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Chapter 65 A Rich Harvest

Chapter 65 A Rich Harvest


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 65: A Rich Harvest

  [Ding! Plot changes detected]

  [Reward system points: 30]

  There was no danger, no reversal.

  Wei Changtian didn’t even need to make another move, the rat demon soon died under the siege of Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng.

  This beast was interesting. In the last second before dying, he didn’t think of fighting back, but jumped onto an open box of silver, and finally closed his eyes with a few silver ingots.

  Seeing this scene, Wei Changtian and Zhou Cheng unconsciously looked at Xu Qingwan again, and the latter suddenly turned back to her silly look, blushing and lowering her head in silence.


  Wei Changtian laughed twice, kicked the body of the rat demon off the silver, and took out the demon pill with a knife.

  The size of a quail egg, the whole body is black, and it is indeed about forty years of Taoism.

  This black demon pill is not very popular, compared with other demon pills of the same size but different colors, it is 30% to 40% cheaper.

  But this had nothing to do with Wei Changtian and the other two. They would have to hand this thing over when they got back, and they wouldn’t get a penny.

  ”Brother Wei, do we still want to check the rat demon’s cave?”

  Zhou Cheng had already opened the door to the treasury, and the fresh night breeze had diluted the bloody smell in the house.

  ”Let’s take a look, what if it gave birth to a cub?”

  Wei Changtian nodded and commanded, “Call the people from Zhang’s house, and let them check the well themselves, and we’ll just stay there.”


  Zhou Cheng walked out of the treasury to call people, and Xu Qingwan also put away her knife and prepared to go out.

  But she soon found that Wei Changtian was still standing there motionless, and couldn’t help wondering, “Why don’t you leave?”

  ”I have something else to do, you go out first.”

  ”What’s the matter?”


  Wei Changtian didn’t answer, but just smiled and didn’t say anything.

  Xu Qingwan realized that Wei Changtian didn’t want to tell her. After hesitating for a while, she stopped asking and just whispered:

  ”Then be careful, I’ll be guarding outside the door.”

  ”If you need my help, just shout and I’ll be in soon.”

  ”Okay, I got it.”

  Wei Changtian nodded and watched Xu Qingwan walk out of the treasury, and by the way, he gently closed the door.

  She didn’t completely close the door, probably thinking that she could rush in at the first time if something happened.

  Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, do what you should do.

  Look! This is what an excellent and virtuous wife should be like!

  Unlike Lu Jingyao, who can’t do anything else except getting angry with herself!

  Well… I can’t say that, at least I can organize the manuscript.

  Wei Changtian thought about it for a while, and turned his attention to the rat demon beside him that was already upside down.

  Finally, I can experiment with “capturing demons”!

  Sitting cross-legged, taking a deep breath, and slowly starting to use my magical powers.

  In a few breaths, something magical happened.

  The lifeless demon corpse suddenly trembled a few times, and then a milky white mist rose from its body, immediately enveloping Wei Changtian.

  The mist seemed to be attracted by something, desperately trying to penetrate Wei Changtian’s body through his pores.

  Unfortunately, most of them failed to penetrate, so they had to gather together and finally compressed into a small crystal bead.

  The surroundings soon returned to normal, and the demon corpse was still the same, just a little shriveled than before.


  After absorbing it, Wei Changtian did not get up immediately, but meditated for about an incense stick before slowly opening his eyes.


  It’s really awesome!

  Just a demon with forty years of cultivation has improved his cultivation by nearly a year, directly jumping from the middle stage of the seventh grade to the late stage of the seventh grade!

  At this rate, as long as he kills another seven or eight, he will be able to completely break through the seventh grade and reach the sixth grade of “external force”!

  The image of Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng surrounded by sword energy just now appeared in Wei Changtian’s mind. He couldn’t help but yearn for it and wanted to kill the next monster right away.

  ”Snatching the monster’s head” is so cool!

  Not only can you quickly improve your cultivation, but you can also earn system points, and there are also monster spirit pills… Eh? Where is the monster spirit pill?

  Suddenly thinking of this, he hurriedly looked around, and then found the crystal clear gem under his feet.

  Compared with the two that Xiao Feng gave to Yang Liushi, it is a little smaller. It is estimated that the cultivation contained in it should be less than 20 years.

  It is not bad. People should not be too greedy.

  He happily put away the monster spirit pill, got up and walked to the door of the treasury.

  Xu Qingwan was indeed guarding here very seriously, and Zhang Dajin, who looked nervous, was standing next to her.

  Seeing Wei Changtian coming out, he hurriedly thanked him, but his eyes couldn’t help but glance into the treasury.

  Wei Changtian knew what he was thinking, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Master Zhang, do you want to go in and count the money and things?”

  ”Ah! Sir, I don’t mean that!”

  Zhang Dajin waved his hands again and again: “The three sirs are my saviors, even if they are…”

  ”Okay, I didn’t take your things.”

  Wei Changtian rolled his eyes and interrupted: “We are working in the Xuanjing Division, how could we covet the money and things of the common people.”

  ”Yes, yes, sir, you are really a good official with high moral character and wholeheartedly serving the people!”

  Zhang Dajin kept flattering, but in his heart he thought of the three demon pills taken away by Wei Changtian. For a while, the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

  Wei Changtian didn’t care about him, and looked up at the situation in the courtyard.

  The warriors sent into the well by the Zhang Mansion had just come up at this time, and their faces were not good.

  Zhang Dajin was the first to run over and asked anxiously, “How is it? Have you found the cave of the rat demon?!”

  ”Master, we found it. It’s less than ten feet above the water surface.”

  The warrior took a deep breath and reported truthfully, “There are no monsters in it, but there are…”

  ”What are they?”

  ”There are more than a dozen skeletons, and there are still many scattered at the bottom of the well. I can’t see exactly how many there are…” ”


  As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were instantly quiet.

  The people of the Zhang family who were surrounding them suddenly turned pale, and some of them couldn’t help but bend over and retch.

  It’s normal to have such a reaction when the water they drink on weekdays is actually soaked with human bones.

  Unlike them, Wei Changtian and the other two looked at each other at this time, and they all noticed something wrong from the warrior’s words.

  Zhang Dajin explained in the afternoon that only a few servants were missing, but now there are at least a dozen skeletons.

  Either the rat demon dragged people from somewhere else to eat, or there was another hidden story.

  Xu Qingwan wanted to investigate, but Zhou Cheng suggested not to care about it.

  Wei Changtian finally made a more compromising decision – he privately informed the county yamen runners who came to clean up the matter.

  If they are willing to investigate, then they can investigate. If they don’t investigate, then there is nothing we can do.

  Anyway, my job is just to kill demons, so I’d better forget about investigating cases, which is a waste of time and has no benefits.

  After handling this matter, it was midnight. Rejecting Zhang Dajin’s kind invitation, the three decided to go to the official post station in Nanling County to rest for a night.

  Sitting in the speeding carriage, Wei Changtian smiled and took out the three demon pills that he “accidentally” put into his arms, and began to “divide the spoils”.

  He and Zhou Cheng both consciously took a relatively cheap black demon pill each, and took the initiative to leave the red one for Xu Qingwan.

  But Comrade Xiao Xu began to struggle at this time.

  Just like the last time in the Zhang Mansion treasury, she wanted it very much, but she felt that it was ill-gotten gains… After

  a long time of hesitation, she pulled the corner of Wei Changtian’s clothes as if asking for help.

  ”That, that…”

  Hmm? Money laundering again?

  Got it!

  Wei Changtian understood what she meant, and immediately grabbed the demon pill and stuffed it into Xu Qingwan’s arms: “This is… uh, what excuse are you going to give me this time?”

  ”This is the token of love you gave me.” Xu Qingwan reminded in a low voice

  ”Oh, yes!”

  Wei Changtian said seriously: “This is the token of love I gave you, you must accept it!”


  Xu Qingwan happily put the demon pill away, revealing a satisfied smile.

  Wei Changtian was no longer surprised by Xu Qingwan’s “unnecessary actions”, but Zhou Cheng saw it for the first time, and he was stunned for a moment.

  Good guy!

  You two are here, transferring money from your left hand to your right hand, I can’t think of any other reason except that you are deliberately showing your love!

  This carriage, it’s better not to stay!


  A black shadow suddenly jumped down from the carriage.

  Wei Changtian leaned out of the car window and looked at Zhou Cheng who was running beside the carriage and asked in confusion: “Brother Zhou, what are you doing?”

  ”I, I…”

  Zhou Cheng answered angrily, out of breath: “I would rather die of exhaustion! I don’t want to endure this humiliation again!”

   I wrote more than 500 words, I regret it


  (this chapter is over)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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