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Chapter 645 I am really a manager!

Chapter 645 I am really a manager!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 645 I am really a manager!

  The trading post in Dawn City was filled with the sound of people shouting and caravans passing through the gates, from day to night.

  The ruts of varying thickness formed a crisscrossing chessboard on the ground, and a wide variety of rare treasures were piled up on the stalls.

  Among them were eight-unit octopus-type manipulators produced by Giant Stone Military Industry, clocks and jewelry produced by the Hump Kingdom, universal bionic maids and attendants imported from Ideal City, and even exotic spices from the Far Sea Continent and soap produced by the Legion.

  In short, the goods here are all you can think of, and nothing you can’t buy.

  A long time ago, the market in Dawn City changed its business model. While retaining the official commodity trading point operated by the Alliance, it leased the expanded trading space to individuals.

  The stalls were rented by local merchants and residents of the shelter, as well as foreign merchants.

  Since the period before the wave began, this place has gradually become lively as winter passed.

  Especially now that the news of the end of the wave has spread, it has added a festive color to the prosperity here.

  ”Are there any happy events recently?”

  A man in a gray long-collared coat stopped in front of a stall and looked up at the decorations hanging in front of the stall and asked casually.

  His skin color is slightly darker, with deep wrinkles on his eyebrows and eyes, and he looks weathered. He is carrying a suitcase in his hand.

  The stall owner took a look at his appearance and felt that he was a little unfamiliar. He thought he should be a merchant from a faraway place, so he smiled and said.

  ”The respected manager led us to defeat the wave. In three days, a celebration to celebrate the victory will be held here. This is our old tradition. By the way, is this your first time here?”

  ”That’s not the case, but the last time I came here, it was still a wilderness.” The man looked around and said with a helpless expression, “Just now, I thought I had read the map wrong.”

  Seeing his ignorant look, the stall owner smiled and said.

  ”That was several years ago! Now this area is under the control of the Alliance. It is no longer the wilderness it was a few years ago.”

  Although he had not been back here for many years, the man seemed familiar with the word Alliance. He had obviously heard rumors about this area in other places.

  ”I heard that the manager of Shelter No. 404 and his residents built a prosperous utopia in the wasteland. They not only wanted to unite all the suffering survivors, but also vowed to end the wasteland era as their lifelong ideal…”

  The stall owner smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Haha, it’s not as exaggerated as the rumors say, but it’s okay… By the way, friend, where are you from?”

  the man said.

  ”The southern seas.”

  The stall owner looked at him in surprise.

  ”The southern seas? On the… small island in the south? I heard that the scenery there is nice.”

  It was too far away, and Haiya Province and Jinchuan Province were in turmoil, so he really didn’t know much about it.

  The man smiled bitterly and said with a helpless expression.

  ”If you call a sea beast that can stir up waves tens of meters high a landscape… then you should like that place.”

  The stall owner laughed and said embarrassedly.

  ”Haha, it seems that every family has its own problems… If we don’t count the mother nest in the city center, the biggest thing here is the mount of the manager.”

  The man was stunned.


  ”A death claw,” the stall owner had a proud expression on his face, as if the person riding on the back of the death claw was himself, “Even the powerful death claw crawled at his feet. There is nothing on this planet that he can’t defeat… including the mother nest in the city center!”

  The man couldn’t help but twitched his eyebrows. He wanted to laugh but felt it was not polite, so he thought to himself that you didn’t have much experience.

  However, one sentence of the stall owner caught his attention.

  ”You said he defeated the mother nest in the city center… What do you mean?”

  The stall owner said proudly.

  ”It means literally, he killed the guy who couldn’t even beat the Zhan Jian Committee. Not only this year’s wave, there won’t be any in the future.”

  The man stared in amazement, his chin slightly opened.


  How to kill that thing? !

  He has been studying mutant slime mold for some years. The mutability of that thing is that as long as there is a little bit of residue left, it will emerge endlessly, and each rebirth will make it more difficult than the last time.

  In fact, he came here for the mother nest this time, but the guy in front of him told him… that mother nest was killed?

  Seeing that the man was stunned for a long time without saying anything, asking questions all the time, and had no intention of buying anything, the stall owner gradually lost interest in continuing to chat with him.

  But after all, he was opening a door to do business, and in order not to offend anyone, he was embarrassed to drive him away directly, so he reminded him “kindly”.

  ”If you want to know more about Dawn City, I suggest you buy the latest newspaper and go to the Highway Town Hotel at the door and order a beer. No one will bother you if you sit in the lobby all day, and there will always be someone to chat with… The stories heard from those mercenaries are much more exciting than what I hear here, especially that lame old Hooker, who has been here since Dawn City was still a wilderness.”

  ”Thank you, I will consider your advice.” The man seemed to have noticed that the stall owner was not interested in him, so he politely replied and prepared to leave.

  ”You’re welcome, my name is Zhang Datong, if you need wholesale hardware tools or automatic rifles, you can come to me… By the way, what do you do?”

  ”I’m a manager.” The man said honestly.

  ”Manager… manager?!” The stall owner didn’t react at first, until he repeated his words and was shocked, his eyes widened.

  ”Uh… but not the manager here,” seeing the dazed look on the stall owner’s face, the man suddenly remembered something and said helplessly, “No offense, although I know that managers have special meanings to you, there are actually more shelters in this world than you think. By the way, if I want to meet your manager… how can I meet him?”

  Zhang Datong was stunned for a long time with his mouth open, and then he calmed down and stared at the man with his eyes.

  ”…Really? Which shelter are you from?”

  As if he guessed that he would doubt it, the man sighed, rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, and revealed the slightly faded VM.

  ”Shelter No. 70, Manager Sun Yuechi.”

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the moment the stall owner saw him take out the VM, instead of dropping his jaw in surprise, he quickly lost interest.

  ”Tsk, what does this thing prove?” Zhang Datong sneered, and his originally doubtful expression turned into deep suspicion, “Isn’t it just a vital sign detector? There are so many people who have this thing.” Sun Yuechi was stunned

  , and was about to argue with a smile, but before he could open his mouth, the stall owner continued.

  ”Even if you are a manager, where is your power armor?”

  ”Power…power armor?”

  ”Yes,” Zhang Datong looked at him strangely, “You said you are a manager, you should have a power armor anyway?” Sun Yuechi

  looked at him blankly.

  Power armor and managers…

  Is there an inevitable connection between the two?

  Seeing that he looked so miserable and didn’t seem to be able to take out that thing, Zhang Datong couldn’t help but have a hint of contempt in his eyes, and he didn’t even dare to tell him that their managers could walk around in power armor without turning on the power.

  ”Forget it, I guess you can’t take it out…then there should be a mount, right?”

  ”I…” Sun Yuechi blushed and couldn’t say a word.

  Not wanting to embarrass this guy, Zhang Datong waved his hand.

  ”Alright, alright, I’ve seen a lot of people like you. Every now and then, someone buys a blue coat and comes here to cheat, saying that he is a resident of the shelter. Hey, this is the first time I’ve seen someone claiming to be a manager. I’ll just assume you’re bragging. Go find someone else to brag. I don’t have time to accompany you.”

  Sun Yuechi held back the words that were on the tip of his tongue, glared at the smiling stall owner, and turned away with his suitcase.

  Speaking of which, why do the residents here feel silly?

  It’s a pity that he was looking forward to it when he heard the rumors about the alliance, but he didn’t expect it to be just like this.

  Thinking of something in his mind, Sun Yuechi stopped at the door of the trading station and suddenly changed his mind about visiting the manager directly.


  that stupid guy is right.

  Why not go to the Highway Town Hotel to buy a newspaper as he said, secretly observe what is going on here, and then make a decision…


  At the same time, the Highway Town Hotel not far from the trading station.

  Lisa, wearing an apron, walked through the crowd, put the tray full of beer on the wooden table, and hurried to the kitchen.

  Seeing the little girl busying around, Old Hook couldn’t help but feel distressed.

  At first, he just sympathized with the little girl’s miserable life, but after spending a long time with her, he unconsciously regarded her as his own daughter.

  It happened that he didn’t have any children.

  Taking advantage of Lisa’s break, he called the diligent little girl and handed her a small bag of silver coins.

  ”I want you to rest for a few days, starting from tomorrow. This is your salary for this month. Come back to work after the celebration is over in three days.”

  Lisa was slightly stunned and asked in a panic.

  ”Did I do anything wrong?”

  Old Hook grinned.

  ”No, on the contrary, you’ve done a good job, and that’s why you need a break. What’s the point of making money if you don’t spend it? Go buy yourself some new clothes. The people in the refugee home are all watching me. I don’t want to be called a boss who exploits employees.”

  In order to prevent the poor people who were rescued from being exploited by unscrupulous bosses, the refugee home of the alliance will regularly visit the rescued people who have obtained the status of alliance residents.

  This is a measure proposed by the residents of the shelter.

  It is said that the cause is that those nosy blue jackets found that a certain black-hearted company had recruited a large number of workers with the status of “supervised persons” with ulterior motives, and used their desire to become alliance residents to exploit them without bottom line.

  Including but not limited to refusing to implement the declaration of the manager at the Victory Day celebration, continuing to exploit workers according to the old laws, and making them work on the production line for twelve hours without overtime pay.

  The final result was also very gratifying. The manager did what he said and let the guy get out. This matter even made the headlines of the “Survivor Daily”.

  Soon after this, the refugee home added a return visit system.

  Of course, Old Hook was not worried about the return visit from the refugee home, nor was he worried about any bad rumors. After all, he had never done anything wrong.

  He just felt that she should live a more sunny life at her age. If he had children, he would hope that his children would be like her.

  Ah… living in the sun.

  What a luxurious wish.

  Old Hook suddenly felt a little emotional. This was not the first time. He even forgot that he was living in the wasteland.

  Lisa appreciated the kindness of the old man and held the purse in her palm and whispered.

  ”But… won’t the celebration be very busy? Is it really okay if I’m not here?”

  ”It’s okay,” Old Hook smiled and waved his hand, indicating that she didn’t need to worry, “I’ll ask a few temporary workers to help.” The

  debt-ridden big-eyed man who was sitting at the bar drinking beer burped and raised his shaking right hand.

  ”Can I sign up first? Or tell me when the task will be issued so that I can prepare to grab the order.”

  Recognizing this regular customer, Old Hook scolded with a smile.

  ”You? I can’t afford it. I want to save some money for my retirement.”

  The debt-eyes lying next to the wine bottle said with a frown.

  ”80% off… Oh no, 50% off. Who can give me a job? Anything is fine as long as I can make money.”

  Lao Bai patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

  ”What’s wrong, brother? Are you down and out?”

  Irena, who was eating a kebab of lizard tail, looked at him funny.

  ”Not that bad, how much can your hobby cost?”

  ”Get lost.”

  The debt-eyes blushed, as if he knew that these bastards must want to blacken him, so he took the lead to fight back, but he didn’t have the nerve to say where he wasted his money.

  But his good brother, the construction site guy, didn’t hide it for him, and laughed and told it out.

  ”This guy bought more than a hundred gnawers.”

  More than a hundred gnawers? !

  After hearing this, everyone was shocked.

  ”Good man… your intelligence attribute is not low.”

  ”What use are a hundred Gnawers?”

  ”Ten thousand silver coins…” Fang Chang touched his chin, thought for a moment and said, “It doesn’t seem too expensive… it won’t empty his pockets.”

  The price of a light cavalry exoskeleton is indeed not that expensive for old players of the A test, it is just average at most.

  The silver coin income of this game increases with the contribution level and sequence level.

  Irena also looked at Big Eyes lying on the table with suspicion, always feeling that things were not that simple.

  Sure enough, the construction site guy continued to sabotage with a smirk.

  ”If it was just like this, it would be fine, but can my Big Eyes brother accept that his subordinates are all a bunch of idiots? That’s obviously not possible! So this brother equipped each gnawer with a gun. Although it is an iron barrel rifle, 7mm bullets must cost money, right?”

  ”Well, that’s right.” Irena calculated it, and it was indeed not a small amount.

  ”Isn’t it?” The construction site guy shrugged and continued, “And you know, the gnawers usually stand there stupidly and can barely maintain the balance of organic matter… According to his startling play style, not only do you have to provide the ammunition consumption of those gnawers, but you also have to solve their nutritional problems.”

  ”Okay, don’t say it, I’m a second-rate person.” The debt-ridden Big Eyes covered his face and was about to cry.

  The construction site boy and the brick were not satisfied yet, and he smiled and hooked his shoulders.

  ”Come on, brother, I haven’t finished yet.”

  The debt-ridden Big Eyes pushed the guy’s hand away.

  ”Get lost! I don’t want a brother like you!”

  Lao Bai: “Hahaha!”

  The people sitting in front of the bar were talking and laughing. Seeing that they seemed to have a good relationship, Lisa, who was holding a plate, couldn’t help but pursed her lips.

  However, happiness in this world is always equal. When

  some people are happy, others are worried.

  Just as everyone was talking and laughing to help Big Eyes come up with bad ideas, a surprised cry suddenly sounded in the luxurious standard room of the backyard annex.

  ”What?! They are not selling it anymore?!”

  (Sorry brothers, I was lame today, but fortunately I caught up with TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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