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Chapter 656 This time even the Free State envoys came

Chapter 656 This time even the Free State envoys came


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 656 Even the envoys from the Free State came this time

  On the street not far from the square, Mosquito, who was driving a truck to sell fireworks, was caught by players patrolling with the armband of the [Celebration Autonomous Management Committee].

  Passersby blocked the area and watched the excitement curiously.

  ”Fuck! What’s wrong with me selling a little fireworks! Why can others sell, but I can’t!” The grabbed Mosquito tried to excuse himself and shouted.

  The two players who grabbed his arms didn’t give him any face and sprayed him mercilessly.

  ”How dare you!”

  ”Are those fireworks you sell?”

  Irena rummaged through the stalls, picked up a rocket with a caliber as thick as her calf, and said with a smack of her tongue.

  ”Hail 1.0 rocket…Isn’t this thing obsolete yet?”

  The Katyusha rocket launcher with the characteristics of the Alliance.

  He remembered that he used this thing when he fought the Bone Chewing Tribe. He didn’t expect to see it in the 213th year of the Wasteland Era.

  Mosquito chuckled, not embarrassed at all, but rather proud.

  ”Of course, simple and crude weapons are the best. I’ll modify the ammunition and it will last until the next century.”

  It takes hundreds of supporting industries to make a Dove missile, but it only takes a small workshop to make a human-guided rocket.

  But the problem is obviously not here.

  Irena rolled her eyes and threw the rocket launcher back to the stall, shocking the onlookers.

  This is not over yet.

  The construction site boy and Brick searched in the truck box for a while, suddenly widened their eyes in surprise, and came out carrying a launch tube.

  ”Fuck, there are even recoilless guns?!”

  A group of players wearing the armbands of the [Celebration Autonomous Management Committee] looked at Brother Mosquito with unfriendly eyes.

  Irena was stunned and looked at Mosquito.

  ”Good guy, you put the munitions here to stock up!”

  Mosquito was sweating from being watched by a pair of eyes, and he quickly coughed and explained.

  ”Ahem… that’s just a cannon shell. You’ll know if you try it. It’s actually a firework shell… How the hell would I sell real weapons here!”

  Of course.

  He had also thought of using the celebration as an opportunity to promote goblin-tech weapons.

  What if?

  What if someone becomes interested in goblin-tech weapons after seeing the Alliance’s powerful fireworks?

  There must be one!

  However, Mosquito’s words did not convince everyone, at least not the two players wearing the armbands of the Celebration Autonomous Management Committee.

  The two power beasts held the guy’s arms on the left and right, and took him to the police station regardless of the waving mechanical arms.

  ”Go explain to the guards!”

  ”Take him away!”

  ”Let me go! I have made contributions to the Alliance! I have shed blood for the Alliance! I want to see the administrator~~”

  ”Be honest!”

  Looking at a guy who was being carried away while howling, Dolly, who was walking in the crowd, said in a slightly surprised whisper.

  ”What did he do?”

  The gossip antenna moved!

  She smelled the smell of news!

  Looking at Dolly with curiosity in her eyes, Fang Chang coughed lightly and tightened the little hand on his arm.

  ”Who knows… Okay, let’s not worry about that guy. The fireworks show is about to start. You don’t want to miss it, right?”

  He was not surprised at the performance of Mosquito. If this guy settled down one day, it would be considered news.

  ”It’s about to start? Where is it?”

  Hearing about the fireworks show, Dolly immediately lost interest in the turbulent crowd and looked at the night sky with excited red clouds on her face.

  For her, the fireworks in Dawn City have a special meaning.

  It was the happiest moment in her life.

  Looking at the red clouds flying up her cheeks, Fang Chang smiled knowingly and gently shook her little hand.

  ”I’ll take you to a place with a better view… Follow me.”


  At eight o’clock, the gun barrel of the Iron Heart was facing the night sky, and an illuminating flare announced the start of the fireworks show.

  This is Xiaoqi’s show.

  Clusters of flickering flames spread colorful lights in the night sky, and under its command, they intertwined into a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

  Although hundreds of thousands of silver coins had to be burned this night, Chu Guang didn’t feel bad at all. The smiles on people’s faces were much more valuable than this.

  There were countless survivors who were attracted to settle here by the prosperity of Dawn City. This was a wealth that could not be measured in currency.

  And seeing Xiaoqi having so much fun, he was also very happy.

  Money is only meaningful when it is spent. Chu Guang was happy to spend some money to make his little players and NPCs happy.

  Looking up at the night sky where fireworks were flickering, the little sheep standing in the crowd with cotton candy in her hand had a face full of surprise.

  ”What is that?”

  ”It’s fireworks.”

  Standing next to her was her father Yang He, looking at the sky with a smile.

  The little sheep looked at him puzzledly and blinked.

  ”Why do we set off fireworks?”

  Yang He thought for a while and said in a gentle tone.

  ”There is a legend that the Alliance was born in fire, just like the phoenix of Nirvana… So every time the people here overcome a difficult situation, they will use fire to celebrate their victory.”

  The lamb nodded, not quite understanding.

  ”So that’s how it is…”

  ”It’s just a rumor,” Yang He smiled at his lovely daughter, “Of course, there is another saying. This is a custom brought by the blue coats from the prosperous era. They are commemorating that short and beautiful era like fireworks.”

  The lamb took a bite of the marshmallow, and curiosity and confusion were still written on her face. Obviously, she was too old to understand these words.

  She grew up in the Pinewood Farm and had never seen these new things.

  Although she had only lived in the Alliance for less than two months, she could feel that the words and thoughts of the people here were completely different from her hometown.

  There were so many delicious foods.

  No wonder her father didn’t want to go back and always wanted to take her away from the manor.

  The lamb couldn’t help but think of Yinyin, wondering how she was doing now, and then he couldn’t help but think that it would be nice to share this white and soft sweet with her.

  Looking at the ignorant child, Yang He showed a comforting smile on his face and gently rubbed his daughter’s hair.

  ”Don’t think too much, just standing in the light and admiring it is also quite good.”

  Children shouldn’t know so much, some things should be understood slowly as they grow older.

  He was not proud or proud of her maturity, but only felt guilty that he owed her too much…

  Not far from the two of them, Shuanghe was holding his sister Shuangye’s hand, excitedly counting the falling stars in the sky.

  Shuangxue looked up at the Iron Heart, with a little red cloud on her face, but she didn’t know what she was thinking.

  On the other side, upstairs in the Honey Badger Kingdom Embassy Building, Avni, sitting in front of the window, also looked at the starry night sky.

  In the eyes reflecting the fireworks, there was both envy and appreciation for the beauty and prosperity, as well as a hint of resentment.

  It would be nice if I could stand beside him and enjoy this beautiful scenery…

  Beside the highway in the eastern suburbs of Shuguang City, a Titan covered with light red slime and mottled rust is standing, holding up the passengers and children with its broad palms, and occasionally making metallic sounds, having a lot of fun, without any of its previous ferocity. It

  was Xiaoyu who controlled it, and Luoyu was not far away from it, throwing a few candies to feed it from time to time, and showing a knowing smile.

  Dolly, who had just come down from its palm, had an incredible surprise on her face. She hugged Fang Chang who helped her down and kissed him hard.

  ”Eh! (I want it too)”

  Looking at Xiaoyu who was eager to move over, Luoyu, who was standing aside, quickly comforted him.

  ”No, Xiaoyu, this fruiting body is too big and will hurt people.”

  ”Eh…” Xiaoyu cried out in grievance, but still obediently continued to serve as the children’s elevator.

  The envoys from other settlements were shocked when they saw this scene.

  Especially the envoys from the Bugera Free State.

  They came here with gifts, intending to send congratulations and test the Alliance’s attitude to see if they could complete the task assigned to them by the Great Rift Valley, but they didn’t expect to see such an amazing scene!

  The Alliance can actually manipulate the war machines of the Prosperous Era through mutant slime molds!

  Although they don’t know how powerful this Titan is, this alone is enough to attract their attention…

  And not far from the Titan, there is a group of gnawers in strange costumes, performing stacking, stilt walking and throwing and catching balls under the command of Debt Eyes.

  Looking at the silver coins thrown on the ground piled up into a small mountain, Big Eyes was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth, and gradually lost himself in the cheers of the people.

  Relying on people’s rewards, he has earned at least several thousand silver coins this time, and he can earn back the money he spent on buying these garbage if he works

  harder! I’m a genius!


  In the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel, people toasted to celebrate this significant moment.

  ”Cheers to the Alliance!”

  ”Cheers to the Manager!”

  ”I hope the next time it’s this lively is when that adult’s child is one month old!”

  ”Hahaha! That’s still a long time!”

  ”I wish him good health and longevity!”

  Not everyone is interested in the fireworks outside. For example, singles like Lao Bai and Bianbian Huashui prefer to sit in the tavern and drink and brag.

  Looking at the noisy room, Sun Shiqi, who was sitting at a table in the corner of the lobby, was slightly drunk and sighed with his drinking buddies at the same table.

  ”The changes here are really getting bigger day by day, you know? My most proud deal is not buying the Powerful Steel Plant from Fred, but using the first pot of gold I earned from running a business to buy a piece of land next to the central square of Shuguang City, and build a building and a warehouse… Unfortunately, the warehouse is a bit far from the trade station, and I plan to turn it into a shop.”

  Zhou Nan, who was sitting opposite, rolled his eyes.

  ”Stop showing off! If you’re not satisfied, you can sell it to me!”

  Sun Shiqi: “Haha! Don’t even think about it!”

  The drinking buddies sitting around knew that he was showing off, but there was nothing to say except envy.

  This guy’s vision and courage are really amazing.

  Two years ago, if a merchant made a little money from doing business, he would immediately think of exchanging it for chips to buy some property in Boulder City. No one would think of building a house in the northern suburbs where there was nothing, even if those blue coats did look different from other blue coats.

  Although the nobles in the inner city did not have martial ethics, at least their fists were hard enough, and they were much more disciplined than the slave traders and plunderers in the wasteland.

  However, no one expected that in just two years, this settlement would develop into what it is today, and even the residents of Ideal City could not help but look at it sideways!

  At this moment, in an inconspicuous corner of the lobby, Sun Yuechi was flipping through the headlines of today’s latest newspaper, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  He originally thought that the alliance would follow the old path of Boulder City, but now it seems that they are not what he imagined.

  They chose the latter without hesitation between the authority of man and the authority of law. What

  surprised him even more was that what he saw behind this incident was not only a huge cohesion, but also an incredible self-healing ability.

  After learning about the experience of Shelter No. 117, he had studied the society of Boulder City in depth.

  That settlement was also led by a group of heroes, relying on its huge cohesion to attract countless knowledgeable people to join, and created a miraculous past, but unfortunately, the survivors finally lost to time.

  ”They are like slime mold. After being pierced by bullets, they will quickly repair the wound and evolve armor to resist puncture damage… Compared with simple cohesion, what is more incredible is their error correction ability. They are constantly evolving.”

  Sun Yuechi smiled, closed the newspaper in his hand, left the checkout money, and got up and walked out of the hotel.

  This place is not as chaotic as he imagined, and the manager is not just a warlord in disguise as he originally imagined.

  Compared with the prosperous era, there are obviously many shortcomings here, but they are willing to change and let people see its changes.

  Maybe –

  Shelter 70 can help him.

  Anyway, he couldn’t find a better candidate.


  After watching Xiaoqi’s fireworks display, Chu Guang came to the Alliance Banquet Hall and accepted compliments from other survivor settlements in the wasteland on behalf of the Alliance.

  In fact, he himself had no interest in showing off. The foreign minister could have done the job of meeting the envoys from other settlements. However, considering that this was a good opportunity to win diplomatic support for the alliance, he still came here.

  Otherwise, who would pay for all the money he spent on building and fighting?

  Soon, the alliance would continue to march south to clean up the cancer entrenched in Jinchuan and Haiya provinces, which would be another big expense. It’s impossible to

  pay for such a good thing that benefits all mankind by yourself, right?

  Compared to spending his own money on good deeds without leaving a name, Chu Guang still prefers to spend other people’s money on charity in a big way.

  The first thing after establishing the cross-regional cooperation organization is to establish the division of labor among the member states and the relative dominance of the alliance in “slime mold-related affairs.”

  After doing this, he will immediately start the second thing – declaring the Torch Church, which uses slime mold DNA to create hell on earth, as a cancer of human civilization and a natural disaster in this game!

  This war excuse is not easy to unite the settlements established by the wastelanders such as the Red River Alliance, Garbage City and the countries of Luoxia Province, but it is naturally correct for the ancient survivors.

  Even if it is just a war excuse standing on the moral high ground, it cannot make the colleges and enterprises go all out on the issue of the Torch Church, but it can at least mobilize part of their social forces and use this part of the power to unite the small and medium-sized settlements around the Valley Province.

  At that time, the diplomats of the alliance can go to other settlements to brag – you see that the Fallen Empire has joined, it would be unreasonable for you not to get an assist, right?

  By then, the war between the alliance and the Torch will no longer be a unilateral war between the alliance, but a confrontation between the entire civilization camp and the anti-civilization camp.

  At that time, those who have money will contribute money, and those who have no money will contribute their efforts. In this way, not only will the huge war expenses be settled, but the alliance’s chariot will also have an ally who provides technology.

  If you want to maximize the use of the “Joint Processing Center” on the B7 floor, the technology of the academy is indispensable.

  As Chu Guang expected, when he stepped into the banquet hall wearing power armor, he immediately became the focus of everyone’s attention.

  Standing here, in addition to representatives from colleges and enterprises, there were also many settlements that even Chu Guang had heard of for the first time.

  Of course, what surprised him even more was that just now Xiao Qi whispered to him that the envoy of the Bugera Free State had also arrived here.

  If the news was true, this would be the first time that the envoy of the Free State had arrived at the Alliance.

  Since the two sides had not established embassies with each other before, the envoy representing the Free State was treated the same as other envoys from small and medium-sized survivor settlements who came to the Alliance for the first time, and they all entered the banquet hall with a “temporary identity card”.

  The Alliance’s review of the identities of those attending the banquet was very relaxed. Players who had gained merit in the expansion pack could enter, old friends who had established diplomatic relations with the Alliance could enter, and those envoys from settlements who came to the Alliance for the first time could also enter.

  As long as the name of the settlement could be found in the import and export records of the Alliance trade station, the envoy could circle the settlement he represented on the map, say how many survivors there were, and bring gifts, and then he could come in to eat and drink for free.

  Although there have been cases of people pretending to be envoys before, or communities of dozens of people pretending to be settlements of tens of thousands of people, no one cares about such things. There

  are countless envoys in Dawn City, so let them pretend if they want!

  In Chu Guang’s words, everyone who comes is a guest, and he doesn’t need a meal anyway, and it’s not a loss to exchange a meal for a gift to be placed in a museum.

  Besides, this is a wasteland.

  Although the Alliance has established order within a limited scope, most places are in a state of barbarism. It is hard to say whether a settlement that existed yesterday will still exist tomorrow, and a settlement that does not exist today may exist tomorrow.

  Therefore, Chu Guang specifically instructed the Alliance’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that if someone claims to be from a settlement, whether they have heard of it or not, they should just assume it exists.

  However, recognition is recognition, and the Alliance has at least established diplomatic relations with survivors who have sufficient trade with the settlements under the Alliance. It is impossible to allow those wastelanders who came from nowhere to talk nonsense.

  In this context, the envoy of the Bugera Free State who entered the banquet hall with a temporary identity card was undoubtedly an outlier in the banquet hall.

  Their monthly trade volume with the Alliance is at least in the tens of millions of Cr, but because they have not established formal diplomatic relations with the Alliance, no one can confirm whether their identities are real or fake. They can only issue him a temporary ID card, which is not considered as neglect.

  In fact, not only the host of the banquet and the Alliance’s foreign minister doubted the identity of that guy, but even those small settlements did not believe that the guy was really from the Free State.

  Looking at the guy standing alone in the banquet hall, a well-dressed, half-drunk man came over and said with a smile.

  ”Brother, it’s okay. Others make up names from the corners to come in and eat and drink for free. You just use the name of the Free State. If you get caught, won’t it be embarrassing?”

  Looking at this rude guy, Norreg was annoyed, but thinking of Mayor Odo’s instructions, he suppressed his temper and stretched out his right hand calmly.

  ”I am Norreg, the Foreign Minister of the Free State. May I ask who you are?”

  Seeing that this guy looked drunk and didn’t look like a serious person, Norreg’s eyes could not help but show some contempt.

  Speaking of freeloaders, is there anyone who is more like a freeloader than this guy?

  ”Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. I am from Ideal City, and I am Luo Hua, the chairman of the enterprise.” The man shook his hand with a playful smile.

  Looking at this guy who was lying with his eyes open, Norreg rolled his eyes, as if he had touched something dirty, and pulled his hand back like lightning.

  He was the Foreign Minister appointed by Oddo. He was a pro-enterprise faction in the Free State. He had been to Ideal City countless times and even knew Ideal City better than the people in Ideal City.

  He only heard that there was a board of directors there, and had never heard of the position of chairman.

  What a joke!

  Luo Hua didn’t care and laughed. After all, he was indeed joking, and he just came here to eat and drink.

  At this moment, Norreg saw Chu Guang approaching the door of the banquet hall, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately greeted him with a fake smile.

  ”Hello, Mr. Manager, it’s our first meeting. I am Norreg, the Foreign Minister of the Free State. I have heard of your name for a long time!”

  Chu Guang was not sure whether this guy was real or fake, but he still stretched out his steel-covered hand and shook hands with him.

  ”Welcome to the Alliance, Mr. Norreg. I have heard about the prosperity of the Free State and the commercial miracle of the Northern Corridor. We welcome all law-abiding businessmen and travelers to visit us.”

  Although Chu Guang just said a casual remark, it sounded like something else to Norreg.

  Reflexively thinking of the Cindyson case that was making a lot of noise in the Free State, his expression froze slightly.

  However, thinking of the instructions of the Great Rift Valley and the instructions of Mayor Odo, Norreg suppressed his emotions and squeezed out an awkward but polite smile on his face.

  ”Of course… our merchants absolutely abide by the law.”

  Chu Guang looked at this guy strangely, not understanding why he deliberately emphasized this sentence for no reason. However, before Chu Guang could think deeply, he immediately noticed an old acquaintance standing next to him.

  ”Luo Hua?!”

  ”Chu Guang! Haha, my old friend, I knew you would definitely come here. It’s been a long time since we last met! By the way, I have good news for you. You must have a drink with me this time!”

  Luo Hua, holding a glass of wine, greeted him enthusiastically, but Norreg, who was standing next to him, was dumbfounded. Is

  this guy really called Luo Hua?

  Wait –

  is the chairman real too?

  Looking at the alliance manager who took the glass with a smile on his face and drank a glass with that guy, Norreg was dumbfounded…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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