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Chapter 661 The Moon Is Rounder Tonight

Chapter 661 The Moon Is Rounder Tonight


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 661 The moon is rounder tonight

  Although he had guessed that Song Siyu was not here to see him.

  But he heard Song Siyu deny it so decisively.

  He was disappointed and uncomfortable.

  Wang Juncai stared into Song Siyu’s eyes and asked, “Then are you here to see Xu Xiuwen?”

  Song Siyu didn’t say anything.

  Silence is sometimes a kind of admission.

  Wang Juncai was anxious, “What is your relationship with Xiuwen? Do you like him?”

  This sentence seemed to step on Song Siyu’s tail.

  Song Siyu glared at Wang Juncai, “Are you crazy? What are you talking about?!”

  Wang Juncai was slightly relieved when he saw Song Siyu glaring at him.

  Song Siyu was so angry.

  It seems that he was wrong.

  Song Siyu didn’t like Xu Xiuwen.

  Otherwise, she should be guilty.

  The young Wang Juncai didn’t know that women are born actors.

  He also didn’t know that many women would not show it when they were guilty, but would show off their momentum and take the initiative.

  Wang Juncai thought for a while and asked, “Then why did you come to Xiuwen?”

  Song Siyu originally wanted to say, what’s it to you? We all broke up.

  But when she saw Wang Juncai’s eyes.

  Wang Juncai’s eyes were red, and there were dense and tiny bloodshot in the whites of his eyes.

  Song Siyu was stunned.

  After a few seconds.

  She said softly: “I came to find Xu Xiuwen for Youran. I have something to ask him.”

  After hearing Song Siyu’s explanation.

  Wang Juncai was relieved.

  He wanted to ask more.

  But Song Siyu said: “Don’t say it, watch the road.”

  Wang Juncai sighed after hearing this.

  Then the two of them sent Xu Xiuwen back to the house in Jiangning Garden.

  Juncai seemed to be here for the first time.

  Song Siyu walked towards the bedroom with ease.

  After arriving in the bedroom, she put Xu Xiuwen on the bed.

  Song Siyu said: “Take off his clothes.”

  Song Siyu got up and walked into the bathroom.

  When she came out again.

  Wang Juncai had taken off Xu Xiuwen’s shirt and pants.

  Then covered him with a quilt.

  Song Siyu came over with a towel.

  The towel was wet.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and lowered her head to wipe Xu Xiuwen’s face and neck.

  Wang Juncai watched Song Siyu take care of Xu Xiuwen.

  Song Siyu’s gentle and delicate actions made him feel sour.

  You know.

  When they were still boyfriend and girlfriend.

  He was drunk.

  Song Siyu never took care of him like this.

  Wang Juncai finally couldn’t help asking: “How come you are so familiar with this place, do you come here often?”

  Song Siyu asked back, “Is there any problem?”

  ”You are a girl, and you often come to a man’s residence, and you still ask me if there is any problem?”

  Song Siyu finally stopped wiping.

  She turned her head and glanced at Wang Juncai, and said coldly: “Xiao Youran often comes here, I accompany her, what are you doubting?”

  Hearing that Song Siyu came with Xiao Youran.

  Wang Juncai breathed a sigh of relief.

  But he was still sour.

  ”Then you don’t have to wipe his face, take care of him like this?”

  Song Siyu frowned instantly, looking at Wang Juncai with disgust.

  ”We have broken up. It’s none of your business who I take care of. Besides, Xu Xiuwen has helped me a lot. He is drunk and his girlfriend is not around. I can help take care of him. What’s wrong?”


  ”Wang Juncai, are you from Kyoto? You really bring shame to the men in Kyoto.”

  Wang Juncai’s forehead was instantly bulging with veins.

  But he couldn’t refute what Song Siyu said.

  Song Siyu didn’t want to see Wang Juncai.

  She said impatiently: “Okay, the person has been sent back, you can leave.”

  Wang Juncai was anxious, “What about you? Aren’t you leaving?”

  Song Siyu said: “I’ll wait until he falls asleep and everything is fine, then I’ll leave.” Wang

  Juncai was speechless.

  He wanted to say, then I’ll wait

  a while before leaving. But Song Siyu looked like I didn’t want to see you.

  Wang Juncai could only pretend he didn’t see it.

  He looked at Song Siyu’s beautiful face and couldn’t help asking, “Siyu, can we get back together? I really know I was wrong. During the time I broke up with you, I haven’t played a single game. I will listen to you in the future and work hard.”

  Song Siyu finally couldn’t help it, “Wang Juncai! I tell you again, I will never get back together with you.”

  This was too absolute and too heartless.

  Wang Juncai had been drinking and his emotions were all over the place.

  He couldn’t help but reach out and grab Song Siyu’s hand.

  Song Siyu noticed it immediately and asked vigilantly, “What do you want to do?”

  Wang Juncai grabbed Song Siyu’s wrist.

  Song Siyu was wearing a long-sleeved coat today.

  So he grabbed her wrist through the coat.

  But even so.

  Song Siyu was shocked and scared.

  She kept struggling.

  She wanted to get her wrist out of Wang Juncai’s hand.

  She used all her strength.

  Wang Juncai could hardly hold it.

  He was also anxious, shouting, “Siyu, let’s get back together, I really like you…”

  After that, he wanted to take Song Siyu into his arms.

  Song Siyu saw that she couldn’t get her wrist out.

  There was no way she could let Wang Juncai hug her.

  In a hurry.


  A slapping sound rang out in the quiet room.

  The one who hit was Song Siyu.

  The one who was hit was Wang Juncai.

  On Wang Juncai’s left cheek, there was a palm mark that had just been hit and had not yet faded.

  This slap stunned Wang Juncai.

  Song Siyu took the opportunity to break free from her wrist.

  Then, she pushed Wang Juncai away and hid in the bathroom.

  In the bathroom, Song Siyu shouted to the outside: “Wang Juncai, don’t be impulsive. If you dare to mess around, I will call the police.”

  Wang Juncai gradually came to his senses.

  He not only felt embarrassed. He

  was also extremely furious.

  Song Siyu slapped him in a hurry.

  He could understand it.


  Song Siyu hid in the bathroom and warned him not to mess around.

  She simply treated him as a bad guy.

  Is he this kind of person in Song Siyu’s eyes?

  The blue veins on Wang Juncai’s forehead twitched.

  A trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

  Neither of them spoke.

  Time passed little by little.


  Reason still overwhelmed impulse.

  Wang Juncai calmed down.

  He shouted to the bathroom: “Siyu, don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you.”

  Song Siyu didn’t say anything.

  Wang Juncai was extremely disappointed, “I’m leaving.”

  Song Siyu not only did not keep him, but anxiously said, “Go quickly! Just pretend what happened just now never happened.”

  Wang Juncai sighed and turned to leave.

  Hearing the footsteps go away.

  Song Siyu still didn’t leave the bathroom.

  She stayed for a while.

  After hearing no movement outside.

  She opened the bathroom door and walked out.

  Song Siyu walked to the entrance carefully.

  Seeing that Wang Juncai’s shoes were gone.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  Song Siyu hurriedly closed the door and locked it.

  Just now, Wang Juncai suddenly grabbed her wrist.

  She was startled.

  You know, when they were still boyfriend and girlfriend,

  Wang Juncai never touched a finger of hers.

  In addition, Wang Juncai drank alcohol and his eyes were red.

  She was very worried that Wang Juncai would get excited and do something irreparable.

  Fortunately, she reacted quickly.

  Interrupted him in time.

  Otherwise, the situation will continue to develop.

  No one knows what will happen.

  Song Siyu returned to the bedroom.

  She exhaled and calmed down.

  Then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and sent a text message to Xiao Youran.

  In the text message.

  She first told Xiao Youran that Xu Xiuwen was drunk.

  She sent him back to Jiangning Garden.

  Then she told Xiao Youran that she would not go back at night and stayed to take care of Xu Xiuwen to prevent accidents. It

  was already late at this time.

  Xiao Youran had returned to the dormitory long ago.

  She had been waiting for Song Siyu to come back.

  Finally, she waited.

  But what she waited for was not Song Siyu herself, but her text message.

  Xiao Youran immediately opened the text message and took a look.

  Seeing the content of the text message.

  Knowing that Xiao Xu was drunk, she was very nervous at first, but seeing that Song Siyu sent him back.

  Xiao Youran was relieved.

  But seeing that Song Siyu said that she would stay to take care of him.

  Xiao Youran became nervous again and immediately typed a reply that she would go over now.

  This single man and a single woman were in the same room.

  How can people feel at ease?

  Song Siyu immediately sent another text message.

  The content is: It’s so late, you don’t need to come. The dormitory auntie won’t let you out, and I’m here, are you still worried?

  Seeing the content of the text message.

  Xiao Youran remembered that the dormitory auntie would not let them out at this time.

  Xiao Youran could only accept Song Siyu’s proposal.

  In the end, Xiao Youran still convinced herself.

  Siyu is her good sister and best friend.

  And she has been persuading her to break up with Xiao Xu.

  She definitely doesn’t like Xiao Xu.

  Nothing will happen between them.

  Xiao Youran felt that she shouldn’t let her imagination run wild.

  So she sent a text message back, asking Song Siyu to take good care of Xiao Xu.


  Wang Juncai came out of Xu Xiuwen’s house, came to the elevator entrance, and waited for the elevator.

  After waiting for a long time, the elevator finally came up.

  Wang Juncai rushed in immediately.

  As the elevator slowly descended.

  Wang Juncai’s mind kept replaying the scene in the bedroom just now.

  Song Siyu sat on the bed, lowered her head, and gently wiped Xu Xiuwen’s face, neck, and mouth.

  And he just grabbed Song Siyu’s wrist.

  Song Siyu struggled desperately to resist. She

  even slapped him.

  Wang Juncai couldn’t hold back his emotions anymore, and punched the elevator wall hard.


  There was a muffled sound.

  The elevator wall was intact.

  A trace of blood flowed out of the back of Wang Juncai’s hand.

  But he couldn’t feel the pain anymore.


  The elevator reached the first floor.

  Wang Juncai walked out of the elevator and came to the outside of the building.

  He suddenly stopped.

  He couldn’t help but look up.

  The lights were still on at the location of Xu Xiuwen’s house.

  Thinking that Song Siyu was still there.

  Wang Juncai suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

  But let him go up again.

  He didn’t have the face to do that.

  So Wang Juncai decided to wait downstairs for a while.

  Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Song Siyu still didn’t come down.

  Wang Juncai knew that Song Siyu was lying to him when she said she would leave later.

  The scene of Song Siyu gently wiping Xu Xiuwen’s face appeared again.

  Wang Juncai felt a strong hatred in his heart.

  Not only did he hate Song Siyu, he also hated Xu Xiuwen.

  Finally, Wang Juncai gave up waiting.

  He turned and left.

  Ten minutes later.

  At a barbecue stall on Jiaoda Food Street.

  There was a bottle of white wine and a plate of peanuts on the table.

  Wang Juncai sat next to the table, holding a transparent wine glass, and kept pouring white wine into his mouth.

  In a blink of an eye, he drank three or four bottles of white wine.

  At this time, a figure stood in front of the table.

  Wang Juncai drank silently and didn’t even notice someone approaching.

  Seeing Wang Juncai pouring glass after glass of white wine into his mouth as if he was risking his life.

  An inexplicable heartache surged into Qian Yue’s heart.

  Qian Yue did not leave.

  Or she left, but she came back.

  She was worried about Wang Juncai.

  So Wang Juncai and Song Siyu sent the drunk Xu Xiuwen back to his residence.

  She had been quietly following the three of them.

  Later, Wang Juncai left Jiangning Garden and came to this stall to continue drinking.

  Qian Yue didn’t want to come out at first.

  But seeing Wang Juncai drinking like this, she was really worried.

  So she came out.

  She had been standing in front of the table for a minute.

  Wang Juncai hadn’t noticed her yet.

  Seeing that Wang Juncai was still drinking.

  Qian Yue finally couldn’t help it.

  She reached out and snatched the wine glass from Wang Juncai’s hand.

  After Wang Juncai’s wine glass was snatched away, he roared angrily: “You dare to snatch it–”

  It stopped abruptly.

  Wang Juncai recognized Qian Yue.

  The anger on his face subsided and asked, “Why are you here?”

  Qian Yue said: “I just passed by.”

  Wang Juncai, who was drunk, was confused at the moment and couldn’t think so much.

  Otherwise, Qian Yue had obviously left, but said she was passing by.

  He would definitely not believe such a fake explanation.

  Wang Juncai didn’t investigate further and shouted, “Give me the cup.”

  Qian Yue didn’t move.

  Wang Juncai reached out to grab it.

  Qian Yue pulled her hand back.

  Wang Juncai’s hand grabbed nothing.

  Qian Yue looked at Wang Juncai’s dull appearance and comforted him softly, “Don’t drink anymore, okay? You’ve already drunk a lot tonight.”

  Wang Juncai yelled, “Don’t bother with my business.”

  He simply grabbed the bottle of white wine on the table and blew directly into the bottle like drinking beer.

  In a blink of an eye, he drank a big gulp of wine.

  Qian Yue was angry and anxious when she saw it, and shouted, “Senior, why are you doing this? You are very worrying, do you know?”

  Wang Juncai sneered, “Who is worried about me? My girlfriend doesn’t care about me, she cares about other men, who will care about me?”

  He took another sip.

  I don’t know if the white wine is too spicy for my throat, or if he is really sad.

  Wang Juncai suddenly said, “Siyu, why don’t you get back together with me? I like you so much, why do you treat me like this?…”

  Wang Juncai’s voice was hoarse and crying.

  His eyes were also extremely hurt.

  The whole person was depressed and decadent.

  Qian Yue couldn’t bear it when she heard it, so she immediately went forward to hug Wang Juncai’s head, gently touched his head, and comforted him: “Okay, don’t be sad, everything is over, don’t you still have me?”

  Wang Juncai ignored her and continued to mutter those words.

  Qian Yue felt very uncomfortable.

  The senior she liked liked another woman, and even got drunk for another woman.

  It would be difficult for any woman to accept it.

  But seeing Wang Juncai like this, she couldn’t bear to leave him alone.

  Wang Juncai muttered for a while and wanted to drink again.

  He pushed Qian Yue away, then raised the bottle and planned to continue pouring wine into his mouth.

  Qian Yue was pushed away, and immediately walked back and snatched the bottle from him.

  ”Give it to me!” Wang Juncai shouted.

  ”No!” Qian Yue hid the bottle behind her back and refused to give it to Wang Juncai.

  Wang Juncai was anxious and stretched out his hand to hit her.

  Qian Yue was startled, but did not hide, just lowered his head in fear.

  Wang Juncai’s slap was ultimately not able to land.

  Because a man at the next table couldn’t stand it.

  He stretched out his hand to block Wang Juncai’s hand.

  The man looked at Wang Juncai with disdain and said, “You are still a man. This girl is devoted to you, but you don’t know how to cherish her. Instead, you are getting drunk for other women and want to fight. You are such a useless waste.”

  These words hurt Qian Yue. They

  also hurt Wang Juncai.

  Wang Juncai immediately stood up to fight with the man.

  As a result, the man just pushed him lightly.

  Wang Juncai fell to the ground.

  After Wang Juncai fell to the ground, he tried to get up.

  As a result, his hands and feet were not very obedient.

  He climbed once, but still couldn’t get up.

  So he gave up and simply lay on the ground and cried.

  ”I’m not a man, so Siyu broke up with me. I’m not a man… woo woo…”

  Seeing this scene, Qian Yue’s heart hurt even more.

  Qian Yue hurriedly apologized to the man, and then went to support Wang Juncai.

  Wang Juncai didn’t push her away this time.

  The man looked at Qian Yue and said, “You’d better stay away from this kind of person, and don’t have any expectations of him.”

  Although Qian Yue agreed verbally.

  But the man knew she was perfunctory when he saw her eyes.

  The man sighed.

  His interest in drinking was also disturbed.

  simply paid and left.

  Qian Yue also paid, and then supported Wang Juncai to leave.

  But now it was past the closing time of the dormitory.

  Qian Yue hesitated for a while, and finally decided to help Wang Juncai go to the hotel to sleep for one night. Qian

  Yue got Wang Juncai to the hotel with difficulty.

  After checking in the room and settling in.

  Wang Juncai lay on the bed, talking nonsense.

  Qian Yue heard that Wang Juncai kept chanting Song Siyu’s name after he got drunk.

  He felt even more uncomfortable.

  She couldn’t stay for a second. She

  was ready to leave.

  At this time, Wang Juncai opened his eyes.

  He saw a girl turning around and leaving through his eyes.

  He subconsciously thought it was Song Siyu, and hurriedly shouted: “Don’t go.”

  Qian Yue stopped when she heard it.

  She slowly walked back to the bed.

  Wang Juncai raised his hand and held her hand.

  ”Don’t go, okay? I can’t live without you.”

  Qian Yue thought Wang Juncai had come to her senses, and her heart was very excited.

  She hurriedly said: “I won’t go.”

  Wang Juncai continued to raise his arm.

  Qian Yue probably understood what he meant.

  So she bent down and moved closer.

  Wang Juncai hugged her with his arms.

  Qian Yue was both excited and satisfied.

  Wang Juncai’s eyes were blurred.

  He could only see a girl’s face close to him.

  But he couldn’t see who it was.

  He thought it was Song Siyu.

  So he tried to move closer to kiss her.

  Then the two kissed each other.


  Everything happened naturally.

  In the simple and crowded hotel room.

  A female voice pleaded: “It hurts~ Can you be gentler?”

  This sentence was useless.

  Someone ignored it at all.

  So the girl shut her mouth.


  Jiangling College, Dormitory 412.

  Jin Haonan and Liu Zhihao took Yang Baishan and Shi Xiangming back to the dormitory.

  They put them on the bed.

  Yang Baishan fell asleep after he got on the bed.

  He had a dream

  . In the dream,

  he unbuttoned Qian Yue’s clothes.

  This made him smile even when he was asleep…


  And Jiangning Garden was not peaceful either.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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