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Chapter 647 We can set up a special zone in the Wandering Swamp

Chapter 647 We can set up a special zone in the Wandering Swamp


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 647 We can set up a special zone in the Wandering Swamp

  . Dawn City.

  The main road leading to the Alliance Building.

  It was not even noon yet, but it was already bustling.

  Occasionally one or two cars passed by on the widened road, but most of them were pedestrians walking or riding bicycles.

  Looking at the crowded crowds on both sides of the road, Yang Kai, who was standing on the edge of the crowd, couldn’t help but frown and subconsciously stopped.

  He didn’t like crowded places because he stayed in the laboratory or research ship all year round.

  On the one hand, many people meant noise and noise, and on the other hand, the air was full of aerosols mixed with droplets.

  Jiang Xuezhou, who was following beside him, saw the instructor stop and whispered to him.

  ”This is the central avenue of Dawn City, next to the most prosperous North Street. It is said that a long time ago, the soldiers of the Alliance fought with the plunderers of the Bone Chewing Tribe here and dug a lot of trenches… Later, with the influx of refugees and the development of the trading post, those trenches were gradually widened into sewers, paved with bricks and built into houses.”

  These things were all told to her by Ye Shi.

  However, her mentor was obviously not very interested in the past of this settlement, and just said it coldly with a stern face.

  ”There are too many people.”

  Knowing that her mentor did not like crowded places, Jiang Xuezhou explained in a low voice.

  ”After all, there are more than 100,000 people living in this settlement.”

  Yang Kai laughed disapprovingly.

  ”A settlement of 100,000 people is actually planned to be so crowded.”

  In comparison, the settlements under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Commission are much more scientific.

  People work step by step and accept scientific management. Even settlements of hundreds of thousands of people will definitely not be so chaotic and disorderly.

  And the most important thing is that they have eliminated the waste of resources.

  People efficiently obtain the materials they need, and do not have to waste time on picking and choosing, so they can spend more time on more meaningful things.

  Jiang Xuezhou actually likes the bustle here, and couldn’t help but whispered.

  ”Maybe it’s because the celebration is about to be held… In fact, there are not so many people on the street usually.”


  ”To celebrate the end of the wave, the Alliance intends to make this day their legal holiday… Now is the preparation stage for the celebration. The fireworks show and celebration will be held on the third day after the end of the wave, which is the day after tomorrow.”

  Jiang Xuezhou whispered.

  Yang Kai frowned, then relaxed his brows for a moment. After thinking for a long time, he gave a fair opinion.

  ”Well… This is indeed worth celebrating.”

  To be honest, he didn’t expect that the group of wastelanders who relied on equipment pieced together from here and there could actually defeat the mother nest that the post-war reconstruction committee couldn’t defeat on their own.

  He was watching the whole process from the side and could hardly believe his eyes.

  Everything that happened here can only be described as a miracle.

  However, whether it is a miracle or not, it is definitely a huge surprise for the academy that cares about the wasteland.

  There are a large number of undeveloped ruins in Qingquan City, which were previously blocked by slime mold fruiting bodies.

  Among them are not only pre-war research units, but also various production facilities and equipment of the army and aerospace army in the era of the human alliance.

  Now that the Alliance has conquered the hive in the city center, the resources that were once occupied by slime molds can finally see the light of day again!

  The college is not only interested in the Alliance’s trump card to defeat the hive in the city center, but also in the development of Qingquan City.

  Of course, the college will not take the benefits of the Alliance for nothing.

  Yang Kai communicated with his superiors on the phone, and his superiors meant that they could use a “cooperative research and development agreement” as a condition for exchange.

  The college will open some data to the Alliance, support the Alliance to develop technology-intensive industries, and upgrade the hardware of various laboratories.

  According to the judgment of the Foreign Affairs Department, for the Alliance at this stage, the technical support that the college can provide is more attractive than the economic support provided by enterprises.

  If it really doesn’t work, it is also possible to transfer a few D-level or even C-level technologies.

  As long as the Alliance promises that it will not resell these technologies to potential competitors of the Academy such as Ideal City or Triumph City.

  In addition to matters related to the cooperative development of the ruins, the top management of the college also hopes to set up an office in the Alliance – the so-called embassy.

  Just like the embassy set up by enterprises in the Alliance, it is convenient for both parties to exchange opinions on southern affairs and the research of mutant slime molds in a timely manner.

  In fact, in principle, diplomatic work is the job of the Foreign Affairs Department, and such things should not be handled by a person from the Research Department.

  But for the academy where the level is paramount, it is only a principle that professionals do professional things. Yang Kai certainly will not let such a big credit slip away from his resume.

  Moreover, he has sufficient reasons to convince his superiors.

  First of all, he happened to be near Qingquan City, and secondly,

  he was still carrying out support tasks related to the alliance. So, through some operations, the entire work that should have belonged to the Foreign Affairs Department was intercepted by the Research Department.

  Yang Kai was full of confidence in this meeting. After all, he could not think of any reason for the Alliance to refuse…

  The two walked along the central avenue for a while, and after entering the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, they saw the square building soon.

  The whole building is not high, only a few floors, but it covers a large area and is very spacious.

  It is said that most of the time, the managers of the alliance handle official business in the shelter, and most of the people who work here are ministers at all levels and middle and senior staff of various departments.

  It is not difficult to see from the bicycles and electric donkeys that fill the parking lot that as the scale of the alliance gradually expands, the corresponding organizational construction is also gradually improving.

  Yang Kai looked up at the sky and saw several hummingbird drones cruising over the building. The entire area is under the monitoring coverage of the alliance.

  This is probably the most stringent place in the entire alliance for security protection, and its importance to the alliance is naturally self-evident.

  Yang Kai couldn’t help but curl up a little proudly.

  It seems that as he expected, the managers of the alliance attach great importance to this meeting, and a little conceited and floating on his face.

  Noticing Yang Kai and Jiang Xuezhou standing at the door, the guard standing on duty next to the guard booth stepped forward and saluted and asked.

  ”Hello, who are you?”

  ”Academy B-level researcher, Yang Kai.”

  Yang Kai stretched out his index finger and lightly stroked in the air, pushing the unfolded holographic window in front of the guard, and continued.

  ”This is the invitation letter your manager gave me.”

  The guard was stunned when he saw the holographic window in front of him, but he reacted when he heard his name and said with a smile.

  ”It’s Mr. Yang. The manager has told you something. Please follow me!”

  Yang Kai nodded in a good mood, and then looked at Jiang Xuezhou.

  ”Just send me here. You can find a place to kill time. I will call you when I need you.”

  This kind of opportunity without any risk and can show your skills, it is too cheap to bring this follower around.

  It will save someone from exposing him and saying that he has thrown the work to his students and is hiding far away.

  Looking at the master who is confident, Jiang Xuezhou is still a little worried and can’t help but ask in a low voice.

  ”Do you really not need me to follow?”

  ”No, no,” Yang Kai waved his hand, “I have met that Chu Guang many times, and I can handle it alone.”

  After that, he looked at the guard.

  ”Lead the way.”

  The guard said politely.

  ”Please follow me!”

  Following the footsteps of the guard, Yang Kai stepped into the Union Building, walked along the wide corridor for a while, and entered a spacious conference room.

  After opening the door of the conference room for him and inviting him into the conference room, the guard continued.

  ”Our manager is meeting with the representative of the company. Please wait a moment.”

  ”Representative of the company?” Yang Kai was slightly stunned, frowned, and subconsciously checked the time.

  It was now 1:40.

  There were still 20 minutes before their meeting, and it was indeed not the agreed time.

  However, he did not expect that the guy was not waiting for him in the conference room, and he had a meeting before him.

  And it was with a company that had always been at odds with the college.

  The guard nodded and told him the truth according to the instructions of the manager.

  ”Yes, a lot of things have happened in Qingquan City recently, you should have heard about it. Including enterprises, the Great Rift Valley, and many survivors who are still suffering from the mutant slime mold today, they are all very interested in our achievements.”

  If an experienced diplomat might not take this bluffing remark to heart, but Yang Kai did not have such rich diplomatic experience after all, he felt that the credit that was originally sure to win was suddenly not so sure, and he couldn’t help but panic.

  ”What are they talking about?”

  The guard was slightly stunned, as if he did not expect the guest to ask such a blunt question, and he didn’t know how to answer for a while.

  Yang Kai also gradually realized his subconscious slip of the tongue, coughed lightly, and covered up his gaffe.

  ”Nothing… just pretend I didn’t say it.”

  Asking a country’s public official about the content of the talks between its senior officials and a third party is undoubtedly a rude and presumptuous thing.

  Yang Kai cursed himself in his heart, this reckless behavior really shouldn’t happen to him.

  The guard saw his embarrassment and smiled to help him out.

  ”It’s okay, but your question… I really can’t answer it, and I don’t understand it. If you are interested, I suggest you ask our manager.”

  Yang Kai touched his nose awkwardly.

  ”I will.”

  Perhaps it was not a good idea to take this job from the Foreign Affairs Department. He suddenly realized that he was not only not good at dealing with this kind of occasion. He

  even had a mild social phobia.

  Face-to-face conversations were completely different from communicating with holographic images. You couldn’t press the pause button at any time, drink coffee while thinking about what to say next, and have to deal with embarrassment and accidents that might occur in various occasions.

  Yang Kai suddenly regretted that he had confidently left his apprentice outside.

  If he really messed up, he wouldn’t even have anyone to blame…

  Without noticing Yang Kai’s psychological activities, the guard then looked at the waiter beside him and nodded, indicating that the latter should pour a cup of tea for the researcher, and then left the door.

  Yang Kai found a seat and sat down casually, waiting for a full twenty minutes in a nervous and uneasy mood.

  The person who hadn’t seen the manager for a long time, just when he was gradually beginning to feel impatient, footsteps were finally heard in the corridor outside the conference room.

  Almost at 2 o’clock, the door of the conference room opened, and a man in azure power armor walked in.

  Almost as a reflex, Yang Kai stood up from his seat with a “swoosh”, but he overturned the chair with too much force.

  The embarrassment didn’t end there.

  He blushed and held back for a long time, but a word “welcome” popped out of his mouth, which immediately confused Chu Guang who was about to welcome him.

  ”Well, I should say welcome…” Seeing that face getting redder and redder, Chu Guang coughed lightly and said in a joking tone, “Welcome to the alliance, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long. In addition, relax, although this is probably the first time we meet face to face, we should have met many times before.” Are

  all the researchers in the academy so individual?

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but think of Li Ke, who was greeting the New Year at the gate of Falcon City…

  This guy’s reckless appearance completely overturned the unfathomable impression he had left in his mind before.


  is he just not good at “offline” communication?

  The waiter at the side wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to. He walked forward with a stern face and quietly lifted the chair for the researcher.

  Yang Kai nodded stiffly and watched Chu Guang squeeze a smile from his face.


  Walking to the conference table, Chu Guang took out his exclusive chair and sat down, looking at the researcher who was visiting on behalf of the college and continued.

  ”Well, since this is not the first time we have dealt with each other, let’s not waste time on red tape and get straight to the point.”

  Yang Kai nodded, and he was like two different people in the holographic image, and he spoke sparingly.

  ”That’s what I meant.”

  After saying that, he stretched out his index finger and lightly swiped in the air, unfolding the holographic screen, and then took out a projection pen from his pocket and placed it on the table.

  ”Qingquan City is the Qingquan City of the Human Union, and its heritage should belong to all descendants of the Human Union. We hope to send a scientific research team of fifty to one hundred people to Qingquan City for a long-term stay to conduct observational surveys of local relics. Those relics and the gains from the relics belong to you, and at the same time, we will make a copy of the digital data we obtain for you…”

  After saying all this in one breath, Yang Kai thought about it to make sure there was nothing missing, and then took a deep breath and continued.

  ”In addition, we will send a research team to you to provide you with certain assistance in the field of technology, and help you purchase some professional research equipment… All of these are included in the scientific research cooperation agreement in front of you.”

  While Yang Kai was briefly introducing the agreement, Chu Guang browsed the documents on the holographic screen and observed the expression on his face through the holographic screen.

  To be honest, this guy is really an amateur in diplomacy.

  However, considering that he is the leader of the Research Department after all, diplomacy is not his business scope, it is not difficult to understand that he is a bit amateur.

  Under normal circumstances, everyone first asks for a sky-high price, and then each side takes a step back to negotiate conditions. However, he is just the opposite. As if he is afraid that he will be rejected, he first talks about the truth, and then puts all the chips on the table.

  To be honest, the chips he put out are indeed very attractive. Chu Guang admitted that he was already tempted when he was halfway through listening to him.

  However, his behavior is just like throwing a bulging wallet on the counter and telling the boss to decide how much money you want.

  After reading the agreement to the end, Chu Guang suppressed the urge to smile knowingly, coughed lightly, and spoke.

  ”…We attach great importance to the relationship with you, and we are very interested in the scientific research cooperation agreement you mentioned.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Yang Kai was delighted, thinking that his worries were indeed unnecessary. However, before he could completely relax, Chu Guang changed the subject and continued.

  ”However, we have objections to some of the terms in the agreement.”

  Hearing this vague wording, Yang Kai suddenly became nervous.

  ”What objections? You tell me.”

  Chu Guang lightly stroked the air with his index finger, moved the holographic screen aside, looked directly into his eyes, and continued.

  ”Qingquan City is Qingquan City of the Human Alliance. Its heritage should belong to all mankind, but it is actually controlled by us, and it is also us who solve the problem. Your side asks us to share these results obtained by the sacrifice of the survivors of Qingquan City. Isn’t it a bit unfair?”

  Seeing the unhappy expression on Chu Guang’s face, especially when he met those eyes, Yang Kai panicked and hurriedly explained.

  ”I didn’t ask you for the ruins of Qingquan City. I said it was just an observational survey. The ownership of the ruins is still yours! And we understand your efforts, so we are willing to give you some help in the field of technology recycling. This is not free-”

  ”This is where I disagree,” Chu Guang looked at him and continued, “You mentioned in the agreement that you would send at least one hundred researchers to Camp 101 to set up a branch of the academy to communicate with our researchers, but in my opinion, one-way open communication is not real communication.” Yang Kai was


  He didn’t expect Chu Guang to raise objections to this matter.

  After all, the Bugera Free State begged them to send people to assist in their research, but they didn’t agree. As a result, now that they took the initiative to bring it up, the Alliance actually… has objections?

  ”What do you mean…”

  Looking at the confused Yang Kai, Chu Guang continued shamelessly.

  ”The scale of communication is completely in your hands, isn’t it? Even if you send some unskilled researchers here, we have no way to deal with it. Including those research equipment, we don’t expect you to transfer the most advanced instruments to us, but if you use some discarded defective products to make up the number——”

  ”How can we do that!” Yang Kai blushed and interrupted Chu Guang’s general words,

  but his voice was not confident.

  To be honest, the people from the Foreign Affairs Department might really do such a thing. After all, saving costs for the college is also a credit. The

  college’s promotion system determines that most middle-level and even middle-to-high-level researchers will be more inclined to make short-term decisions when making decisions.

  If the college can realize their dream of ascending within a hundred years, there is nothing wrong with doing so.

  However, Chu Guang doesn’t want to be the scapegoat.

  He has always been the only one who cuts other people’s leeks, so it’s unreasonable to cut him?

  ”I didn’t say you would do this, but we have to ensure that this will not happen, right?”

  Seeing that Yang Kai couldn’t refute, Chu Guang continued patiently.

  ”This problem is actually easy to solve. We have some people from the academy – well, I mean people who know the academy. I hope we can improve the details of the agreement. For example, we can list the types, models, parameters and most importantly, prices of the transferred equipment in a specific list, so that we can ensure that you don’t suddenly remember that you have a batch of equipment to clear the inventory and then deal with us who don’t need it at all.”

  Yang Kai nodded with a stiff upper lip.


  This request is not too much.

  If the alliance wants some equipment that they can’t give, such as research equipment related to graviton research and FTL engines, the worst case scenario is that they will explicitly refuse in the agreement.

  At least this list can be negotiated!

  Chu Guang smiled and nodded, and continued to speak.

  ”Another is the personnel issue I mentioned just now.”

  ”Of course we agree with the freedom of academic exchange, but this kind of exchange should be mutual, not one-sided… In addition to you sending some people to us, we also want to send some people to you for exchange.”

  Yang Kai was slightly stunned and said immediately.

  ”This is impossible! Only researchers can enter the academy! Other survivors can only move around in the Science and Technology Commission’s settlements! We can’t design a separate system for you… Don’t go too far!”

  The academy implements the K-point and G-point systems. In the academy, including the most basic transportation and even the acquisition of daily necessities, these two scores are indispensable.

  Outsiders have no room to survive in the academy.

  Although Chu Guang thinks this is not a difficult task, in his opinion, the worst that can be done is to make some adjustments and add a special identity of “diplomat” to the original system.

  As for the resources consumed, the alliance will pay for it.

  However, seeing Yang Kai’s resolute expression, Chu Guang knew that this matter would probably not have any results if he insisted on it.

  So, Chu Guang also made some small concessions.

  ”Then let’s take a step back. Our personnel will not enter the academy, but conduct academic exchanges with you in the settlements under the management of the Science and Technology Commission… Of course, this must be a settlement designated by us.”

  The talents of the academy are not completely cultivated in the academy. There are also a few settlements that undertake businesses such as cultural relics sorting and data processing.

  The living standards in these settlements are usually higher, and life is not as frugal as in other settlements. In addition, since they can be exposed to the core business of the academy, many children are influenced by it from an early age, and the proportion of explorers and researchers born is much higher than in other settlements.

  Many family members of middle-level researchers in the academy live in these settlements as a workaround for not being able to live directly in the academy.

  This is what Chu Guang heard from Yin Fang, and he is eyeing the potential of these settlements. If he can send people from the alliance to study, he can not only help him train a group of skilled explorers and even researchers, but he may also be able to abduct a few innocent people.

  The more Chu Guang thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was too damned.

  As for being abducted?

  Not happening.

  The attraction of the Wandering Swamp is not greater than that of the Ideal City.

  Chu Guang knows very well what those researchers really need. If someone is really abducted, it means that the guy is not suitable for the alliance.

  Let him go.

  Yang Kai thought for a moment and said with difficulty.

  ”This is against the rules… Some settlements are not open to the public. It is impossible for us to let you in to any settlement you want to go to.”

  Expecting him to say this, Chu Guang smiled happily and said happily.

  ”Then let’s jointly designate this settlement. We can set up a special zone in the Wandering Swamp.”

  Yang Kai was stunned when he heard this word for the first time.

  ”Special zone?”

  ”That’s right,” Chu Guang nodded and continued with a smile, “The researchers we sent to visit will only be active in the special zone and communicate with your researchers in the special zone… Don’t think I’m joking. You should not underestimate our better ruins excavation technology. We have also recovered a lot of ruins in recent years. We can learn from each other.”

  Yang Kai curled his lips in his heart and did not take the mutual learning seriously.

  The college has been studying in the field of ruins recovery for more than two hundred years. After digging in the ruins that have been turned over and over again, he does not think that the alliance has anything worth learning from them.

  However, Chu Guang’s words made him think.

  After all, this request does not sound excessive.

  The settlements under the Science and Technology Committee are not the core areas of the college. Even if some settlements are inhabited by the families of researchers and there are research facilities directly under the college, those research facilities are only engaged in some non-core areas.

  Thinking of this, Yang Kai nodded.

  ”Okay… I think there’s no problem, but I still have to discuss this matter with my superiors.”

  Looking at Yang Kai, who was still strongly opposed the previous second and turned 180 degrees the next second, Chu Guang couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

  Even though he expected that this guy had no reason to refuse, he didn’t expect that this guy would agree to everything so quickly.

  The matter is over.

  Yang Kai stood up and said goodbye very straightforwardly, and hurriedly left the meeting room with his projection pen, as if he was escaping from this place.

  Looking at Yang Kai’s back disappearing at the door, Chu Guang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

  I didn’t expect that the researchers of the college are unexpectedly easy to get along with?

  They do things neatly and efficiently, much more straightforward than the procrastinating board of directors.

  It seems that I misunderstood them?

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking this, hurried footsteps came from outside the door of the meeting room. After a while, an unexpected face appeared at the door.

  Looking at Old Charlie who appeared at the door, Chu Guang, who was in a good mood, pushed away the chair and stood up, smiling and walked towards him.

  ”What brings you here?”

  Old Charlie is still the president of the Merchants’ Union.

  Although the Merchants’ Union is a direct organization of the Alliance, it is more of a service-oriented organization than an administrative organization. Therefore, the office is not located in the Alliance Building, but in a separate building, at the old site of the outpost base on the edge of Linghu Lake.

  There was a time when Chu Guang’s office was still there.

  ”…Don’t worry about the wind, just take a look at this first.” Old Charlie looked anxious and stuffed a newspaper into Chu Guang’s hand.

  Chu Guang took the newspaper and glanced at it. When he saw the bold and enlarged headline, his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

  ”The Qingquan City Mother Nest has not fallen! It was secretly kept in captivity by the manager!”

  There is also a subtitle below the title——

  [Qingquan City Daily reveals to you the shocking conspiracy hidden in the eastern district of Qingquan City! ]

  (My eyes are dry and itchy, as if sand has entered my eyes. I am probably typing with one eye open and one eye closed. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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