundred casualties, they finally succeeded in defeating “Xia” who dominated this wave!

  Putting the rifle aside, the Mole conjured up a sack from nowhere, walked to the three or four-meter-high corpse, picked up some scarlet fungus blocks from it and stuffed them into the sack.

  The Elf King Fugui saw it and couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

  ”Good fellow, are you planning to give me a snack?”

  As soon as he saw the guy’s expression, Mole knew what he was going to say, and immediately rolled his eyes at him.

  ”What are you thinking about? I’m just recycling materials.”

  The scientific expedition team and the Alliance Biological Research Institute are both interested in this thing. If you have nothing to do, you can brush up the favorability of Yin Fang and the white-haired lady, maybe you can unlock some hidden tasks.

  The two units with the highest technological content in the entire alliance are those two places.

  Just when Mole was busy, Lao Na happened to hear someone calling her name, so she curiously came over with a flashlight.

  ”Vegetarian food? What vegetarian food?”

  The Elf King Fugui couldn’t help but vomit, holding his stomach and vomiting. Mole also couldn’t hold back the expression on his face, and his stomach twitched.

  Connecting this thing with vegetarian food…

  He felt that he might not be able to eat mushrooms for a while.

  Just when Irena was confused about what happened to these guys, a line of light blue pop-up windows appeared on everyone’s VM.

  [Congratulations to the “Skeleton Army” Canyon Fleeing Mole, Elf King Fugui, Irena… and other players for defeating Xia! ]

  [This achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame! ] [

  Due to Xia’s death, the wave will end within half an hour, and the expansion points will be settled within half an hour. ]

  A long list of IDs were listed in the announcement, whether they were dead or alive. What

  surprised everyone the most was not the long list of IDs, nor the achievement of entering the Hall of Fame, but the last line of the pop-up window-

  they ended the wave!

  And this honor was recognized by the game officials, without any dispute!

  Everyone’s emotions boiled again, and cheers once again sounded in the tunnel.

  ”Brother Mole is awesome!!”

  ”Hahaha, this time the MVP is really stable!”

  ”By the way, do we count this as stealing heads?”

  ”What the hell! We did all the damage ourselves, can this be called stealing heads?”

  ”That’s right! If anyone says stealing heads again, I will be angry with him!”

  Mole was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth.

  After being the second or third for so many years, I finally have a chance to be the first!

  However, just when he was thinking this, Irena, who was fiddling with the VM, suddenly let out a light exclamation.

  ”Is the score calculation so fast this year? The expansion pack has just ended and it’s already out.”

  Although the operator has not yet issued the ranking list, some people have already posted their settlement scores on the forum.

  Irena opened the interface of the Skeleton Corps and found that the column of the Corps score really showed that the settlement had been completed.

  Mole heard his voice and asked hurriedly.

  ”How much are we?”

  ”87,000! Hiss…” Irena took a breath and muttered in shock, “Wow, a BOSS alone adds 40,000 points!”

  The key is that this boss is not that difficult, and they only lost about a hundred brothers.

  This reward is too outrageous!

  Hearing this, Mole also showed a surprised expression on his face. He quickly closed the pop-up window on the VM and opened the interface of the Corps system to take a look.

  When he saw the string of zeros printed after the total score, he clenched his fists involuntarily and shouted excitedly.


  The total score of the corps and the individual points are separate and calculated by a set of fixed formulas.

  Generally speaking, six-digit and seven-digit scores are more common, but this expansion is special.

  Although objectively speaking, the strength of this wave is stronger than last year, after all, even evolutionary bodies such as Titans have appeared, and the fruiting bodies are more tactical when attacking.

  However, since the overall strength of players and NPCs is much stronger than last year, this “novice village monster siege” activity seems a bit underwhelming. It

  took less than 24 hours from the official outbreak to the end of the wave, and it was considered very high to have a score of five digits.

  They scored 80,000 points.

  It is definitely the ceiling of this expansion!

  ”Where is the Burning Corps?! Check how many points Old White and the others have?” The Mole was very satisfied with the score of his own corps, and immediately cared about the situation of his competitors.

  Guessing that the boss would ask this, Irena flipped the VM screen with her index finger and quickly found it.

  ”Burning Legion… It seems someone has posted a post. 71,000 points, not bad.”

  To be honest, this score is actually not bad, only 10,000 points lower than them.

  However, Mole was so proud of himself at the moment, and when he heard that Fang Chang was 10,000 points lower than him, he burst into laughter.

  ”Hahaha! Little loser, wait! I will go to the forum later and laugh at Fang Chang!”

  The Elf King Fugui also laughed.

  ”Even the Burning Legion has only more than 70,000. We should be fine this time.”

  Irena scratched the VM screen with her index finger twice and nodded.

  ”About that, Fountain and his men have about 60,000. The brothers of the Death Legion have about 50,000, probably because of the casualties. The Goblin Legion… Goblins… What the hell?!”

  Seeing the numbers in the post, Irena was stunned for a moment, rubbed her eyes and took another look.


  He subconsciously thought he counted wrong, but no matter how he counted, it was three ones and three zeros.

  He swallowed his saliva and trembled in disbelief.

  ”One hundred and one thousand?!”

  The moment he heard this number, the only player around was stunned.

  ”How much?!”

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”Did you count the zero wrong?! How could it be more than one hundred thousand points! It only took a few hours!”

  ”I counted it several times… My god, Luo Yu contributed 80,000 points alone.” Irena took a breath of cold air again after flipping through the posts. When

  everyone heard this, there was an uproar.


  ”80,000 per person?!”


  ”Is it fake?!”

  Listening to the noisy discussions in his ears, Mole was stunned and stood there as if he was struck by lightning.

  Just half a minute ago, he thought that this MVP was a sure thing.

  But reality gave him a blow.

  Not only that.

  It was not Fang Chang, the dog, or even the scheming fountain, who stole his MVP, but the damn mosquito.

  Mole came to his senses and let out a wail like a ghost.


  this is a conspiracy!” “This is definitely a conspiracy!”


  Some people were furious, and some were naturally happy.

  For example, a certain mosquito who won the MVP inexplicably.

  The streets were full of spores, and the air support efficiency was ridiculously low, not as good as a flat anti-aircraft gun.

  Even an experienced pilot like him didn’t kill many, let alone those rookies who had just flown. In

  just a few hours of battle, the rookies of the Goblin Corps crashed 20 W-2 attack aircraft and almost moved the bombs to their teammates’ heads twice.

  No matter how hard Mosquito tried, their scores were only a little higher than those of the third- and fourth-tier small corps such as the Silver Corps, and they couldn’t be raised at all.

  When he got off the plane cursing, he almost gave up, and even thought about how to blame the dog planner who targeted them.

  As a result, brother Luoyu, who usually never followed the group, gave him a big surprise.

  Eighty thousand points! !

  Not only did they achieve a Jedi reversal in the total score after taking down the mother nest in the city center, they even beat Lao Bai, Mole, and Fountain in seconds!

  Mosquito has been on the forum for several rounds, and except for themselves, he has not seen anyone with a total score of six figures!

  ”Hahahaha! Good job, brother! You are worthy of being the ace pilot I have chosen!”

  ”Hehe, I want to see who dares to say that about our Goblin Corps this year! I can brag about this score for a whole year – bah! I can brag about it until the public beta!”

  Not satisfied with what he said, Mosquito took a screenshot of the Corps system interface at the speed of light, and posted it on the forum with a grinning expression.

  In fact, before he pretended to be so cool, some rookies who died in advance and received the news offline had done so.

  But this did not stop him from pretending again.

  Looking at Mosquito, who was grinning with the VM in his hand, Feng Qing gave a subtle reminder.

  ”Captain, you laugh like a villain.”

  However, maybe the voice was too soft, or maybe Mosquito was in high spirits and couldn’t hear other people’s voices, the laughter not only didn’t stop, but became more and more arrogant.

  Seeing this mentally ill guy, the ground staff bypassed his car and silently mourned for him in their hearts.

  Presumably, this resident of the shelter must have been stimulated by the casualties of his comrades, so he behaved so crazy… It

  ’s better not to disturb him now.

  Guigui looked at Feng Qing in surprise.

  ”Hey, when did you have the illusion that this guy is a decent person.”

  Feng Qing was slightly stunned and thought for a moment.


  It seems to make sense to say so.

  She couldn’t think of how to refute it for a while…


  With the end of the final boss battle, the mother nest in the city center and Xia in the North Second Ring Road fell one after another, and the “Waves Coming Again” expansion pack officially came to a successful conclusion.

  This is probably the fastest graduation expansion pack since the launch of “Wasteland OL”.

  Most of the time was spent on preparations before the war, and the actual fighting was over in less than one night.

  In the early morning of Wasteland time, which was twelve o’clock in the real world, as the players went offline one after another, the official website of “Wasteland OL” was full of jubilation.

  Not only because of the first-hand battle reports from the online players on the forum, but also because of the announcement issued on the official website shortly afterwards.

  [Announcement for the whole server: The “Wave Again” expansion pack is officially over! ]

  [In this wave, nearly 3.69 million fruiting bodies, 1,411 evolutions, 1 mother body, and a mother nest were killed! ]

  [In this expansion pack, players who kill more than 5 evolutions will receive the limited title of “Beyond Evolution”, and those who kill more than 10,000 fruiting bodies will receive the limited title of “Slime Mold Terminator”! (Casualties caused by indirect firepower are not counted in the number of kills)]

  [Since the world of “Wasteland OL” is dynamically generated by AI based on player behavior feedback, the player’s choice will have a permanent impact on the main line of the game. With the capture of the mother nest in the city center, the wave that has lasted for two centuries will come to an end, and there will be no more waves in the Qingquan City area in the future! You have completely ended the battle that lasted for two centuries. The reborn Qingquan City will surely become the most dazzling pearl in the wasteland. Congratulations! 】

  【In addition, the activity points have been sent to personal accounts, and the lottery and prize redemption functions are now open! Thank you for your active participation! The test data generated by the expansion pack will provide valuable reference for the development of “Wasteland OL”. We will continue to wholeheartedly provide you with a richer gaming experience and fun for all closed beta players! 】

  Tail: “giao! The wave is gone!? Will there be no more in the future? QAQ”

  Roushan Big Bun: “Si! We have missed two expansion packs! QAQ”

  Sisi: “Master, the main line should be approaching the south… probably. (Guilty)”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “Ahaha… Although it is a bit regrettable that I didn’t see what the mother nest in the city center looks like, the strange alien species encountered along the way are also quite interesting. ( ̄▽ ̄)”

  Irena: “No need to look at it, that guy It has turned into the shape of a fallen feather. (Funny)”

  Tail: “? ? ? (Д*)”

  Macaba: “Hahahaha!”

  Drum Shampooing Machine: “Brother, you are really good at playing.” (Funny)”

  Forced Man: “My garbage brother calls me an expert! (Funny)”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “You are the thief crying thief, you have the biggest harem.”

  Forced Man: “?”

  I Want to Be Quiet: “Haha, I suggest that the planner give Brother Difficult a certificate of ‘King of Harem’ – oh no, I should say achievement. (Laughing with slanted eyes)”

  Luo Yu: “? ? What the hell? What thing turned into my shape. (Confused)” Yirena

  : “Huh, isn’t it? I don’t know, I heard it from Ye Shi. (Funny)”

  Luo Yu: “Don’t listen to that guy’s nonsense. To be precise, Xiao Yu ate that guy. It has nothing to do with me.”

  Fang Chang: “So what happened down there at that time? I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

  Quit smoking: “GKD! Don’t keep me in suspense!”

  Luo Yu: “Well, don’t worry, I’ll tell you now. In short… this involves the big pit that the planner buried in the background setting a long time ago, or the big cake he drew.”

  Fountain Commander: “That colony?”

  Luo Yu: “Yes, it’s located in Nanmen II B, where the first planet that humans colonized in the extraterrestrial world was also the last one… The ecosystem of that planet is completely different from that of the earth. Their ecosystem is not composed of multiple species, but is dominated by a unified consciousness. ”

  ”He is omnipresent and omnipotent. He determines the type, number, and even lifespan of every living thing on the planet, and indirectly affects the planet’s ocean currents, temperature, greenhouse gas emissions, etc. In short, His existence allows the planet’s environment to maintain an incredible balance in dynamic evolution.”

  ”Compared to that planet, the Earth, which updates a small version every few million years and a large version every tens of millions of years, seems less habitable. That memory did not mention how long He has existed, but it should be much longer than human civilization, so long that He has forgotten the concept of time.”

  ”By the way, His name is Gaia.”

  When Luo Yu said this, he stopped typing, thought for a moment, and made an analogy that he thought was quite vivid.

  ”It was a mother nest that encompassed the entire planet.”

  ”And the big guy entrenched in the city center that we dealt with was probably only equivalent to one of His leg hairs.”

  (After that, there is another farming section, which will write about the impact of the end of “The Tide” on the Alliance in the fields of politics, economy, culture, technology, military, diplomacy, etc. Although the outline has been written, if you have any perspective you want to see, you can also leave a book review in this line~)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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