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Chapter 662 I, the pangolin, am back!

Chapter 662 I, the pangolin, am back!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 662 My pangolin is back!

  Chu Guang naturally supports the players’ plan to build their own port in the Baiyue Strait.

  Not only because the southern waters are home to Shelter 70 and the fallen Tianting space station, but also because it means that his little players have begun to actively spread the light of order. As

  for issues such as the ownership of the port, it is too narrow-minded to dwell on this.

  It is 2342, not 1600. He is neither the emperor of the alliance nor the chairman of a certain ocean-going company, but the manager of the alliance and the designer of the alliance order.

  His little players are not prisoners exiled by him, but fighters who swear to end the wasteland under the banner of the Human Alliance.

  He and the players are highly unified in both interests and positions, not two opposing sides.

  Players are part of the alliance, and the settlements built by players are naturally part of the alliance. Recognizing the constitution of the alliance is one of the obligations written in the player’s handbook. If you can’t accept it, you can give the closed beta qualification to those who are willing to join the pit.

  Under the order led by the alliance, players can discuss the future of the settlement with local survivors, or even leave it to the local survivors to decide for themselves, just like the residents of Boulder City and Singularity City.

  As long as they do not violate the constitution of the alliance and the regulations in the Player’s Handbook, Chu Guang is happy for them to do it within the rules.

  Under the game rules he designed, the alliance authorities only make macro-planning and are responsible for the safety of each settlement, and “how to do it” has always been a problem that each settlement needs to consider for itself.

  No one can plan everything, and those places that he can’t consider are destined to require many people to complete together.

  From passively waiting for the dog planner to update the game to actively enriching the content of the game, it is also what Chu Guang has been guiding players to do.

  After all, such a large planet must plan at least hundreds or thousands of settlements. If he relies on him to plan it all by himself, it will take a long time to plan.

  As for the world five light years away, there is no need to think about it!

  Compared to the port that the players had been talking about, Chu Guang was actually more concerned about another thing.

  ”The Southern Islands Federation has been formed in the southern seas, and is at war with Shelter No. 70… This is different from what was agreed.”

  Staring at the light blue holographic window, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

  When Sun Yuechi introduced the situation in the southern seas to him before, although he mentioned that the shelters and the sea settlements had differences in many areas, he didn’t mention that the contradictions between the two sides had reached the point of drawing swords.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but have a little doubt in his heart, whether that Sun Yuechi had dug a pit for him.

  However, he soon thought that the guy had set out from the southern seas to the River Valley Province a long time ago, and according to his little players, the Federation was an organization that only emerged this year.

  In other words, when Sun Yuechi was strolling slowly to the north, he might not even know that his hometown was on fire.

  The speed of information transmission in the wasteland is always a mystery. With

  a slight movement in his heart, Chu Guang spoke.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  The energetic voice soon floated into his ears.

  ”I’m here, Master.”

  After thinking for a moment, Chu Guang said.

  ”Help me update the task bar of the test player who got the activation code, and ask her to investigate who started the war between the Southern Islands Federation and Shelter No. 70, and what the cause was.”

  Judging from her performance on the forum, this job should not be difficult for her.

  It can even be said that this is what she is best at.

  After a pause, Chu Guang added another sentence.

  ”The execution priority of this task is temporarily set as the highest.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the edge of the pen holder, saluted playfully.

  ”Got it!”


  The next morning.

  Not long after the sky was dimly lit, the open space in front of the Dawn City airship inflation station was already a lively scene.

  Boxes and bundles of packed supplies were piled on the open space, and various engineering equipment were parked next to them waiting for the workers to load them.

  Players carrying large and small bags of luggage stood in groups of three or five next to the crowded supplies and equipment, shouting and yelling.

  ”A new map is being opened! We are short of a physical MT. We require an exoskeleton. If

  you are interested in forming a team, please PM me!” “Boss, how do you save your game when you are so far away? What if you die by accident?”

  ”Are you new here? First find an errand task to familiarize yourself with the game process, and train your sequence level to LV10 before going out to play.”


  ”Are there any brothers who can fight dust? If not, it’s okay if you are a strength type! The construction site needs livestock – oh no, it needs people.”

  ”Are there any brothers who want to explore? Take me with you! I am an intelligence type, and I am very good at using drones!”

  Not only was there a sea of ​​people on the open space in front of the square, but the queue at the entrance of the ticket office was even longer.

  A newbie with a backpack finally got to the front of the line, but was stunned when he saw that he had to pay to take a ride.

  ”Damn! Do I have to buy a ticket to take an airship?”

  The player who was acting as a ticket seller replied lazily, as he was no longer surprised by this question.

  ”How about you walk over there?”


  Since Haiya Province and parts of Jinchuan Province are still under the control of the Torch Church, flying from Shuguang City to Baiyue Strait requires a detour from the south of Luoxia Province. The total flight distance is nearly 4,000 kilometers and takes more than two days.

  The route has just been opened and is operated by the Niuma Group. It is expected that two airships will be deployed to maintain the route twice a week.

  In the future, it will be increased to one trip a day depending on the situation.

  The price of a one-way ticket is about 500 silver coins, and you can bring 15 kilograms of luggage. The excess will be supplemented at a price of 10 silver coins per kilogram.

  The ticket price includes taxes and insurance, which is equivalent to three assault rifles, and you need to have a contribution level of citizen or above to buy it.

  After all, it is a very troublesome thing to bring an untrained newbie to such a far place. Generally speaking, players with a contribution level of citizen are much more reliable.

  These are all “high-quality labor” that A Guang has selected for them, and they are relatively safe to use.

  Although the airfare is not cheap and there is a threshold for purchasing, it still cannot stop players’ enthusiasm for the new map and their desire to explore the unknown world!

  After all, this is an opportunity to be ahead of the version!

  The big guys invested so much money, it is impossible for them to just throw it away.

  If these high-level players really plan to build a port, they will definitely release a series of land reclamation and construction tasks.

  As long as you seize the opportunity, you can earn back the money for the air ticket in minutes!

  Although the tasks released by players do not have contribution points, the silver coin rewards are often nearly 20% to 50% higher than those of NPCs!

  Because of this, more than half of the tickets for this flight to Baiyue Strait have been sold almost as soon as they were put on sale.

  All the players waiting in front of the airship inflation station are full of ambitions, and their eyes are shining with anticipation for the upcoming journey.

  The opportunities in Qingquan City have been explored almost.

  It’s time to try your luck in the new world!

  Not only the warriors who are preparing to go south are eyeing this flight, but also a large number of professional players and NPCs who run factories or small workshops.

  Most of them learned about the alliance’s plan to build a port in the southern waters from the Wasteland OL forum or the Survivor Daily.

  A large number of salesmen have already flocked to the airship inflation station, promoting their products to these eager players.

  ”KV-2 Improved Type III Amphibious Exoskeleton! Let you walk in jungles, swamps and shallow waters as if on flat ground! Take a look!”

  ”An LD-47 will solve all your troubles! If that’s not enough, then try an RPG! The Death Claws will have to avoid you!”

  ”There are a lot of shipwrecks from the prosperous era in the southern waters, filled with mountains of treasure! Are you really not considering buying a set of diving and salvaging equipment? Buying now will also come with a treasure map… There is no guarantee that you will find treasure, but you will definitely find something!” “Does

  anyone need an excavator? We have the best construction equipment here!”

  ”Water glider! Amphibious aircraft! Look for Goblin Technology! Good quality and low price, hurry up if you want to buy, and support installment payment! Even newbies can afford it!”

  ”‘蟞式’ engineering armor and ‘Cross Spider’ robots! Produced by Shelter No. 100! Our machines can be used in any terrain. Even if your construction site is on the moon, we can make it go up like a space elevator!”

  The voices of hawking were endless, even drowning out the voices of people asking for a team.

  And the things these salesmen were selling were even more varied.

  From the sale of individual light weapons to the clearance of tanks and aircraft, from screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches to excavators, pile drivers and other heavy equipment, everything was available.

  Whether it was the factories in Dawn City or the factories in Boulder City, they all set their eyes on this piece of cake that exuded an enticing aroma.

  Unlike those players who were eager to be ahead of the version, most factory owners in the Alliance had much simpler ideas.

  No matter what the future of this port, which had not even been named, would look like, building this port would require steel, cement and engineering equipment, right?

  These were needs that could be seen with the naked eye!

  And those invisible needs were even more needless to say.

  If you want to take a photo of this port, it is definitely not enough to spend tens of millions of silver coins. Behind it is a market worth at least hundreds of millions!

  Even if they only scrape a little cream from this cake, it is enough for them to make a lot of money.

  And this series of amazing chain reactions is also what the players who originally exchanged strategies in the post could never have imagined…


  In the corner of the crowd.

  Looking at the messy scene with his eyes wide open, Ye Shi, who had been stunned for a long time, turned his head to look at Fang Chang and asked in a guilty whisper.

  ”…Is it really okay to do this?”

  The investment of the Niuma Group has increased from the initial 5 million silver coins to 20 million silver coins, and this is only the initial investment.

  Although the location of the Baiyue Strait does look good, the problem is that it is a wasteland!

  Outside the settlement, there is no trace of human habitation within a hundred miles, not to mention the empty sea. Even if the geographical location of the Baiyue Strait is superior, there is no busy trade route to support the superiority there.

  Even if they build the port, I don’t know how many years it will take to get their money back.

  Looking at the rather worried Ye Shi brothers, Fang Chang smiled and said.

  ”The pattern, the pattern… take a longer-term view, my good brother. Let’s not talk about the distant, let’s talk about the near. What was the situation in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City two years ago, and what is the situation here today?”

  Ye Shi scratched the back of his head.

  ”Is this comparable?”

  ”How can it not be?”

  Fang Chang continued with a smile.

  ”At least in my opinion, there is no difference between there and Qingquan City in essence. They were both part of the Human Alliance and had nurtured civilization.”

  ”Although it is now a wild and disorderly land, it is no longer after we went there.”

  The former Dawn City was only a trade hub on the southern corridor of the Valley Province, but now this former trade hub has become one of the cores of the entire trade route.

  In the past, the merchants borrowed from them only for convenience and safety, but now the land under their feet has become one of the destinations for the merchants traveling from east to west.

  Whoever can establish order in the wasteland can become a torch in people’s hearts, and wealth and population will naturally gather in the bright direction.

  The war in the southern seas and the unrest in the Xilan Empire are opportunities for this settlement that is still under planning.

  This is just like the Bone Gnawing Rebellion to the Alliance.

  As for the alien species, poisonous insects, diseases and other troubles in the Baiyue Province, are they a big deal for players?

  Even the mother nest of Qingquan City was settled by them.

  This level of threat is not worth mentioning at all!


  Just as the players who were planning to go south were queuing up to buy tickets, a hydrogen airship slowly stopped above the gas station.

  In the simply decorated cabin, a man dressed in luxurious clothes and with an arrogant look was looking down at the crowded square.

  His name is Bantno.

  From the proud and raised nose bridge, it is not difficult to see that he is a pure-blooded Willant, and the stars on his shoulders further highlight his identity-

  this man is a one-star captain above ten thousand people!

  However, since he was not a military officer but a civilian official in Kaixuan City, he was not leading a well-trained army of 10,000 people, but a diplomatic mission of less than 100 people.

  In the army, the status of civilian officials was not as high as that of officers, but this did not prevent him from thinking highly of himself and not taking the natives outside Kaixuan City seriously.

  Looking at the crowd that filled the open space, Bantno couldn’t help but curl up a faint smile.

  ”Are those people coming to greet us?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group standing aside had a subtle expression.

  Of course he knew what those people were doing. After all, he was spamming on the forum every day when he was offline, but at this time he obviously couldn’t show that he knew everything.

  ”I think so.” Maintaining his taciturn image, he whispered.

  Bantno smiled faintly, with his mouth curled up quite complacently.

  ”It seems that these barbarians still know some etiquette.”

  Looking at the guy’s confident look, the Battlefield guy made a helpless expression.

  As for why he was here, it’s a long story.

  He flew to the Legion on the “Judgment” airship and was originally resting in General Adria’s territory, waiting to report to Triumph City.

  However, before he received the transfer order, he suddenly heard the news that His Majesty the Marshal intended to send an envoy to the Alliance to discuss the governance of mutant slime mold and the establishment of diplomatic relations.

  He felt something was wrong at the time, and things turned out just as he expected. The mission to the east needed a guide who knew the situation in the River Valley Province. It

  would be even better if he was a local.

  Coincidentally, the ambassador named Bantino happened to be Penny’s father!

  Battlefield didn’t know whether the kind-hearted Miss Penny had said a few good words for him, but anyway, the letter of appointment did come into his hands.

  When he received the letter of appointment, Battlefield didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a moment. He was just a little bit away from seeing the Triumph City he had been thinking about.

  It wasn’t that he wanted to go there that much.

  The key point was that going there to take a look was almost his only hope to continue playing the role of an undercover agent.

  The war between the Alliance and the Legion ended for more than half a year, and I don’t know how many expansion packs that bastard Fountain had experienced, but he was still floating outside.

  But it was a blessing in disguise.

  As a guide for the diplomatic mission, he was promoted one level by the military, and the stars on the shoulder straps that marked the status of a thousand men increased from one to two.

  At the same time, he also received a T-10 “Champion” power armor awarded by the military as a reward for his military merits!

  After all, the dog planner did not break his promise.

  Although he missed several versions, the promised power armor was finally issued to him.

  As for this matter, his old friend and former boss Korwe was envious.

  It only took one year for him to rise from a potato peeling attendant to a thousand-man commander. This promotion speed is unprecedented in the entire legion!

  Especially the power armor.

  He didn’t have this treatment at the beginning!

  Just as the battlefield guy was looking at the “hometown” that had changed with melancholy, the adjutant standing behind Bantno coughed lightly and said.

  ”Mr. Bantno, we are here to discuss cooperation with the Alliance… The Marshal attaches great importance to this matter, so we’d better restrain ourselves a little.”

  Hearing the adjutant’s reminder, a trace of annoyance flashed across Bantno’s face.

  However, he seemed to have some concerns. He did not rebuke this guy for his unreasonable rebuttal, but just replied impatiently.

  ”I know. You don’t need to teach me how to do things. I know my limits.”

  The adjutant replied softly.

  ”I hope so.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group noticed from the corner of their eyes that Bantno’s eyebrows twitched fiercely after hearing this, but he held back his anger.

  Such a rare scene made the Battlefield guys feel a little surprised.

  Who is this adjutant?

  He has been with the delegation for a while, and he is familiar with the identities, positions and details of each member of the delegation.

  Only this adjutant’s identity has always been a mystery.

  He only knows that the guy’s name is Quick, and his rank is the same as his own, a thousand-man captain, and he has one more star than him.

  As for whether he is an officer or a civilian, which department he comes from, and his political faction and identity background, he is completely in the dark.

  It would be great if there were other players in Triumph City.

  This way I can help him find out, and then tell him on the forum…

  Stealing a glance at the unnatural expression on the face of Captain Bennot and the calm look of Quick, the battlefield man thought to himself.

  I always feel that this adjutant is hiding a great secret.

  And his intuition tells him that

  this secret may be related to the “sticky community” that has been circulating on the forum recently.

  Maybe I should do something to help the respected administrator solve his problems…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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