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Chapter 648: Respectful to Each Other

Chapter 648: Respectful to Each Other


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 648 Treat each other with respect

  Fenghuali had been firing cannons all night, and the gunshots of the promotion of Cloud QuickPass were also successfully fired, and branches across the country quickly began to respond.

  As usual, Tan Qing was sent to Shanghai by Jiang Qin again.

  Because the promotion of Cloud QuickPass is a big deal for group buying, especially in first-tier cities, it must be kept close.

  For this matter, Jiang Qin also took advantage of the afternoon to hold a deployment meeting and personally explained some key points and difficulties in the promotion process.

  ”The boss is very happy today, and he couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth while talking.”

  ”I guess the boss’s wife is scolding him again.”

  ”Sister Lanlan, you know this too.”

  ”The boss’s smile has many kinds, a confident smile in the face of business wars, a sarcastic smile in the face of opponents, and a dog smile that intends to cheat people, but this kind of smile like a fool can only be because of the boss’s wife.” At

  about three o’clock in the afternoon, the deployment meeting on Cloud QuickPass was over, and Jiang Qin planned to go back to accompany Feng Nanshu, but WeChat on his mobile phone began to pop up constantly.

  He picked up his phone and took a look at the result. He found that Cao Guangyu had sent him an address to share. The location was in Linchuan, only two streets away from Fenghuali.

  ”Old Jiang, my buddy has started a business.”


  Jiang Qin and Cao Guangyu hadn’t seen each other for a summer vacation, but he saw him showing off in the group every day, with villas and red wine.

  But starting a business? What the hell.

  With his brain the size of a peanut, he couldn’t even pretend to be cool, let alone start a business.

  Jiang Qin thought he was joking, so he replied with a “get out of here”.

  As a result, the next second, Master Cao sent a photo of a storefront facing the main road.


  Jiang Qin picked up his phone, drove along the road, and sure enough, he saw the same scene as in the photo on the ground floor of Huaye Office Building.

  At this time, the storefront was being renovated, and it seemed that the progress was almost finished.

  It looked a bit like an office, but also a bit like a board game store. Anyway, it was a mix of various styles, and it looked very weird.

  Young Master Cao was standing at the door with his hands on his hips, directing the decorators, while Chaozi was standing by and watching, looking like he had gained weight again.

  ”Brother Jiang, you’re here?”

  ”What the hell are you doing?”

  Cao Guangyu turned his head and looked at Jiang Qin: “Old Jiang, I’m planning to start a business!”

  Jiang Qin glanced back: “There’s not even a sign hanging at the door, what kind of business are you starting?”

  ”You know, Ding Xue will graduate in a year, and I plan to stay here with her, but the school won’t let me go to graduate school, for fear that I will study the mysteries of the world, but I can’t be idle for a year, so I plan to start a business.”

  ”What for?”

  Young Master Cao pursed his lips: “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

  Jiang Qin was dumbfounded: “You haven’t thought about it yet, and you’re decorating it?”

  ”I’ll decorate it first to get a feel for it, maybe I can get some inspiration, Old Jiang, do you have any good suggestions?”

  Jiang Qin said, thinking that other people would think about what kind of store to open, and then do the matching decoration, but this guy would decorate first, and then see what kind of store he could make.

  ”Do you want to start a company or do business?”

  ”It’s all fine. I have no objection. I’ll listen to you.”

  Zhou Chao couldn’t help but come closer: “This summer, Brother Cao always ran into Zhuang Chen when he was showing off in the group. He wore a suit every day and drank either coffee or Western food. He was so mad that he vowed to start a business.”

  Jiang Qin’s mouth twitched, and he thought to himself that this was right, this was in line with Lao Cao’s personality…

  It didn’t matter whether you started a business or not, but you just couldn’t be suppressed by others.

  ”What business did Zhuang Chen start?”

  ”I don’t know, but I see him in a suit and tie all day long, and the documents he reads are also in English. Last time, he posted a photo of him having dinner with a group of foreigners. He looked very high-end.”

  Jiang Qin opened his mouth: “Is it because I succeeded in starting a business that you are obsessed with it?” Zhou

  Chao nodded: “I think this is part of the reason.”

  ”No, didn’t you go back to your hometown? Why are you here?”

  ”I had a very comfortable summer vacation at home, but Brother Cao called me eight times a day, saying that he wanted to discuss important things. I couldn’t stand it, so I came here. Then he asked me, I want to start a business, do you have any ideas?”

  ”Shouldn’t he discuss this kind of thing with me first?”

  Zhou Chao glanced at Cao Guangyu who was frantically editing his circle of friends: “I guess Brother Cao also wants to smear you.”

  While talking, Ren Ziqiang also came over on a small electric donkey. After graduation, Jiang Qin inserted him into the Linchuan business group and was in charge of the financing work of the Jinsinan Foundation for strategic brands. It can be regarded as a professional match.

  He was just at work when he saw the photos shared by Master Cao, and hurried over to join in the fun.

  ”Fuck, Brother Cao, are you serious? What company?”

  ”I haven’t thought about it yet, do you have any good ideas, old Ren?”

  Ren Ziqiang was stunned for a long time, and then Zhou Chao muttered in his ear again, saying that Brother Cao was stimulated by Zhuang Chen’s entrepreneurship, and then he suddenly realized, thinking that he was worthy of it.

  Then, Ren Ziqiang turned his head and looked at Jiang Qin: “Brother Jiang, how have you been during this period?”


  Hearing this, Master Cao held his breath, and Zhou Chao couldn’t help but hold his neck, thinking that it was coming, the nourishing part was coming again.

  But what they didn’t expect was that Jiang Qin hesitated and didn’t say anything.

  He did a lot of things this summer vacation, acquired a payment license, established Cloud Flash Payment, and laid out the Douyin plan two years in advance.

  But if you ask him to recall, there is only one thing in his mind.

  Last night, on an impulse, he exposed his best friend…

  He was stunned and recalled the rainy night last night, the little rich woman hugged him, and while catering to him, he kept calling her husband with a crying voice, and his ears couldn’t help but redden.

  To be honest, he was restless when he saw the box of elves last night, and he didn’t calm down even when eating.

  Later, when he waited until night, he couldn’t help but take the rich girl into the master bedroom when he saw that she didn’t sleep and waited for him. But until the moment of going to bed, Jiang Qin still planned to abide by the etiquette and let the rich girl know what a real gentleman is.

  But he underestimated how charming Feng Nanshu was when she got into bed, and how passionate the young body was.

  Then, he exposed his good friend.

  Speaking of which, he was not very calm today, so he left for a while after the meeting. The rich lady seemed to be very upset and sent him a lot of bombshells on WeChat.

  ”Brother Jiang?”


  Jiang Qin came back to his senses: “It’s okay, I haven’t done anything during this period.”

  Young Master Cao had already put on a painful mask and was about to be beaten. After hearing this, he quietly opened his eyes and was a little dazed.

  Hey, I’m still alive.

  After returning from Young Master Cao, Jiang Qin returned to Fenghuali Community and came to Unit 101 of Building 1. When he opened the door, he saw Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini collapsed on the sofa.

  Feng Nanshu sat next to them with a well-behaved face. When she saw Jiang Qin, her cheeks blushed.

  In addition, there was a chubby dog, sitting in the living room covered in mud, with an expression as if saying, it’s amazing, I, the dog master, have lived another day.

  ”What’s going on?”

  ”We have been looking for a dog for Feng Nanshu all day…”


  Gao Wenhui sat up: “She took a day off, and just said she was going out to walk the dog, but the dog disappeared as soon as she went out.”

  Jiang Qin turned to look at Feng Nanshu: “How did you lose the dog?”

  ”I was a little shy, my mind was empty, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.”

  Jiang Qin held his breath: “What are you shy about?”

  Feng Nanshu pursed his lips and leaned close to his ear: “When I walk, I feel like you are still inside.”

  Jiang Qin held his breath: “!”

  ”Don’t be afraid, brother, I dare to do it today.”

  Jiang Qin couldn’t help choking: “You can’t seduce your good friend every day, then you don’t count as a good friend.”

  Feng Nanshu narrowed his eyes: “It counts, and Wang Haini said that good friends can be like this every day.”

  ”The God of Good Friends won’t believe it, and the judge can’t listen to this explanation…”

  ”Jiang Qin, I’m a little hungry, I haven’t eaten yet.”

  ”Sit down, I’ll change my clothes and go out to order some food. Old Cao and his friends may come to visit tonight.”

  Jiang Qin stood up and went to the master bedroom to change clothes. He found that the sheets from last night had been changed.

  Feng Nanshu turned to look at Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini: “Brother doesn’t seem to have noticed my unfaithful intentions.”


  Gao Wenhui was dumbfounded. She thought to herself, you haven’t noticed anything yet. Have you done it?

  Normally, shouldn’t Jiang Qin hold your hand, set a wedding date after a series of vows, or look at him with tears in your eyes, and ask this bad guy to be responsible?

  Wang Haini, who was standing by, blinked thoughtfully, as if she had a deeper understanding of love.

  Afterwards, Master Cao and his friends came to Fenghuali and had dinner at Jiang Qin’s place. During the process, they were still thinking about what they should do.

  However, Wang Haini and Gao Wenhui’s attention was not on this, but on the relationship between Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

  They found that there seemed to be some subtle changes between the two people. They no longer held hands when eating, and sometimes they didn’t dare to look at each other. They didn’t have the same clingy feeling as before.

  Especially Jiang Qin, he was very deliberate in pretending to be a gentleman, and he didn’t even feed his rich wife.

  Feng Nanshu was the same, with a cold look on his face, like an immortal who didn’t care about the world.

  ”Nothing will go wrong, right?”

  ”What’s the problem?”

  Wang Haini leaned close to Gao Wenhui’s ear and said, “A friend of mine in the club was also flirting with a girl. As a result, they drank too much on Christmas Day and had sex. Later, not only did they not fall in love, but they became more and more awkward with each other and finally became strangers.”

  Gao Wenhui opened her eyes wide: “No way?”

  ”It’s possible. After all, the relationship is different. It’s definitely not easy to get used to the way they used to get along.”

  Just as the two were whispering, even Master Cao noticed something was wrong: “Old Jiang, did you have a fight with classmate Feng?”

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: “No.”

  ”Then why didn’t you feed her?”

  ”None of your business.”

  Master Cao pursed his lips, thinking why he was so angry, and then he started to click on his phone again, Baidu [Entrepreneurial projects that can make young people famous]. Father

  Cao is in his prime, and he can at least work hard for another 20 years before he can take over. It’s a good thing that Cao Guangyu wants to start his own business. It doesn’t matter whether he succeeds or not, at least he can accumulate experience and understand that doing business is not an easy thing.

  But it is really a bit strange for someone like him who doesn’t even know what to do and just sets up an office to show off.

  An hour and a half later, after dinner, Master Cao, Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang got dressed and left.

  Ren Ziqiang currently lives in a single room in the dormitory, while Master Cao and Zhou Chao live in a hotel. Then the three of them discussed and decided to rent a house nearby to do something good.

  After sending the two away, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu went to wash up and change clothes before washing up, but Jiang Qin didn’t let Feng Nanshu see. Feng Nanshu

  also had a cold face and didn’t let Jiang Qin see him when he changed clothes.

  Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini were stunned by the side, thinking that the two people were thinking of some new tricks.

  ”Nanshu, what’s wrong with you two?”

  ”My brother said that we broke the rules last night and we can’t do it anymore in the future. We should respect each other like guests. Even if we sleep in the same bed, we can’t have any unfriendliness.”


  Feng Nanshu took a shower and changed into pajamas. She was so white and beautiful, and her two slender legs were more beautiful than those of a model.

  She was already very pretty, and her hair was not dried yet, giving her the look of a rich and beautiful woman just emerging from the bath.

  When it was past ten o’clock in the evening, Gao Wenhui was still typing in the living room, Wang Haini went back to her room to apply a facial mask, and Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu sat together watching TV, but the screen was a little weird.

  ”Mr. Feng, which one do you want to watch?”

  ”Any one is fine, thank you, Mr. Jiang.”


  Gao Wenhui was listening at the side and was confused. Then, late at night, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu were ready to go back to their room, but before entering the room, Jiang Qin invited Feng Nanshu in first like a waiter, and Feng Nanshu also invited him in first in a serious manner, really respecting each other like guests.

  Seeing this scene, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but put down her computer and ran into Wang Haini’s room.

  Wang Haini was painting herself with sexy nail polish when she heard Gao Wenhui speak with some concern: “Could it be that they really can’t find a suitable way to get along, so they slowly become estranged?”

  ”Didn’t I tell you, it’s possible.”

  ”I think we should persuade them.”

  Wang Haini glanced at him: “How do you think we should persuade them?”

  ”Just say that maybe you feel uncomfortable getting along with each other because of the rapid change in intimacy, but you must have a good talk instead of avoiding it. This is not good for your relationship. Even if you need to calm down, don’t deliberately alienate each other.”

  Gao Wenhui thought it was very good after she finished speaking: “Yes, that’s it, tomorrow I will talk to Feng Nanshu, and you will talk to Jiang Qin.”

  Wang Haini’s cheeks blushed: “No, I can’t talk to Jiang Qin, I’m a little greedy, why don’t you talk to Jiang Qin.”

  ”Then should we talk together or separately?”

  Wang Haini was about to speak when she was stunned for a moment, then she put her ears against the wall, and after a while she looked at Gao Wenhui: “I think, maybe we don’t need to talk anymore.”


  Gao Wenhui was stunned for a moment, and followed her example and put her ears against the wall, then rolled her eyes and turned away.

  The good friends next door who had been respectful to each other for a day started to make trouble again. The cold-faced eldest lady Feng Nanshu was both a brother and a husband…

  (4,000 words, monthly votes requested… or2)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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