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Chapter 648 A Misunderstanding

Chapter 648 A Misunderstanding


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 648 A Misunderstanding

  ”Buildings covered with slime mold, fruiting bodies as crowded as the tide, and active incubators… everything you see is the current situation in the eastern district of Qingquan City.”

  ”The wave is over, but no one knows how it ended until our reporters went deep into the eastern district of Qingquan City and uncovered the unknown truth!”

  The entire newspaper is only three pages long. Chu Guang roughly flipped through the newspaper and found that the content of these three pages is all about the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City. The

  first part first reveals the whereabouts of the slime mold fruiting bodies. A large number of fruiting bodies were not destroyed, but moved to the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  There is nothing wrong with this content.

  After solving this year’s wave, the alliance did move all the fruiting bodies to the eastern district of Qingquan City, instead of selling them in packages to nearby merchants as in previous years.

  Chu Guang still remembers clearly that this was an order he gave personally.

  However, in the second part, the content gradually became wrong.

  This part of the content cleverly points the finger at the Alliance authorities, using vague evidence and so-called citing insiders to fabricate that the Alliance reached an agreement with the mother nest in the center of Qingquan City through some unknown means, so as to drive the fruiting body to the Alliance.

  In the third part, the report shifted the focus to the “survivors” in the eastern district of Qingquan City.

  Several survivors claimed in an interview that the Alliance’s army drove them out of their homes and threatened that if they did not obey, they would be eaten by the slime mold fruiting body.

  In fact, except for a few lonely survivors, most of the survivors in Qingquan City moved to Dawn City or Boulder City during the Bone Chewing Rebellion.

  Solitary survivors wandering in the wasteland around Qingquan City are already very rare, not to mention the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City, which is full of alien species.

  Those survivors are probably not real survivors, but predators hiding in the ruins or hired mercenaries.

  At the end of the report, the author left a meaningful sentence.

  ”The bomb was not dismantled, but moved from one frame to another. It is right next to us and may explode at any time, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. A victory gained through compromise is not a real victory. If we don’t get rid of all the slime mold, this war will never end…” After

  reading the newspaper to the end, Chu Guang turned back to the first page and took a look at the header.

  As he expected, this was the first issue of Qingquan Daily.

  It was as if the entire newspaper was founded for this big news, and the newspaper company was counting on this big news to open up the market.

  Old Charlie, who had been observing Chu Guang’s expression, continued with a serious look.

  ”This morning I found this newspaper at a newsstand near the Merchants’ Union. I asked the stall owner where he got the goods from, but the stall owner scratched the back of his head and told me that he didn’t remember getting this newspaper.”

  After a pause, Old Charlie continued.

  ”Later, I asked the staff of the Merchants’ Union to visit and investigate various newsstands in Shuguang City. I found that more than 80% of the newsstands were selling this unknown “Qingquan Daily”, and the stall owners could not explain where this newspaper came from… It was as if it appeared out of thin air on their stalls.”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”This is not surprising. Except for the “Survivor Daily”, which has the largest sales volume, it has its own distributor. Most newsstands in Shuguang City have signed an agreement with the printing factory. The printing factory will print the next day’s newspaper according to the sales volume of each outlet the previous day, and then arrange vehicles to deliver it to each outlet before the morning rush hour. Maybe someone inserted this batch of goods into the truck leaving the printing factory, and this newspaper was naturally scattered to various stalls.”

  Under this sales model, the stall owners of each stall naturally could not know about this newspaper.

  Even let alone this “Qingquan Daily”, except for the well-known “Survivor Daily” and serialized novels, they may not know how many newspapers there are on the stalls.

  This newspaper, which was only three pages long, was obviously the first time it appeared in the streets and alleys of Shuguang City, just like psoriasis growing in a dark corner.

  Chu Guang could guess what their purpose was with his feet.

  It was nothing more than an attempt to use the public panic to obstruct the establishment of the ecological protection zone in the eastern district of Qingquan City by the alliance.

  As for the deeper motives, there were more possibilities.

  He was actually a little curious about what was worth their huge investment and the risk of angering the alliance.

  Looking at the indifferent smile on Chu Guang’s face, Old Charlie was a little puzzled. He didn’t understand why the respected Mr. Manager could still laugh after such a big thing happened.

  Worried that Chu Guang didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter, Old Charlie couldn’t help but feel a little anxious and said seriously.

  ”Mr. Manager, you may not realize the seriousness of this matter. Our enemies are trying to use the media to disintegrate our unity. And the celebration is coming soon. If something goes wrong at this time, not only your prestige will be affected, but also the regional prestige and influence of the entire alliance will be affected!”

  After a pause, he continued seriously.

  ”We must take action immediately! At least recall the newspapers on sale in the market before public opinion ferments!”

  Chu Guang asked casually.

  ”What after the recall?”

  Old Charlie was slightly stunned, but he still reacted quickly and came up with an idea.

  ”We should establish a stricter publishing review mechanism, at least to prevent similar situations from happening again, and find the mastermind behind this incident, especially the publisher of Qingquan City Daily–”

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his head.

  He closed the Qingquan City Daily in his hand and handed it back to Old Charlie.

  ”I understand what you mean. The person behind this is very smart, but unfortunately his methods are not very clever.”

  ”They underestimated the unity of all social classes in our society, and also underestimated the trust of the residents living here in us after a victory. They even made more than one common sense mistake in the interview. This approach works in the old Boulder City, but if it happens to us, they will be the only ones who become a joke.”

  ”Our supporters are not so easy to fool. What we need to do now is to stabilize our position and not panic because of the opponent’s lame tricks. If it is really like what you said, recalling the newspaper with great effort will shake our supporters… The guy hiding in the dark will only be happy.”

  At this point, Chu Guang couldn’t help but want to criticize his own “Survivor Daily”.

  Those guys are usually very smart, especially in the turmoil in Boulder City last year.

  However, this time they seemed to be blind. Such a big thing happened in the East District of Qingquan City, but they didn’t report a word!

  Chu Guang originally thought that the report had not been written yet, but it turned out that it had been two days and not only had they not come up with anything, but a tabloid that appeared out of nowhere got there first.

  As a semi-official media, it should respond to public concerns with objective and fair reports. Otherwise, what is the use of it?

  Just a vase?

  Chu Guang doesn’t believe that his residents only care about the food at the celebration and don’t care about the ecological protection area in the center of Qingquan City and the eastern district.

  At most, it is out of trust in him and believe that he must have a way to solve it, so no one has brought it up. If the

  doubts of the alliance residents are not responded to in the first time, the Survivor Daily will definitely not escape this big pot.

  Chu Guang plans to talk to the editor-in-chief and ask him what he thinks.

  Of course.

  The Qingquan City Daily that came out of nowhere can’t be left alone and let it fart.

  Chu Guang looked at Lu Bei on the side and said.

  ”The photo should have been taken yesterday. Go to the troops stationed there and ask them who approached the eastern district of Qingquan City yesterday and what their identities are… Just remember to ask them clearly, and don’t take any action for the time being.”

  It is inevitable that the ecological protection area in the eastern district of Qingquan City will attract the attention of other survivors. Maybe even the spies of the legion have arrived in Shuguang City.

  But those guys are very smart. They just observe secretly from the side and don’t make any rash moves that may expose themselves.

  Chu Guang is curious about who this guy who jumped out to make trouble is.

  This matter must be investigated!

  Lu Bei’s face became serious when he heard this, and he immediately stood at attention and saluted.



  Compared with the scientific research cooperation agreement between the alliance and the college, a fabricated report is just a trivial matter. Although

  Old Charlie looked as if he was facing a great enemy, to be honest, Chu Guang didn’t take it seriously.

  To put it bluntly.

  He didn’t believe that anyone would believe that thing.

  Anyone who has been to Dawn City knows what the East District of Qingquan City is like. Except for players, basically no one wants to go there.

  Survivors who were forced to leave their homes…

  This sounds too ridiculous.

  After explaining to Lu Bei, Chu Guang returned to the shelter and discussed with Yin Fang about setting up a special zone in the Wandering Swamp and academic visits and exchanges.

  However, what Chu Guang didn’t know was that when Lu Bei took his order to the East District of Qingquan City, the fabricated report appeared on the desk of the corporate embassy in the Alliance.

  Looking at the “explosive” content in the newspaper, Yi Chuan couldn’t help but widen his eyes, and was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

  ”…The mother nest that was previously located in the city center was moved to the East District of Qingquan City by the Alliance managers for captivity, and the evil power was used to drive its fruiting body for their own use?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched, and after reading this line, he finally couldn’t hold back the expression on his face, shook his head and threw the nonsense on the table.

  ”What the hell is this?!”

  Captive mother nest?

  He didn’t even know that their partner had this ability!

  Since the beginning of the wave, the enterprise has been paying attention to the progress of the wave.

  This is not only because the alliance plays an important role in the enterprise’s strategic layout, but also because the mutant slime mold itself is one of the core threats in the wasteland.

  Now that the alliance has completely solved the troubles that the post-war reconstruction committee has not been able to solve, this news has made the entire enterprise council look at the alliance with new eyes.

  However, the council still has a lot of doubts about how the alliance will solve the wave crisis, how to eliminate the mother nest in the city center, and how to ensure that the mother nest will not be reborn repeatedly as before. A series of questions, I hope to get answers through diplomatic channels.

  Especially recently, the council intends to carry out deeper cooperation with the alliance on issues related to mutant slime mold. Some radical council members even proposed to outsource the mother nest clearance work in Yunjian Province to the alliance.

  In order to provide more information to the council, Yi Chuan, the ambassador of the enterprise to the alliance, ordered his secretary to go out and purchase some newspapers.

  As a result, the guy went for a long time and brought back a few tricks.

  Looking at the secretary standing next to the desk, Yi Chuan pinched his brows with a headache and said.

  ”I asked you to purchase some newspapers reporting on the East District of Qingquan City. Why did you bring back these things?”

  The secretary looked a little embarrassed.

  He also felt that the content of the newspaper was a little exaggerated, from the title to the content, it was full of exaggeration, but he still wanted to defend himself, so he coughed lightly and said.

  ”This is the only newspaper on the market that can report on the East District of Qingquan City and the whereabouts of the mother nest… Other newspapers mentioned related news about the wave and the mother nest, basically quoting reports from the “Survivor Daily.”

  Yi Chuan was stunned when he heard it.

  ”What about the “Survivor Daily”?”

  The secretary continued with a subtle expression.

  ”The latest issue of the “Survivor Daily” is mainly about the upcoming celebration, and does not mention the details of the alliance in the previous wave battle, nor does it mention the ecological protection area in the East District of Qingquan City. The relevant news seems to have been blocked. I guess it should be the official alliance that puts pressure on the “Survivor Daily” to let them downplay the news in this regard… perhaps for the purpose of confidentiality.”


  After listening to his explanation, the expression on Yi Chuan’s face became more confused.

  What’s so secretive about this?

  If the Alliance really has a way to crack the mutant slime mold, the survivors in the entire wasteland will come to them to learn from them, and even the Legion may lower their proud heads… After all, this is an issue concerning the future of all mankind.

  Shouldn’t this kind of thing be flaunted with great fanfare?

  The secretary continued with a subtle expression.

  ”Is there a possibility… the facts are just as described in this report, but not so exaggerated? And this newspaper was actually released by the Alliance on purpose?”

  Yi Chuan did not refute it directly this time.

  He tapped his index finger lightly on the table and said after a moment of silence.

  ”What is the basis for the speculation?”

  The secretary analyzed slowly.

  ”At present, the entire East District of Qingquan City is under the military control of the Alliance. Any survivors who approach will be driven away. It is impossible for ordinary people to take such clear photos… Even if they can take them, they can’t bring them out.”

  This statement is reasonable.

  Yi Chuan nodded.

  Although he has never been to the East District of Qingquan City, the embassy has also received the notification document of military control.

  But this is just a guess about feasibility.

  ”What’s the motive?” Yi Chuan looked at his secretary, “What’s the benefit of them doing this?”

  Secretary: “Desensitization.”

  Yi Chuan was stunned.


  The secretary nodded and continued.

  ”On some sensitive issues, first throw out a piece of news that seems unreliable, and then clarify when everyone is shocked that things are not that exaggerated.”

  A shrewd flashed in Yi Chuan’s eyes.

  ”Before opening a window, first declare that the roof is going to be lifted?”

  ”Yes,” the secretary nodded, “I guess they should have mastered some technology that can control the mother nest… This should not be as simple as simple mind control. We have tested that mind control is ineffective against mutant slime molds.”

  Looking at Yi Chuan’s expression becoming more serious, the secretary paused and continued.

  ”In addition, since the Alliance authorities have chosen to desensitize this news, it means that they are ready to make it public, otherwise this smokescreen would be redundant.”

  ”So I speculate that they may also be taking this opportunity to send a signal of cooperation.”

  ”In addition, I heard that… representatives from the academy seemed to appear near the Alliance Building today, and the B-level researcher who had been peeping nearby.”

  Upon hearing this, Yi Chuan immediately pushed his chair away and stood up, slapping his right hand on the newspaper that he had thrown on the table earlier.

  ”Send a diplomatic meeting application to the Alliance for me. I want to talk to their manager face to face about this matter.”

  The secretary nodded.

  ”I’ll go right away!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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