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Chapter 659 This is destined to be a fruitless wait

Chapter 659 This is destined to be a fruitless wait


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 659 This is destined to be a fruitless wait

  . On a vast sea.

  Two warships, one in front and one behind, rose and fell with the waves. The two green double-sword flags hanging on the bridge fluttered in the wind.

  However, the sailors on the ship were not proud at the moment. They were hurriedly lowering the boat to rescue the soldiers who fell into the water.

  How high-spirited they were when chasing people before, how embarrassed they are now.

  Looking at those subordinates who were like drowning dogs, Captain Achim, who was standing on the side of the ship, had a livid face, his fists tightly gripped the railing, and his sharp eyes were full of haze.

  The cargo ship took away at least more than a thousand Moon Clan members, and also caused the Golden Gallon Port to lose a full one million dinars!

  And this is not just a matter of money, but also related to the reputation of Governor Nihak and even the face of the Xilan Empire.

  If those people were allowed to successfully land in Silver Moon Bay, God knows what kind of outrageous rumors they would spread.

  Although the survivors of the Borneo Province were clear, outsiders did not understand them after all, and might think they were robbing.

  He had to say that this was not robbery!

  It was for the prosperity of the Xilan Empire and the peace of the next generation!

  Captain Achim looked at the adjutant on the side and said with gritted teeth.

  ”These guys… who are they from?!”

  ”Their ships were produced by the shipyard in Silver Moon Bay…” At this point, the adjutant added in an affirmative tone, “I’m sure it’s there. There is only one shipyard there, absolutely no mistake. We also bought our ships there.”

  ”Nonsense! I know it without you saying it!” Achim cursed him, frightening the adjutant so much that he trembled and dared not speak.

  This officer not only had a higher rank than him, but also had noble tiger and Japanese blood, just like the current marshal!

  This dignity made him dare not even look directly into the eyes of this adult, for fear of causing his displeasure.

  At this time, a clever junior officer stepped forward, bowed his head and said.

  ”Sir, I may know something about them.”

  Captain Achim said impatiently.

  ”Tell me.”

  The officer said immediately after hearing this.

  ”I saw the white bear logo when I was traveling in the Hump Kingdom. Combined with the bears they carried with them… those people should be members of the White Bear Knights!”

  Captain Achim was stunned.

  ”What is that?”

  The officer continued.

  ”It’s a bank opened in Petra Fortress. I heard that the owner of the bank is a girl. During the war in Luoxia Province, she generously helped some nobles who were persecuted by the Weilant people. Therefore, she had a good relationship with the royal nobles of the desert countries and her business was taken care of. Later, the company and the legion ceased fire, and the merchants of the alliance entered Luoxia Province. The Knights made a fortune by exchanging money, and then simply started lending and depositing money.”

  Most of these were rumors he heard.

  But one thing is certain, the business of the White Bear Knights is indeed very famous in the Hump Kingdom, especially in Petra Fortress.

  Achim touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”That guy is rich?”

  The officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly.

  ”That’s for sure!”

  Achim’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately had an idea in his mind. He looked at the adjutant and ordered.

  ”Pass my order! Everyone return to the ship immediately, we will set off in five minutes! Heading to the waters near Silver Moon Bay!”

  With the courage of the Humpback Kingdom, they would definitely not dare to let the freighter dock and disembark in front of the Xilan Empire warship.

  If the freighter can be seized, not only can the thousand slaves be captured, but it is possible to demand a ransom from the White Bear Knights.

  The adjutant standing aside panicked when he heard this, and hurried forward to say.

  ”Captain, our rescue is only halfway through, and there are still a few brothers who fell into the water and haven’t been found–”

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Captain Achim’s impatient wave of his hand.

  ”Those guys are a disgrace to the empire. They can’t even seize a cargo ship. What’s the point of bringing them back?”

  He glared at the adjutant who dared not breathe and said in a threatening tone.

  ”The governor asked us to capture those more than a thousand slaves and those outsiders who made trouble no matter what. He said that I must do it at all costs.”

  ”If you don’t want to go down to feed the fish, you’d better do as I say.”

  The adjutant nodded with sweat on his forehead, turned around and trotted to the side of the ship, shouting at his

  men to get on board immediately. As for those who have not been found in the water, they can only be considered dead.

  After finishing the rescue work cleanly and decisively, Captain Achim immediately found the helmsman and navigator, looked at the sea chart and gave them a death order.

  ”I don’t care what method you use, we must reach the waters near Silver Moon Bay before those stowaways, and we must not let them go ashore.”

  Several crew members looked at each other, not daring to say a word, and nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

  ”As you command.”

  ”Yes, sir!”


  Although in the Hump Kingdom, especially in Petra Fortress, the White Bear Knights have almost become the embodiment of justice.

  However, their business in the province of Borneo, which is separated by a mountain, is not going well, especially recently it has even become a symbol of evil.

  In the final analysis, it is still a guy who can’t sit still and is too nosy.

  Slave trade is not uncommon in the wasteland, but it is extremely rare to put free people in shackles on a large scale for inexplicable reasons.

  Because even the old babies as stupid as Boulder City know a little bit that there are contracts in this world that are far more efficient than slave contracts. A heavily indebted worker can create ten times the value of a slave and can accept a lower standard of living than a slave.

  However, this incredible thing still happened on the land of Borneo Province, and it happened in front of the players of the Alliance.

  A group of people were inexplicably labeled as traitors, and then became the target of legal robbery and even massacre by others.

  At first, Sisi didn’t want to intervene, and she covered Ah Wei’s eyes and repeatedly warned her not to mess around in other people’s territory.

  However, when she found out that the beasts didn’t even want to let go of children under the age of twelve, she couldn’t help but go first.

  Later, they used the 155mm gun and six 100mm short-barreled field guns on the Rourou to bombard the Golden Gallon Port, sinking two warships anchored at the port for renovation at close range, and then gave the arms worth millions of silver coins that were originally planned to be sold to local arms dealers to the thousands of Moon Tribe imprisoned in the port.

  Perhaps inspired by the courage and generosity of these foreigners, or perhaps because they found that the imperial army was not as strong as they imagined, the Moon Tribe who had been ready to be killed finally made up their minds to take up arms to resist and liberate other oppressed tribesmen.

  They entrusted the women and children to the hero who fought with a red headscarf, while the men and the elderly took the initiative to stay, taking the supplies looted from the imperial port, and followed several Moon Tribe veterans into the forest in the central part of the Borneo Province.

  This was also the direct reason why the governor of the Golden Gallon Port was furious and ordered the pursuit of the Rourou crew.

  Although this business not only did not make a penny, but even lost a lot of money, no one felt regretful.

  There are many opportunities to make a fortune in one’s life, but there may only be one or two opportunities to stand out like a hero.

  When tying the red headscarf on his head, Wei thought he was so cool.

  As for the few game coins he lost, it didn’t matter!


  The next day.

  The rising sun shone on the endless sea, and the rolling waves were covered with layers of golden ripples.

  Zhima Paste stretched comfortably in the sea breeze and squinted his eyes comfortably. Suddenly, he had a sudden thought, wondering what the planet five light years away looked like.

  Is there such a vast ocean?

  ”Ah, camera, camera…”

  Suddenly thinking that it would be a pity not to record this beautiful scenery, she hurriedly searched in the bag she carried with her.

  Although she had just experienced an exciting naval battle last night, for most of the old players of “Wasteland OL”, they have long been accustomed to the rhythm of this game.

  As long as you don’t die, it’s not a big problem.

  As for accidentally dying-

  well, it’s actually not a big problem.

  The business of the White Bear Knights in the Camelback Kingdom is not only financial, but also information transmission services, as well as save points open to players.

  As long as you spend 2,000 silver coins, you can ask the merchants in Dawn City or players who are keen on running businesses to bring the hibernation capsule for saving.

  She saved the game before her last voyage, so she was not so nervous.

  However, although players are used to surviving a disaster, the NPCs who only have one life feel completely different.

  Looking at the cat-eared girl taking pictures on the deck for her own amusement, the mercenaries and sailors from the Camelback Kingdom are full of admiration.

  She is worthy of being the messenger of the Silver Moon Goddess!

  Perhaps it is because of the blessing of that god that this broken ship has not sunk until now…

  Just when the mercenaries and sailors were staring at the “messenger of the Silver Moon Goddess” in a trance, Sisi suddenly ran up to the deck.



  Looking at Sisi who was overjoyed and walking quickly, Zhimahu, who was holding the camera, blinked.

  ”Do you need me to take two photos for you?”

  ”Forget about the photos for now, big news! Follow me!” Sisi excitedly grabbed her arm and led her to the cabin.

  When Zhimahu came to her senses, she had been pulled into the cabin by Sisi, and Rourou and Weiba were also there.

  Seeing that everyone was there, Zhimahu pulled out a chair and sat down and asked curiously.

  ”What’s so formal?”

  Sisi took a deep breath, looked around at the companions around him, and said excitedly.

  ”When I went offline last night, my account background received an email from the planner!”

  Weiba swallowed his saliva, having never seen Sisi so uncalm.

  ”Email, what did it say?”

  ”New map test invitation!” Sisi said excitedly, “I got the 14-day trial activation code for the administrator rights of Shelter No. 70! That shelter is in the southern waters not far from us, and it’s on the bottom of the sea!!”

  The two people and the bear were stunned at first, and then they almost burst into incredible exclamations at the same time.

  ”Activation code?!”

  ”The shelter under the sea?!”


  Suddenly thinking of something, Wei Ba supported the table with both hands and stood up with a bang.

  ”Wait, that’s strange, why did Si Si receive the activation code!”

  Zhima Paste thought seriously for a moment.

  ”Well, maybe… A Guang thinks Si Si might be more reliable?”

  Wei Ba: “Damn, isn’t Wei Ba reliable enough!”

  Zhima Paste: “Huh? No, Wei Ba is also reliable.”

  Rou Shan Da Mo Mo put his palms together, rubbed them up and down, and prayed devoutly.

  ”It seems that doing good deeds is good, Amitabha.”

  Tai Ba, who had calmed down, suddenly dragged his chin with his index finger and muttered seriously.

  ”I see, that’s why… It seems that Si Si made a huge sacrifice when we didn’t know, Wei Ba has to be nice to her these days.”

  Rou Rou also stretched out his bear paw and touched Si Si’s head.

  ”It’s not easy, Amitabha.”

  Looking at the noisy cabin, Si Si, whose head was rubbed by Rou Rou, said with a face that didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  ”What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand a word you say… Okay, Awei, don’t worry about trivial matters like who gets the activation code. When we get to the shelter, everyone will have a share. Let’s discuss the next itinerary. Should we continue to go to the ideal city as planned or–”

  ”Do we need to discuss this?” Wei Ba looked at Si Si in surprise, “Of course, we will go straight to the new map! Are there any other options?”

  Rou Rou also raised his paw excitedly.

  ”That’s right! I vote for the shelter!”


  The cat ears on the top of his head shook left and right, and Zhima Paste’s face, with his hands on his cheeks, showed a yearning expression.

  ”A shelter under the sea? I really want to see what it looks like… By the way, isn’t there a survivor settlement nearby? Maybe they can take in the survivors on the ship, and at the very least they should be able to buy the supplies we need.”

  Looking at everyone who reached a consensus in an instant, Si Si was stunned.

  ”Is it decided?”

  ”What else?” Wei Ba gave her a strange look, “Anyway, there’s no place we have to go, right?”

  This sentence makes a lot of sense.

  Sisi couldn’t think of how to refute it for a while.

  Zhimahu and Rourou looked at each other and said with a smile,

  ”Then it’s a happy decision!”


  Captain Achim would never have thought that the so-called big fish in his eyes did not swim to his palm at all, but went all the way east to the southern sea.

  This is destined to be a fruitless wait.

  Looking at the ships coming and going in front of Silver Moon Bay, Captain Achim was so angry that he gnashed his teeth but could do nothing about it. He could only vent his anger on the inferior clan crew members.

  The councilors and nobles of Silver Moon Bay trembled at the two warships parked at their doorsteps.

  Although their coastal defense guns could sink the two warships in an instant, they could not withstand the huge Xilan Empire, which was only separated from them by a mountain.

  For them living in a corner of the desert, the empire with a thousand tribes and thousands of gods and a population of over 100 million was a more direct threat than the legion.

  In particular, they also heard that the Xilan Dynasty, which recently unified the Borneo Province, was itself a puppet supported by the Weilants. The sniper rifles and 100mm artillery equipped by the Imperial Army were the most powerful evidence.

  However, there are also claims that the Legion is not very interested in Borneo Province. It is just that some lords of the border areas are doing business with the so-called Xilan Dynasty, exchanging dinars for those exotic beauties and young and strong slave laborers.

  In any case, the Xilan Empire is a behemoth for the Hump Kingdom, and there is no doubt about this.

  The twelve city-states rarely reached a consensus on the same thing. Both the new believers of the Silver Moon Sect and the conservatives who adhere to the ancient traditions agreed that they needed to go to the east to seek help from the alliance.

  Captain Achim did not know at this time that his rash decision for a ransom and a group of slaves would bring a huge potential trouble to his governor and his majesty.

  If he had known that it would cause so much trouble, he might have restrained his greed.

  But that’s all for later…

  Just as Captain Achim was venting his anger on the inferior clan sailors in impotence, the distant Dawn City was peaceful and calm.

  The three-day celebration had just ended, and people returned to their posts one after another with a feeling of wanting more and a vision of a better life in the future.

  A lot of things happened in these three days.

  First, the Alliance established formal diplomatic relations with more than 50 survivor settlements in the wasteland that had trade exchanges.

  This included the old neighbor Garbage City that had always been wary of the Alliance, as well as the Dam City far away in the Prancing Horse Province, and even the Free State in the north.

  Secondly, the negotiations on the cross-regional cooperation organization made important progress, and the Academy also showed an open attitude towards cooperating with enterprises on limited issues.

  This was probably the first time in a century and a half.

  Regarding the name of this cross-regional cooperation organization, the enterprise and the academy meant to let the Alliance decide, so that they could each explain it to their own people.

  Chu Guang didn’t know what name to call it, so he simply opened a voting post on the forum, and unexpectedly chose “Glue Country”.

  Although he felt that these guys were really talented, Chu Guang finally gave up the name with the highest number of votes and randomly made up a more appropriate “Slime Mold Research Community” and submitted it.

  The college was quite satisfied with the name, and the enterprise had no objection, so the name of this cross-regional cooperation organization was determined.

  In addition, there was news from Lord Theresa that the Weilant envoy arrived in Pioneer City and applied to participate in the cross-regional cooperation organization.

  Although he had thought that this might happen, Chu Guang was still surprised by the speed of the Weilant people.

  However, Chu Guang did not care and allowed the envoy to take the airship flight to Dawn City to discuss the matter.

  The conflict between the Alliance and the Legion is an internal affair of human civilization, and the mutant slime mold is a problem faced by human civilization.

  He still knows the priorities.

  As long as the Alliance occupies a dominant position and can ensure Xiaoyu’s control over each “sub-base”, he does not mind cooperating with the other party on the issue of mutant slime mold.

  Even if the possibility of a war between the two sides in the future is not small.

  However, although Chu Guang didn’t care, the academy and the enterprise were somewhat wary of the Legion’s arrival.

  Yang Kai said that he would seek the opinion of the Chief Technology Officer, and Luo Yong also said that he had to ask other members of the board of directors.

  Chu Guang expressed his understanding and said that if either the enterprise or the academy objected to the new member, the Sticky Community would not accept the new member.

  This will also serve as the standard for the Sticky Community to develop new members in the future.

  The behind-the-scenes work of the celebration has finally come to an end. The next step is to meet with the Legion’s envoys and finalize the specific details of the cooperation in a long negotiation.

  As the only person who has not rested in these three days, Chu Guang finally has time to give himself a few days off…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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