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Chapter 643: Thirty Years Like a Dream (XI)

Chapter 643: Thirty Years Like a Dream (XI)


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 643: Thirty Years Like a Dream (XI)

  Ever since he heard Old Zhang’s story of his fall from the second rank to the ninth rank in the Longmen Inn in the Western Desert Gobi, Wei Changtian has never used the Moon-Picking Sword again, whether in a dream or in reality.

  Now that he thinks back, he was only the fifth rank at that time, but he was already able to perform moves with “momentum” with the help of the Moon-Picking Sword.

  Now, when Wei Changtian, at the third rank, tried his best to use the Moon-Picking Sword again, he found that this sword technique was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

  No wonder Qin Zhengqiu could kill three thousand soldiers with one move and stop the war with one sword.

  Not to mention the Heaven-level Returning Dust Blade, even the last move of the Falling Sky Sword, which was rated as “pseudo-immortal” by the system. Although Wei Changtian has not yet mastered it, it is certain that it is not as good as the Moon-Picking Sword.

  And his Moon-Picking Sword had only been practiced to the Pure Green Realm before, and only broke through to the Small Perfection after today’s battle.

  Small Perfection.

  Wei Changtian was not only not happy at all, but for the first time he felt uneasy because of his martial arts breakthrough.

  Because the feeling of being out of control was too

  clear. He was conscious, but not completely awake.

  He could control his limbs, but it seemed like he was being controlled by someone.

  Wei Changtian could clearly feel that the “momentum” contained in every move he made with the Tiaoyue Sword did not belong to him, but seemed to belong to the “swordsmanship” itself.

  This feeling was like… the Tiaoyue Sword was alive.

  You should know that it is incredible and terrible for martial arts to “take the initiative

  ”. Normally, the same martial arts practiced by different people will get different results, and the final performance should be more or less different.

  But the Tiaoyue Sword is completely the opposite.

  Wei Changtian can be sure that all people who have practiced the Tiaoyue Sword, if they are at the same level, will show the same power.

  This means that in the relationship between people and swordsmanship, swordsmanship actually occupies a dominant position.

  In fact, all of the above is not bad.

  After all, for many people, it doesn’t matter who is in the lead, as long as the martial arts are awesome enough.

  The same is true for Wei Changtian.

  What really scared him about the Moon Sword was actually the thought after he just “went crazy”.

  At that time, after killing the group of men in black, the formation dissipated and he saw the people outside the formation.

  However, his first reaction at that time was not the ease of escaping death, nor the pleasure of a Jedi counterattack, but

  to kill them.

  That’s right.

  At that time, Wei Changtian had only these four words in his mind, and the reason was very simple-

  as long as I kill them, I can absorb their cultivation and become stronger.

  This is the most primitive desire for power, an extremely greedy and unrestrained desire.

  Judging from the results, Wei Changtian was still able to control himself at that moment and did not really swing the knife.

  But this idea is real. It was not

  until Yang Liushi ran over to hug him and calmed him over and over again that this thought weakened little by little and finally dissipated.

  Obviously, Wei Changtian has returned to normal at this time.

  But he doesn’t know if he will fall into that state again in the future.

  Will it be alright if I stop using the Moon-picking Sword?

  Or has the influence already occurred imperceptibly?

  Wei Changtian closed his eyes tightly, and countless questions flashed through his mind.

  Then at a certain moment, he suddenly thought of Qin Zhengqiu.

  He thought of the latter falling from the sky outside Guanghan City, killing three thousand soldiers of Zhenshan Camp with one sword, and also “killing” himself.

  He thought of the question that the latter suddenly asked outside Huailing City, “Only one person can become an immortal.”

  Perhaps his previous guess was that Qin Zhengqiu really wanted to kill him.

  At least, he must have thought so .

  A quarter of an hour later, Wei Changtian finally sat up slowly from the bluestone.

  ”Be careful!”

  Yang Liushi had helped him put on his clothes again, and was following him closely, fearing that he would fall again if he lost his strength.

  However, Wei Changtian felt that he was not in big trouble.

  Although he only needed to change a “Tianyuan Pill” in the system that could instantly restore all his internal strength and take it, he would be alive and kicking in the next second.

  But now that the crisis has been resolved, there is really no need to spend this money in vain.

  Save as much as you can!

  ”It’s okay, I’m just exhausted, not seriously injured.”

  With a smile, Wei Changtian took two steps unsteadily: “Look, it’s quite stable.”

  ”Showing off,”

  Yang Liushi muttered softly with her head down, still holding his arm tightly: “If you don’t have the strength, then talk less.”

  ”What? You’re not crying like you were just now?”

  Wei Changtian’s face was very pale, but he still teased Yang Liushi again, and then turned his head to Wei Zhaohai.

  ”Grandpa, what time is it?”

  ”It’s almost Yinshi, you just rested for almost half an hour.”

  Wei Zhaohai deliberately avoided Yang Liushi’s eyes, and only looked at Wei Changtian and said: “Although the reinforcements from Dajue have not arrived yet, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time. We should go back as soon as possible.”


  Wei Changtian nodded, and before he could speak, he saw Li Huaizhong approaching on his own initiative.

  ”Mr. Wei, let me carry you.”


  After taking a look at the old eunuch with a “sincere” face, Wei Changtian immediately turned his head to look at Yu Qi.

  ”Master Yu, please carry me for a while.”


  Yu Qi was stunned, and hurriedly nodded and agreed: “Okay, it’s a small matter!”

  ”Hmm, thank you.”


  As he spoke, Wei Changtian had been helped to Yu Qi’s back by Yang Liushi, leaving Li Huaizhong standing there in great embarrassment.

  ”Mr. Wei, do you dislike that my family is eunuchs, so…”

  ”That’s nonsense!”

  Wei Changtian turned his head from Yu Qi’s back, with a serious face.

  ”Eunuch Li, don’t think too much, I just think you are too old!”



  Just like that, the group was able to set off quickly, taking the distraught Su Xiu and the still unconscious Yan Huanwen down the mountain to the north.

  To be fair, their gains from this trip were far more than they had imagined.

  Not only did they successfully rescue Yang Liushi, but they also kidnapped a demon king and an emperor.

  Of course, Su Xiu is not of much value.

  But Yan Huanwen is different. If he is used well, there are too many things that can be done.

  So it is not an exaggeration to say that “returning with a full load”.

  The only thing is that time is tight, and there is no time to carefully search this Bailing Mountain.

  As the main mountain of the seventh demon land, there should be a lot of good things on this mountain.

  And once you leave this time, I don’t know when I will come back next time.

  At least there will be no chance in the short term, after all, Dajue will definitely guard the teleportation array strictly.

  What a pity, so many natural treasures were wasted.

  Lying on Yu Qi’s back, Wei Changtian looked at the dark mountain road, his mind full of random thoughts.

  Yang Liushi had been following him, turning her head from time to time to see his situation. Wei

  Zhaohai and Zuo Huiyu were one opening the way and the other guarding the rear, protecting everyone in the middle.

  Oh, and Li Huaizhong, he had Su Xiu in his left hand and Yan Huanwen in his right hand. If he added himself, he would have gathered all three genders in this world.

  Under the moonlight, everyone was moving very fast, so they did not notice that there was a pair of blood-red eyes silently watching them in the forest behind them.

  The owner of these eyes was a little fox with a white body.

  It just stood there, looking at Su Xiu, Yang Liushi, and Wei Changtian, until the group completely disappeared.

  Then, it left the place, running and jumping over the corpses of the monsters, and finally stopped in front of a hidden cave after running for an unknown period of time.


  A white shadow flashed by, and the little fox went into the cave without hesitation, and everything returned to peace.

  It was not until the next morning that a naked young woman slowly crawled out of the cave.

  A lotus flower emerges from clear water, naturally without any decoration.

  She looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with skin as white as jade and cheeks as bright as fresh lychees.

  More importantly, she looked too pure, just like a fairy who had just descended from heaven and was still ignorant of the world,

  if there was no hatred in her eyes.

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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