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Chapter 649 Let the storm come even harder!

Chapter 649 Let the storm come even harder!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 649 Let the storm come even harder!


  Yang Kai, who was leaning on his seat on the research ship docked near the Alliance Airport, finished reading the contents on the holographic screen in front of him and almost sprayed a mouthful of coffee on the central control of the cockpit.

  Just a few minutes ago, he had just returned to his research ship and was about to study the several revisions proposed by the Alliance manager. As a result, he received this thing as soon as he opened his personal terminal.

  At this moment, a three-page newspaper was printed on the screen, and the first title read “Qingquan City Daily”. What was

  even more shocking was the headline of the headline –

  ”Qingquan City’s mother nest has not fallen! It was secretly kept in captivity by the manager!”

  Can that thing be kept in captivity? ? ?

  ”What the hell is this?”

  Li Ke, who seemed to be very satisfied with Yang Kai’s embarrassed expression, said in a mocking tone in the holographic image next to him.

  ”Our intelligence personnel found this newspaper in Shuguang City. You can pick it up at any newsstand… So, what on earth is your Research Department doing?”

  He is a researcher in the Foreign Affairs Department, and his rank is B, the same as Yang Kai. Ever since this guy took over the work of the Foreign Affairs Department, he has been very unhappy with this guy.

  And this is not the first time!

  After hearing what Li Ke said, Yang Kai’s expression froze.

  He did ask the assistant of the research ship to monitor the radio and television programs of the alliance and select important information from the news, but he really didn’t study newspapers.

  The main reason is that he doesn’t have a fixed residence, and he doesn’t know where to send the newspapers he ordered.

  But then again.

  What era is this? Who still reads that thing? ?

  ”…This doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a newspaper.” Unable to see the gloating expression, Yang Kai said with a straight face.

  ”Yes, it’s just a newspaper, and the first issue was published today,” Li Ke continued in a sarcastic tone, “After seeing the newspaper, our intelligence personnel went to the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City to confirm the situation. Guess what we saw? The slime mold was repairing the ruins there! And what did you do? You slowly walked to the Alliance Building to hold a meeting, but no agreement was reached-”

  ”It’s not that I didn’t reach any agreement. At least the managers of the Alliance have expressed their intention to jointly study the Qingquan City ruins and the mother nest samples with us,” Yang Kai interrupted Li Ke with a dark face, and continued with an unhappy look, “And listen, my negotiations with the Alliance have entered a critical stage. I don’t want your hasty actions to affect the outcome of the negotiations.”

  Li Ke laughed and spread his hands.

  ”What does it matter? It’s not just us who are doing this, others are doing it too, and we are just collecting public intelligence… But what’s disappointing is that you haven’t even done these basic tasks well. You don’t think that intelligence is something that will come to you just by sitting in a research ship and waiting?”

  Yang Kai was speechless for a moment and simply shut up.

  Li Ke didn’t continue to embarrass him and continued.

  ”Don’t take over a job that you can’t do in the future. Let’s get back to the point. I think this newspaper was deliberately released by the Alliance.”

  Yang Kai frowned slightly.

  ”They are spreading panic in their own settlements?”

  Li Ke smiled and said.

  ”Panic? Is this your first day in Dawn City? The survivors there are famous for not fearing death. You haven’t seen them fighting with the Legion. This is the first time I’ve seen the Willant people give in in the field they are best at. That level of intimidation is just a joke to them.”

  Yang Kai nodded and reluctantly agreed with this statement.

  Although he did not participate in the peace negotiations in Falcon City, he was fortunate to witness the decisive battle between the Alliance and the Torch Church when he was in Jinchuan Province.

  The mutant creatures that covered the sky were like dark clouds. Even he thought that the manager would be in trouble. But he didn’t expect that guy to go into battle himself and kill the leading node creature on the opposite side with one hammer.

  Those guys simply overturned his stereotype of the blue jackets as good guys.

  ”What is your opinion?”

  Li Ke said simply.

  ”The opinion of the chief technology officer is the opinion of our Foreign Affairs Department. Mr. Technology Officer hopes that you will at least get the opportunity to jointly study the mother nest in the city center before the alliance reaches an exclusive agreement with the third party.”

  Yang Kai: “What about those ruins?”

  Li Ke: “Second priority.”

  The college has excavated many ruins.

  Although the ruins in Qingquan City are important, they are not so important that they are indispensable. In comparison, the college’s top management attaches more importance to the biological specimen in the city center.

  Knowing this, Yang Kai took a deep breath and said.

  ”I will strive for… You guys, please cooperate with me. I need your intelligence support.”

  Seeing that this guy finally lowered his head, Li Ke’s mouth curled up with a hint of pride.

  But he knew that showing off should be done in moderation, so before Yang Kai got angry, he coughed lightly and said,

  ”No problem, Mr. Technical Officer has already guessed that you will mess things up. Oh, by the way, I read the report you uploaded. Regarding the special zone plan mentioned by the Alliance, Mr. Technical Officer thinks it can be discussed. His opinion is that Binghai City is a good choice. The conditions there are good in all aspects, and there happens to be a frozen mother nest in the abandoned urban area nearby. Of course, if the Alliance has other opinions, we can talk about it again.”

  ”Okay…” After listening to the suggestion carefully, Yang Kai nodded.

  Li Ke also nodded and was about to hang up the call.

  But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something and said.

  ”Oh, by the way, you’d better hurry up. Not long after you left, the people from the enterprise contacted the Alliance.”

  After hearing this, Yang Kai was stunned.

  ”Not long after I left… Wait, not long after I left?”

  Li Ke looked at Yang Kai, who suddenly sat up excitedly, with a strange look on his face, and asked in confusion.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing…” Yang Kai swallowed his words, his nose was crooked with anger, clenched his fists, and cursed in his heart.

  Earlier in the Alliance Building, the guy’s subordinates told him that their managers were meeting with representatives of the company.

  After all this time, it turned out to be a trick! ?

  Looking at Yang Kai’s red face, Li Ke had a strange expression on his face.

  ”Are you okay?”

  Yang Kai said stiffly.

  ”I’m fine.”

  Li Ke coughed.

  ”If you have something to say, it’s better to speak out–”

  ”My terminal is out of battery.”

  Without waiting for the guy to finish, Yang Kai stretched out his index finger and swiped it in the air, then hung up the call with an annoyed look.


  On the other side, in Shelter No. 404, browsing room on the B4 floor.

  Facing Chu Guang’s question about where the special zone is located, Yin Fang only thought for two seconds and gave his opinion.

  ”If you ask me, Ice Sea City is a good choice.”

  Looking at the location circled by Yin Fang on the map before the human alliance war, Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  ”So far?”

  He felt something was wrong when he heard the word Ice Sea, and a look at the map confirmed his guess.

  This is not the north anymore, it’s just the northernmost part of the Wandering Swamp, and if you walk two steps further north, you will be in the Arctic Circle.

  As if he expected Chu Guang to say this, Yin Fang touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t be fooled by its remote location. This is the settlement with the most complete facilities and the most comprehensive resources under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Commission.”

  After a pause, he continued to introduce the situation of this settlement to Chu Guang.

  Because the Science and Technology Commission adheres to the principle of high yield and low consumption, even if the production technology and production methods of most settlements are not backward, the survivors living there still live a relatively frugal life – even a tight life.

  If you want to get rid of the hard-working living standard, you can only become an explorer.

  However, this situation is not without exception.

  Although the college hates corporate waste, there are still a few settlements under the jurisdiction of the Science and Technology Commission where life is good.

  Ice Sea City is one of them.

  This settlement used to be a doomsday seed bank. It not only has a nuclear, biological and chemical protection system comparable to a shelter, but also the temperature of each area can be freely adjusted.

  After taking over this seed bank, the college transformed most of the space into living areas and planting areas, and the temperature of each area is set between 20 and 25 all year round.

  Therefore, although this settlement is located in the far north, it is not cold inside the settlement, but it is like spring all year round.

  With the support of technology, the cold has not become an obstacle to survival, but a barrier that isolates the settlement from the wasteland.

  Most of the alien species in the Wandering Swamp cannot go so far north, and in the cold of minus 20 or even 50 degrees Celsius all year round, even the mother nest can only hide and hibernate.

  Due to the favorable living conditions here, some middle and high-level researchers in the academy will arrange relatives who cannot enter the academy here.

  Over time, various living facilities here have gradually improved.

  Especially in terms of medical care and education, even if it is slightly worse than the academy headquarters, it can be described as a world of difference compared to other settlements under the Science and Technology Committee.

  Even the ideal city of the enterprise is much inferior.

  This is also the reason why most researchers in the academy do not envy the life in the ideal city, and even sneer at the prosperity that is only superficial.

  ”…Ice Sea City is located in a bitterly cold place, so it is reasonable to consume more materials. Therefore, most of the survivors of the settlements under the Science and Technology Commission were as surprised as you after hearing the location of the settlement. No one envied the life there… But they didn’t know that even if the people there dug potatoes, they were watching the automated machines dig in the greenhouse with the heating on.”

  After listening to Yin Fang’s teasing ridicule, Chu Guang sighed after a long time.

  ”It seems that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.”

  Yin Fang laughed.

  ”I don’t mean anything else, I just hope you don’t underestimate those guys. Sometimes they look honest, but they are actually very cunning. And don’t talk about feelings and credit with the people there. There is basically no such thing as being able to get above C level… I dare not say absolutely, I can only say that it is basically like this.”

  It seems that this guy has a lot of resentment towards his old boss.

  When it comes to enterprises, he is at most disdainful and contemptuous, but when it comes to his old boss, he always unconsciously becomes a complaining woman.

  ”I’ll keep an eye on it…”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly and returned his attention to the red circle on the map.

  There are two ways to play this card of establishing a special zone.

  In addition to simply exchanging technology and poaching, he can also use this window to export the good things of the alliance to the academy’s territory.

  When communicating with Ideal City, it has been proved that although many things of the alliance are still immature, as an imported product that the other party has never seen, it still has considerable appeal.

  Especially in the cultural field.

  At present, the Cr foreign exchange income generated by Changyue Group alone has already caught up with one-third of the output value of Xizhou City’s industrial zone!

  And a certain game company has gained millions of fans on the endpoint cloud through several new gameplay… or retro popular VR games!

  Behind this is not only huge economic value, but also more invisible hidden value.

  For example, those volunteers who come to the Alliance’s refugee homes and orphanages to be teachers at their own expense are largely attracted by the prosperous culture of the Alliance.

  How to balance the ratio between NPCs who go to the academy to learn new knowledge and players who make trouble, he still needs to study carefully.

  Just when Chu Guang was thinking about how to maximize his benefits, Xiao Qi’s voice suddenly came into his ears.

  ”Master, Yi Chuan, the corporate ambassador to the alliance, wants to meet with you. It’s getting late now. How about tomorrow morning?”

  After listening to Xiao Qi’s report, Chu Guang replied casually.

  ”No problem. By the way, did he say what it was about?”

  Xiao Qi: “It seems to be about that newspaper.”


  Chu Guang was stunned.

  As if seeing Chu Guang’s confusion, Xiao Qi kindly unfolded the holographic screen.

  And what was displayed on the screen at this moment was exactly the headline of the Qingquan City Daily that Old Charlie had given him earlier.

  Looking at the three pages of newspapers on the holographic screen, Yin Fang raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

  ”What is this? Qingquan City… Daily?”

  His laboratory does order some newspapers.

  But does Shuguang City issue this one?

  Chu Guang had a subtle expression on his face.

  ”Nothing… just a joke that’s not very funny.”

  Good guy.

  There are really people who believe in this stuff…


  At the same time,

  at the Highway Town Inn, Sun Yuechi, dressed in a traveler’s outfit, was sitting in the corner of the lobby, ordering a cup of honey butter beer recommended by the innkeeper, and quietly flipping through the newspaper he had just bought from a nearby newsstand.

  ”…The Qingquan City mother nest was secretly kept in captivity by the manager?”

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, and continued to read down the lines of text, and couldn’t help but sigh in amazement.

  ”Driving the fruiting body to rebuild civilization is also a way to break the deadlock… The manager of this shelter is indeed a talent!”

  Shelter No. 404.

  Speaking of which, what mission did this shelter perform?

  He thought for a long time, but he had no impression at all. Then he shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and continued to read the newspaper in his hand.

  However, at this moment, a loud roar interrupted Sun Yuechi’s thinking, and he couldn’t help but raise his head.

  ”Enough! It’s just nonsense!”

  A burly man slapped the table and stood up, staring at the few foreign mercenaries sitting beside him with a red face and thick neck, and continued angrily.

  ”Our manager regards the alliance as more important than himself. If I hear you say those unfounded slanders again, I will stuff this table in front of you into your mouth!”

  He is a veteran of the First Corps and has followed the manager to fight north and south a long time ago. His feelings for Shelter 404 are much deeper than those of other survivors, because those people always rush in front of them and always put themselves in the most dangerous place. This is

  even more true for the great manager.

  He can be said to be worried about the alliance, and he is so busy that he doesn’t even have his own children. These guys dare to say bad things about him in front of him!

  He wanted to shoot this guy!

  The mercenary was stunned by the roar. He was discussing the newspaper he saw from the newsstand with his companions next to him, and happened to talk about one of the conspiracy theories proposed in the newspaper-the alliance manager who took the mother nest in the city center for himself and kept it in the eastern district of Qingquan City was brewing a terrible conspiracy.

  When the time is right, the lord will suddenly launch a wave and turn everyone here into puppets like fruiting bodies.

  The mercenary himself didn’t actually believe this argument. He just gossiped for fun, but his voice might have been a little louder, so others heard it.

  But he didn’t expect that others would react so strongly.

  If it was in Bugera, it would be fine even if he pointed at Sigma’s nose and scolded him. Anyway, that kind of big shot didn’t care about cockroaches like them, and they usually didn’t see him.

  But the alliance seemed to be another matter…

  The lobby of the hotel was quiet for a while.

  Originally, it was just an angry guy, so he wasn’t so scared, but he soon found that there were more than one pair of eyes on him.

  There were many powerful awakeners among them.

  ”I…” Cold sweat slid down his forehead. He had never felt such a huge pressure before, and he stuttered and couldn’t speak for a while.

  Fortunately, his companion reacted quickly and quickly apologized to the strong man who stood up with a bad face.

  ”Sorry, brother, we have no ill intentions… This is also the first time we come here with the caravan. We don’t know much about you, so we bought a newspaper to take a look. We didn’t make this up, so we should blame the newspaper, right?”

  He handed the newspaper over.

  The sturdy man, who was still angry, took the newspaper with a dark face, crumpled it up and threw it aside.

  The mercenary cursed in his heart, but he didn’t dare to cause trouble on someone else’s territory. He spread his hands with an embarrassed look.

  ”Can I regard this as a reconciliation? It’s just a drunken slip of the tongue. We really have no ill intentions…”

  Just when the atmosphere on the scene was tense, Old Hook, who noticed the situation here, coughed and interrupted to smooth things over.

  ”He’s right. There’s no point in making things difficult for him. If you want to blame someone, blame that Qingquan Daily that came out of nowhere… I received a dozen this morning, mixed with other newspapers from the printing factory. I took a look and threw it away as garbage.”

  ”Someone actually printed this kind of garbage!”

  The sturdy man also realized that he had reacted too strongly. It was really inappropriate to vent his anger on passers-by, so he muttered angrily and went down the stairs.

  Old Hook shrugged helplessly.

  ”That gentleman has too many things to worry about. It’s impossible for him to worry about everything personally, right?”

  Of course, this is also his advantage.

  He only cares about whether people can afford the things on the shelves. As for what people want to buy, he doesn’t care much.

  As he said at the last celebration, as long as the things traded do not involve honor and dignity.

  People started to discuss it, indignantly discussing the Qingquan Daily that came out of nowhere.

  Looking at the newspaper that rolled to the side of the bar, the debtor picked it up curiously and took a look at it.

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t read it.

  As soon as he saw it, he was immediately angry.

  ”Damn! Is Xiaoyu that kind of person?”

  He didn’t read the content of the conspiracy theory carefully, nor did he care much about it. The key point was what was written in this newspaper. Why does it feel like Xiaoyu is like a slave of the manager?

  CP got it wrong!

  Lao Bai

  , holding a wine glass, smiled and joked.

  ”Xiaoyu doesn’t seem to be a human.” Chen Yutong, who was slightly drunk and resting her chin on the back of her hand, also teased.

  ”Indeed, but I think it’s much cuter than humans.”

  She has also learned some of the players’ languages ​​recently. Although she is not very proficient in using them, there is basically no problem in daily communication.

  Lao Bai laughed.

  ”Your taste is so unique.”

  Debt Big Eyes burped, stood up drunkenly from the bar, and angrily crumpled the newspaper into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

  ”Whether it is a human or not, it is a comrade-in-arms who has fought side by side with us! And the most important thing is that it is the wife of my good brother Luoyu!”

  Irena looked at him funny.

  ”Just take advantage of Luoyu’s absence to talk nonsense.”

  Could this guy be trying to improve his favorability?

  He seems to be carrying the fruiting body of Xiaoyu?

  ”Hic – anyway! I, Big Eyes, will never allow anyone to discredit our Xiaoyu!”

  Stepping on the table next to him, Big Eyes rolled his eyes and shouted at the drunkards who were discussing indignantly.

  ”How dare someone discredit our supreme administrator!”

  ”I’m a slacker, the head of the Death Corps. No matter who the hell that bastard is, he must be taught a lesson!”

  Irena almost spit out her wine when she heard him call her a slacker.

  At this moment, the drunk Big Eyes in Debt suddenly took out a pistol from his pocket and fired a shot at the ceiling.

  The sound of the gun instantly ignited the atmosphere in the lobby, and a group of old men started shouting with excitement.

  ”That’s right!”

  ”We must teach that bastard a lesson!”

  ”But where can we find him?”

  ”The printing factory that delivers newspapers!”


  Looking at the out-of-control scene in front of him, Old White was stunned, and Irena snatched the pistol from Big Eyes in Debt.

  ”Are you crazy? You don’t want the number anymore?!”

  ”Hehe, don’t panic, it’s a blank.”

  Big Eyes in Debt, who got off the table, smiled and bent down to pick up the empty shell and shook it in front of Irena.

  However, he didn’t expect that he would eventually get a 5-minute yellow card. He was only showing off for two seconds before he rolled his eyes and logged off.

  Lisa, whose face turned pale, looked at him worriedly and asked in a low voice.

  ”Is he okay?”

  Old White was used to this and smiled and comforted the little girl.

  ”It’s okay, this guy drank too much, we will carry him back to rest.”

  In fact, Xiao Qi still held back.

  Firing a gun in a public place, even if it is a blank bullet, even if it is a first offense, at least a 24-hour yellow card must be issued, not to mention in a beer hall.

  The group of drunks didn’t care about the coward who fell down after drinking. They only vaguely heard the call from the head of the Death Corps. The blood in their bodies was instantly ignited, and they stood up one after another amid the harsh words.

  Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more scary, the mercenaries who first brought up the topic were so scared that they threw down the money to pay the bill and slipped out without finishing their drinks.

  Old Hook looked helpless, but he did not stop the guys rushing out of the door. He just threw the rag aside and looked at Lisa who was stunned with the plate in her arms.

  ”I can leave work early today.”

  Lisa whispered nervously.

  ”Is it okay to leave them alone?”

  ”It’s okay. With the residents of the shelter here, they can control their degree and shouldn’t make things too out of line…” Old Hook was not sure, and muttered “probably” in the back.

  To be honest, he didn’t like to see someone discredit their manager, although the adult himself might not care much about such a small matter.

  If he hadn’t taken them in that winter, I’m afraid his old bones would have been thrown in some corner of the wasteland.

  Today’s life is like a dream for him, a wastelander, and he will never forget that kindness in his life.

  It’s a pity that he didn’t know who wrote the article, otherwise he would definitely kick that guy in the ass.

  Looking at the drunkards who got up and rushed to the door, Sun Yuechi, who was sitting in the corner, hurriedly put away the newspaper, fearing that people would see that he also had a copy.

  But people didn’t notice him, and even if they did, they wouldn’t care.

  Someone had already pointed them in the direction. They were going to the printing factory, where they could vent their anger.

  Looking at this group of fanatical people rushing to the street, Sun Yuechi’s forehead was full of black lines. Is

  this settlement really normal?

  He couldn’t help but start to doubt the rumors he heard on the road… At

  the same time, Cindyson, who was sitting in front of the window of the same hotel room, had a gloating smile on his face.

  Especially when he saw the increasing number of people on the street and the guards who came to maintain order, his smile became even brighter.

  ”Tsk tsk, it’s going to be a mess.”

  As he expected.

  The newspaper he made with other merchants really ignited the anger of these survivors.

  As long as public opinion continues to ferment, the fruiting bodies in the eastern district of Qingquan City will soon become a hot potato.

  At that time, they can appear in front of the Alliance authorities as saviors and buy the fruiting bodies at a cheap price.

  However, it would be a pity to make such smart fruiting bodies into nutritional paste.

  Perhaps he can hire a few researchers to figure out whether he can use the fruiting bodies for his own benefit. Isn’t it more promising to do labor dispatch business than “collecting junk”?

  Cindyson clenched his fists excitedly and cheered for the survivors who gathered.

  Let the storm come even harder!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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