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Chapter 654: The Dog President and His Little Wife

Chapter 654: The Dog President and His Little Wife


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 654: The Dog President and His Little Silly Wife

  After entering the box reserved by Jiang Qin, everyone sat down one after another. They no longer had the mentality of watching the show when they first came, and even spoke in a very low voice.

  Although they were about the same age as Jiang Qin, and some of them were even his elder sister, the difference in identity and status still made it easy for people to forget Jiang Qin’s age and be a little restrained.

  After all, they were not like Master Cao, Chaozi and Lao Ren, who watched Jiang Qin grow bigger and stronger step by step, so when they saw Jiang Qin at his peak, they always felt like a child meeting an adult.

  So, the theme dinner to meet Feng Nanshu’s husband became a theme dinner to look up to the entrepreneurial boss.

  was not until the food was served that the atmosphere on the scene became a little more lively.

  However, the dizziness of the head covering still did not subside, and everyone’s heart was beating like a drum.

  In addition, because of Jiang Qin’s sudden appearance, the eyes of the people in the class looked at Feng Nanshu even more differently.

  They had all read the news about the Internet Conference to some extent. Jiang Qin’s famous saying “I have a beautiful wife” had also been circulated on social media for quite some time.

  In their opinion, Jiang Qin, who founded the group buying business, was already a wealthy family, and his wife should be adorned with jewels and be graceful and elegant.

  However, what no one expected was that this beautiful wife had always been by their side.

  ”I was just wondering who could chase a girl as pretty as Feng Nanshu, but I didn’t expect it to be Jiang Qin, the president of the group buying business. I was stunned when I was at the door just now.”

  ”No wonder…”

  ”What’s no wonder?”

  ”No wonder after class, some lecturers and professors walked past Feng Nanshu and came over to nod and say hello.”

  Xie Ziyi recalled a scene she had seen in the corridor before, and the doubts in her heart were immediately answered.

  Those teachers and others came to say hello because she was the boss lady of the group buying business and the wife of Jiang Qin, a representative of young entrepreneurs.

  As the signboard of Linda University, Feng Nanshu, who has the identity of Mrs. Jiang, would certainly receive such courtesy.

  Zhang Shuya’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something, which was the “Application for Price Adjustment during the Xitian Promotional Season” that she had seen in class before.

  When she first saw the document, she thought Feng Nanshu was writing an application, but now that she thought about it, Xitian was originally a gift from Jiang Qin to her…

  ”Feng Nanshu was reviewing that application. Only after she reviewed it did Xitian stores across the country dare to make price adjustments in a big way.”

  ”What application?” Xie Ziyi was confused.

  Zhang Shuya waved her hands and said excitedly: “It was the price adjustment document for Xitian that I saw on Feng Nanshu’s desk when I went to the toilet. Don’t you remember it?”

  Xie Ziyi opened her eyes wide: “The decision to reduce the price of Xitian nationwide was approved less than ten meters away from me…”

  ”If you think so, it should be correct.”

  ”No wonder you just saw the document that day, and not long after, the price of Xitian was adjusted nationwide. I was wondering why it was so fast. According to reason, it takes at least fifteen working days to approve the application after it is submitted. It is not certain whether it will be approved or not. It turns out that Feng Nanshu is the one who makes the final decision at the end of the process.”

  Graduate students in the Department of Finance have to read many cases every day and analyze the economic behaviors in them.

  But they can’t imagine that some national economic behaviors happen around them and are done by their classmates.

  We study cases, and the girl sitting in the sun is really playing…

  Then, they remembered Feng Nanshu’s best friend Gao Wenhui, saying that Feng Nanshu’s husband was on a business trip some time ago.

  If we calculate the time nodes, Cloud QuickPass suddenly appeared at that time and quickly became a third-party payment software comparable to Alipay.

  In other words, in the eyes of Feng Nanshu and others, an ordinary business trip is actually a tough battle that has swept the country…

  In addition to group buying, group takeout, Zhihu campus forum and Tonight’s headlines…

  More than half of the apps they have used in recent years were created by the man in front of them.

  This feeling made their scalps numb again.

  At this time, Lu Wenhao was a little restless. He even took off the sunglasses on his forehead after getting off the car and didn’t say a word the whole time.

  Because there is no comparison.

  There is no comparison between him and Jiang Qin, just like Zhan An’s words that there is no comparison at all. No matter how awesome

  you are, you are at best a rich second generation. In front of the rich first generation, you are just a son.

  Lu Wenhao’s outfit, appearance and behavior are very cool among the student group. It is not a problem to easily charm some girls, but it seems a bit childish in front of Jiang Qin.

  What are they playing? It has changed the consumption habits of the whole country and reshuffled the development model of countless industries.

  It’s hard to be nervous when you compare sunglasses and watches with others…

  ”Brother, look, they are a little stupid.”

  Feng Nanshu couldn’t help but whispered to Jiang Qin’s ear.

  Jiang Qin fed her a bite of shrimp meat: “Obviously you are the stupidest.”

  ”I’m Mrs. Jiang.”

  The little rich woman pouted and said arrogantly in a voice that Jiang Qin couldn’t hear.

  Jiang Qin began to invite everyone to eat: “It’s a home-cooked meal. I don’t know if it suits your taste. Just eat whatever you want.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Jiang.”

  Everyone held their chopsticks and looked at the cheese lobster, sea cucumber soup, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, and king crab sashimi on the table. The words “home-cooked meal

  ” were buzzing in their ears. In fact, they didn’t know that Jiang Qin was not keen on these things at all. He preferred to eat the hot and sour potato shreds that Feng Nanshu made last night, but today’s game itself was to support “Mrs. Jiang”, so it had to be smooth.

  ”Our little rich woman may be the type who doesn’t like to talk much. She has basically no social skills. I hope you will take care of her more in the future.”

  ”I like to talk.”

  ”You just like to talk when you are with me.”

  Feng Nanshu yelled: “Then I also like to talk.”

  Although the little rich woman was spoiled by Jiang Qin and felt a little bold, she basically didn’t have any meaningless socializing.

  She was just lively and smart in front of Jiang Qin, loved to lie, and was a little tea and a little bit sexy, so for the people in their class, the contrast was so great.

  After more than an hour, the dinner was coming to an end and gradually dispersed.

  After Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu left, a large number of businessmen had already gathered at the door, greeting and introducing themselves.

  After the establishment of the Linchuan Business Group and Jinsinan, Linchuan has a very high status in the domestic business circle. Many entrepreneurs like to come here to test the waters, after all, there are many preferential support in the local area.

  However, coming to Linchuan to open a company is one thing, but it is not easy to get in touch with Jiang Qin. Seeing that they finally met him, entrepreneurs or businessmen who ate at Longkai would definitely not want to miss this opportunity.

  Feng Nanshu was obediently accompanying him, his black leather shoes tapping the ground lightly, looking at Jiang Qin next to him with bright eyes, and the love in his eyes could not be hidden at all. The

  other people in the class stood by and watched this scene silently.

  The boys saw Jiang Qin holding his head high and standing tall in front of a group of people, with a faint expression, but very pretentious.

  The girls saw Feng Nanshu sticking to Jiang Qin, shaking from time to time, and if she caught Jiang Qin’s attention, she would be pinched on the face.

  There were many people at the scene who didn’t know Feng Nanshu, and they would specifically ask about it.

  Jiang Qin would quietly lean over to the person asking the question and say, “This is my beautiful wife, but she doesn’t know, so don’t let her hear it.”

  People who heard this answer were basically confused, but felt it was impressive.

  ”When I watched the news before, I always felt that although President Jiang had a smile on his face, he always had a domineering feeling about him. He said that he didn’t love money, regretted starting the group buying business, and only started a business part-time. He was too high-profile, but he would feed Feng Nanshu and eat half of the food she had eaten. His expression was also very gentle.”

  ”President Jiang is actually a love-brained person.”


  In the Mercedes-Benz E on the way back to school, when everyone heard the three words “love-brained person”, they couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at Zheng Fei sitting in the corner: “Impossible, that’s Jiang Qin!”

  Zheng Fei took out his mobile phone: “I’ve been following a novel recently, called Loving You in the Name of Friends, have you read it?”


  ”I thought it was just a novel before, but after I knew today that Feng Nanshu was Mrs. Jiang, I suddenly identified with her. It turns out that what I was reading was not a novel, but a documentary literature, because that novel is about the story of Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu.”


  After a long while, there was no sound in the car. Everyone was holding their mobile phones, reading the novel seriously.

  Hui Huizi, who loves to eat sugar, is a player who fills in the blanks with imagination. She relies on her own imagination for some parts that she can’t eat, but the general story line is still extremely realistic.

  Especially the parts that Feng Nanshu narrated, 85% of them are still true.

  ”It turns out that Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu are in the same high school. At that time, Feng Nanshu was a rich lady, and Jiang Qin was still poor.”

  ”They met in the library. Jiang Qin kicked her at the beginning. As expected of a businessman, she is very scheming. She is a fairy girl with no social skills. She has been obsessed with her since that kick.”

  ”I’m already a first-year graduate student, why hasn’t anyone kicked me yet?”

  ”You have to go to the library too…”

  Everyone watched and talked, and suddenly felt that many things were right.

  Why is Feng Nanshu so cold and cool on the outside, but so clingy to Jiang Qin, and suddenly becomes lively every time he sees him.

  Why is Jiang Qin so rich, but has never had any scandals in his private life, and only favors his wife.

  It turns out that all along the way, the two have been silently accompanying each other.

  They read it for a long time and felt that the book could be renamed to something more popular and catchy, such as “President Dog and His Little Silly Wife”.

  (Seeking monthly votes)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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