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Chapter 646 Self-repairing materials!

Chapter 646 Self-repairing materials!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 646 Self-repairing materials!

  Not for sale? !

  After listening to the report from his salesman, Cindyson, who was drinking tea and flipping through the newspaper, was stunned on the spot and stopped flipping through the newspaper. The

  salesman standing by the table nodded and said helplessly.

  ”Yes, sir, we went to the front-line station of the Boulder City Militia and asked the commander to buy the remains of the fruiting bodies. However, they didn’t even listen to the price we offered and blocked us directly outside the door-”

  ”What’s the reason?!” Cindyson interrupted him anxiously, grabbed the armrests of the chair with both hands, and said indignantly, “Don’t they know that if the remains of the fruiting bodies are left alone, it will cause a serious plague?”

  ”This… I don’t know,” the salesman looked at the boss nervously and said in a low voice, “The reason they gave is that the Alliance authorities took over the fruiting bodies.”

  Cindyson was confused after hearing this.

  The Alliance authorities took over?

  What use do they have for that thing? !

  In the glamorous Bugera Free State, Sindisson Trading Company is just a small and inconspicuous company. Its only business is to supply raw materials for the production of synthetic food and organic fertilizers to the processing plants in the Free State.

  In previous years, when the wave broke out, he would send people to Qingquan City to buy a batch of goods, and take them back to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.

  The remains of those fruiting bodies were like picking them up for free.

  Anyway, the poor people in Bugera Free State don’t care where their food comes from, and food processing plants don’t care about the source of nutrients.

  It just so happens that Boulder City also has a need to deal with those fruiting body remains. His business is undoubtedly a win-win for all parties!

  Hearing that the wave after the warm winter will be stronger than in previous years, this year Sindisson not only borrowed money from the bank to rent more than 30 heavy trucks and a hundred-man escort, but also personally led a team south to Dawn City, ready to do a big job.

  However, just when he was dreaming of getting rich with confidence, the news brought back by the salesperson he sent to the front line made him stunned.

  He even found a buyer. But

  the Alliance told him that they would not sell the remains of the fruiting bodies! ?

  What a joke!

  Although his fingers were shaking with anger, Cindyson quickly calmed down.

  As the saying goes, the arm cannot twist the thigh.

  Facing the giant of the Alliance, a mere business is just an inconspicuous grasshopper.

  Although he didn’t want to see the business he had worked hard for many years go bankrupt because of the penalty and the inability to repay the bank, Cindyson knew very well that a head-on confrontation would definitely not work. He

  could only think of a solution from other places!

  Staring at his own salesman, Cindyson asked word by word.

  ”What about those fruiting bodies? How does the Alliance plan to deal with them?”

  The salesman swallowed and whispered.

  ”I heard that they were all sent to the East District of Qingquan City by the Alliance authorities… As for what they were specifically for, I don’t know.”

  Sent to the East District of Qingquan City?

  Cindyson frowned. Didn’t

  he remember that the East District was not a forest-covered urban area?

  What was it for?

  Puzzled, Cindyson pondered for a moment, looked at his men and said.

  ”Tomorrow morning, take me to the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City.”

  The salesman nodded quickly.

  ”Okay, boss!”


  The next morning, Cindyson got up early, and left the hotel with his salesman and several guards when it was still light.

  After leaving Shuguang City from the east, the group walked for more than ten miles and finally arrived at the edge of the eastern district of Qingquan City.

  However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked. He was stunned for a long time before he could say a word.

  ”…What is this?”

  I saw a gnawer pushing a cart full of fruiting body remains, walking from the pile of corpses to the half-collapsed building on the side.

  In the dark window, you can vaguely see the scarlet bacterial plaque slowly moving – and that is exactly the shape of the incubator!

  The guards standing beside Cindyson couldn’t help but tighten their guns, their index fingers opened the safety, and they were tense and alert in the direction of the incubator.

  The gnawers are really not worth their fear.

  However, if a creeper or even a tyrant is added, things will be very serious… In such a complex terrain, even experienced mercenaries dare not say that they have a 100% chance of winning.

  In fact, there are creepers and tyrants here.

  Not far from the incubator, next to an abandoned concrete building, creepers on all fours are carrying a pile of bricks or a bundle of steel bars on their backs and climbing up and down the walls covered with slime mold.

  They deliver the bricks to the damaged part of the wall, where the gnawers with drooping heads will take over and stack the bricks on the damaged wall.

  ”They… are building a wall?” The salesman looked in that direction in surprise, and the guard next to him looked like he had seen a ghost.

  ”God of the Great Horned Deer…”

  ”When will those mushrooms build a house?!”

  Cindyson did not speak, swallowed his saliva, took out a telescope from his arms, and looked at the waist of the concrete building, trying to see it more carefully.

  Then he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

  I saw that the bricks were not stacked on cement, but on a layer of light red fungal blanket.

  The fungal blanket was like a living thing, with tiny cilia squirming. At the moment of contact with the brick, the countless tiny cilia firmly grasped the brick, and then grew out of the gaps. The light red bracts removed the water and firmly fixed the brick on the damaged wall.

  Cindyson was stunned by the scene in front of him.

  The sun really rose from the west!

  These slime molds are actually repairing human buildings! What made

  him even more incredible was that Cindyson unexpectedly discovered that the building repaired by the slime mold was unexpectedly not ugly, but had a unique natural beauty.

  At least, it was much more beautiful than the damaged and abandoned buildings around it!

  The light red fungal blanket did not look hideous or abrupt at all. It spread on the wall along the damaged gap, like some kind of artistic graffiti, recording the scars caused by the war two centuries ago in a unique way.

  Now the only suspense is whether this house repaired by slime mold can be lived in.

  Cindyson asked himself, he himself dare not live in it, maybe the poor people in Bugera Free State don’t mind the living environment, but he doesn’t want to soak in the musty spores every day.

  The salesman standing next to him was obviously the same, looking at the slowly repairing scars on the abandoned building and shaking his head.

  ”I won’t live in such a place… I always feel that it is like some kind of trap. Once people enter, they will be swallowed up by it, just like a pitcher plant.”

  The other guards looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

  ”Me too…”

  ”Unless you pay me.”

  ”But can such a house really be lived in? They don’t even use cement.”

  ”No matter whether it can be lived in or not, now I finally know what the Alliance is thinking of hoarding these fruiting bodies.” Putting down the telescope in his hand, Cindyson cursed with an ugly face, but he was helpless.

  Although I don’t know what method the Alliance used to make those slime mold fruiting bodies obediently work, it’s their business.

  He had thought of buying for nothing before, such as sneaking over at night, loading a few truckloads of fruiting bodies and heading north.

  Anyway, the East District of Qingquan City is so large that the Alliance might not be able to find it.

  But now it seems that this method will definitely not work. Those fruiting bodies are just like people with independent consciousness. They will not watch them load the bodies of their own kind onto the truck.

  Just when Cindyson was feeling depressed, the sound of an engine came from not far away, and two motorcycles drove over from the street.

  Cindyson and his group immediately looked over there, only to see that the motorcycle was flying the Alliance flag and the emblem of the First Corps was printed on the front of the motorcycle.

  Four soldiers jumped off the motorcycle, staring at the strange group of people warily, and walked towards them.

  ”Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  Cindyson said quickly.

  ”I am a merchant passing by here. What is going on here? Why are there so many slime mold fruiting bodies——”

  ”That’s none of your business,” the soldier said with a cold face and expressionless face, “The front is a military restricted area. No entry is allowed without authorization. Now I ask you to leave here immediately, otherwise we will take compulsory measures against you.”

  The Alliance Ecological Protection Area is currently not open to the public.

  Although the things here are not secrets, except for the residents of the shelter, unrelated people entering this area will be forced to leave.

  After all, the public still has great doubts about slime molds. If someone encounters danger in this area at this time, even if it is not caused by Xiaoyu’s fruiting bodies, it is almost impossible to explain clearly.

  Seeing that there are only four soldiers in this group, a young guard following Cindyson couldn’t help but despise them and said sarcastically.

  ”Compulsory measures? Just a few of you?”

  The soldier was not angered by his provocation, but just looked at him with amusement.

  ”Want to try?”

  The survivors in the Valley Province are tough, and Qingquan City is even more so. He has seen many such thorns who rely on hanging a gun around their necks to be arrogant.

  The guard frowned and was about to say something harsh, but was stopped by the boss next to him and glared at him fiercely.

  Cindyson wanted to slap this guy twice.

  He came here to make money, not to cause trouble for himself!

  Looking at the four soldiers who were waiting in a serious battle array with a smile on his face, Cindyson softened his attitude and said in an apologetic tone.

  ”I’m sorry, gentlemen, we are new here and don’t know the rules here… We will leave immediately.”

  As he said that, he took out a few banknotes and wanted to stuff them into the captain in the lead, but was pushed away by the captain with a look of disdain.

  ”Put away your money and leave immediately. This is the last warning.”

  ”Yes, yes!”

  Cindyson nodded quickly, pulled the salesperson next to him and the unconvinced guard, and hurriedly left this place of trouble.

  The soldiers of the First Corps followed them until they completely left the city.

  Looking at the two motorcycles parked at the other end of the street, the salesperson next to Cindyson had an angry expression on his face and couldn’t help asking.

  ”Boss, are we just going to let it go?”

  ”Let it go?” Cindyson narrowed his eyes slightly, laughed and said, “How can we just let it go?”

  Another guard who had been following him and had not spoken heard this, hesitated slightly, and lowered his voice.

  ”Boss… The patrol here is too strict. We were discovered as soon as we arrived here. It’s not easy to sneak it out.”

  ”Steal? Haha,” Cindyson glanced at his men and curled his lips in disdain, “Am I the kind of person who needs to steal?”

  Just now, he suddenly thought of a good idea. Maybe not only can the alliance spit out this hot potato, but maybe he can also get a few live ones to take back for research.

  A group of fruiting bodies that can play a role on the production line…

  Thinking of this, Cindyson felt a burst of heat in his heart, and he wanted to start implementing his genius plan immediately.

  Seeing the boss’s confident expression, the salesperson immediately understood and leaned close to the boss and asked in a low voice.

  ”Boss… What do you want?”

  Cindyson smiled slightly and whispered a few words in his ear.

  ”It’s not just us who come here from the Bugera Free State to transport goods, there are other merchants… You find their boss and send them an invitation letter, saying that the boss of Cindyson Trading Company wants to invite them for a drink and discuss important matters.”

  After a pause, he looked at the guard standing beside him, waved his hand to signal the man to come closer, and continued to whisper in his ear.

  ”Take a detour and go to the place where we were just now to take a few photos… I’m very useful.”


  Just as the merchants from Bugera were secretly planning, Chu Guang happened to be inspecting the ecological protection area.

  After a day of practice and summarizing experience yesterday, his little players have become more and more proficient in using Xiaoyu’s fruiting body.

  Especially some life professional players.

  In order to earn back the silver coins spent on purchasing the fruiting body, they can be said to have thought of all the ways they can think of.

  Some people cut trees, some hunt, and some help build houses. Some even took some garbage sorting orders from the industrial zone.

  With their help, this ecological reserve, which had nothing but slime mold and forest, is gradually showing its economic value. What

  Chu Guang found most incredible was that his little player actually had the imagination to apply the fruiting body of slime mold to the construction site.

  Originally, they needed to build scaffolding first, and then use cranes and other engineering equipment before they could start construction.

  However, now, the fungal mat covering the wall is a natural scaffolding, and the creepers that can climb up and down the wall are natural brick movers.

  Now, not only is the labor of moving bricks saved, but they have even improved the materials used for construction.

  That is, the slime mold fruiting body is used instead of cement as a binder between bricks.

  Chu Guang, who heard about this from Xiao Qi, was immediately shocked by the whimsical ideas of these players.

  Can this slime mold be played like this?

  ”Using fungal mat instead of cement… Is the strength of this material really okay?” Looking at the building that was self-repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Chu Guang was stunned for a long time and couldn’t help asking.

  A cheerful cry came from the communication channel.


  Sitting on Chu Guang’s shoulder and shaking his calves, Xiao Qi translated happily.

  ”Xiao Yu said that this is the adhesive bacteria it made using the DNA recovered from the evolved form of the ‘Decay Knight’. After being laid out as a fungal mat, dehydration can produce an effect similar to cement. It is not only very strong, but also self-repairing!”

  Self-repairing concrete?

  No –

  this should not be considered concrete, right?

  Bio-hybrid building materials?

  Chu Guang forgot where he saw it. I heard that the ancients would cultivate oysters under the piers to make the bridge stable when building bridges.

  Due to its rapid growth, strong reproductive capacity and good gelling properties, it can bond stones to the bottom of the river into a solid whole. This method is also called the “oyster-based solidification” method.

  Inspired by the players’ imagination, Xiao Yu used this method to repair high-rise buildings left over from the prosperous era.

  The fungal mat filling between bricks not only has an adhesion that is not inferior to cement, but can also self-repair when damaged!

  Although this construction method sounds a bit too avant-garde, under the command of the players, the effect seems to be unexpectedly good?

  At this moment, Chu Guang suddenly had a more avant-garde idea.

  ”Can this type of bacteria… survive in a vacuum?”

  Xiaoyu: “Eh?”

  Xiaoqi: “Hmm… Xiaoyu said it hasn’t tried it, but the mother nest it devoured first has experience surviving in a near-vacuum environment. With a little improvement, it should be fine… Master, where do you want to apply it?”

  ”Use it on a starship!” Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  Not only Xiaoyu, but even Xiaoqi was stunned.

  ”Star… starship?”

  Does the Alliance have such a thing?

  ”That’s right!” Chu Guang had a happy smile on his face, “But starships are too early for us, let’s test it with the Heart of Steel first.”

  Self-repairing armor!

  If this idea can really come true, it would be awesome!

  Thinking of the heaven-defying evolutionary bodies produced by the mother nest in the city center, he felt that his idea seemed not completely impossible. The

  more Chu Guang thought about it, the more excited he became.

  Just as he was about to put it into action, Xiaoqi, who was sitting on his shoulder, suddenly spoke.

  ”Master, a researcher from the academy sent a message saying that he wants to talk to you in person. Do you need me to arrange a meeting time for you?”

  ”A researcher from the academy?” Chu Guang stopped the thoughts that kept fermenting in his mind, turned his head to look at Xiao Qi and asked, “Which researcher?”

  Xiao Qi continued.

  ”It’s the B-level researcher named Yang Kai. He wants to discuss cooperation with you on behalf of the academy…”

  Chu Guang was slightly surprised when he heard the name of Yang Kai.

  It’s not that he was surprised at the guy’s identity, but that the guy always sat on the scientific research ship and showed himself as a holographic image. This time he was willing to talk to him face to face?

  Chu Guang could probably guess what he wanted to talk to him about, and he couldn’t help but have a playful smile on his face.

  ”Let’s arrange it today… No, tomorrow at noon, let him wait for me in the conference room of the Alliance Building.”

  Xiao Qi replied enthusiastically.

  ”Got it!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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