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Chapter 66 Alpha04 Update! Nightly System is online! (34)

Chapter 66 Alpha04 Update! Nightly System is online! (34)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 66 Alpha 0.4 version update! Night system online! (34)

  Official website:

  [Wasteland OL Closed Beta Server Alpha 0.4 version update announcement.]

  [Major update:

  1. The number of closed beta players increased to 90.

  2. The “night” system is officially online.



  1. Enrich NPC facial expressions.

  2. Optimize snowflake texture details.

  3. Fix a few bugs.



  Old rules.

  After the announcement was issued, Chu Guang continued to send the edited post as a planner.

  《Developer Log: Alpha 0.4 Version》

  ”Hello everyone, I am your dearest planner! After sacrificing a programmer, we have finally completed the development of Alpha 0.4 version!”

  ”Before, some friends have been complaining that they can only enter the game after 6 pm and can only post spam on the official website during the day.”

  ”Now, this ‘BUG’ has finally been fixed. Everyone can clock in normally even during the day. Are you surprised? Are you unexpected? Are you happy?”

  ”If you are happy, I can only congratulate you for being happy too early!”

  ”Because in the setting of Wasteland OL, the characters controlled by the players not only have physiological needs of eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, but also have a hidden fatigue value setting. In other words, your character in the game also needs to sleep!”

  ”High fatigue will cause 1~33% attribute debuff effects. Excessive fatigue will also cause the character to be in a trance, hallucinations or even coma, and trigger a forced offline. If you want to step into the wasteland in the best condition, please ensure that you have more than 8 hours of offline rest time a day to stay with your family and friends.”

  ”This setting is not only based on hardcore considerations, but more on concerns for the health of players. You can think of it as an anti-addiction system.”

  ”The nighttime online function will be turned on at 12:00 today, and the wasteland time is exactly 0:00. By the way, because the night is full of dangers in the setting of Wasteland OL, you can only move around in the base even if you go online, so please be sure to pay attention.”

  ”Here we reiterate that we are a serious company, and Wasteland OL is a game that focuses on relaxation and leisure.”

  ”We do not advocate liver, nor do we advocate rolling.”

  ”Moderate entertainment, maintain a good work and rest schedule, and arrange game time reasonably. I wish you a happy life!”

  After the post was published, the comment section exploded as expected.

  Makabazi: “Wait, leisure?!”

  Construction site boy and brick: “Not liver!?”

  Crow: “Wow, Yaoyaoling, someone here is suspected of false advertising!”

  Garbage picker level 99: “??? Wait, now everyone can work night shifts? Damn! That lizardman still has a hairy advantage!”

  Spare someone: “Hahahaha, the garbage brother is epically weakened! The version brother is confirmed!”

  Garbage picker level 99: “I’m crying!”

  Quit smoking: “Oh, too much! You can all be online 24/7, and I haven’t drawn the closed beta qualification! TT”

  Irena: “I just checked, the number of reservations has exceeded 600. This time 40 places are released, which means… your chance of winning is less than 6%. (Funny)” Quit

  smoking: “凸(艹皿艹)!”

  What can I do with my father: “Laugh, only idiots will make appointments!”

  Chu Guang laughed when he saw this line, and almost couldn’t help but give him the closed beta qualification.

  Good luck.

  You must hold back!

  Early tickets are precious, so they can’t be wasted on the forum pets. The candidates must be selected with great care. Now is not the time to start spending money.

  After sending a message to the selected children, Chu Guang closed the forum, got up from his chair, walked to the corner and pushed Xia Yan’s arm.

  ”Hey, wake up.”

  Maybe he had been too comfortable these days and let down his guard. This guy actually fell asleep while reciting the lines.

  Not only that, he was still mumbling something like “chocolate”, “wine”, “I can’t eat anymore” in his sleep.

  Xia Yan, whose sweet dream was disturbed, opened her eyes in a daze.

  When she saw clearly that it was Chu Guang in front of her, she was startled like a frightened hamster, and she lost all her sleepiness and nervously clamped her knees and arms.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Chu Guang pointed to the next door with his chin.

  ”Remind you to go back to your room, don’t sleep here.”

  Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, muttered, stood up with the crutches, and staggered back to the room.

  In this way, it is obvious that she has not woken up yet.

  Thinking that he would not be able to count on her in a while, Chu Guang ignored her and looked at Xiao Qi beside him and said.

  ”Xiao Qi, I’ll take a nap. Remember to wake me up at 23:55.”

  The camera above her head clicked gently, and Xiao Qi said energetically.

  ”Okay, Master!”


  Wasteland time, 0:00.

  It should be 12:00 noon in reality.

  As Chu Guang lifted the login restrictions for players through the system, a total of 27 players logged into the game.

  To be honest, Chu Guang was quite surprised.

  I didn’t expect so many people who didn’t have to go to work during the day?

  Of course, it could also be that there were so many today.

  Facing the players whose faces were full of excitement and who couldn’t wait to go out to see the stars and the moon, Chu Guang used a majestic look to signal them to be quiet.

  Then, he made up the lines while dreaming.

  ”Winter is coming, and danger is approaching.”

  ”After days of exploration and hunting, our presence has alarmed the neighbors around us. For us, this is both an opportunity and a danger.”

  ”Now, I need eight warriors to stand up–”

  Before Chu Guang finished speaking, there was a swish sound, and twenty-seven pairs of legs moved forward at the same time, making him unable to move.

  ”Hey, wait for me to finish.”

  After a light cough, Chu Guang readjusted his state, faced the pairs of expectant eyes, and spoke faster.

  ”I need eight warriors to take on the heavy responsibility of night defense and serve as guards of the outpost base.”

  ”During the duty period, your equipment will be provided by the shelter, and you will receive a reward of 15 copper coins and 10 contribution points every hour.”

  ”The maximum duty time per night is 8 hours, and a rotation will be carried out if it exceeds 6 hours. If you die in the line of duty, the death penalty will be waived except for the resurrection CD, and you will receive a pension of 1 to 10 silver coins depending on the situation.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”You have 20 seconds to think about whether you really need this job…”

  ”Now, those who need it, please raise your hands.”

  The last sentence was obviously redundant.

  For the liver emperor who can’t wait to be online 24 hours a day, this lucrative job is simply too tempting!

  From twelve o’clock in the morning to six o’clock, there are 6 hours. 1.5 silver and 10 contributions per hour, which is 9 silver and 60 contributions!

  Except for the fact that the contribution of the night shift is slightly lower, the money earned in six hours is almost catching up with the income of the salted fish in the daytime!

  Almost at the moment when Chu Guang’s voice fell, 27 hands were raised in the resident hall without suspense, and they looked like collective surrender.

  It was indeed Chu Guang’s fault for not explaining it clearly. Raising two hands is the same as raising one hand.

  However, such trivial matters were not important.

  Chu Guang asked Xiao Qi to register the first eight players who raised their hands, and then went to the locker in the buffer room, took out the weapons locked in the locker and distributed them to them. The

  eight people shared four 7mm revolver rifles and were divided into four teams of two. Each team was responsible for a wall of the base, one person holding a gun and one holding bullets.

  In addition, each person also carried an extra wooden bow, nine arrows, a Molotov cocktail, and a homemade grenade made of black powder and cans.

  Chu Guang especially reminded them that if the aliens approached, they could be shot or driven away with bows and arrows. No guns were allowed to be fired if they were not close to the wall, and no burning or explosives were allowed to be thrown.

  If it was an unidentified survivor, it was driven away with bows and arrows at a distance of 30 meters. If the other party continued to approach without knowing what was good for them, or even behaved hostilely, they were allowed to open fire freely.

  If it was a mutant, they could open fire directly without hesitation.

  They would definitely do the same anyway…


  Under the envious gazes of other players, eight guards stood up on the elevator with their heads held high, and the first group returned to the surface.

  As the four groups arrived at the wall and took their positions, the rest of the players also came to the surface under the leadership of Chu Guang.

  Outside the sanatorium, the stars were as bright as fire.

  Never seen such a clear night sky, the players opened their eyes wide, trying to imprint the scene in front of them forever in their minds.

  ”It’s so beautiful…”

  ”Is this really a wasteland?”

  ”It turns out that you can really see clouds at night!”

  ”Do you take the game special effects seriously?”

  ”It would be nice to live in this world forever.”

  ”Haha, you’re bragging. If you really travel to this damn place, can you survive more than two episodes?”

  ”Well, forget it.”


  The ban on open flame facilities such as cement kilns and blast furnaces at night was lifted.

  As the scope of players’ activities expanded, it was no longer meaningful to hide from others, and hiding was just deceiving oneself.

  Besides, the dozen guns in the base were not just for show.

  Chu Guang needs all these production facilities to be in operation, preferably 24 hours a day, to maximize production capacity, and produce weapons, protective gear, tools, spare parts, and building materials for the outpost.

  Besides, these hardworking players finally got the chance to go online at night, so we can’t let them just play in the mud, right?

  For them, having no work to do is much more uncomfortable than working!

  On the three-meter-high concrete wall.

  [Elf King Fugui] and [Irena] are responsible for the security of the southern section of the wall.

  According to the distribution of forces around the shelter, the south and west should be the safest, one close to the scavenger settlement and the other close to the lake, so there is no need to be too nervous.

  Even if there are aliens, mutants, or predators attacking, they have to come from the east and north.

  Unless they tactically go around.

  But is it really necessary?

  The two players stood behind the bunker made of old car doors, looking at the dark forest twenty meters away, and passing the time with idle chat.

  Irena: “It would be great if this game had a built-in browser, at least I could watch some anime. It’s ridiculous that people have to stay in the game while doing idle tasks!”

  Elf King Fugui: “Built-in browser? Haha, I’d be satisfied if there was a built-in visual attribute panel before the internal test! But then again, Boss Mole has made another successful prediction this time. The alpha 0.4 version has brought out the concept of defense. I just don’t know when those green-skinned muscle guys will come to kill us.”

  Irena: “How do you know it wasn’t a stupid planner who made a temporary change after seeing the post? It’s so funny.”

  Elf King Fugui: “How the hell did they make a temporary change? Do you have any idea about making games, brother? Do you think such a huge project worth tens of billions can be changed by just erasing it on paper with an eraser? Didn’t the planner say that they held a meeting for three days and three nights just to solve the currency system!”

  Irena: “Of course I know. They even sacrificed a programmer to get us online at night. But you look stupid when you take it so seriously–”

  ”Hush!” Elf King Fugui suddenly became alert and made a gesture to silence, “Don’t make a sound… There’s movement outside.”

  ”Fuck… Is this true?!”

  It happened as soon as he said it? !

  The two players nervously leaned against the cover to hide themselves, carefully observing the outside while their hands had already firmly grasped the bowstring and the arrow was already on the string.

  Is it a human?

  Or an alien?

  The creepy feeling lingered in my heart.

  However, it was pitch black outside and nothing could be seen.

  Elf King Fugui’s eyes were almost suffocated and bloodshot, and [Thermal Vision] swam along the edge of the forest. However, this skill that needed to be triggered actively was also the first time he used it. He was not proficient at all and found nothing.

  Irena couldn’t help but urge him.

  ”Did you see it, brother?”

  ”Can you see a ghost? Do you think my eyes are telescopes?” Elf King Fugui cursed, thinking that it would be better if he was a perception system.

  Unfortunately, he was sensitive.

  This talent was wasted.

  Irena comforted herself in her heart, at least with these scrap metals as cover, the enemy couldn’t see them.

  In fact, her judgment was correct.

  The enemy really couldn’t see them, so they didn’t act rashly.

  In the forest, a pair of sharp pupils stared at the wall, moving along the outline of the wall, as if weighing the pros and cons of something.

  The sound of forging metal and the noisy voices can be faintly heard inside the wall.

  Ten people?

  No, it should be a settlement of at least twenty or even thirty people.

  The conversation on the wall stopped abruptly, probably because they discovered me.

  It shows that the people guarding here are quite vigilant!

  A trace of fear was imprinted in those pupils, and they silently sank into the darkness behind them, ending this round of temptation…

  My mission is only to escort the tribute back, so I’d better not cause any extra trouble.

   There is one more update, please wait a moment


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode