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Chapter 664 Come on, we don’t need charity peace

Chapter 664 Come on, we don’t need charity peace


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 664 Come on, we don’t need charity

  . On the outskirts of the Dawn of Peace City.

  At the airport not far from the First Corps, a killer whale transport plane dragged a light blue plasma plume and slowly landed on the tarmac.

  Yi Chuan, who had just finished a meeting, stood outside the tarmac and greeted Minister Wu Changnian who walked out of the cabin. He extended his right hand with a warm smile on his face.

  ”Welcome! Minister Wu!”

  ”Haha, Xiao Yi, long time no see!” While holding Yi Chuan’s right hand, Wu Changnian patted his shoulder and looked at the young man in front of him with a smile.

  Compared with the young man last year, this kid has indeed grown a lot.

  Just as he expected, this is a place that trains people more than he imagined. After

  patting him on the shoulder with his left hand, Wu Changnian then released his right hand and introduced the people behind him to him.

  ”… Let me introduce you. These are the employees assigned to Dawn City by the General Management Department. They are mainly responsible for assisting you in your work on slime mold related agendas. This is Qin Juncai. According to the resolution of the Council, he will serve as the company’s representative to the slime mold research community in the future.”

  The young man named Qin Juncai smiled stiffly, looked at Yi Chuan with reverence, and enthusiastically extended his hand to shake his hand.

  ”I’ve heard a lot about you! Mr. Yi Chuan, I was your fan when I was in Ideal City! I’m so excited to hear that I can work with you!”

  In the confrontation between the company and the Legion last year, they successfully forced the group of barbarians who were showing off their power to sit back at the negotiation table and thwarted the Legion’s expedition to the eastern part of the Central Continent. Among

  them, the most outstanding performance was undoubtedly the General Management Department of the company, especially the five representatives of various subsidiaries assigned to the Alliance by the General Management Department.

  Not only did they successfully force the Legion to retreat to the Falcon Kingdom at the lowest cost, but they also consolidated the friendship between the company and the various survivor forces in the eastern part of the Central Continent.

  Especially the friendship with the Alliance.

  Now, not only the Yunjian Province, but also the Hegu Province far away in the middle of the Central Continent has also seen the hope of ending the Wasteland Era.

  Being praised so enthusiastically, Yi Chuan smiled embarrassedly and said politely.

  ”Mr. Qin, you are too kind! I dare not accept such an honor. I also benefited from the predecessors of the Pioneer.”

  Qin Juncai shook his hand and said with a smile.

  ”I am not exaggerating at all. This is not only my heartfelt words! It is also the view of many people! I hope you can give me more guidance in future work.”

  Yi Chuan said with a smile.


  The research on the charter of the slime mold research community has entered the final stage.

  The staff who arrived in Shuguang City with Minister Wu Changnian this time are all staff members of the future enterprise’s “Slime Community” office, and the young man named Qin Juncai is the representative of the enterprise in the slime community.

  In terms of rank, he is one level lower than Yi Chuan, who is the ambassador of the enterprise to the alliance, but both of them are directly responsible to the board of directors.

  The main purpose of Wu Changnian’s visit was to make a foreign visit to the alliance on behalf of the enterprise, and it also meant to arrange the next stage of work for the enterprise’s embassy in the alliance.

  After a few pleasantries, the group left the vicinity of the helipad.

  Yi Chuan originally arranged a car to pick up the group, but Wu Changnian suddenly proposed on a whim that he wanted to walk around here.

  So the group walked to the direction of Shuguang City North Street, planning to have dinner there and then return to the Embassy Street.

  While walking on the road, Wu Changnian kept looking at the streets here and comparing them with the pictures in his memory.

  Yi Chuan secretly observed the expression of Minister Wu.

  Although he did not see too many changes in the expression on the face of this boss, it was still not difficult to feel the surprise and shock revealed in the micro-expression.

  Obviously, the changes here surprised him severely.

  Just as Yi Chuan was thinking in his heart, Wu Changnian suddenly smiled and said.

  ”How is Shuguang City recently?”

  Yi Chuan came back to his senses from thinking, and replied with a smile.

  ”It’s quite lively!”

  ”What aspects?”

  ”All aspects!” Seeing Minister Wu’s interested expression, Yi Chuan smiled and continued, “For example, we originally had a flight from Ideal City to Dawn City every two days, but now it has increased to two flights a day. And not only have our exchanges with them increased, but all the survivor settlements have sent diplomatic missions here.”

  Wu Changnian nodded in approval.

  ”It’s a good thing that all settlements pay attention to the slime mold problem. I’m afraid that the new generation of settlements will completely forget how the wasteland era came about.”

  Yi Chuan’s heart moved slightly, and he looked at him and asked.

  ”Then… does the Council mean that it agrees to the Legion to join the slime community?”

  Wu Changnian said with a faint smile.

  ”Since we can shake hands with the Academy, there is naturally no reason to exclude the Legion. Besides, the alliances that have directly fought with the Legion have no objections, and it would be too petty if we object.”

  Yi Chuan’s smile was filled with a hint of joy.

  If the Council’s opinion is like this, then the subsequent negotiations will be much smoother!

  After a pause, Wu Changnian suddenly continued.

  ”By the way, what about the Great Rift Valley? Have they made any moves?”

  Hearing Minister Wu suddenly mention this unexpected name, Yi Chuan was slightly stunned, and then continued after a moment of hesitation.

  ”The Great Rift Valley has not made any moves, but according to our information… they have instructed the Bugela Free State to make a foreign visit to the Alliance, and the purpose is precisely for the mutant slime mold research community.”

  Wu Changnian thought for a few seconds and nodded slowly.

  ”Well… this is in line with the expectations of the Council.”

  Yi Chuan frowned slightly and asked.

  ”I don’t really understand, the Great Rift Valley… what are they thinking?”

  Wu Changnian smiled faintly.

  ”What’s so difficult to understand? The old man who manages the Great Rift Valley once made a serious mistake, so that he still feels resentful about that matter, fearing that if he manages too much, the disaster will happen again… So you can find that he is not only extremely conservative in his discipline of Bugela, but also conservative to the point of negativity in all matters in the wasteland.”

  Although the survivors of Bugela certainly disagree with this, in Wu Changnian’s opinion, there is no doubt that this is the case.

  No settlement in Yunjian Province dared to stab the Enterprise in the back when the battle between the Enterprise and the Legion was in full swing, but Bugera made a fortune from the war between the Great Rift Valley and the Legion’s Eastward Expansion Faction, and even set off a man-made disaster that affected the entire province.

  If that old guy had intervened more thoroughly in time, the situation in Luoxia Province would not have developed to the extent of last year.

  But then again.

  If there hadn’t been that war, if there hadn’t been the Bone-Gnawing Rebellion, the survivors of the Valley Province wouldn’t have been able to unite so smoothly.

  Yi Chuan’s expression still showed incomprehensible confusion.

  ”But so many years have passed…it’s time for them to come out.”

  ”It’s been a long time for us, that’s several generations, but for that old guy, what happened a hundred years ago is actually no different from what happened yesterday. His intuition about time has become dull. Don’t worry about him…” Wu Changnian pondered for a moment and said, “Let’s talk about business. We have to bring in the Bugera Free State.”

  Yi Chuan looked at him puzzled and asked.


  Wu Changnian said in a small voice.

  ”Without the participation of the Great Rift Valley, many tasks cannot be carried out. There are still many survivor settlements in the wasteland that are willing to accept that, especially those settlements that have been helped directly or indirectly by the War Construction Committee. It is not realistic to directly bring in the Great Rift Valley, but using their sons can indirectly bring them in.”


  with the loss of power of the Legion’s Eastward Expansion Faction, the current Free State is no longer the Legion’s sphere of influence.

  In the eyes of the Council, those wavering guys are worth winning over.

  ”But… what if their sons make trouble?”

  Facing Yi Chuan’s hesitant expression, Wu Changnian smiled faintly.

  ”Those guys can’t cause any trouble, and it’s not difficult to bribe them. But the key to the problem is, what do our friends, the Alliance, think? You can test Chu Guang indirectly and see what he thinks. The Council hopes to give Bugera a chance to let them join the slime mold research community as secondary members, or the form of cooperative members is also acceptable.”

  Yi Chuan carefully wrote down his instructions and nodded.


  The group was passing by a street and suddenly saw a large circle of people not far away.

  Wu Changnian subconsciously stopped and looked over there curiously. Others also stopped.

  ”What is that?”

  Yi Chuan glanced over there and quickly answered.

  ”It seems to be the camp of the Willant people.”

  ”Oh…” Wu Changnian nodded, with a hint of ridicule on the corner of his mouth, “It turned out to be that group of barbarians.”

  Qin Juncai, who was following the two of them, took two steps forward, glanced and frowned.

  ”It seems that they have had a conflict with the locals.”

  Yi Chuan looked at Wu Changnian and asked for instructions.

  ”Do you need me to ask?”

  Wu Changnian was about to nod, but his eyes suddenly fell on the group of people who turned the corner, and the smile on his lips suddenly took on a hint of playfulness.

  ”No need.”

  ”We can just take a look here.”


  Time went back to half an hour ago.

  Standing at the door of the Triumph City Mission’s camp, Lisa looked at the direction of the camp anxiously, wanting to find someone to ask, but was too nervous to approach.

  At this moment, a voice with a hint of surprise suddenly came from the side.


  The voice sounded familiar. Lisa immediately looked aside and saw a girl in a linen dress holding a laundry basket looking at her with wide eyes.

  The light brown hair was exactly the same as hers, but she was taller than her and had freckles on the tip of her nose.


  Silently chanting the familiar yet unfamiliar name, Lisa happily trotted forward and held her hands, who were equally excited.

  Both of them were servants born in Triumph City, and had been trained in the same servant school to do laundry, cook, and serve tea and water, and had always had a good relationship.

  Later, she was selected to board the Iron Heart and followed General McLen to the distant East. Before leaving, Emil also gave her a handkerchief, which she later sewed on her clothes and still keeps today.

  Lisa almost forgot about the past, but she didn’t expect that she would be able to reunite with her friend in a foreign country tens of thousands of kilometers away from Triumph City.

  Not only was her eyes filled with surprise, but Emil, who was holding her little hand, also exclaimed in disbelief.

  ”Great! You’re fine! I heard that you were captured and disappeared by the wastelanders from the River Valley Province. They… they didn’t do anything excessive to you, did they?”

  The slaves in Triumph City were protected by the laws of His Majesty the Marshal. Although they had no human power and freedom, their lives were not too bad.

  Compared with the slavery that was tacitly allowed in most survivor settlements in the wasteland, it was more like a “lifetime employment” system with wasteland characteristics.

  However, this was the case in Triumph City, but it was another matter in the wasteland.

  In particular, the Triumph newspaper would frequently exaggerate the cruelty of the wastelanders in its reports, and even confuse this word with plunderers, in order to increase the legitimacy of the military nobles to expand the territory of the legion. Therefore, after reading a few newspapers, Emil almost firmly believed that her good friend had been tortured to death by the wastelanders…

  ”No… In fact, they are quite good to me,” Lisa said in a low voice with a red face, “They not only taught me to read, but also introduced me to a job and paid me… I also bought some new clothes at the celebration before.”

  Emil looked at Lisa in surprise.

  However, when her eyes fell on Lisa’s apron that was not changed in time and was stained with oil, her expression suddenly changed to look like she was looking at a fool who had taken the wrong medicine.

  After a few minutes, Emil gently touched Lisa’s head and whispered with pity.

  ”My poor Lisa, what kind of drug did they give you…”

  Lisa smiled weakly, not knowing how to explain it.

  At this moment, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of people passing by the camp gate, so she subconsciously stood on tiptoe to take a look.

  Noticing her action, Emil blinked curiously.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”That…” Lisa’s heart moved slightly, and she looked at her and whispered, “Can you help me find someone?”

  Emil: “Who?”

  ”Please,” Lisa continued with a blushing face, “His name… is Pangolin.”

  Hearing this name, Emil was stunned and looked at her in disbelief.

  ”Mr. Pangolin? Wait, you know him?”

  Lisa said in a low voice with a blushing face.

  ”…When I was in Fallen Leaf Ridge, I served him in his daily life. After the war ended…I didn’t hear from him anymore.”

  Although the so-called service was just to help wash a few clothes, Emil obviously misunderstood. There was a hint of ambiguity in his eyes, and also a hint of envy.

  ”You actually served Mr. Pangolin.”

  Lisa whispered.

  ”…What’s wrong?”

  Emil looked in the direction of the camp, with a little yearning and longing in his eyes, muttering like a dream.

  ”Nothing, it’s just that the lord is incredible. Strong, handsome, and young and promising. He became a thousand-man captain before he was thirty years old, and he was a foreigner. He became a genuine two-star thousand-man captain by military merit! In Triumph City, I don’t know how many people regard him as a role model… Marshal, I wish I could be the maid of that lord.”

  Lisa’s eyes were blank.

  There was both surprise and loss, but more of it was confusion and at a loss.

  It was not until this moment that she suddenly realized the gap between their identities.

  Not to mention that the adult might not know me, and I just helped him wash a few clothes. Even if something really happened, he probably had no reason to keep his eyes on me.


  if I just said thank you in person, it shouldn’t have anything to do with this, right?

  I just wanted to say thank you in person, thank him for saving me from that hell, and I didn’t expect… that kind of thing.

  Lisa bit the edge of her lips gently, and for some reason her heart was as messy as a ball of wool.

  Without noticing Lisa’s expression, Emil suddenly grabbed her little hand and said to her excitedly.

  ”I didn’t expect you to know that adult! That’s great, um… can you do me a favor?”


  Thinking that she had heard it wrong, Lisa was stunned on the spot, looking at Emil in confusion, who was begging for help in return.

  Looking at his friend a little embarrassedly, Emil hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice.

  ”Mr. Pangolin is different from other lords. He is very friendly to slaves and followers, even outside the Triumph City. He is not like other people who always make trouble… Ah, of course, I am not saying bad things about other lords, but it would be nice if I could become his exclusive servant. Let me be frank, I want that lord to buy me, can you help me?”

  Lisa stared blankly at her friend who was looking at her with a pleading face, and her mouth opened involuntarily.

  ”Ah?! But, but… he… but…”

  Looking at Lisa who was hesitating and unable to speak, Emil lowered his voice and continued to plead in a hurry.

  ”Please, Lisa, for the sake of our many years of friendship, please help me! I’ll tell you secretly, he is actually in that camp! I will find a way to let him meet you.”

  Lisa looked at Emil in surprise.

  ”He is here!?”

  As soon as she finished speaking, a sharp voice suddenly came from not far away.

  ”Emile! What are you doing! I asked you to wash your clothes, have you washed your clothes?”

  It was the voice of an old woman.

  Hearing that voice, Emil immediately moved away from Lisa like a mouse whose tail was stepped on.

  ”I, I’ve washed it! I’m just going to take it back to hang it up!”

  An old woman in a black dress walked towards the camp entrance angrily, shouting loudly.

  ”What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for mushrooms to grow on it?”

  Her face was full of wrinkles, and they were mixed together sarcastically.

  Judging from her face shape, she should have been a beauty when she was young, but her expression at this moment made it impossible for people to associate her with the word “beautiful”.

  The sharp eyes were exactly the same as those of the Willant officer, making Emil dare not breathe. She faced the old woman and bowed respectfully.

  ”…No, Lord Sistiel, please forgive my clumsiness.”

  Although Lord Sistiel was not a Willant, she was the head maid accompanying the delegation, in other words, their immediate superior.

  Although this was not a very high position, to some extent she could even decide their life and death.

  Seeing Emil pleading and peeking at her, Lisa nodded woodenly, saying that she would help her.

  However, just when Lisa was about to wave goodbye, the old woman named Sistier suddenly noticed her, glanced at her hair with her cloudy pupils, and then looked at her eyes hurriedly.

  Lisa subconsciously avoided the sight, but the old woman still seemed to have discovered something, narrowed her eyes slightly, and a sharp light shone from her eyes.

  ”You… are from Triumph City?”

  Lisa looked at her in horror, closed her mouth and did not answer, took a step back, but was grabbed by the old woman’s wrist and lifted up her sleeves.

  There was a very shallow scar there.

  After the scar was revealed, she subconsciously tried to break free from the old woman’s hand, but the skinny and powerful arm bit her tightly like a vine.

  ”Let…let me go!”

  ”You are a slave of the Legion!” Sistiel stared at her intently, his turbid and sharp pupils moving forward a step. “You are a runaway slave!”

  The moment she heard that word, Lisa’s face lost all its color, as if a deep coldness had drained all her strength.

  ”I…don’t know what you are talking about!”

  The old woman just smiled coldly and didn’t listen to her explanation at all.

  After a while, noticing the situation at the door, a Willant officer led two soldiers out of the camp and came to the old woman.

  The two soldiers stood behind Lisa, blocking the sight of other pedestrians, while the officer squinted at the old woman.

  ”Let go of your hand and tell me what happened?”

  If he encountered a thief, he could take this opportunity to humiliate the alliance and suppress their arrogance.

  However, to his surprise, the kind and amiable Ms. Sistiel did not let go, but bowed slightly, then showed him the marks on Lisa’s wrist, and spoke slowly.

  ”I found a runaway slave, sir.”

  The voice was a little bit of a credit.

  The officer standing next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Lisa with a gradually unfriendly look.

  In the legion, slaves were the private property of the Weilant people, just like the antiques hoarded by the academy, which were sacred and inviolable.

  According to the laws of the Legion, the Legion guarantees the safety of slaves, 8 square meters of living space, three meals a day, and healthy life to the age of fifty. However, if a slave escapes from his master, he will lose all the rights protected by law.

  At the same time, any Weilant has the obligation to capture him and send him back to his master, and get a reward from his master.

  Weilant who can afford slaves usually don’t be stingy with this reward, and at the very least, they will give the slave to the person who finds him.

  Lisa’s legs were weak as she looked at the man with a high nose bridge in front of her, and explained with trembling lips.

  ”I… I really am not…”

  Without listening to her pale and weak explanation, the officer didn’t even look at her, but just reached out and pulled the trembling Emil over.


  Regardless of her scream of pain and the laundry basket that fell on the ground, he dragged her in front of Lisa and said word by word.

  ”Do you know her?”

  Emil’s face was pale, his lips trembled and he couldn’t say a word.

  More and more people came out of the camp and surrounded the group. Among them were diplomats from the mission and servants who accompanied them.

  At this moment, a hoarse voice with surprise came from the crowd.

  ”I know her… Sir, her name is Lisa, and she used to be a slave on General McLen’s airship!”

  Lisa looked over there suddenly, only to see a strange servant looking at the officer flatteringly with a flattering smile on her face.

  She recognized that person. Her name was Brina, and she had also worked on the Iron Heart, but she was transferred to other places before the airship sailed to the east.

  The officer narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the pale Lisa for a while, and suddenly there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

  ”You know what punishment a runaway slave will receive, right?”

  Lisa nodded tremblingly.

  Seeing that she had no courage to resist, the officer raised a barely detectable smile at the corner of his mouth and gave a cold order to the soldier standing behind her.

  ”Take her back.”

  An unexpected surprise.

  I didn’t expect to find a fugitive slave from Triumph City thousands of miles away, and he escaped from General McLen.

  Judging from the appearance of the raised water spirit, it must be expensive. If he is sent back to General McLen’s mansion, I believe that gentleman will thank him.

  More importantly, it seems that this person should have lived in Dawn City for a while.

  Maybe we can pry some information about this settlement from her.

  A Willant soldier reached out to grab Lisa’s arm, but just when the hand was half extended, another hand stretched out from the side grabbed the wrist.

  The hand clamped the soldier’s wrist like an iron clamp. The latter tried so hard that his face turned red, but he still couldn’t move his hand forward an inch.

  The people around looked at the man in unison, and saw a man wearing an exoskeleton standing next to the soldier.

  Ignoring the soldier’s painful expression, he looked past the pale Lisa and several Willant servants, and looked directly at the officer with a blank expression.

  ”This is the land of the Alliance, take your dirty hands back.”

  As he said that, he let go of the wrist he was holding in his hand, and the soldier stumbled and fell into the crowd surrounding him.

  Seeing this, another soldier put his hand on the pistol on his waist, but before he could pull out the gun, the officer raised his hand to stop him.

  He didn’t want to make a big deal.

  Looking at the man in the exoskeleton, the officer narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”The commander of the Storm Troops, you can call me Spring.”

  The commander of Spring also narrowed his eyes and looked directly at the Willant man and said.

  ”Who are you?” ”

  Jimmy, Centurion,”

  the officer’s eyes showed a trace of fear, but he did not retreat, but stared at the guy who claimed to be the commander, and said in a warning tone.

  ”She is our slave, we have the right to dispose of our own property.”

  The commander of Spring said expressionlessly.

  ”She is a citizen of the Alliance, not anyone’s property, we have an obligation to protect her.”

  The officer’s tone was a little threatening.

  ”I advise you to think carefully, is it worth going against us for a slave.”

  Hearing this, Lisa’s face gradually turned pale.

  However, it was beyond her expectation.

  After hearing the threat, the man in the exoskeleton was not afraid, but laughed out loud.

  ”I repeat, she is a citizen of the Alliance. Let alone going against you, what if I fight you again?”

  The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point in an instant.

  Including the officer, the Weilant soldiers all showed anger, and the atmosphere was quite tense for a while.

  The officer looked at the spring coldly.

  ”Do you really think we are afraid of you?”

  The spring stared at him indifferently.

  ”Then come on, we don’t need charity peace.”

  More and more players gathered here, and the First Corps also noticed the situation here. While contacting the guard team, it sent a patrol team over.

  Seeing that the situation on the scene was about to get out of control, Bennott walked out of the camp quickly and shouted at the center of the crowd.

  ”Stop! What are you doing!”

  The officer who was looking at the spring retracted his gaze, walked quickly to the side of the Bennott commander, and reported the situation here to him.

  ”Sir, we found a fugitive slave, she may be General McLen’s property…”

  After listening to the officer’s report, Bennot immediately understood what happened.

  He squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the pale Lisa, and then looked at the guy who called himself the spring.

  To be honest, he looked down on these wastelanders, especially those who lived in the barbaric land thousands of kilometers away from the Triumph City.

  Not to mention that compared with the mighty Triumph City, this settlement called Dawn City is just a booger stuck on the map. However, even

  if he looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, Bennot knew that it was not a good idea to conflict with these guys at this time.

  They have what the marshal needs.

  It is said that the thing can help them get rid of the mutant slime mold nests that are scattered throughout the major urban agglomerations in the wasteland.

  Looking at the leader of the Storm Troops, Benoit walked over and stared at him.

  ”I am Benoit, the captain of the Legion, and also the representative sent by Triumph City. Are you the highest-ranking one here?”

  ”I am not, this one is.” Fountain Water pointed at Old White standing beside him and said in a half-joking tone.

  Seeing that Fountain Water had pulled him in, Old White was no longer low-key. He stepped forward and stretched out his right hand to Benoit who was looking at this side.

  ”Old White, the leader of the Burning Legion. Also, don’t listen to his nonsense. The identities of our residents in the shelter are the same. There is no one higher or lower. Of course, our determination to defend the Constitution of the Alliance is the same, no matter who is standing here.”

  After a pause, he added meaningfully at the back.

  ”Also, say hello to the two captains, McLen and Soft, for me, and ask them to come often when they are free.”

  Hearing this guy mention those two embarrassing things, the corners of Benoit’s mouth twitched for a while, but he still shook his hand.

  ”It’s an honor… It’s an honor that you two legion commanders have to come forward for such a small matter. But I still want to say that there may be some misunderstandings between us.”

  The old woman in a long skirt, Sistiel, looked at the centurion in surprise, unable to believe that the lord would actually bow to these barbarians.

  The centurion named Jimmy was the same. He also stared at the profile of Bennott’s centurion in disbelief, and his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

  Of course, the most surprised were Lisa, her friend Emil, and the group of servants around them…

  Those Weilants have always been unyielding, especially when facing those inferior races whose noses are different from theirs.

  These arrogant guys actually gave

  in… Bennott was very annoyed.

  Of course, he didn’t want to bow his head.

  But thinking of the order of the marshal and the one who was watching him in the camp, he had to pinch his nose and take a step back.

  He glanced at the guys who took the initiative to make trouble, especially the old woman who thought she had made a great contribution, and the maid who first discovered the escaped slave.

  We’ll deal with these ignorant fools when we get back to the camp!

  Old White didn’t embarrass him, but just looked at him meaningfully.

  ”I hope this is a misunderstanding, not some kind of provocation… In addition, our laws prohibit more than just slavery. If you don’t have time to study those rules and regulations, you might as well hire a lawyer to ask before making a decision.”

  Benoit’s eyebrows twitched, and he said with anger.

  ”This is a good suggestion, I will consider it!”


  The crowd of onlookers is getting bigger and bigger.

  Not only the soldiers of the First Corps, but also some passers-by came to join in the fun. Although this place is remote, it is not without a person.

  Looking at the Willant people who returned to the camp with their tails between their legs, the Free State Foreign Minister Norreg, who was standing in the crowd, was full of surprise and shock on his face.


  The Willant people, who always speak with their fists, are so cowardly? !

  Wu Changnian, who was standing on the other side watching the excitement, had an interested expression on his face, and his index finger kept rubbing his chin.


  Yi Chuan glanced at Minister Wu quietly, but he didn’t know what the minister was thinking.

  At the same time, the Battlefield Guy standing in the camp heaved a sigh of relief and left the toilet not far from the camp gate.

  He noticed the conflict when it just happened, and immediately contacted Wo Zui Hei through the emergency contact method of the Storm Corps, and contacted Quan Shui through Wo Zui Hei.

  Anyway, that guy finally caught up and successfully controlled the situation before the situation on the scene deteriorated.

  However, Quan Shui’s reply to his message offline made him confused.

  ”MMP, I gave the branch line, how come I am the one who owes people a favor?”

  It is said that Lao Bai had repeatedly urged him to go back to the Highway Town Hotel to take a look, and told him not to ask too much. He didn’t know what the guy was trying to say. The

  Battlefield Guy’s heart moved slightly.

  It might as well be tonight.

  He had made up his mind and planned to find an opportunity to sneak out and take a look later…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode