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Chapter 660: Daily Life of a Manager

Chapter 660: Daily Life of a Manager


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 660: Daily Life of a Manager

  Early in the morning.

  Chu Guang slept in for the first time in a long time. He left the Resurrection Square at nine in the morning and strolled to the snack street on the north side of the outpost. He ordered two baskets of soup dumplings, two baskets of steamed dumplings and three cups of soy milk. Then he went to Zhang Hai’s ramen stall and found an inconspicuous private seat.

  Although this meal was high in carbohydrates and calories, it was just a drop in the bucket for his metabolic level and digestive ability.

  ”A bowl of ramen, thank you.”

  Milky white mist floated over the big pot, and diners came in an

  endless stream in front of the stall. Today, the ramen chef Zhang Hai was as busy and fulfilled as always. He buried his head in the pot and had no time to look up. He shouted across the big pot.

  ”Okay! Do you want thin or thick slices?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Thin ones, let me see how thin the thinnest one can be.”

  Zhang Hai was amused when he heard someone ask for thinner slices for the first time.

  ”Hey, you must be joking. The thinnest here is–” He just raised his head to see who it was, but his sight was instantly stunned through the white mist, “Fuck, manager?!”

  Because he was not wearing power armor, many people did not recognize Chu Guang, including Zhang Hai, until he saw the spring breeze smile and was dumbfounded.

  The two of them communicated in Mandarin, so they did not attract the attention of other NPC diners. Chu Guang gave him a low-key look, and then enjoyed the dumplings he brought.

  After a while, a bowl of beef noodles was served on the table. The beef slices were thicker than silver coins. Seeing this, other little players shouted unhappily.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”Damn Dahai, you have no martial ethics!”

  ”Why is there so little beef in my bowl!”

  ”In this river?!”

  Looking at the group of people who were making trouble, Zhang Hai’s old face turned red. If it were normal, he would have retorted with a playful smile, but he was caught in the act.

  ”Stop talking nonsense! Are you a manager? I… feel sorry for him for working so hard for the alliance, and I’m worried that he won’t have enough to eat. Why can’t I treat him to more food?”

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Good guy.

  This is also possible?

  Seeing this clever guy being complacent, Chu Guang smiled and shook his head, took out fifteen silver coins and put them on the table, and settled the bill first.

  ”Thank you for your kindness, but there’s no need to treat me to a meal. I prefer a business where money is exchanged for goods… No need to give me the change.”

  Considering the weight of this bowl of noodles, he should have paid three times the price, right?

  This much money is enough to buy two kilograms of beef.

  He didn’t want to owe a favor for these few silver coins.

  ”Thank you!” Boss Zhang accepted the silver coins with a painful look on his face, but he was thinking in his heart that this business was a big loss.

  If he could get the manager’s favor, then it would be worth it no matter how many silver coins he spent. As a result, these two taels of beef were only exchanged for the price of three bowls of noodles, which was a huge loss! If

  you make less, you lose money!

  Chu Guang added some chili and vinegar to the noodle soup. He ate slowly while watching the newbies coming and going on the street. He couldn’t help but miss the past.

  Two years ago, this was the most prosperous street in the alliance. It was separated from the Resurrection Square by a crooked concrete wall.

  Now, two years later, although this street has developed, it still can’t catch up with the vast and sparsely populated Changjiu Farm.

  With the establishment of Shuguang City, the Outpost Base and Changjiu Farm were incorporated into the new settlement as reserved place names. The economic status of the North Street of the Outpost Base was gradually replaced by the North Street of Shuguang City, where NPCs accounted for the majority.

  Some old players with feelings still kept the stalls here and the houses by Linghu Lake, but most people moved their shops to the more prosperous center of Shuguang City.

  But Chu Guang still has a special liking for this place.

  He can basically find his favorite hometown dishes here, and the newbies chirping in front of the Resurrection Square will never make him feel bored.

  For him and most of the players of Wasteland OL, this place can be called the place where dreams begin.

  Chu Guang suddenly had an idea. When he retires in the future, why not set up a stall here?

  For example, make pancakes or something.

  However, this idea only appeared for two seconds, and Chu Guang was amused by his own idea.

  When he unloads all the responsibilities…

  that will probably be a long, long time in the future.


  After eating about 70% full, Chu Guang went to buy six baskets of steamed buns and brought them to Neeko as snacks.

  The girl, like Xiaoyu, has a special liking for human food, especially junk food with high salt, oil and sugar.

  I still remember that last time I fed it Coke, it stomped its feet in excitement and almost overturned the shed where it slept.

  After riding Neeko for a walk by the lake, Chu Guang tied it back to the shed and then walked towards the direction of the shelter.

  When he took the elevator downstairs, he happened to see a guard holding a plastic basket full of letters in his hand, and asked curiously.

  ”What is this?”

  The guard immediately stood up and replied.

  ”This is a letter from the residents of Dawn City, sir.”

  Chu Guang was immediately interested and said on impulse.

  ”My letter? Let me see it.”

  He seemed to have heard Xiao Qi mention that since the completion of the Alliance Building, there have been letters sent from all over the Alliance, and most of them are written to him.

  Due to the large number, the staff of the Alliance Building did not know how to deal with them, so they handed them all over to the Guards.

  Lu Bei, who was following behind Chu Guang, hesitated slightly and stepped forward to advise.

  ”Sir, please allow me to check for you first to make sure there is nothing dangerous inside.”

  Although these letters have been X-rayed and sterilized by ultraviolet light, only by opening them can we ensure that they are safe.

  Chu Guang laughed and said jokingly.

  ”Are you worried that there is a blade stuck in it and you are afraid that it will hurt me?”

  Lu Bei whispered.

  ”That’s not the case, but it’s better to be careful.”

  Seeing that he still looked worried, Chu Guang said.

  ”How about this, you come and help me read, and I’ll test you at the same time to see how you’ve done in your academic studies.”

  Hearing that the manager wanted to test him, the young man immediately perked up, put his right fist on his left chest and said energetically.


  Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction, and took Lv Bei, who had taken the basket of letters, to the B4 floor. After motioning him to sit down, he handed him a pen and paper.

  ”It’s just right, you can also write a reply for me, I’ll read it to you.”

  Lv Bei nodded excitedly, then took out a letter from the plastic basket, opened it, cleared his throat and recited.

  ”Dear Manager, I am a bricklayer. I salute you on this day worth celebrating, and also share my joy with you! My wife and I will have our first child in a month. We have bought all the clothes, baby cradles and toys for him before he is five years old… Now we are counting the days every day, waiting for that little cutie to come to us. Once again, I pay my highest respects to you, thank you for giving us a house to shelter us from the wind and rain and a job that can buy so many things.”

  Lv Bei read with emotion, and his reverence was beyond words. I’m afraid that no one who wrote this letter was as emotional as him.

  Looking at this hard-working young man, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile. After he finished reading, he cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

  ”You’re welcome… I will do my best to ensure that every hard-working person in the alliance gets the decent job and life he deserves, and that every child in the alliance can grow up in the sunshine. Of course, this requires our joint efforts.”

  While Chu Guang was reading, Lu Bei was also writing quickly. After a while, he finished writing the letter, copied the address and put it aside.

  Then he picked up the second letter, took a deep breath and read.

  ”… Just like the sun at noon, your grace and majesty dispel the cold night and restore the glory of this land! Please forgive my exaggerated expression, but this is by no means flattery. Maybe in your eyes, Dr. Edmund is just an insignificant criminal, but I will never forget what happened in the Golden Dunes Cinema that day. My child and I were locked in an iron cage. No one cared about our lives. Only you and your soldiers cared. I am willing to offer you eternal loyalty!”

  Where is the Golden Dunes Cinema?

  Chu Guang thought for a long time and really couldn’t remember the place name, including the strange name mentioned in the letter.

  However, it is not difficult to see from the content of the letter that the writer should be a survivor who was rescued from the hands of predators by his little player.

  Although this may be just an ordinary daily task for the player, it may mean a change of fate for a survivor.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but curl up his lips.

  He decided to let Xiaoqi update this letter to the forum later.

  I believe someone will claim this easter egg.

  If this easter egg is discovered accidentally, the kind little player should be happy about the follow-up of this story.

  ”Leave this letter here first, and then I will pass it on to the person who really deserves gratitude, and that person will decide whether to write a reply.”

  ”Okay, sir.” Lu Bei nodded loyally, put down the pen in his hand for the time being, and continued to pick up the next letter.

  The content of this letter is concise and clear.

  Even the first sentence at the beginning points out all the contents of the entire letter.

  ”Go north! Sir! As long as you give the order, all of us are willing to offer our hearts to you! The merchants from Bugera are the most unruly villains. They are corrupting us with tricks. It’s time to punish those insidious and cunning villains!”

  While reading the letter, Lu Bei used an impassioned voice and secretly glanced at Chu Guang who was sitting opposite.

  Obviously, the young man thought so too.

  Chu Guang thought for a while and said in a gentle tone.

  ”The greatest humiliation to the clowns is not to push them into the brazier, but to let them watch with their own eyes that we are better than them, more united, more confident, and more powerful than them… In this way, they will live in regret for yesterday and be in a state of panic all day long. I understand your concerns about the North, but they are not our main trouble, at least not now.”

  Although he felt a little regretful, the loyal young man believed that the respected administrator must have a vision that he did not have, so he did not think it was wrong.

  After finishing the reply, he quickly picked up another letter and opened it. However, as soon as he saw the address and the beautiful handwriting at the beginning, he felt something was wrong.

  ”Dear Manager, I have admired you for a long time. I heard that you don’t have your own children yet. This makes me feel uneasy for a long time…”

  Halfway through, Lu Bei suddenly stopped talking awkwardly, hesitating for a long time and couldn’t say a word.

  There was no need to guess what was written in the letter. It was probably another trick to urge him to get married. Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and shook his head.

  These guys.

  They have nothing to do all day long. They might as well raise two more pigs.

  ”Read it, I don’t mind.”

  ”But… well, if you insist,” Lu Bei buried his head awkwardly, and read it hard, “For example, if possible, I want to give birth to a child for you, as many as you want. This is the wish of a girl from Dawn City. My address is–” Chu

  Guang, who was drinking tea to moisten his throat, almost spit out a mouthful of tea, and interrupted Lu Bei’s words while he was reading.

  ”Okay, okay, that’s enough.”

  Lu Bei honestly closed the letter and asked in a low voice.

  ”Sir… then, do you want to reply to this letter?”

  Chu Guang hurriedly interrupted his stupid words after hastily glancing at the time on the VM.

  ”We can’t reply to everyone’s opinions. By the way, we need an administrator’s office to handle letters from citizens of the alliance in a unified manner, and select some meaningful questions to answer publicly in newspapers and on the radio.” ”

  Also, each department needs to be equipped with a special office to handle letters from citizens and hold a press conference to explain the public’s confusion when necessary. Don’t stuff all the letters here… I need to talk to someone about this. Today’s break is over, so let’s stop here.”

  I almost forgot about it.

  When the printing factory fire case first came out, Chu Guang was thinking about creating a more official public speaking channel. We can’t always rely on reporters from newspapers to come to interview.

  The representative conference is currently improving the relevant legislation.

  The alliance authorities must also cooperate to do something.

  Looking blankly at the administrator who got up and left after saying a lot of words, Lu Bei, who was holding the envelope in his hand, didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

  So this letter…

  what should be done with it?

  Yin Fang, who was standing next to the coffee machine, witnessed the whole scene and laughed and teased in a joking tone.

  ”No offense, this guy is unexpectedly shy sometimes.”

  Although only sometimes…


  at the junction of the Borneo Sea and the Southern Sea, a cargo ship with a tall chimney is slowly crossing a wide strait.

  The jungles on both sides are dense, and the shore is rocky. From the broken concrete port, it can be seen that there was once a prosperous port and city here, but now there are only the chirping of insects and the occasional cry of monkeys.

  Standing on the deck, the woman wrapped in a cloak had a face full of anxiety.

  Her name is Misa, she is only in her early twenties, with brown hair, and was a teacher in Jingalon Port before the disaster.

  Although she grew up in a port city, she has never been so far away.

  ”This is…”

  ”Baiyue Province.”

  A pleasant voice came from behind.

  Misa turned around and saw a pair of smart cat ears swaying gently with the sea breeze, and the lively and cute face was smiling at her.

  Some mercenaries and sailors on the ship called her the messenger of the Silver Moon Goddess.

  Misa couldn’t help but feel a little restrained, but still couldn’t help but ask curiously in a low voice.

  ”…What is that place?”

  Walking to the side of the ship, Zhimahu squinted his eyes and looked at the tropical strait. He lifted the hair on his cheeks behind his ears and said in a leisurely tone.

  ”…Its northeast is Haiya Province, its east is the Southern Sea, its northwest is close to Luoxia Province, and across the Zhuobar Mountains is Oasis No. 4 and Silver Moon Bay. It looks like two teeth put together, one above and one below, with a strait in the middle.”

  This place used to be a tourist resort for the Human Alliance, and there were also some prosperous tourist cities.

  However, in the fifty years after the three-year war, the traces of human life disappeared little by little with the passage of time.

  Listening a little dazed, Misa continued to ask curiously.

  ”Will we dock here?”

  Zhimahu answered with some trouble.

  ”Well, there is no need. We did go up to take a look, but we didn’t find any survivors there, only dangerous mutants and deadly poisonous insects.”

  Maybe the planner hasn’t finished this part of the map yet.

  They took a boat along the shore and found no suitable port to dock, so they left without exploring further.

  It is said that the Hump Kingdom once planned to include this part of the area in its territory and tried to build a colony on the shore, but it was eventually defeated by alien species, poisonous insects, strange infectious diseases and huge financial pressure, and had to give up the settlement there.

  Listening to the envoy lady talking about this land, Misa’s curiosity was satisfied, but she couldn’t help feeling a little lost.

  Just now she was still thinking about bringing all the Moon Clan members in the Borneo Province here to build a new home, but now it seems that things are not as simple as she thought.

  ”You know so much.” After listening to the story about this land, Misa sighed from the bottom of her heart.

  Looking at the envy and admiration in those eyes, Zhimahu scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said with a shy smile.

  ”After all, we travel everywhere.”

  Perhaps because she is also a teacher in reality, she has a good impression of this NPC lady.

  Although she didn’t mean to show off when she said this, Misa was even more envious after hearing it.


  That was something she never dared to think about.

  Traveling is considered traveling for people with families, but for a homeless person like her, even if she went to a place she had never been to, she could only be considered wandering.

  ”Then where do we get off the ship?”

  Zhimahu said softly.

  ”There is a man-made island in the southern waters, where many survivors who were helped by the residents of the shelter live. We plan to try our luck there first, at least to purchase some supplies. If they are unwilling to take you in, we will continue to take you to the Yunjian Province in the easternmost part of the continent.”

  Misa looked at her with gratitude, her eyes full of mist.

  ”I… I really don’t know how to thank you.”

  Zhimahu smiled embarrassedly and said.

  ”You’re welcome, anyway, we don’t have a specific place to go.”

  Just as the two were chatting, the alarm suddenly sounded on the ship.

  Zhimahu, who was chatting with Misa, was slightly stunned, and immediately took her back to the cabin and told her not to come up.

  After doing all this, she picked up her equipment and went to the deck with the others to gather. She found Tail with one foot on the side of the ship.

  ”What happened?”

  With a serious look on his face, Tail squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the distant horizon.

  ”It’s pirates.”

  Zhima Paste was stunned.

  Rourou, who was standing next to him, made a helpless expression and couldn’t help but complain.

  ”How can there be so many pirates.”

  As the group was talking, two speedboats with flags turned out from behind the reef and approached their freighter.

  Compared with Rourou, they were as small as toys in the bathtub, but if we talk about technology, they are obviously better because they are powered by electricity.

  Sisi, who was standing in the bridge, squinted her eyes slightly.

  She noticed that the two speedboats did not hang black iron wood to drive away sea beasts. I think they should have used something else or technology.

  One of the speedboats drove to the front, and a man who looked like a soldier stood on the bow and shouted to the people on the deck of the freighter.

  ”This is the territorial waters of the Federation! Who are you?”


  Rourou and Zhimahu looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

  ’When did a federation appear here?’

  ’I don’t know…’

  When they came here last year, there seemed to be only a few island settlements here.

  Could it be that the map forces have been refreshed?

  The man and the bear were confused.

  However, Tail standing on the side of the ship was not confused at all. Instead, he shouted loudly at the man as if he had connected with the radio waves.

  ”Oh! Friends of the Federation! This is the White Bear Knights!”

  The man standing on the speedboat was obviously stunned and blurted out subconsciously.

  ”What is that?”

  Sisi, who came to the deck at some point, reached out and took Tail back who was about to shout, cleared his throat and shouted.

  ”It’s a merchant from Silver Moon Bay. We plan to cross the strait to the port in the east of the Middle Continent. Please allow us to stop here to replenish fresh water and supplies.”

  The man looked at her suspiciously, but did not pick out any flaws from her words, so he continued.

  ”…Yes, but I have to make it clear that we only accept dinars and Cr here, not those coins with pictures of animals.”

  The coins with pictures of camels should refer to those in Luoxia Province.

  Because of the gold content, size and overall national strength, those coins are usually only circulated locally. Not many people will recognize them outside of Silver Moon Bay.

  Sisi nodded in understanding.

  ”No problem.”

  ”Follow us, be careful of reefs and mines.” The man left this sentence and turned back to the cabin, turning the speedboat around on the sea.

  Rourou looked at Sisi in confusion and asked in a low voice in Mandarin.

  ”Why don’t we just tell them the truth?”

  ”Tell them that there are nearly a thousand refugees on the ship? I’m not sure if they will drive us back.” Looking at the direction where the two speedboats left, Sisi narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Something is wrong here.

  She always felt that this trip to Shelter No. 70 would not be as peaceful as she imagined…

  Rourou scratched the back of her head.

  Tail, who was standing next to her, said to her seriously.

  ”This world is very dangerous, Rourou. If they find out that we are wanted pirates by the Xilan Empire, they might take us for the 3.6 billion Baileys bounty!”

  ”The currency unit is wrong, and our bounty is not that high!” Rourou complained with a smile, but she also understood Sisi’s intention.

  After all, this is not the place they are familiar with.

  It’s better to be careful…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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