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Chapter 642 Beta06 version! Fruiting body cultivation system!

Chapter 642 Beta06 version! Fruiting body cultivation system!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 642 Beta0.6 version! Fruiting body cultivation system!

  The long night finally passed.

  When the sky in the distance was dimly bright and the first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on the smoke-filled street, Bit, who was sitting behind the sandbag wall, finally put down the burden in his heart and relaxed his shoulders that had been tense all night.

  Two hours ago, there were still sporadic gnawers wandering towards their position, but now the entire position was quiet, and not even a gunshot could be heard.

  The machine gun fire point not far away gradually heard thunderous snoring, and some soldiers who couldn’t stand the fatigue even fell asleep with their eyes open.

  This was their first time on the battlefield.

  Bit looked at his right hand in disbelief, and then looked at the bloody position around him, and his heart was filled with unspeakable words.


  actually survived!

  This is incredible.

  At this time, the sound of boots stepping on the concrete floor came from behind.

  Bit, who was still in a trance, was startled and suddenly woke up. He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at his comrade not far away, trying to wake him up.

  Those regular army guys didn’t like them. If the supervisors found them sleeping on the battlefield, it would be hard to say what would happen.

  Even if they were shot, no one would sympathize with them.

  The stone hit the sleeping brother’s head squarely, but the guy slept too soundly and didn’t wake up. He even snored louder.

  Just when Bit was anxiously planning to do something, a hoarse voice came from behind.

  ”Let him sleep for a while.”

  Looking at the supervisor who walked to the shooting bunker, Bit’s Adam’s apple moved, and he didn’t dare to speak, but expressed his gratitude with his eyes.

  The supervisor didn’t care. He took out a box of cigarettes from his coat and shook out two cigarettes, one in his mouth and the other to him.

  ”Want to smoke?”

  Bit was stunned when he saw the cigarette being handed over, but he still reached out and took it subconsciously.

  ”Thank…thank you.”

  ”You’re welcome.”

  The war supervisor grinned, took out a match and lit the cigarette in his mouth, then handed the matchbox to Bit.

  Looking at the man whose fingers trembled for a while before he lit the match, he cast his eyes on the sea of ​​corpses in front of the position.

  Exhaling a puff of green smoke, he stretched out the wrinkles between his eyebrows and spoke slowly.

  ”This year’s wave is over.”

  ”We won this war, and it was a complete victory. There will be no more waves in the future…whether it’s a wave or some other mess.”

  Bloodthirsty monsters, tyrannical mutants, cannibalistic predators, and gangs gathering at the foot of the giant wall to do illegal things…

  they have completely expelled all the evil born in the wasteland from Qingquan City. Today’s dawn will be an unprecedented new beginning.

  Bit smoked silently, looking at the diffused smoke, his mind was in a mess.

  In the past three months, he had either been working in the mines or preparing for the war. He had no free time to think about the future.

  Now that the war was over, he had to seriously consider this question – what to do in the future.

  At this time, he suddenly realized that he seemed to know nothing. He had never lived in a normal society for a day, and he did not have the skills to make a living in a normal society.


  this year’s wave ended so quickly, will the alliance really fulfill its original promise?

  When he thought of this, he couldn’t help but panic in his heart, and his fingers holding the cigarette butt couldn’t help shaking.

  As if seeing through his thoughts, the war supervisor grinned and opened the conversation.

  ”Be happy, you didn’t run away when facing the wave, and bravely fought for your compatriots behind you. You have proved that you are born as a human being. Compared with the plunderers, you can still be saved, and it is worth us to lend a hand to you.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”The superior asked me to explain two things about your future.”

  Bit said hurriedly when he heard this.

  ”I’ll go get everyone!”

  The war supervisor continued, grabbing Bit who was about to leave.

  ”Don’t bother, I’ll tell you. Go and discuss it with them later, and make a decision after you think it through.” “Okay

  …then you tell me.”

  Bit nodded, swallowed nervously, and listened carefully to the war supervisor. The

  war supervisor continued.

  ”Your last mission is to clean up the piles of corpses on the streets and move them to the place we designate before they rot. This work will probably last about a week, and then you can leave the punishment camp.”

  ”Regarding your destination after leaving the punishment camp, my superiors gave you two choices. One is to disband on the spot, return your guns to the organization, and go wherever you want in the future, whether it is to leave the alliance or report to the refugee home. The other choice is to join the newly established Southern Construction Corps, go to Jinchuan Province to open up wasteland, and build your own home.”

  The former sounded easier.

  Although they did not have the status of Alliance citizens, the Alliance was not as exclusive as the early Boulder City. As long as he reports to the refugee home, learns a craft as a “supervised person”, and then goes to the industrial zone to find a stable job and obtain a tax number, he will become a citizen of the alliance in no time.

  This is because he does not have a skill to make a living.

  If he has a skill to make a living, he can even skip the step of going to the refugee home, as long as there is a factory willing to pay him a salary that meets the tax standard.

  But if no factory is willing to take him…

  Thinking of this, Bit’s heart tightened. If that’s the case, he feels that he might take risks again and go back to the old path.

  No –

  that is almost certain to happen.

  As if he has seen his future, Bit smoked the whole cigarette in silence, calmed down, looked at the war supervisor and said.

  ”I choose the latter.”

  As if he guessed that he would choose this.

  The war supervisor smiled, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, and reached out to pat the young man on the shoulder.

  ”No matter what you choose, cherish your hard-earned freedom. This is what you exchanged for your life. Don’t go in again.”

  ”Next time, you won’t be so lucky.”


  The price of victory was heavy.

  The Punishment Battalion lost 40% of its personnel. When it went to the front line, there were more than 5,000 people. After one night, only more than 3,000 people were left alive.

  It was not just the Punishment Battalion.

  The First Corps and the Militia Corps also suffered a lot of casualties, but not as exaggerated as they were as cannon fodder.

  And the players are even more so.

  As the pioneers of the alliance, they have always appeared in the most dangerous places and rushed to the front at all times.

  A total of nearly 20,000 players participated in the tragic battles on the battlefield, and less than half of them survived in the end.

  For every survivor in Qingquan City, this is destined to be a sleepless night.

  However, in contrast to the heavy sacrifices, their victory is infinitely glorious.

  After two centuries of sinking, the survivors who went to the alliance finally defeated the wave that was once thought to be invincible!

  This is a difficulty that the Post-War Reconstruction Committee and even the ancient Human Alliance have never really overcome!

  They achieved this impossible miracle with their own hands!

  After hearing the victory news from the front, everyone’s face was filled with excitement, whether it was the residents of Boulder City, Dawn City, Fallen Leaf City and Dawn City.

  People fired guns into the sky, drank and talked, or hugged and celebrated, venting the joy of victory in cheers and shouts.

  When dawn dispelled the haze, almost everyone was cheering for the hard-won victory!

  Not just people!

  Even the spore cloud that filled the sky over the ruins brought a hint of lightness that had never been seen before.

  Less than five kilometers away from the giant wall, a half-collapsed hospital on the edge of the second ring road, where a thousand-man team of the Boulder City Militia was stationed.

  At this moment, the underground parking lot of the hospital was filled with scarlet slime mold.

  There was an incubator for mass production of spores and fruiting bodies.

  A large number of gnawers and crawlers set out from here, surging towards the defense line of human civilization like waves.

  If it were usual, in order to end this annual wave, these distorted incubators must be completely destroyed.

  But this year is different from previous years.

  The mother nest in the city center has long been taken down by Xiaoyu, and the DNA related to the invasion has stopped being transcribed. No new gnawers or crawlers will come out of the hatchery.

  This is also the best proof of the end of the wave, in addition to the decrease in spore concentration.

  Looking at the rolling reddish ocean, the adjutant wearing a heavy exoskeleton couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”This thing looks really creepy.”

  In recent decades, charging towards the hatchery has always been the job of mercenaries.

  Although he has joined the militia for some years, this is the first time he has seen a living hatchery with his own eyes outside of photos or holographic images.

  He is not the only one.

  The officers of other militias are the same, and almost everyone’s face is full of anxiety.

  ”Is it really okay to keep this guy?”

  ”What if it starts to hatch those gnawers again one day?”

  ”I always feel like it wants to eat me!”

  Everyone exchanged glances and whispered in a low voice.

  Listening to the officers’ whispers, the militia leader Joey coughed hard, interrupting the increasingly outrageous rumors.

  Looking at the quiet crowd, he paused for a moment and said,

  ”The manager said that he plans to designate an ‘ecological protection zone’ near Shelter 401 and move the incubators and fruiting bodies in the city to that area. There are relatively few survivors in the eastern part of Qingquan City, and most of them live in dangerous alien species, which can be used as a pilot.” The adjutant

  was stunned and asked, having never heard of such a strange word.

  ”What is an ecological protection zone?”

  This word was definitely not a rare thing two hundred years ago, but it is definitely an advanced concept in the wasteland.

  ”It’s probably… a settlement where slime molds and humans live in harmony?”

  Joey didn’t really know, so he could only try to understand and explain it to his confused comrades.

  ”For example, people live in mushrooms.”

  Obviously, his one-sided understanding not only failed to explain everyone’s doubts, but also had the opposite effect.

  An officer was stunned for a long time, then he came to his senses and shook his head with a wry smile.

  ”This is too weird.”

  Another officer was the same. He looked at the scarlet ocean not far away, swallowed his saliva, and nodded in agreement.

  ”…I will never stay with that thing. Don’t even think about it.”

  Joey shrugged.

  ”What are you talking about? The ecological protection area is currently only open to residents of the shelter. You have to apply first if you want to go in and take a look… I think it doesn’t matter. As long as they don’t grow mushrooms on the giant wall, it’s good enough to curb the annual wave. Or you have a better way.”

  The officer coughed embarrassedly.

  ”Of course I unconditionally agree with the decision of the manager…”

  ”Me too.”

  Joey nodded, cast his eyes on the scarlet fungus that was fading bit by bit, and slowly continued.

  ”We have tried all the methods we can try, whether it’s fire or chemical reagents… Even if their plan seems a bit incredible, we can only give it a try now.”

  His point of view is actually more optimistic.

  It was not because of blind trust in the manager himself, but because biotechnology was indeed the strength of the alliance. When making decisions, the adult would definitely consult experts in related fields.

  With the current unity of the alliance, the experts of the alliance had absolutely no reason to fool him, and they would probably give truly appropriate suggestions in good conscience.

  Since so many people felt that the problem was not big from their professional perspective, Joey felt that this ecological reserve could still be expected.

  Anyway, they had nothing to lose.

  The worst result was to let the wave that had lasted for two centuries continue.

  And if it succeeded, they would open up an unprecedented path, which might become an opportunity to end the entire wasteland…

  At this time, a soldier came from a distance, stood in front of Joey and saluted.

  ”Report! A group of merchants are approaching the checkpoint we set up. The representatives they elected hope to meet with you to discuss the cleaning of the slime mold fruiting body corpses.” In

  the past, when the wave continued, merchants would come to the front line to wholesale corpses. This was also an old tradition in Qingquan City.

  Although the fruiting bodies of slime molds cannot be eaten directly, they are still organisms, and more or less nutrients can be recovered.

  Whether it is processed into fertilizers or made into nutrient paste, it is an excellent raw material.

  If left alone for a long time, neither the gnawers eat them nor the incubator recycles them, these bodies will soon become a breeding ground for bacteria, and in serious cases, they may even cause a large-scale plague.

  Therefore, Boulder City usually packs these bodies for merchants to deal with, and collects some chips as a benefit.

  But this year is different from previous years.

  Before the wave began, the Boulder City Militia received instructions from the shelter that the slime mold fruiting bodies seized by the alliance would no longer be packaged for private disposal in the form of a franchise, but would be recycled and handled uniformly by the alliance authorities.

  Not surprisingly, the remains of the fruiting bodies would be sent to the newly established ecological protection area for decomposition and used as materials for construction.

  Looking at the soldiers who delivered the order, Joey gave the order concisely.

  ”Tell those merchants that the fruiting body remains in this area have been taken over by the Alliance authorities, and the Alliance has better uses for them. If they are interested in taking over the transport work, they can contact the logistics department. If they are planning to take those fruiting bodies and evolutions, give up as soon as possible.”

  The soldier saluted, turned around and returned to the checkpoint at the entrance of the garrison, and repeated the original words of the regiment commander to the merchants surrounding the door.

  After hearing the soldier’s words, the faces of the merchants were full of astonishment. You looked at me, I looked at you and exchanged glances.

  Better use?

  In addition to making nutrient paste and fertilizer, what else can that thing be used for?

  Almost everyone can’t do it.


  A group of merchants from the wasteland scratched their heads and couldn’t guess what the respected administrator was going to do.

  Just when everyone was confused, the official website of “Wasteland OL” far away in another world suddenly updated an announcement.

  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Beta0.6 Version Update Announcement! ]

  [Major update:

  1. Closed beta qualification increased from 30,000 to 50,000!

  2. The blockade of the second ring road area of ​​Qingquan City has been lifted, and a large number of unrecovered and discovered ruins have been added. You can receive related tasks from the scientific expedition team.

  3. Added the “Nanmen II” galaxy and Gaia world to the game world! (Note: Although the map has been completed, the channel to the map is still under development. Players can also explore the way by themselves. Stay tuned for more content!)

  4. Added the “fruiting entity cultivation” system!

  5. The B7 floor of the shelter will be opened soon.

  6. Fixed a small number of bugs.



  【Introduction to the “fruiting entity cultivation” system:

  The mother nest in the center of Qingquan City has been occupied by us, and the hatching rooms throughout the city are currently under our control!

  However, what troubles Xiaoyu is that it has never controlled so many fruiting entities, and these fruiting entities designed for killing will show naked hostility to other organisms like wild beasts if they are not careful.

  In order to avoid waste of resources and for everyone’s Xiaoyu, Shelter No. 404 is now recruiting a group of volunteers!

  It is required that the intelligence attribute is above 10, or a bionic chip that enhances brain computing power is implanted!

  Eligible players can apply for “control system” biological prosthesis transformation surgery through the VM terminal in the game. If the application is approved, the registration is successful! The shelter will arrange biological prosthesis implantation surgery for players after they go offline.

  After the surgery is successful, players can establish a consciousness connection between the “control system” biological prosthesis and specific fruiting bodies, just like controlling drones through neural connection devices. The

  adoption fee of regular fruiting bodies is 100~10,000 silver coins, and the types include gnawers, crawlers, butchers, tyrants, etc.

  In addition to regular fruiting bodies, players can also apply to adopt more powerful evolutions including “Decay Knight” by preparing synthesis materials and paying more fees! Even according

  to personal preferences, DIY if the gene bank allows!

  The shelter system will comprehensively calculate the cost of customization based on multiple factors such as the function of the evolutionary body, the organic matter consumed for production, and the incubation time.

  It should be noted that the number of fruiting bodies that players can operate at the same time is related to the intelligence attribute. Please refer to the suggestions of researchers and do what you can.

  If the fruiting body gets out of control, all losses and consequences will be borne by the adopter himself!


  Less than half a minute after the announcement was issued,

  the entire forum was boiling instantly!


  (Thanks to the two leaders of “Makabakamo” for the reward!!! Happy New Year, brothers!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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