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Chapter 650 You underestimated your influence

Chapter 650 You underestimated your influence


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 650 You underestimated your influence.

  The South Industrial Zone of Dawn City was quiet at the moment. Most of the workers had gone off work, and only the guard room on duty had sporadic lights on.

  Since the railway to Dawn City was built, the heavy industry and a large number of industrial workers of the Alliance moved northward, and only some light industries remained in this earliest industrial zone.

  However, it was also thanks to this that, with the relocation of heavy industry, the light industry that did not move away received key support from the Dawn City and Alliance authorities.

  Especially last year, the Alliance and Boulder City launched a fierce competition in many fields, and a large number of excellent large-scale factories were born in this light industrial zone.

  For example, Tujia Printing Factory is one of them.

  The owner of this printing factory is named Wang Tu, a survivor from Jinchuan Province and also the second batch of immigrants after the Bone Chewing Rebellion.

  Since the printing industry was basically on the verge of exiting the stage of history in the prosperous era, the Alliance’s industry did not have a ready-made production line for reference.

  At that time, the war in Luoxia Province happened to happen. The Alliance was facing the threat from the Legion’s eastward expansion faction. The players’ minds were all focused on the military field. They were neither interested in nor energetic enough to tinker with printing, a field that was unpopular among professional players. Therefore, the Alliance’s printing level at that time was basically at a very low level of automation, and both pulp boiling and printing needed to be done manually.

  Against this background, the merchant from the south saw the business opportunity and cleverly improved the canning production line, so the Alliance had the first fully automated production line that could achieve everything from pulp boiling to printing and publishing.

  Yes, it’s not just printing, it also has papermaking business.

  Later, the printing plant made further improvements on this basis. Relying on its own strong market competitiveness, it received purchase orders from many newspaper organizations and publishing houses such as the “Survivor Daily”, and gradually developed from a small workshop covering an area of ​​less than 5 acres to a large factory covering an area of ​​five football fields.

  This area may not be impressive in reality, or even a little smaller, but compared to the Alliance’s population of only one million, this factory is already quite large.

  At present, Tujia Printing Factory has not only become the largest printing factory in Dawn City, but also the largest printing factory in the Alliance, with a market share of an astonishing 63%. The “Awakener Bol” printed by it has been sold as far as the Lion Kingdom in the west and even the Free State in the north.

  Most of the factories in the Alliance have grown from nothing to become big and strong in this way. Some are because of a flash of inspiration, some are because of perseverance, or are lucky enough, or are rich. The strong military force of the Alliance provides a relatively stable and fair competition environment for all competitors, allowing them to give full play to their talents.

  Although not everyone has the opportunity to leave their names in history, almost everyone who can make a career has a nearly legendary experience behind him.

  Wang Tu is also very proud of this, whether it was the choice to move his family north to the Alliance or the choice of printing and publishing.

  He plans to write his experience into a memoir when he retires, recording this miraculous and beautiful era.

  A cannery worker who has just learned to write can write a best-selling book that inspires thousands of people. He has no doubt that he can do this as long as he works hard.

  In order to prevent himself from forgetting everything about his youth when he gets old, he decided to start writing from now on, at least to write down what happened every day.

  After the lights in the factory were turned off every day, he would open the drawer of his desk and take out the pot of potato distilled liquor brewed by the residents of the shelter. While looking at the night view of the dim lights outside the window, he would draft a memoir that would be a best-seller in the league in the future.

  However, just as he had just written a sentence [Nothing happened today], he saw a string of bright lights on the street not far from the window.

  The drunk Wang Tu got up and staggered to the window, glanced outside, and muttered.

  ”What is that?”

  Isn’t the celebration the day after tomorrow?

  Just as he was wondering what happened on the street that was so noisy, hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the office door.

  There was no knock on the door.

  The office door was pushed open directly.

  His accountant ran in from outside in a panic, saying palely.

  ”Boss! Something terrible has happened!”

  Seeing the panic on his face, Wang Tu was stunned for a moment, and he hadn’t turned around yet.

  ”What’s the matter that has you so panicked–”

  Seeing that the boss was still confused and didn’t know what happened, the accountant was so anxious that he almost cried, and said hurriedly.

  ”Something happened to the batch of newspapers shipped today! It is said that the headline of the Qingquan City Daily said bad things about the management. Those newsstands and newsstands said that the newspaper was printed here! There are citizens outside who have read the newspaper, and there are soldiers from the First Corps inside… We are in big trouble!”

  ”Wait, what is the Qingquan City Daily? Do we print this kind of newspaper?”

  Wang Tu looked at his accountant with a confused face, and it felt like a big pot fell from the sky and covered his head.


  there is a problem!

  At this time, Wang Tu suddenly came to his senses. If there is something wrong with the newspaper, you can go to the newspaper office. He just runs a printing factory. What’s the point of looking for him?

  His factory produces thousands of tons every day, not only newspapers, but also textbooks, novels, and even express packaging boxes.

  How could he know what his factory had printed?

  ”Did they find the wrong person?” Wang Tu was sweating profusely and grabbed the accountant’s arm. “Go and explain to them–”

  Seeing that the boss was still trying to find the reason, the accountant said with a smile.

  ”Oh, let’s not worry about whose problem it is. Hurry up and follow me out the back door first, don’t let those people catch us!”

  When Wang Tu heard this, cold sweat suddenly squeezed out of his forehead, and he was half sober.

  When he looked out again, he saw that the series of bright lights were emitted by flashlights.

  While he was looking at the direction of the light, a pair of eyes in the dark crowd happened to look towards his room along the light of the flashlight.

  After all, this was the only room with a light on.

  Now Wang Tu was not only completely sober, but also almost scared to death. He quickly followed the accountant’s footsteps downstairs and slipped out of the factory building through the back door in a panic.

  At this time, the guards at the factory gate finally couldn’t stop them and were rushed into the factory by the excited citizens.

  The surging crowd was huge, some people went to the office building, and some went to the warehouse where newspapers were stored.

  Wang Tu was sweating profusely and grabbed the accountant and shouted.

  ”Call the police… call the guards!”

  The accountant swallowed nervously and stammered.

  ”It’s been reported.”

  Wang Tu released the hand that was holding his arm, and paced back and forth in front of the back door anxiously, muttering to himself.

  ”It’s been reported?! Why haven’t they come yet?”

  Just when the two were anxious, the reinforcements of the guard team finally rushed over from the direction of the city.

  However, the reinforcements of the guard team were still a step late.

  Just when they arrived at the scene, a fire had already started in the direction of the warehouse, illuminating the dark factory.

  The warehouse was filled with newly printed newspapers, which were going to be loaded in a few hours, but they were all burned down by the fire.

  Looking at the fire in the direction of the warehouse, Wang Tu had a tearful expression on his face, opened his mouth for a long time, and finally squeezed out a word after a while.

  ”This is really an unprovoked disaster!”


  The fire in the industrial zone is not a trivial matter.

  As early as when the crowd began to gather, Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to instruct the guard team to send people to control the situation.

  However, facing the angry citizens, the guards sent to control the situation were completely useless and were defeated by the angry rebukes of “this is disloyalty”.

  Especially after hearing about the Qingquan City Daily, some guards were even persuaded and stood on the side of the citizens who were making trouble.

  The earliest regular army of the alliance was the guards. Both the Guards Regiment and the First and Second Corps came from the guards. In terms of loyalty, they consciously did not lose to anyone, and naturally would not allow anyone to insult their great administrators.

  In this way, the matter became more and more serious, until the fire started, someone finally realized that it was too much, and quickly turned around to help put out the fire.

  Fortunately, there were no casualties in this farce, only a warehouse of newspapers was lost.

  After hearing the whole story, Chu Guangren, who was discussing the details of tomorrow’s negotiations with the company with Old Charlie, was stunned.

  It took him a long time to say a word.

  ”…burned the printing factory?”

  ”You underestimated your influence and the admiration of those young men for you,” Old Charlie sighed softly and said in a joking tone, looking at the stunned Chu Guang, “I bet that all the citizens of Dawn City are sympathizing with those troublemakers…except the industrial owners in the industrial zone.” The interests of

  different classes are different. Although the alliance claims to unite everyone, it is impossible for everyone to be united. However, it

  is indisputable that the soldiers, farmers, workers, employees and shop owners in Dawn City…almost all of them are supporters of the manager himself. Unlike

  the technicians who were attracted here by the alliance’s ideas, they actually have no concept of those difficult principles in their hearts, and they don’t care. They just believe in what the alliance manager and the residents of the shelter led by him say.

  It is precisely because of this that when the gunshot rang out, everyone was boiling.

  The social cohesion reflected behind this unity is unimaginable. The hearts of people who come together can even produce a light that is not inferior to nuclear fusion.

  Thinking of this, Old Charlie couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  With the current prestige of the administrator, even if he completely abandons the concept of the alliance and crowns himself as the emperor, I am afraid no one can stop him, but everyone will cheer for him.

  These people include old Charlie himself.

  Maybe other residents of the shelter will have opinions, but he has lived in the wasteland for so long that he has already seen through the ugliness of human nature and has no blue coat reserve.

  He has no doubt that it is not a bad thing to let a wise king manage those ignorant guys. Even if it is a foolish king, it is better than watching those stupid wastelanders reach a consensus on one stupid thing after another.

  But this is also what is valuable.

  He can become the emperor of the empire at any time, but he chose the most difficult other way-

  an almost impossible alliance.

  At this time, the door of the browsing room opened, and Lu Bei walked in from outside, stopped beside the sofa, stood at attention and saluted.

  Half an hour ago, Chu Guang asked him to investigate the whole thing.

  Now it seems that there is a result.

  ”…The matter has been investigated. It was a group of merchants from the Bugera Free State. They first investigated the suppliers of the newsstand, then bribed the supervisor of the No. 2 production workshop of the printing factory, the warehouse manager and the transport driver, and inserted the “Qingquan City Daily” they fabricated overnight. It is not certain whether they were instructed by the Bugera authorities or had other purposes. At your request, we did not contact them without alerting them.”

  When he said this, Lu Bei couldn’t help but say something more.

  ”By the way, we also found in the investigation that there were big loopholes in the supervision of the Tujia Printing Factory, and it was almost as if there was no supervision… I think it should be considered a production safety accident.” It

  was actually quite reasonable to think that the warehouse was set on fire by angry citizens because they did not carefully check what they printed.

  At least he and the other guys in the Guards Corps thought so.

  Chu Guang shook his head.

  ”No matter what, arson is wrong! That’s an industrial zone, and there’s a flour mill less than a kilometer away! Fortunately, the fire was controlled. If it wasn’t controlled, the damage they caused would be countless times greater than that broken newspaper.”

  Lu Bei whispered.

  ”They didn’t plan to set fire at first, they just wanted to find the boss of the printing factory to find out where the Qingquan City Daily came from… But the boss ran away in fear when he saw the people outside, and some people began to suspect that he had something to hide.”

  Old Charlie looked at the young man and joked.

  ”Then the next day, the residents of the whole city had no new newspapers to read?”

  Lu Bei nodded with a subtle expression.

  From a personal perspective, he sympathized with those people who made trouble, and even couldn’t help but cheer for them. After all, they did what he wanted to do but didn’t have the chance to do.

  To be honest, if it weren’t for the managers, let alone the industrial zone, the entire northern suburbs would be a wilderness.

  This group of traitors were completely blinded by money and forgot where the silver coins in their pockets came from!

  Chu Guang could tell at a glance what Lü Bei was thinking, and understood why he subconsciously pleaded for the troublemakers.

  And there was no need to ask, the commanders of other corps in the alliance must have the same idea as him.

  Not long after the incident, Chu Guang heard from the guards that the commander of the First Corps, Wrench, went to the guards’ detention center to ask for people, and took away the soldiers who participated in the riot on the grounds that only a military court could judge his soldiers.

  Although Chu Guang was very touched by the spontaneous loyalty and love of these subordinates, this was also what gave him a headache.

  Lü Bei asked in a low voice with a guilty conscience, not being able to figure out the reaction of the administrator.

  ”We have already caught the merchants involved in the Qingquan Daily case. They are in Shuguang City and have not gone anywhere… How do you plan to deal with them?”

  ”Catch them first, don’t let any of them go!” Chu Guang said fiercely, “Interrogate them thoroughly and find out who instructed these guys!”

  These damn bastards. He

  was too lazy to pay attention to them, but he accidentally made such a big mess. It was his miscalculation.

  Lu Bei nodded and continued to ask in a low voice.

  ”What about those troublemakers…”

  Chu Guang thought for a while, and finally couldn’t help but feel compassion and asked.

  ”Has anyone pleaded guilty?”

  At this time, it was dark outside, and a large group of people were crowded in the factory, and they couldn’t see who set the fire.

  If no one took the initiative to plead guilty, it would be fine. Almost all factories have bought fire insurance launched by the Alliance Bank, and it would only take a word from him to approve the compensation.

  Fortunately, no one was killed.

  Put the guys who made the most noise in jail for two weeks to calm down, take a few law popularization classes, and this matter will basically be over——

  ”Yes.” Lu Bei nodded and said with admiration, “That guy is a brother of the First Corps. He said that everyone should take responsibility for their own actions. He is a real man!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Looking at Chu Guang with a headache, Old Charlie knew what he was thinking. Although he knew it was not appropriate to laugh at this time, he couldn’t help but cough twice.

  ”This matter is indeed difficult to handle, especially since the offender has a military background… And I heard that among the people who made the noise at the beginning, there seemed to be residents of the shelter.”

  Chu Guang certainly knew about this, after all, the yellow card was given by Xiao Qi.

  ”Have many people heard about it?”

  Old Charlie shook his head.

  ”Not many… I have reminded the innkeeper to pay attention to his words and deeds, but I feel that he should know it even if I don’t say it.”

  Chu Guang sighed.

  ”Thank you for your trouble.”

  Few of his players are worry-free, and this is not the first time he has cleaned up their butts.

  Old Charlie smiled and said.

  ”You’re too polite. This is what I should do. I can’t let you worry about these trivial matters… In contrast, how to use the Qingquan City mother nest as a bargaining chip to exchange for more support from those ancient survivors is what you should worry about.”

  ”We won not only a war, but also created a miracle. I feel that not only the enterprise and the college, but also many people have been eyeing us recently… Although they have not taken any action for the time being, they are all observing in secret.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”It is not convenient for you to deal with this matter, and it is not so big that you need to come forward in person… If you trust me, just leave it to me.”

  Chu Guang certainly did not doubt the ability of Old Charlie, thinking that what he said was right, so he nodded.

  ”Then I’ll leave it to you.”

  After speaking, Chu Guang looked at Lu Bei.

  ”You should also take action on your side and arrest those merchants for espionage and inciting sabotage. I hope to see the results of the interrogation after the meeting tomorrow.”

  Lu Bei put his right fist on his left chest and saluted loyally, and answered neatly.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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