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Chapter 663: Not only the messenger comes, but also trouble

Chapter 663: Not only the messenger comes, but also trouble


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 663 It’s not just the messengers who are here, but also the troubles

  On the elevator leading to the airship.

  The Elf King Fugui, carrying his bag, was waving goodbye to his good brothers standing on the platform.

  ”Goodbye, brothers! When I become the overlord of the southern sea, I will treat you to delicious food and spicy drinks!”

  Hearing that there were wreckage of a space station from the pre-war era in the southern sea, he specially bought a set of diving equipment and planned to try his luck there.

  Maybe he could fish up a usable power armor? Would

  n’t that be a direct graduation from the godly suit!

  Even if it’s broken, it doesn’t matter. As long as 10% of the parts are still good, it’s more than enough to sell it for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

  The Canyon Fleeing Mole standing on the platform waved with a smile.

  ”It doesn’t matter. I have a feeling that I’ll see you in a few days.”

  He didn’t want to participate in such small activities, as long as the money was in place. What’s more, he would fly to Ideal City in a few days to see how his game company was running.

  The chicken-eating game launched by Skeleton Studio has received rave reviews on the Endpoint Cloud. Recently, he is planning to move a few more skins into the game to severely rip off the leeks in Ideal City.

  Elf King Fugui: “Fuck! Is there anyone who curses his brothers like you?”

  Irena, who was standing next to him, said with a funny face.

  ”That’s good, and it saves a return ticket.”

  ”Laona?” The young bullshitter carrying fishing gear glanced at him and greeted him in surprise, “Fuck? Why are you here too?”

  Irena laughed.

  ”Just joining in the fun, don’t mind. And I heard that there are many alien species that I haven’t seen before, and I mainly want to go over and see what they look like.”

  The mole said with a grin.

  ”Don’t let the alien species there become extinct.”

  Irena rolled her eyes.

  ”Get out! Am I that kind of person?”

  While they were chatting, the elevator slowly rose and brought the last batch of players into the cabin.

  After the loading was completed, the height of the airship began to rise, and then the propellers hanging on the belly and tail began to start, pushing the airship carrying dreams and hopes to the faraway place.

  ”Hey, I’m envious, damn!”

  Looking at the airship gradually sailing away, the debt-ridden big eyes standing on the platform watching the excitement were full of envy and jealousy on his face.

  He also wanted to go there to take a look, but unfortunately he now has a large family of fruiting bodies to support.

  Although he felt that the Baiyue Province should have the opportunity for those fruiting bodies to show their talents, the freight cost is too high now.

  I can only wait for the brothers of the Niuma Group to open a few more flights and lower the ticket prices before going there to take a look…

  ”Let’s go.” After watching his good brothers leave, the mole put away his waving hands and prepared to leave from the platform.

  At this time, another inflatable airship docked above the inflatable station and slowly dropped the fixed ropes and elevators.

  The man standing on the elevator was dressed in luxurious clothes, with an arrogant look and two small mustaches curled up, just like the king on a playing card.

  Including Mole, Big Eyes and other old players, the players on the platform all smelled the flavor of the plot, stopped their scattered steps, and cast curious eyes at the elevator.

  The elevator stopped steadily.

  A group of people got off the airship.

  When they saw the familiar face mixed in, Mole, Big Eyes and a group of people suddenly widened their eyes and couldn’t help blurting out “Fuck”.

  Bathed in those pairs of upward gazes, Benoit’s face was full of pride and pride, and he was very satisfied with the “envy” of these barbarians.

  He now understood a little bit why those unsociable eastward expansionists were so enthusiastic when talking about the expedition.

  Although there is no prosperity like Triumph City here, it feels pretty good to be surrounded by pairs of envious eyes.

  However, his understanding was only a little bit, no more.

  Just to satisfy that pitiful vanity, a huge amount of manpower and material resources were spent to launch a great expedition against an inexplicable opponent without any benefit.

  This behavior is really too selfish.

  There are many doubts about Griffin’s death, but he did not die unjustly.

  Immersed in his own world, Benoit suddenly heard the sudden sound of “Fuck”, and casually tilted his ear to the pangolin following behind him and whispered.

  ”What does ‘Fuck’ mean?”

  The warlord, who was winking wildly with his friends, almost choked on his own saliva and hurriedly replied.

  ”To express disbelief and admiration… You can understand it as a polite greeting.”

  ”I see.”

  Benoit narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth, and his expression seemed to be very pleased.

  The warlord’s scalp was tingling, and he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that this guy would not follow the local customs and say this when meeting Mr. Manager.

  It was a small matter for him to be embarrassed.

  It would be a big deal if he was exposed!

  ”Dear Mr. Benoit, welcome to Dawn City. I am Cheng Yan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Alliance. The manager specifically asked me to treat you well. Although we had some conflicts before, the war is over and the visitors are guests.” ”

  I am also very happy to meet you, Mr. Cheng,” Benoit said politely in a formal way. He looked around and asked directly, “Where is your manager? I want to talk to him directly.”

  ”The manager has entrusted me with the diplomatic affairs of the alliance. It is the same if you have anything to discuss with me.”

  Facing Benoit’s perfunctory expression, Cheng Yan’s expression did not change at all, and he continued with the same polite expression.

  ”As for our manager, he is discussing the relevant regulations and cooperation details of the slime mold research community with representatives from the academy and enterprises. If you want to meet him, you must make an appointment in advance according to the regulations… The same is true for the academy and the enterprise.”

  Benoit’s brows twitched slightly.

  The envoy of the legion had never been so despised, which made him feel a little unhappy.

  However, after hearing that the same was true for the enterprise and the college, he was patient and continued with an unhappy look.

  ”Our delegation has more than a hundred people and needs a piece of land to stay.”

  Cheng Yan continued gently.

  ”We have prepared a hotel for you to stay in.”

  ”No need,” Benoit raised his chin slightly, “I should have mentioned it in the written diplomatic correspondence that we Willant people only live in our own houses.”

  Cheng Yan made a helpless expression.

  ”Please don’t misunderstand, we are just making a suggestion out of good intentions… If you insist, then please do as you please.”

  Seeing the other party give in, Benoit’s eyebrows relaxed slightly, nodded, and took more than ten people behind him down the platform.

  The elevator slowly rose.

  There were more than ninety people on the airship, and they had to get off in several batches. Some of them were Willant people, and some were their servants.

  The staff following Cheng Yan couldn’t help but complain in a low voice.

  ”This group of savages is so outrageous… They didn’t live in the houses prepared for them, but insisted on setting up tents by themselves.”

  The other staff nodded in agreement after hearing this.

  Glancing at his subordinates, Cheng Yan said softly.

  ”There are many settlements in the wasteland that are different from our cultural customs. You have to learn to understand them in order to get along well with them… It’s enough for us to do what we should do well.”

  In fact, it’s not just the Willant people who are weird.

  In his opinion, the researchers of the academy are just as weird. They don’t live in good houses, but insist on sleeping on transportation.

  Moreover, this vehicle will definitely stop in a hidden place, and will only land next to their airport when necessary.

  In comparison, the personnel of the enterprise may be slightly more normal.

  The only complaint is their obsession with high-rise buildings.

  It is said that the 100-story Ideal Hotel has no people living below the 50th floor, and few passengers from Ideal City will choose rooms below the 50th floor.

  Just when the envoy of the Legion arrived in Dawn City, Chu Guang, who was in a meeting, had learned about this matter through Xiao Qi.

  During the break of the meeting, in the spacious lounge.

  Chu Guang, who sat on the sofa, took out the holographic computer pen from his pocket and placed it on the table. He gently touched the button to expand the screen and listened to the report of Cheng Yan, the foreign minister of the alliance.

  ”The Weilant delegation requested to be stationed near Dawn City. According to your instructions, I agreed to their request and allocated the vacant land near the First Corps’ station to them.”

  Looking at Cheng Yan in the light blue floating window, Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Did they react?”

  ”No, they don’t care about the location of the station. The captain named Bennot is setting up camp with the members of the delegation.”

  When he said this, Cheng Yan paused for a moment and continued.

  ”In addition, I noticed that some of the attendants accompanying them are suspected to be slaves, which is contrary to our laws… I am worried that there may be hidden dangers.”

  A long time ago, when the strength of the alliance was not strong enough, some compromises were made on the issue of slaves.

  For example, merchants carrying slaves were allowed to pass through Dawn City, and only their abuse of captives and slaves was restricted. At the same time, slave owners were forced to place slaves in designated dormitories in the trading post to isolate the two.

  Later, as the military and economic strength of the alliance grew, the refugee home, a semi-official organization, would buy the survivors who had lost their freedom from the slave owners at market prices and guide them to live a normal life.

  Now, the alliance has enough strength to say no to those slave traders, and even equate them with plunderers, and take the initiative to intercept them.

  Whether they were terrified by the military power of the alliance or coveted the alliance’s market, the merchants passing by would consciously empty their carriages for the sake of silver coins and cut off ties with those shady deals.

  After all, most merchants pursued profits and would not give up the entire forest for a mere business.

  Order, like chaos, will radiate outward.

  However, the envoys from the legion are not merchants after all, and it is obviously inappropriate to deal with them in the way that merchants are managed.

  After listening to Cheng Yan’s report, Chu Guang frowned slightly, and said after thinking for a moment.

  ”You take a copy of the alliance’s laws and supplies and send them to them, and remind them tactfully that they’d better respect our rules. The station we provide them is not equivalent to diplomatic territory. We will not recognize the ownership of people to people, nor will we protect illegal rights. Their diplomatic immunity can only guarantee their lives, but not that they will not be driven out.”

  ”Okay, I’ll convey it to them.” After listening to Chu Guang’s words, Cheng Yan nodded in agreement, but he couldn’t help but feel a little headache.

  There was nothing wrong with this approach in his opinion, but he really couldn’t think of how to express this tough statement in a tactful way.

  Chu Guang glanced at the time and saw that the intermission of the meeting was about to end, so he asked.

  ”Anything else?”

  Cheng Yan said immediately.

  ”One more thing… about the Xilan Empire.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned, and it took him some time to remember the information about the survivors, and then asked with a slightly strange expression.

  ”Do they… have anything to do?”

  Cheng Yan nodded subtly and continued.

  ”I just found out recently that they sent envoys to us some time ago. At present, their delegation has left the Lion Kingdom and is expected to arrive near Luoye City within three days… They hope that we will meet them at the border, claiming that this is to make it easier for them to draw our location on the map.”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help laughing when he heard this, but he still restrained his laughter and asked seriously.

  ”Are they also here for the Mutant Slime Mold Research Community?”

  Cheng Yan shook his head and said.

  ”They didn’t mention it, and I feel like they may not know the situation here. According to the royal family of the Lion Kingdom, the Xilan Empire’s delegation’s initial itinerary seemed to be just a trip around the Falcon Kingdom and the Hump Kingdom, and they didn’t plan to go to places so far east… So much so that they made a lot of incredible jokes when they arrived at the Lion Kingdom.”

  Chu Guang asked curiously.

  ”What joke?”

  Cheng Yan was slightly stunned and said.

  ”This… The Lion Royal Family didn’t mention it on their own initiative. Do you need me to ask?”

  ”That’s not necessary. If they didn’t mention it, forget it,” Chu Guang thought for a moment and gave a serious instruction, “Guests are guests. You arrange a few cars to pick them up.”

  Cheng Yan nodded and said.


  The communication ended, and the light blue holographic screen scattered into starlight.

  Chu Guang picked up the holographic computer pen on the table and put it back in his pocket, got up and walked out of the lounge, and returned to the meeting room next door with a smile on his face.

  Now the representatives of the legion, the academy, and the enterprise have gathered again.

  The moment to decide the fate of this wasteland has come again!


  The news that the Legion’s messenger had arrived at the Alliance quickly spread throughout the city.

  Although the news of the Legion sending envoys had been spread long ago, few people paid attention to it because Pioneer City was too far away from the core territory of the Alliance. It was not

  until people saw the group of Willant people appear in Dawn City with their own eyes that the relevant news spread at an incredible speed.

  In the evening.

  In the lobby of the Highway Town Hotel.

  The drunkards sitting at the table were chattering and talking about the news they saw in the newspaper and the rumors they heard from others.

  ”Is it true?! The envoys from Triumph City have arrived in Dawn City?”

  ”Of course it’s true! Many people saw their airship under the inflatable airport!”

  ”I can recognize that big nose at a glance!”

  ”Haha! Those big noses are still embarrassed to come back! Haven’t they suffered enough defeat?”

  ”It seems that these guys have been defeated, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent envoys to talk to us.”

  ”Unbelievable… In other words, now Dawn City has gathered envoys from colleges, enterprises, and legions at the same time?!”


  Listening to the excited discussion of people, Lisa, who was holding a tray in both hands, was full of surprise in her eyes.

  An envoy from Triumph City?

  Thinking that Pangolin had gone to Triumph City, his eyes, which were full of surprise, gradually showed a hint of expectation.

  Those people might have news about him…

  Seeing the expression on the little girl’s face, Old White, who was sitting at the bar, took a sip of beer and said with a joking tone.

  ”The garrison is next to the barracks of the First Corps. Go there and ask… before it gets dark.”

  Of course he knew that the Warlord was there.

  But he thought it would be more surprising if she found it herself.

  Lisa looked at him gratefully, bowed deeply, and then hurried to the kitchen behind the bar to ask for leave from Old Hook.

  Looking at the curtain swaying in front of the kitchen door, Old White grinned. The mole sitting next to him burped and said in a joking tone.

  ”I bet that bastard Battlefield will be shocked…someone has been waiting for him for a whole year in a place he doesn’t know about.”

  ”You guys are too cowardly. You didn’t tell anyone for so long.” Teng Teng, who was sitting at the side drinking sparkling water, said teasingly.

  ”Haha, it’s more interesting this way!”

  Mole laughed maliciously, then turned his head to look at Commander Quanshui at the next table and asked.

  ”Do you think that guy will accept it?”

  Quanshui made a helpless expression.

  ”Who knows? I’ve known that bastard for so long, but I still don’t know what he likes.”

  Teng Teng, who was sitting at the bar drinking sparkling water, suddenly interrupted with interest.

  ”Is there a possibility…he is actually thinking of Korway? After all, they have been through life and death together for so long, it is inevitable that some friendship will develop, right? Right?”

  The male compatriots sitting at the bar couldn’t help but shudder, and the edge paddling water he was drinking even choked and coughed.

  Quanshui also coughed.

  ”I feel that this possibility is very small… otherwise I would have lost my integrity long ago.”

  ”???” I was struggling with the disconnection and raised my head in confusion. Just as I was about to open my mouth to refute, I was disconnected again.

  ”What if?”

  Looking at Teng Teng’s cheeks slightly red due to excitement, Ya Ya made a helpless expression.

  ”Sorry, our Teng Teng drank too much.”

  Teng Teng quickly turned her head to look at her.

  ”Hey! I drank sparkling water!”

  ”Ahem! Since everyone is so interested, why don’t we bet on something!” Debt Big Eyes laughed and took out a notebook, “A small bet is fun, I’ll be the banker… I’ll bet 100 silver coins, and the Battlefield guy will definitely not be picky!”

  ”I bet that guy will definitely be scared… Otherwise, he would have taken action at that time, and there would be no need to wait until now,” Quanshui just raised his hand to bet 100 silver coins, but after thinking for a while, he hesitated again, so he changed his words and said, “Just bet 50 silver coins.”

  Teng Teng also raised his hand excitedly.

  ”I bet on Ke–”

  ”Rejected! There are only two options, the next one!”


  ”I bet on the battlefield guy must be scared! After all, he is so fast, he definitely doesn’t want others to know.”

  ”Hahaha! Then I’ll bet the opposite of you!”

  Everyone was joking with each other, and in just a few minutes, twenty

  or thirty people had placed bets. Debt Big Eyes wrote quickly, then looked up at Old White who was only drinking and not talking, and asked with a smile.

  ”Old White, what about you?”

  ”Me?” Old White was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “I don’t care, how he chooses is his own business.”

  Debt Big Eyes said with a grin.

  ”Of course, can brothers still press that guy’s head for these 100 silver coins? Isn’t this just for fun?”

  Old White made a helpless expression and took out a 100 silver coin bill.

  ”I’ll bet 50 silver coins each.”

  Debt-Eyes: “Fuck! That works!”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “It’s too cowardly to bet on both sides!”

  It was getting dark outside without anyone noticing, and the street lights were lighting up one after another.

  It had been almost an hour since Lisa set off, and the topic of conversation had gradually changed from the battlefield guy to the port of Baiyue Strait.

  At this moment, Izuihei, who had finally successfully logged on, supported the table with both hands, and stood up shakily with the topic from an hour ago.

  ”Hic – we’ve been talking for so long, why not go over and take a look! Brother Meng, is there anyone who wants to go with me to take a look!” ”

  Let’s go,” the fountain commander at the same table took out a VM to pay the bill, and helped Izuihei, who was not standing steadily, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait for that grandson to come, so I’ll go take a look too.”

  Yaya, who was sitting at the bar with Teng Teng, also raised his hand curiously.

  ”Me, me, me! Take me with you!”

  Just as everyone was making a noise, the inn’s owner, Old Hook, suddenly came out from the kitchen and said to Old White, who was sitting at the bar, with a worried look on his face.

  ”Lisa told me she would be back in an hour, but it’s dark outside now… I’m not stingy with that little time, it’s just that the child has always been punctual, and this has never happened before.”

  Seeing the old man’s worried look, Old White put down the glass in his hand and gave him a reassuring look.

  ”Don’t worry, I’ll go over and take a look.”

  ”Thank you, I’ll treat you to this drink!” Old Hook looked at Old White with gratitude, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out the terminal to edit the task.

  Almost every tavern and hotel in the Alliance has installed this “mercenary system”, whether it is to clean up alien nests or find lost cats, you can place an order through it.

  As long as it does not violate the laws of the Alliance, someone will come to help them solve the problem.

  Seeing the old man’s actions, Old White grinned and reached out to hold his wrinkled hand.

  ”You’re welcome, the reward is enough for this drink.”

  After saying that, he stood up from the bar, followed the Fountain Commander and my darkest players out of the hotel and headed towards the brightly lit street…


  On the other side, Norreg, the foreign minister of the Buglar Free State, who was visiting Dawn City, also received news that the Legion’s envoy had arrived in Dawn City.

  Although he was not surprised that the Legion was interested in the “Slime Mold Research Community”, he was really surprised by the speed of the Willant people’s reaction.

  Triumph City is tens of thousands of kilometers away from here!

  There is also a vast desert in between!

  If a general caravan wants to travel from Luoxia Province to the west coast of the continent, it will take at least half a year. If they stop and go, they may be delayed for a year on the road!

  Arriving in such a short time is enough to show that the other party attaches great importance to this meeting, and it is said that the identity of the visiting envoy is a captain of ten thousand men!

  After listening to the report of his subordinates, Norreg looked extremely solemn.

  Although Mayor Odo is a pro-business politician, this does not mean that the Free State must completely abandon the Legion, its old friend.

  However, now Triumph City has sent an envoy to Dawn City!

  And this is not the arbitrary decision of a faction within the Legion, but the instruction issued by the supreme marshal.

  Norreg’s brows could not help but float a trace of worry.

  Could it be…

  Has the Eastward Expansion Faction completely lost its power within the Legion?

  Just as he was hesitating about how to report this news to Mayor Odo, hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

  But a moment later, his secretary appeared at the door.

  ”New situation!”

  With an overjoyed expression on his face, the secretary said hurriedly to Norregg in the room without even taking a breath.

  ”The Legion’s envoys! Those Weylanders! There was a conflict with the Alliance!”


  Norregg was slightly stunned, and then his face was filled with ecstasy.

  ”Take me to see it!”

  The secretary nodded excitedly.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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