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Chapter 644: The Fruiting Bodies Destroyed

Chapter 644: The Fruiting Bodies Destroyed


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 644 The Fruiting Bodies That Were Played With

  ”Why do you have to talk about it on the B7 floor? Didn’t I say I’m very busy these days – what the hell?!”

  The B7 floor of the shelter.

  When Yin Fang reluctantly walked out of the elevator and stepped into the B7 floor, he froze in place with a look of dementia on his face.

  After a moment of stagnation, he turned his neck woodenly and looked at Chu Guang, who was standing next to the terminal with a smile on his face, and said in disbelief.

  ”… Is this the shelter you manage?”

  Chu Guang nodded.


  Seeing him nod nonchalantly, Yin Fang almost couldn’t help but spray.

  ”Then why didn’t you take it out before?!”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang’s expression was a little subtle.

  I really want to!

  But the problem is that what can I do if the first-generation manager doesn’t give me a way?

  But this is too troublesome to explain. With Yin Fang’s character of asking questions, he might ask endlessly. Chu Guang spent a few seconds making up a reason and said casually with a light cough.

  ”…I forgot the password to enter this floor, and I just remembered it recently.”

  Yin Fang stared at Chu Guang blankly, and the words “Do you think I will believe it?” were almost written on his face.

  However, Chu Guang did not intend to explain more, and directly changed the subject.

  ”Please help me see what level these equipment are equivalent to?”

  Yin Fang took a deep breath, spent a full minute to calm down, and then continued.

  ”…Let’s put it this way, if an ordinary survivor settlement got this set of processing equipment, as long as those people are not stupid enough to use it to peel apples for fun, there will be no problem in transporting from the early industrial age to the information age!”

  Chu Guang was slightly disappointed.

  ”Just the information age?”

  ”…I’m talking about ordinary survivor settlements, but the question is, are we ordinary survivor settlements?”

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang in disbelief, and couldn’t help but continue to complain.

  ”We not only have a huge industrial zone, but also a systematic scientific research and archaeological system and hundreds of experts working around this system, as well as a city-level fusion reactor! I haven’t even counted the 1,000 cubic meters of nuclear fuel and the data in this database. It’s just the information age? Are you kidding? We can even build another ideal city on this wasteland–”

  When he said this, Yin Fang suddenly stopped, and the look in his eyes as he stared at Chu Guang gradually changed from disappointment to disbelief.

  He suddenly whispered something.

  ”Good guy, it’s actually true…”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly.


  ”I remember you said that you wanted to build a new ideal city on this ruin. I thought you were joking…” Yin Fang swallowed his saliva, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he muttered to himself like a dream, “You’re not kidding, you’re serious!”

  Looking at the mysterious Yin Fang, Chu Guang’s originally hesitant expression gradually became subtle.

  So that’s what

  happened. He seemed to have said that…

  But to be honest, it was just a pie he drew casually, or maybe he got too excited during his impromptu speech. Moreover, his people went to the enterprise to take a look at what the legendary ideal city looked like, so he was too embarrassed to brag about it.

  As of today, even before Yin Fang said that, Chu Guang had never thought that there would be such a day.

  However –

  ”When have I ever lied to you? My friend,” looking at Yin Fang who looked incredible, Chu Guang continued with a serious expression, “As you said, we not only have a huge industrial zone, a group of excellent scientific researchers, a giant reactor, and a lot of nuclear fuel and technology reserves that don’t need to be mentioned deliberately… The most important thing is that we have you.”

  ”I…” Yin Fang’s face flushed, and his voice stuttered with excitement.

  ”Don’t be modest, I believe that with your experience and ability, as well as your understanding of the prosperous era, you know how to maximize the value of this device much better than I, the manager of the shelter. I believe you can take us to that era to see, instead of holding on to the cultural relics and reminiscing.”

  Looking at Yin Fang, whose old face turned red, Chu Guang patted his shoulder and said earnestly, “Leave it to you!”


  Real world.

  Herds of cattle and horses.

  The discussion about the Beta 0.6 version of Wasteland Online has spread from the forum to the small group of players.

  Compared with the nonsense of the stupid netizens, the old players who played the game in the early version still prefer to listen to Brother Fangchang’s nonsense.

  However, unlike usual, compared with the fruiting body cultivation system that is popular all over the forum, Brother Fangchang is more concerned about a certain inconspicuous line in the update announcement.

  ”…Actually, I’m more curious about what the B7 layer is than the fruiting body cultivation system.”

  Ye Shi: “I thought you would say you were more curious about what bug A Guang fixed. (Funny)”

  Lao Bai: “Haha, A Guang won’t tell you.”

  Fang Chang: “Seriously, I’m not kidding you.” Quitting:

  ”B7 layer? Wait, isn’t B6 the bottom layer of the shelter? (Stupefied)”

  Fang Chang: “Hey, you didn’t read the announcement carefully at all. In addition to the fruiting body cultivation system, the focus of the Beta0.6 version update also includes a large number of ruins located in the urban area of ​​Qingquan City, and then the B7 layer of the shelter I mentioned.”

  As for the Gaia planet, Fang Chang automatically ignored it.

  This big pie five light years away has nothing to do with the main storyline of the current version. I’m afraid that even if you really go there, there will only be a few pictures.

  As for taking it out separately and putting it in the update, the factor of making a living is probably greater than the reality factor.

  He knows A Guang too well!

  But the B7 layer of the shelter is different.

  As a shelter that has existed since the server was launched, the progress of unlocking floors in this shelter has always been closely related to the development of the alliance!

  Even every time a new floor is unlocked, it will have a significant change in the gameplay of the entire game.

  He has reason to believe that this time is the same.

  But what is intriguing is that although the update mentioned the unlocking of new floors, he just went online and tried all the elevators available in the shelter, but couldn’t find the entrance to the new floor.

  This is even more strange!

  Seeing that Fang Chang had been keeping it a secret for a long time and didn’t say anything, Ye Shi, who was aroused by curiosity, couldn’t help but type and ask.

  ”Then what do you think the B7 floor will be? (curious)”

  Fang Chang: “Skip the unlocked B5 floor. The B6 floor is a biological laboratory. I have reason to suspect that the B7 floor should be a physics or engineering laboratory, or at least a facility related to this!”

  Kuangfeng: “Physics laboratory… I don’t think it makes much sense to build a collider or something like that in the shelter, and the research of theoretical science is too cost-effective for the special situation in the wasteland.”

  Fang Chang: “I agree with you, and from the perspective of the game, a physics laboratory is unlikely to have a direct impact on the player’s gaming experience. Therefore, I can make a bold guess that the B7 floor should be an experiment or production facility related to the engineering field, especially machine manufacturing!” Scrambled

  Eggs with Tomatoes: “You’re talking too profoundly. My head hurts a bit. Let’s just talk about the impact on the gameplay. (bitter smile)” Quit

  Smoking: “+1”

  Fang Chang: “Do you still remember the high-tech equipment you got in the previous version?”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Hiss, wait, I think I understand what you mean! You mean… those equipment are actually produced in the B7 layer?! (Surprised)”

  Fang Chang: “Yes, and this possibility is very high! If nothing unexpected happens, starting from Beta 0.6, the out-of-print divine equipment that had to be obtained through lotteries will gradually begin to be downgraded and released to mid-level players in the form of limited purchases, or even simply downgraded to blank equipment in NPC stores.”

  Ye Shi: “What the hell?!”

  Lao Bai: “Really? (Surprised)”

  Spare someone: “6666!”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “Hahahaha, Brother Guang is awesome! I finally nerfed you guys, this one cut feels good! (laughing to death)”

  Night Ten: “Tsk, what are you excited about? No matter how cheap the high-end equipment is, you can’t use it with an intelligence level of less than 5! And my Gauss rifle is everywhere. By then, even newbies will have one. You, a guy who scratches people with claws, won’t be even worse. Who is being nerfed?”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “What the hell?!”

  Spare Life: “The clown is me. (funny)”

  The group members have different reactions to Brother Fang Chang’s version prediction.

  There are those who gloat over the misfortune, those who shout “What the hell” because their value has shrunk, and those who watch the show or those who don’t care.

  Fang Chang is very open-minded.

  He knows very well that for any game, with the rotation of versions, it is only a matter of time before the god equipment becomes blank.

  Especially in the closed beta stage, compared with the game experience of a few closed beta players, operators usually have a more important task – to develop the game systems as perfect as possible.

  It is unrealistic to only take care of the gaming experience of a few players.

  Fang Chang: “Actually, if you think about it from another angle, this is not a bad thing. The combat power ceiling of the previous version was either the equipment provided by the shelter or the equipment seized from other survivor forces. It was enough to bully the natives, but objectively there was still a big gap compared to the old survivor forces.”

  ”The previous god-level equipment has become a popular commodity. There will always be new god-level equipment. I think it is still worth looking forward to. (Funny)”


  The B7 floor of the shelter has not yet been opened to players, and Fang Chang’s speculation on the Beta0.6 version is just a guess.

  However, many careful players have noticed that NPC stores are quietly enriching.

  The most typical one is probably the Hummingbird UAV.

  Originally, there was no purchase channel, but now it can be purchased on the official website. The contribution level reaches the citizen, and each person is limited to one. The price is only 10,000 silver coins, which is equivalent to the price of a set of five-style “light cavalry” exoskeleton.

  Compared with the Y series drones developed by the Alliance, the Hummingbird drone has a better perspective, more flexible maneuverability and stronger concealment, which is equivalent to a small satellite flying through the ruins.

  Of course, in order to protect the privacy of other players, privately owned drones of this type are prohibited from flying in the safe zone, and must not leave the ground more than five meters above the ground. They can only be used as follow-up cameras.

  In addition, there is the nitrogen-powered hammer of the manager, which can now be bought in the NPC store!

  However, the price of this hammer is not cheap. It is said that the production process is complicated and cumbersome. It costs 200,000 silver coins, which can catch up with a Gauss rifle!

  Yes, now the NPC store can even buy the pre-war 20-type “Stinger” Gauss rifle! It is also the one that the manager often carries with him!

  This thing is more technically advanced than the 15-type “Python” Gauss rifle that Ye Shi loves so much. It not only adopts a special design without a barrel, but also has the ability to fire iron nails and iron sheets picked up at random!

  If a hammer that needs to be used with power armor still makes people hesitate, the Type 20 “Thorn Needle” was almost cleared out of stock as soon as it landed in the NPC store, and hundreds of them were sold!

  This piece of equipment alone recovered 20 million silver coins for the alliance in one day. Chu Guang was so happy that he quickly asked Xiao Qi to arrange another batch of production orders to replenish the shelves.

  Although the limited edition equipment predicted by Fang Chang has not yet become blank equipment, the transition of the old version of the god equipment to blank equipment with the version rotation seems to have quietly begun…


  On the other side, in the eastern ecological protection area of ​​Qingquan City.

  A hungry mutant hyena is crawling in the shadow of the jungle, greedily watching the gnawer shaking its head not far away.

  Although for non-physique players, the gnawer cannot be eaten directly, this common sense is obviously not applicable to scavengers such as mutant hyenas, cockroaches, and vultures.

  Especially in the winter, most of the mutants were hungry. Even if the slime mold fruiting bodies were not delicious, they had to consider using this stuff to fill their stomachs.

  After confirming that there was no threat, the hyena let out a low growl and pounced on the gnawer like an arrow.

  However, at this moment, something unforgettable happened. The

  gnawer, who had been standing there stupidly, suddenly turned his neck, smiled strangely at it, and then kicked it.

  The mutant hyena had never seen such an agile gnawer. It was caught off guard and was kicked hard in the stomach. It rolled on the ground with a whimper.

  Then something even more incredible happened. The gnawer, who had always been stupid, actually took out a pistol from nowhere!

  Seeing the weapon of human things appear in the gnawer’s hand, the mutant hyena got up and ran away in fear, regardless of the hunger in his stomach.

  The gnawer holding the pistol raised his stick-like arm, shakily aimed at the fleeing hyena, and fired a shot.

  Unfortunately, the shot missed.

  The bullet brushed past the fleeing mutant hyena, and then whizzed into the dense bushes and disappeared from the gnawer’s sight.

  The Gnawer didn’t seem to give up. He chased the direction where the hyena disappeared and fired a few more shots, emptying the magazine of his pistol.

  Unfortunately, the Gnawer’s power was too weak, probably only between 2 and 3, and the last few shots almost flew into the sky.

  The prey completely disappeared, and the Gnawer became stupid again, standing there motionless.

  In the bushes on the other side, three players stood up cursing, patted their muddy pants, and shook off the leaves and grass on their bodies.

  ”MMP! This thing is too stupid!” Silver’s father walked up, took the pistol from the Gnawer’s hand, and put it on himself.

  It should be feasible to train it as cannon fodder, but it’s probably a bit unrealistic to expect this guy to be able to stand alone and hold the line.

  Maybe I should buy a more expensive one?

  He couldn’t help thinking in his heart, maybe he could consider buying a creeper or a tyrant.

  Silver Sword looked at this guy with a mocking face.

  ”Is there a possibility that you are too incompetent?”

  Silver’s father was immediately displeased when he heard this.

  ”What a joke! How could I miss a shot at such a close distance? Try to install a biological prosthesis and you will know. This thing is extremely difficult to operate.”

  Silver Shield sighed and interrupted the topic.

  ”It’s mainly because of low intelligence. I heard that some newly awakened intelligence-types can operate this thing and rush forward with rifles.”

  At this point, he shook his head helplessly.

  ”Hey, you bunch of idiots! When you chose the sequence, you insisted on grabbing the strength-type. Now, you all have become your younger brothers.”

  Silver Sword couldn’t help but spray.

  ”How embarrassed are you? Who changed his mind?”

  Hearing this, Silver Shield’s expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

  He just remembered that the one who suddenly changed his mind seemed to be himself…

  Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Silver’s father coughed and said.

  ”Okay, okay, stop arguing. That was so many years ago. Give your father a favor. If it doesn’t work, we can use mechanical ascension. It’s the same thing–”

  Silver Sword: “Get lost! Who is my father–bah, I’m your father!”

  Silver Shield: “¥%#@!”

  The commotion of the Silver Corps was just a small episode in the ecological protection area.

  Judging from the feedback posts on the Beta0.6 version on the forum, most players who adopted the fruiting body have a very good gaming experience.

  Especially for intelligence players with sequence levels reaching LV20–or even LV30, the update of Beta0.6 version has completely liberated their hands!

  For example, Debt Big Eyes.

  After learning that he couldn’t buy the succubus with red pupils and white hair, this guy simply took out 10,000 silver coins and bought 120 gnawers, and equipped each of these gnawers with an iron pipe rifle sold by the pound. Although the

  gnawers can’t aim at things with their IQ, they can make up for the lack of accuracy with quantity!

  Not only that, he also bought a sturdy enough chair, tied two steel bars to make a sedan chair, and assigned four gnawers to carry him.

  With this huge group of gnawers, he searched the eastern suburbs for a long time and finally found an unlucky mutant grizzly bear.

  Seeing this, Big Eyes said nothing and immediately asked his gnawers to stand in a row, pointing their iron pipe rifles at the guy.

  ”Fire!” Debt Big Eyes shouted excitedly.

  The grizzly bear’s right paw was pressing the hyena that was caught from nowhere. Before he could figure out the situation of this group of gnawers, he saw a series of gun flames flashing, and then he and the hyena were shot into a sieve by the 7mm rifle bullets.

  Looking at the mutant grizzly bear with blood holes all over its body and falling to the ground, Debt Big Eyes laughed inflated and strange.

  ”Ha ha ha ha, I am an army by myself!”

  The construction site boy and the brick standing by looked at this guy who was too proud of himself. They envied

  him and couldn’t help but say something sour. “Come on, you are just a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. A dump truck can destroy you.”

  He is a strength type.

  Although 10 points of intelligence is barely enough, after seeing the bloody posts of other strength players on the forum, he finally gave up the idea of ​​becoming a summoner.

  Seeing this guy’s sour look, the debt-eye laughed indifferently.

  ”Tsk, you know nothing, will I stand there and let you destroy me? Guys, show your talents and open the eyes of this ignorant bumpkin!”

  As the voice fell, the debt-eye closed his eyes, and his brows were tightly furrowed like constipation.

  As the consciousness established a direct connection, the gnawers that were originally standing in a row immediately formed a pile of Arhats on the open space under his direct control like acrobats.

  The construction site boy and the brick were stunned.

  Good guy!

  Ah San? !

  Looking at the gnawers juggling not far away, Edgepad’s expression was a little subtle, and he looked at the mole man beside him.

  ”…I always feel that A Guang is using us to train AI.”

  The Canyon Escape Mole chuckled.

  ”It does seem like something A Guang would do.”

  But so what?

  It’s a game. As long as it’s fun


  In just a short while, he came up with at least ten cool operations that can be achieved through these fruiting bodies.

  It’s a pity that the wave has just ended, and the alliance will usher in a period of development. Considering the gaming experience of professional players, there should be no large-scale wars in the short term.

  To verify those brain holes, we can only wait until the next time the information is released…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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